
I Like Eggs

"When are you going to tell me your plan?" Mrs Porter asked me. I found myself again in her bar that afternoon sitting on the same seats by the counter still trying to stare each other down through the mirrors.

"I plan on killing the 7 people who carried out the order to kill my family then I might go after the government as well. I'm still up in the air with that last decision." No emotion on her face, she was pretty good at not revealing her hand. I could definitely use some help in that department but I think I'm pretty good even if I am the only one who sees it that way.

"That's your goal. How are you going to kill those 7 people?" That was the right question to ask. I couldn't tell her everything in case she might have a change of heart and turn on me but I needed to give her something.

"I can't tell you that just yet but how about I explain how I killed Duncan first?" I suggested.

"We're partners aren't we? I would think that would credit some trust between us." Trust, that almost made me laugh a little.

"The way I see it, your husband used your criminal empire to carry out the government's order to kill my family. Wouldn't you also agree that it wouldn't be unexpected for me to come after your family after our partnership ends?" There it was, that primal instinct to protect your family above all costs. She didn't even blink when she grabbed her gun and pointed it at my head. Every single person in the bar suddenly became quiet and settled down as they watched us.

"I don't trust you and I don't plan on changing that so I would suggest that you do the same as well." I took a sip of the drink settled in front of me.

"You crossed the line."

"You're assuming there was a line to begin with." I turned my head to face her but her gun stood firm against my head. The frustration in her eyes and anger on her face was extremely intimidating and hellishly scary but I needed to stand my ground on this one.

"You threatened my family."

"Your husband killed mine." Her angered stare tried to force me into submission but I couldn't care less about what she was trying to do. I never knew what to expect when I came here but I would've preferred it if we could work together rather than her working against me.

"Just a question, you know your gun won't work on me so why don't you just put it away and we can continue this without you hurting yourself?"

"Get out." She ordered me. I could see that she was serious about it so I couldn't talk my way out of it.

"I'm having brunch at Princeton Palace on Saturday at 11. Join me and we can continue discussing this. Bring your daughter along as well, I'd love to meet this family you're willing to die for." I told her as I stood up.

"Why would I want to meet with you again after this?" She asked before I walked away.

"I don't know. It's a free meal and I like eggs. Come or don't come, doesn't bother me one bit." I began walking out of the bar and she didn't stop me this time.

I stood up from my seat in the lounge once I heard the door bell the next day. It was a couple of minutes after midday but I wasn't expecting anyone so this unsettled me a bit. Everything was going so perfectly and I had back-up plans if they didn't but whoever was at the door certainly wasn't something I planned. Was this the moment everything fell apart for me? I took a breath before opening my door. My nerves completely settled down once I saw who was standing on the porch; Elly.

"Want some company?" She asked me as she helped up a package from our favourite childhood restaurant Big Pops.

"Only if you remembered chocolate sauce in my milkshake." I replied with a dorky smile plaguing my face.

"Chocolate sauce on a strawberry milkshake, no one can forget that." Her smile matched mine and all the joyful memories I had with her seemed to be flooding back into my mind. I hated the fact that she could evoke those emotions out of me, especially because of what my plan would mean for her.

"I suppose you may enter then." I stepped aside and allowed her to enter the house but I took a quick scan out the door before I closed it. I had to be cautious since I was a suspect in Duncan Adam's murder.

"You haven't changed a single thing I see." She noted. We made our way to the lounge so I quickly packed the books I was reading back on the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf against my father loved.

"I thought about it but it just felt weird to change anything." I decided to plant myself down on the couch next to her and brought the glass coffee table closer to us.

"I actually think you made the right call for once."

"If I recall correctly, your decisions were always the ones that landed us in trouble." I replied as she unpacked the parcel on the table.

"That's not fair, all you wanted to do was lie on the grass and play board games, read or sleep. You were actually quite boring."

"Then why did you keep showing up everyday?"

"Someone had to get your boring ass out of the house." Our eyes met each other's immediately setting off our silly laughter. "Lunch is served." Both of us reached for the burgers on the table then took as big of a bite as we could just like we used to do when we were young, well younger.

"I think I may have missed Big Pop's more than you." I told her once I swallowed.

"You're an ass." Her playful punched didn't do anything to deter the smiles on our faces. "I have a question, it was one of the first questions that actually popped up in my mind when I saw you."

"Ask away." Saying that millions of questions raced through my mind felt like an under-exaggeration of what I was feeling. I was prepared for her to question my intentions and motives but I didn't expected to answer that question so soon.

"What is our relationship right now?" She had a smirk on her face as she asked the question. The surprise on my face quickly faded as my relief washed over me.

"As far as I am concerned, we're still married." I casually answered her then continued eating.

"I don't see your ring though." She pointed out.

"I could say the same for you." I shot back. She immediately reached into one of the pockets of her police uniform and took out the plastic ring on a chain. I pulled my chain over my t-shirt then exposed the chain adorning a couple of accessories including her earring that she proposed to me with. I saw sadness settling in her eyes as she looked at my chain. The atmosphere around us instantly turned from joy to sorrow.

"Do you miss them?" Her somber voice seemed to match the new atmosphere around us. With the tremendous tragedy that took place in the house we were sitting in, I was surprised that it took so long for it to sour the mood.

"Every single day. The only thing I can do is move forward though. I might've lost them but I still have you." I donned a smile on my face and hoped that it sparked a smile on hers but there wasn't a trace of joy left on her face. I slowly reached my right hand and placed it over her smaller left one. She reminded me of how I acted during the first couple of weeks after my family was murdered. I could hardly find the will to move let alone smile. Everything just seemed so pointless and stupid.

"It's okay to be sad but you have to move forward as well." I wasn't exactly the right person to cheer someone else up on this topic. The only thing saving myself from falling into the welcoming arms of depression was my burning desire for revenge. I probably was a psychopath but I didn't care. They ruined my life so they had to pay.

" I don't even know how you are able to be so calm about it. They were your family but I feel like I lost mine."

"You were part of my family as much as I was. I think that's what marriage means." My joke brought an unwanted smile to across her lips.

"I do have a boyfriend though so he might have a different meaning." Boyfriend, it's not like I didn't expect it. She had grown into an extremely beautiful woman so it wasn't surprising. I just couldn't picture her with a guy but if she was happy then I was going to do everything in my power to keep it that way. She was the only family I had left.

"I thought we were 'endgame', what happened?"

"You disappeared for 7 years." She pointed out.

"I guess you have a point there." Finally everything became more joyful again. Her unwanted smile made it's residence permanent on her face even if it was just a facade for my sake.

"So tell me about this guy. I need to know who my competition is." We happily continued our conversation while we ate our lunch. She caught me up on as much things that happened while I was gone and how her life turned out. I filled her in on some of things that happened to me but nothing too detailed. I made sure to watch what I said since she was a police officer now and I was probably still a suspect in Duncan Adams' murder.

"I think Captain Hutch actually hates you if I'm being honest." Suddenly she landed a soft punch against my shoulder. "That was for telling him about me transforming into a frog."

"To be fair, that was honestly funny." My light chuckles didn't amuse her one bit. She just stared at me as she finished the last of her milkshake.

"Yeah well I killed that fire before it did any damage."

"I need to try harder next time then."

"Next time I will personally lock you up."

"I wouldn't put it past you." Her smile seemed to brighten the mood around us again. Our playful banter was something I was coming to enjoy.

"Well I need to get back to the station so maybe I will lock you up tomorrow." She stood up and straightened her uniform.

"Locking me up on the weekend, that's one way to make sure that I stay out trouble." I replied as I followed her to the door.

"In that case, I think I should do it every weekend from now on."

"Hey, I have a life you know."

"Sure you do." She immediately stepped closer and wrapped her warm arms around me. I slowly reciprocated her action and held her as well.

"I'm glad we did this." I softly told her.

"Me too. I really missed you."

"You couldn't even imagine how I missed you."

"You're back and that's all that matters. You're not allowed to leave me again."

"Yes ma'am." I replied as we released each other. "Be safe out there."

"Always." She turned around and opened the door only to find Ethan standing on the other side of it. The surprised look on both our faces was a total opposite to Elly's stern expression.

"Ethan, what are you doing here you little thief?" They've certainly met and she clearly knew about his tendencies. He was a thief and she was a policewoman so it was only natural for their paths to cross.

"I promise I'm not here to rob the place or anything. Jared knows me. We're friends." Ethan quickly rattled off.

"He is telling the truth." I added as I placed my hand on Elly's shoulder.

"I'm keeping my eye on you from now on. One foot out of place and that's it for you." She warned him then made her way past him. Both of us were silent until she used her magic to transport herself back to the police station.

"She scares the hell out of me." Ethan commented.

"You and me both." I admitted as we shared a laugh to hide our fear. "So what's up?"

"I was wondering if your offer still stood." The hopeful look in his eyes conveyed his sincerity. I would like to know what changed his mind though.

"Sure. There are three empty bedrooms in the house so take your pick." I made way for him to enter the house then closed the door behind him. "The lounge, dining room and kitchen are downstairs and bedrooms and bathrooms are upstairs. My bedroom is the first door on the left."

"There's actually something else I want to ask you as well." He shifted his weight and refused to look me in the eye now. He was definitely nervous about this.

"When you ask someone for something, it's best to look them in the eye." I told him. He slowly lifted his head until his eyes met mine but I could see the fear in it. "What do you want to ask me?"

"I want you to teach me magic." A simple request in itself but the task was anything but simple. It brought a smile to my face though. For him to even muster up the strength to ask for help showed a lot of character. I saw firsthand the worst of human nature while I lived on the street so asking someone to help you was something you just didn't do. And yet here he was, putting his faith in me.

"Okay." I agreed with a nod. The joy on his face was irreplaceable.

"You're the best." He excitedly stated. "I'll do whatever you want me to do. I can help you in your plan as well. Just tell me what to do and I will do it."

"Don't get ahead of yourself there." I walked past him to the lounge where Elly and I had lunch and planted myself down on the couch again. "There's still a couple of burgers and chips left if you want. We may have overestimated our appetite."

"Yes please." Ethan took a seat on the couch adjacent to mine and grabbed the nearest wrapped burger. "When do we start? I can't wait to learn new spells. Like the one you used to disappear the other night." I knew the perfect place to start with someone like Ethan. I scanned the bookshelf from my seat looking for the book I had in mind then saw it.

"Transport." I commanded. The red covered book slowly flew off the shelf and onto the palm of my hand.

"That's cool." He stated then swallowed. "How did you do that?"

"That's one of the simplest spells you'll find." I put the book on the table in front him and watched as he scanned the cover. "Study it."

"Come on. I didn't come here to study, I came to learn spells." I expected the complain. He was impulsive and impatient. If he wanted to learn anything then he was going to have to work on those disastrous qualities.

"Okay, I'll make a deal with you. If you can perform any spell in this room right now then I will teach you the Disparaître spell right now. If you can't then you'll have to do it my way." I challenged him then sat back in my seat and relaxed as I waited for him to show me a spell.

"Deal." Like I said, impulsive. "I'm going to make this book invisible."

"Go ahead." I permitted him. He put down the burger in his hands and focused on the book.

"Vision: Unvision." He commanded then touched the book but nothing happened. He looked around the room then turned to me for answers. I folded my arms then saw his expression turn from shock into determination.

"Vision: Unvision." He commanded again but still, nothing happened. "What the hell? What are you doing? Why isn't my spell working?"

"You're welcomed to try a different spell." I suggested as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Body Enhancement: Claws." One thing was clear, he practiced a lot of modern day versions of old magic. It was easier to do but the effects were less devastating.

"Bestia: Garra." I commanded then showed him my hands and allowed him to watch my fingers transform into tiger claws. I leaned forward then slashed the top of his burger with my claw before I withdrew my hand and ended the spell.

"Holy shit, how did you do that?" He asked as he saw his burger split in half. "And why didn't my magic work?"

"Do you know the difference between Biological and Ornamental Magic?" I asked him but I could see confusion settling on his face.

"There are different kinds of magic?"

"Only 2 basic types of magic. Biological Magic is magic that comes from your body, your energy and your spirit. Only you can use that magic. Ornamental magic is magic that is imbued into objects to be used by someone else. For example, if I put magic into that book and allow you to use it then that would be Ornamental magic." I tried to explain it as simply as I could and just hoped that he understood.

"So Biological Magic can't be used in this room." He concluded. At least he understood some part of what I said.

"Biological and Ornamental Magic can't be used in this house." I corrected him.

"Then how are you using magic?"

"That's for you to figure out." I replied. "First, you have some studying to do."