
Potential of a new generation

Growing up in a world of ability users, Amy is enrolled into a school where she'll learn to use her own ability. Away in space, Aniello must follow his fathers foot steps to become a powerful leader. But the aftermath of James' death and the universal reset has brought about something that is a threat to the entire multiverse.

Jack1066 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Form room

"Hey! Come on Amy! If we don't get to form in the next four minutes, Doc Howard is gonna have our heads!" called Cassie. Amy stumbled out of their room shoving five or six books into a bag that probably couldn't hold anything else even if you were really planned out. Even though she had spent all night prepping - which was the main reason she overslept and had to rush - nothing was going to plan and the first day seemed to be becoming a nightmare.

The two of them sprinted down the stairs, Cassie opting to jump down the gap at every corner, rushed through the doors into the outside, and pushed their limits as they ran as fast as they could with a half asleep mind into the main building. Amy drifted round a corner on the wooden floor and tailed Cassie as they weaved through stray students and edged closer to their destination. Despite having never ran long distances or done any major exercise before in her life, Amy was finding it quite easy to maintain a high speed and movement was a breeze even though her brain could barely process what was happening. It must have something to do with adrenaline combined with the heightened capabilities of her body due to her connection to the Omni-network. She didn't actually understand any of it but it was something her mother had said previously but never finished explaining because she soon fell asleep in the chair.

Suddenly, Cassie flung her arms to the side to indicate their destination. She slid a metre or so past the door before skating back, pulling it open, and flinging Amy in front of her. They weren't out of breath so they silently walked to two empty seats in the middle of the room. The seats were arranged in three rows made up of four single chairs paired with a square desk. The reason for such a small amount of seats was because of the variation in ages and educational stages of the multitude of students that came to the sanctuary. This meant most classes were only about ten students at max and there were more class rooms in the building than four average high schools combined.

This room was the same as every other except for a bookshelf at the back of the classroom filled with chemistry books and a cabinet beside it filled with beakers, bunsen burners, syringes, and a mix of other chemistry equipment. A few chemistry posters were dotted on the walls ranging from a periodic table to a joke about sodium. Finally, at the front, a large, square screen covered a large potion of the wall with a small, cluttered desk next to it.

She and Cassie had arrived with a single minute to spare so Amy took a quick break to go over her lessons in her head. After form, she had mathematics, then the option of sparing or an assault course in PE, lunch, back to this room for chemistry, and then free period for the rest of the day. Cassie had practically the same lessons so most of the time Amy would be following her.

Finally, the door opened and in shuffled a hunched, grey-haired man. A cane by his side provided support for his seemingly frail body, a case on the other side held his documents, and a paper coat gave him warmth. This made Amy check again and look closer confirming that the man was in fact wearing a coat made out of paper. He shuffled to the desk and laid the case down before tapping the cane on the floor sending a lightning fast steak of light whirling around the length of the cane onto his sleeve causing the coat to quickly go up in a flames and disappear without any smoke or residue. The students around Amy began to clap enthusiastically so Amy joined in her own amazement.

"Flash paper! Burns quickly without smoke or ash and never fails to impress a new class." said the man with a wheezy voice. He must have been in his late seventies with a voice like the one he had. "My name is Doctor Howard but you can call me Doc Howard. Some of you may have had me in previous years or for one of you it's your first time meeting me. So, Amy, could you please come up and introduce yourself to the class."

Amy slowly rose out of her seat and looked at Cassie who gave a reassuring thumbs up. Carefully stepping up to the front, Amy turned and faced the ten other people sitting in the room.

"Hello. My name is Amy Dun. I'm 15 years old and I only came here yesterday." explained Amy.

"And could you tell us what your ability is?" asked Doc Howard from his desk.

"I, um ... don't know what my ability is. That's the main reason I'm here."

"Oh, well you're no the only one so don't feel like an odd one out. Simón over there only discovered his three weeks ago. Only took his a year or so here." Doc Howard pointed to a large boy at the back of the class who's hair began to move in strange ways and seemed to wave at Amy.

Doc Howard gestured for Amy to take her seat and Cassie patted her on the back as she sat down. 'So far, so good' though Amy as Doc Howard brought up some daily messages on the board and left the students to their own devices.