
Slice of Life and The Bet

"..." I roll the stamp between my fingers while watching Maki and Mai sleep.

Okay, very creepy, I know. But it is part of the job as a Contractor

Funny how I just need to put the thing on them for some seconds and wait 72 hours and BAM. They will start loving me. So easy, so tempting... So boring...

Hidden in the shadows, I contemplate for some seconds more before I sink again into the wall and disappear.

Back in my room, I stare at the ceiling while thinking about today and the future.

Now that I'm living with three girls, things can be trickier.

Earlier, Tsumiki protested in doing anything intimate with other people here in the house. Understandable.

So after a long and steamy kiss, I left her horny and wanting for more. Let her stay like that for some days, it will be fun teasing her and will make the "reconciliation" more fun.

Now on the freeloaders...

Before thinking about seducing them, let's think about the more serious issue... They "curse of twins" or whatever. Their relationship is crippling them, the other existence is a weight on them.

Right now I see three ways of solving that.

First, killing one of them. In this case Mai, like what happened in canon. This would remove the shackles on Maki and she would awaken.

And obviously, I will not go for this. What is the use of coming here if I can't even prevent the disasters from happening with my women?

I consider Mai mine already. I'm selfish and greedy, so I'm not giving up on her like that.

The second option is a Binding Vow. If the two make a Binding Vow contract where they sever their relationship, it's very probable that the curse will be lifted.

But Binding Vows are a serious thing. If they make a contract like that, the relationship would be severed for real. It would be very probable that whatever feelings they have for each other, sibling bonds, or even memories would be erased forever.

This option is out too.

I sigh... It appears that maybe I'm not that selfish after all because the last option will inflict loss on me.

There's no option without loss. But the last one is directed at me...


Okay, as their man, I can take it.

The last option is simply making them part of my retinue. The most simple way.

The key is on the defenses and the [Body Tune-up] perk(and [Body Defense]). This perk offers a "one-time full heal in any afflictions that the captured members" have.

Very simple, right? Where's the loss?

The loss is on my credits!

I take my Company Device to look at the targets of this world. Maki is registered as a Tier 6 character. She costs 50 credits, and if she is captured I would receive 30 credits.

But this is awakened Maki that we're talking about.

Maki should be Tier 4 or 5 now. In accordance with the rules of the Waifu catalog, captured targets before they reach their full potential will result in a re-calculation in the number of credits gained.

Like, I can't capture Kid Goku and expect to receive the same credits as someone who captured MUI Goku.

"I would lose 18 credits, at least... And 24 credits at the worst case." I sigh again.

It's okay. It's not a loss. I will only not gain them. Ugh, my gamer mentality is hurting now, but it is really a small price to pay.

The thing is, there's a limit of resources(credits) in this world. That's why it hurts to lose them like that. Especially on the few people that I really planned to capture.

"Well, It appears that I really need to allow Kenjaku to start the Culling Game to farm some credits..." I say while throwing the Stamp in the air and catching it back.

I will try capturing the disaster curses too. Each one of them will give me 30 credits, and an extra 10 if I sell them. A total of 160 credits.

Well, 150 because I think I will keep Mahito as a pet. His power is simply too good to let it go like that.

Top 3 powers in this world, in my humble opinion.

Ah! I'm not the only one competent here... Tch would be such a loss if my capture targets were killed by other people like Gojo or Yuta. Especially Gojo, she has no chill.

"..." Will I really need to let her be sealed?

This annoys me a little. But the Culling Game only started after Kenjaku had dealt with the Six Eyes and Limitless user. The guy has PTSD from them.

"..." I continue to throw the Stamp in the air and catching it "I'm kinda of a dick."

But it's okay, people like me are the winners.


Mai P.O.V.

Rays of sunlight directly hit my eyelids, forcing me to leave my nice sleep.

"Hm? What time is it?" I look at the high sun through the window in surprise. No one forced me to wake up... Oh...

I'm not in the clan anymore. I looked on the ground to see the mattress where Maki slept empty.

"She could've wake me up..."

I leave the room easily and follow some sounds to the kitchen.

"Oh! Mai-san, right? Did I get it right? Or are you Maki-san? I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name, after all, you two have the same surname." I was greeted by the bright form of Fushiguro's sister, Tsumiki.

Ugh, she is brighter than the sun. I almost covered my eyes.

"...It's okay. You can call me by my first name."

"Great! Do you wanna eat now? Let me get you some-"

"Where's Maki?" I ask

"Megumi and Maki-san went out to train."

"On a Sunday?"

"Yeah... Megumi trains every day." Tsumiki says with a somewhat sigh

"So he is the same as Maki, huh?" I mutter

Then my eyes go to the back of the girl my age going around the kitchen.

"Let me help you."


Maki P.O.V.

"You have a good foundation..." Fushiguro, or should I say Megumi, comments after we ran from some kilometers.

He started calling me Zen'in and after some exchange, we decided to settle in using our first names. Because we have sisters and all that.

Earlier today he asked me if I wanted to accompany him in some spar.

After I agreed, he said "Follow me" and only that. He ran from neighborhood to neighborhood, going in circles and circles.

And I followed him. Because I can't believe I can't keep up with him.

We ran for a long time and he said nothing more, but I stubbornly refused to give up.

And now we are here, after a tricky trail in the forest, we arrived at a small shore of a river. It's full of rocks, which doesn't allow the trees to grow, and it's possible to see a bridge at a distance from the open space between the leaves.

He said that I have a good foundation, but I'm panting slightly and he looks okay.

That's a first. I don't think he used cursed energy and he apparently has a better body than mine.

"You're not bad yourself." I say begrudgingly

And he is younger than me! I thought that he was at least a year older but he is a year younger! Ugh. It's that the difference in talent? Heritage? Being trained by the strongest since childhood?

I look at his side profile while stares the small river. 'He is cute at least...' I shake my head remembering Mai's words.

This guy appears to have everything.

"One of the things you lost by leaving the clan is the space to train..." He says, making me focus on him again "...you can come here to practice. There's also a big dojo a 10-minute metro ride from my home. It's very ordinary, but is big. If you want you can go there too."

"I will think about it."

Having a place to train... Yeah, I had a place to train but... Hmpf, even so, it was not perfect. When I tried to put up the work, I was mocked and harassed. I don't regret leaving that place.

"Now, wanna have a spar? This is an interesting place, because of the ground."

"The ground?" I ask slowly while turning my eyes to the rock ground. What he means by tha-!!

When my eyes left him, he struck at me with the back of his hand.

Hmpf, even if it is a sneaky attack, it's not like I can't dodg-!! My foot... There's a loose rock!

I suddenly feel a pulling sensation from my torso. Megumi grabbed my shirt and stabilized me.

"You trained in good grounds, but it's not like we will fight in ideal conditions at the time. Sand, water, small rocks, grass... It's good to practice in these places.

"..." He releases me and puts some distance.

"Let's spar, don't worry about not having a weapon, I will not use cursed energy either." He says

Looking down on me that much, huh? Okay, let's make him go back to his words. I will make you use cursed energy! I will make you use even your cursed technique!


*Haah* *Haah*

"Water?" Megumi asks me causally while I'm panting on the ground, with my back against a tree.

I lost. Damn it. I lost badly!

He is faster and stronger, and I think he was holding back. In truth, I think he got better while we fought...

"So you can even store things on your shadow? Handy." I comment while taking the bottle from his hand

"Envious?" He asks with a teasing smirk

Yes, a little... But I will not admit it. There's no use in being envious.

"..." He gives me a long look "There's no need to be envious. Your path is simply different. Your effort will not go wasted, Maki." He comments seriously

"..." I turn to look at him.

He is really serious. No mocking words, he is not even saying it to console me. He is saying like he really believes in it. Like is a fact.

Well... Ugh... Am I a child? Why I'm happy being praised?


Megumi P.O.V.

Back home, It's already past lunch and I look at my Company Smartphone while I wait for Maki and Mai to get ready. Women~

"Are you sure that you don't wanna come, Tsumiki?" I ask without taking my eyes off the phone. I'm going through the things and calculating the prices.

"I have a lot of homework to do." She answers "And you?" She gives me a suspicious look

"...I already did." That's a lie. Who cares about school?

"..." *Jiiiii* She continues to stare at me

Maki and Mai finally appear wearing more normal clothes. Surprisingly they don't have only hakamas, kimonos, and yukatas.

"And Maki-san and Mai-san? Do they don't have school?" Tsumiki asks worriedly

"We always studied at home." Maki answers

"Don't worry, Gojo-san said that he will take care of the documents. You guys can go to High School like you have been homeschooled all of your life." I say. Lucky bitches. Should I ask for the same? I still have a year in that hell.

I put the Company Smartphone away and stand up.

"Let's go then. No need to make dinner food for us, Tsumiki. We will eat outside." I say while giving her a hug and a kiss on the top of her head.


Now, in the commercial center, let's introduce these girls to the modern world.

"I still don't believe you guys don't have a phone." I comment.

"It didn't look that essential." Maki shrugs.

"No one even bought to us." Mai says

"Cavewomen..." I joke "Let's go buy them then." I say while continuing walking to the store.

"Aren't they expensive?" Maki raises her eyebrows at me

"Meh, I have money. I rarely spend with anything, so don't worry." Yep. I still have way over 50 thousand dollars even after waiting a little by buying some consoles and gifts for Tsumiki. It's the equivalent of almost 8 million yen, by the way.

Not that I converted them. I leave the money on the Company App and at any time I can send it to any bank account or even make it appear at my hand.

And Tax-Free!! It's confirmed, the Company is stronger than the IRS! Or the National Tax Agency, as it is called here in Japan.

So in other words, I receive more money than I can spend. So I have no problem in treating my girls... Wait, am I a simp?

Nah, they will be mine eventually. And I don't even consider this my money. It's not even hard-earned. Maybe I will donate some to clean my bad karma.


"Don't mind me, just buy what you want." I say while I go sit on a bench in this women's clothes shop.

I'm receiving some weird stares from the ladies around me. It looks like I'm on a date with two girls, you know? Like I'm some sort of rich playboy. Well, they're not that wrong, but I'm not rich. It's only that my revenue is much bigger than my expenses. Wait. Is that the definition of rich?

Anyway, I sat on this bench to let the girls freely choose the clothes they liked. Earlier, when buying their phones, they just let me choose. Even the cases for their phones.

I can understand... The awkwardness of having someone pay for you. Especially to someone prideful like Maki.

Mai appears to be having fun at least, Zehe~. I watch her looking at all the clothes with enthusiasm. And putting them against the less enthusiastic Maki to see how well it fits...

Yeah, not killing her and destroying this relationship. Let's give up on these credits.

As I get distracted scrolling through the Company App, one of my favorite hobbies, and reading the perks about multiversal travel and the Demiplane, the girls finally finish with their shopping and I stand up to go pay for everything.

I receive some strange looks from the cashier again. Yes, I'm their sugar daddy. Can't you tell?

I pay without batting an eye to alleviate any feeling of guilt for using me as an ATM and casually turn to them. Seriously, this is not even my money.

"You bought so little Maki. Are you sure that you don't want anything more?" I ask

"...no. I'm good." She says a little bashfully

"Hmm, there's a sports store close. Let's go buy some training clothes."

In the sports store, she opens herself a little more.

Good, good~ Let's breed some familiarity. Show me your interests and let me support them. Only strangers think about "repaying" or something. We are not strangers, Zehe~

On the other hand, I can enjoy their company while on this date.

Not everything needs to be a deep scheme to seduce them.


"Let's waste time watching a movie. Which one do you guys want?" I say in front of the cinema

It's a testament that we're not strangers anymore when the two don't ask me to choose or whatever. Their personalities are showing, but...

" "That one." " They pointed to different movies.

Mai wants a rom-com and Maki an action movie. I'm not even surprised.

The two stare at each other for some seconds.

"Whatever, we can watch your movie..." Maki shrugs

"No, let's watch yours. Megumi probably will like it too." Mai says afterward

"..." Look at those girls

I can't help but laugh, making them look at me strangely.

"Sorry, it's cute how you two try to care for each other and at the same time shrug it off." I expose their feelings, making them blush. Ah~ This is fun "Let's simply watch the two. Duh."

That's my lifestyle now, When something gives options, try to choose everything. Or at least as much as possible.

"Well, it's possible... There are sessions in different hours." Maki says while looking at the time of the two movies

"Will not get late?" Mai asks

"And? It's not like we have a curfew. Or we will be in any danger returning home late." I shrug and go buy the tickets.

Tch. I hate to get in line... There's no preferential line to Omniversal Slavers?

And there is a Couple Discount but not a Harem Discount. Seriously, I expected better... Tsk Tsk. This is discrimination against the Harem Lords around the multiverse.

Going back to, I come across the scene of some guys hitting on them.

Oh, the cliche~ I love it! Time to...

And Maki punched one in the stomach and is now holding the other by the neck.

"..." I approach them after the two dudes ran away "C'mon Maki, I wanted to save you guys and show off a little. Like 'They're with me' or 'What are you guys doing to my girls?' " I joke with an exaggerated sigh.

Mai giggles behind a hand but Maki looks less amused.

"Sorry to step on your fantasy." She rolls her eyes

"Don't be, seeing you kick ass is also sexy." I tease before grabbing them by their shoulder and dragging them to get the snacks

Oh, now she is blushing a little...(and cursing me under her breath).

I will consider it a small victory.


At the Movie Theater, unfortunately, I couldn't sit between the two. Mai is in the Middle, with me and Maki on each side. It's okay, I can't look that eager too.

The movie is not bad, but I think I have watched a similar variation in my universe. Maybe we should've gonna watch Human Earthworm 3.

Instead of paying attention to the movie, I go back to what I was doing earlier at home.

So, there is a limited amount of credits that I can gain in this world. More or less 300. More if I go crazy. That was not enough for me to buy all the Talents, Defenses, Lures, and Demiplane upgrades.

All Defenses alone cost 900 credits in total. Talents a little less. To create a Demiplane with an island at least, 185 credits. The rest of the basic Lures(the ones I want) are 200 credits.

I will not even talk about the Heritages.

So, I need to be careful in what buy.

The best-case option is to wait till I know my next world before buying new things. Maybe I will go to a world where will be necessary to have certain defenses, or where certain Lures will be more effective, Like [White Knight], that makes people I save like me, in a hero world.

I think I can survive this world without buying anything more. Maybe only [Mind Defense](to be even sure that Sukuna can't go over my memories) or something.

I sigh again. In the end, Jujutsu Kaisen World is very simple. It has fewer characters when compared with other shonen, hence the limited amount of resources.

I hope I can go to a world full of targets next. Like One Piece.

But I don't regret choosing this world. I will leave this world strong, with some good hax, and it's a modern world. So I can go to... I don't know, One Piece world with some good technology like a good ship and other conveniences.

Back to the movie, I decided to use the old tactic of "stretch yourself and settle your hand casually in your partner" used by men since the primordial times of movie theaters.

After cracking my fingers in front of me, my hand goes back to the armrest and settles above Mai's. I think putting it on her shoulder is too fast.

I keep my face impassive and my eyes on the movie while I feel her stiffen by the sheer lewdness of unprotected handholding, I hope she doesn't get pregnant. But she doesn't retract her hand!!

After some seconds I made a show of noticing where I put my hand.

"Oh..." I take it off for a second before putting it back on the back of her hand after she doesn't move.

I gave her the time to take her hand back! So now it is allowed!

Heh~, timid Mai is not bad. Her chin is buried in her chest and my Night Vision allows me to see her blushing face.

Like Sun Tzu once said: "If she blushes read, she is ready to bed". I think she would go with the flow if I kissed her now. Isn't Canon Mai that had a crush on Megumi or am I crazy?

Anyway, Maki is on the other side. So I can't.

Managing a harem is like juggling balls, you can't hold one too much or the one will fall. Let's raise ambiguous feelings on the two equally.

Seriously, am I a natural-born scum? I think I have the talent for this, maybe that is why I was chosen to be a contractor.


"That movie was a waste of time. Two hours for the girl to discover that she only needs 'to be herself'. No growth. Nothing. I could've walked out in the first scene." I rant while we walk back.

"The action was good..." Mai says

"Yeah, with that budget... But a 'Hero's Journey' needs certain essential elements, you know? She had no real challenge, the movie could've ended in 5 minutes."

"Isn't the people around her the challenge? She needed to grow out of her dependence on their approval to unleash her full potential." Maki comments

"And that's boring. No one is perfect like her, it could've made her clumsy or inexperienced; or maybe a coward. So that when she finally stands up for herself we would cheer for her. But noooo... Even her flaws are externalized and materialized in other people. I can't sympathize with her. She is perfect and to milk the movie they used bad writing. Don't you guys notice the ridiculous coincidences that happen to keep things going?"

"Now that you said..." Mai says

"Imagine a movie about Gojo-san. How boring would be." I comment "I mean, not even Gojo-san is perfect. Even she went through some troubles to be who she is now."

"Seriously?" Maki asks

"Seriously. Later I can tell you the history."

"And a movie about you? Would it be boring?" Mai asks with a teasing smile

"Meh, not a movie. More like a fanfic with 20 to 30 chapters. The focus would be me training to not waste my god-given potential and disappoint everyone." I shrug and they look at me with a strange look. Did I say too much?

I continue to avert their attention "A story about Maki would be more interesting."


"Yeah, you." The main character that doesn't have the power everyone has. It's the Asta archetype. Or Mashle.

Now that I think about it, this world is full of the Main Character Archetypes. Yuji, Maki, Yuta...

Even Gojo and Sukuna. But they are more like the MCs that already finished their storylines and are OP.

And obviously, Megumi. Abandoned by his father, hailing from an ancient and strong clan but having no benefit from it(very cultivator-like), fighting for his sister, strongest sensei...

That's why I choose to be him...

"!" A sneaky attack? My hand shoots behind me only to be grabbed by someone

"Your senses are really good now, Megumi-kyun." Gojo comments with a smile "Girls, I will lend him for a bit."

Then we are teleported. This woman...


"Are you not gonna eat?" Gojo brought me to a restaurant to eat yakiniku

"I ate a lot of junk food with the girls." I say while watching her cook her meat

"Is that a no?"

"Did I say that?" And I started to cook my food too. This One Piece body allows me to eat a lot. A looooot.

"Good, you need to eat to grow strong," She laughs a little before start talking about her life "So, I was on the other side of the country dealing with a periodic Special Grade Cused Spirit..."

I just let her talk because she loves talking. And that's simply one of her many stories of how she needs to do everything because she is the best.

"Can't I start doing some missions then?" I ask casually

Now she pauses mid-bite. "You're still young..." She says.

Sometimes that overprotectiveness of her appears.

At the same time, she is the type to throw me in the pool so that I can learn how to swim the hard way and sometimes she is like that.

"I'm not weak. I am at least Grade 1, right? I defeated that guy." I argue

"Well, let's talk about that. Good job!" She changes the subject and starts slapping my shoulder to congratulate me. I think now is dislocated. "Let's review that fight, it's a good exercise. How did you feel?"

I shrug "Kinda normal, I guess." I don't know if the templates experiences or the [Stress Defense], but I was not nervous or anything "Maybe it was the situation. After the first few hits, I noticed that he really couldn't have hurt me for real. So I kinda relaxed and used him as a practice dummy." Train my observation Haki and Ten Shadows.

"Hm, I see. Your strong body really allows you to be a little careless... But careless can get you killed! You know that people aren't that unilateral, right? If they see something is not working, they will change strategy."

"Yes, I know. I know Naoya's hands are tied because you're there too. Relax." I comment without a care. I know I defeated him that easily because of my templates(Observation kinda counters him hard), but I believe that even without it I could've won. It would be harder, but I believe I could've won.

"It's good that you keep that in mind. By the way, good job in the new ways of using the Ten Shadows." She gives me a thumbs-up

"Just experimenting with some things I saw in games and other media. The Ten Shadows technique is versatile." I shrug

"Don't be like that. There are levels of using a technique, you know? Do you think every Limitless user was like me? That can accurately pinpoint and select the threats and apply the technique individually to objects coming in my direction? No. Gojo Satooru is the best of the best!" She says proud of herself

Well, that's true.

"And now that you confirmed that you are as talented as me. Good job, Megumi." This time she ruffs my hair gently. She even has a rare gentle smile on her face.

"..." It feels good, but I take her hand off anyway. Can't have her treating me like a child.

She smiles even though I slapped her hand away "So, any new idea of how to use your technique?" She asks while eating

"Only practicing chimera combinations and something I call re-painting." I say with a smile


"Yeah, remember my metaphor?"

"The Ten Shikigamis are paintings and the shadows are the ink... Yes, I remember."

"So, I was kinda destroying and repainting the shikigamis, but with differences, and see if it sticks."

"Oh, and it works?" She asks interested.

"I only did it with Nue and I was only increasing his size, but... Yes, it is working. I'm re-painting him and making him bigger. He is the size of a car now. More people can ride him."

"Damn, that is nice. And the changes are permanent?"

"Yes, but now it costs more cursed energy to summon him. And if I put even more cursed energy at that time, he can go beyond his fixed size."

"I see, but it won't be a problem to use it in a small space? You know that statically we fight a lot in small spaces."

"A valid concern... But I'm working on an Extension technique called [Shadow Spawning Abyss], in which I can summon 'fake' versions of the shikigamis. They are weaker, but they can be smaller. So I can summon, like dozens of mini-nues of the size of a falcon to attack someone even in a narrow corridor." That's my own variation of Canon Megumi's [The Well's Known Abyss] Extension Technique.

It's basically a rapid-fire technique, where I can summon expendable shikigamis to buy time or deal with mobs and weaker foes.

"Good. Extension Techniques give versatility to a Cursed Technique, with the Ten Shadows being the most versatile of all, you will be a real pain in the ass to deal with." She says with a smile

"Look who is talking... You're the pain in the ass to deal with." "Hey!" "You have absolute defense, crowd control, rapid-fire long-ranged attack, can teleport and is strong at close quarters too, the absolute indefensible instant attack and a Domain that insta defeats anyone. And you're still a genius in everything else. You're literally perfect." It's not for nothing Gege hates you.

"Don't be like that, I told you about our ancestor's fighting ended up in a draw, right?"

"Yeah, yeah... But we kinda have different specializations. Ten Shadows is very versatile, but Limitless is perfect for battle. I can only imagine two ways of defeating you and they're not guaranteed either."

"Oh, two? I can only imagine one." She gives me a mischievous smile

"Two." I nod to confirm

"Hahaha. That's the spirit. But not that I will make it easy."

"...wanna bet?" I ask seriously

Now she pauses again to stare at me with a quirk on her lips

"A bet?"

"Yes. If I can defeat you in a duel... before I finish High School." I say with an intense look.

"Heh~, you would still be too inexperienced, little grasshopper." She leans forward to give me a predatory grin "But what are the stakes?"

"The loser has to do one thing the winner wants."

"Kyah~, Megumi you ecchi!" She recoils playfully and covers herself

"..." I continue to maintain my impassive face. I mean, she is not wrong tho.

Seeing my look, she stops and grows more serious "Oho~ Anything?" She asks while showing her pearly whites.

"Anything." I confirm before adding "Beyond killing himself and other obviously messed up things." I shrug my shoulders

"Hmm~" She gives me a contemplative stare. Before she finally smiles again "What are the rules?"

"First, I need to defeat you before I finish Jujutsu High or my 18-year birthday. Second, it needs to be a 1-vs-1. And Third, it's till the opponent admits defeat or is unable to fight. I think that's enough. Oh! The serious duel can only be initiated by me..."

"Hm, defeating me while still in Jujtusu High? Are you sure?"

"You achieved your 'final form' while in Jujutsu High, if I can't do this much I'm a failure." I say with determination

"Heh~ A determined Megumi-kyun is cool." She teases me "Fine. I accept."

"Wanna make a binding vow?"

"You are really serious, huh? Now I'm curious to know the reason... But not that I will make it easy for you, you know? I will destroy you without mercy." She gives me that predatory grin again. Damn, she's sexy.

"It would be meaningless any other way." I answer with the same intensity, I can feel the smile splitting my face

She laughed one last time before spitting on her hand and presented it to me. "It's on!" As expected, Gojo would never refuse a fight.

"Gross..." But I do the same, even if I know she is only messing with me on this one. I need to show my determination.

And this will not be the last time we will be mixing saliva.