
Gojo Satooru and Training Regimen

R63 Gojo. A female version of him. Something I only saw on fanarts is now standing in front of me.

The first thing I notice is that she is taller than me. Not a surprise, Gojo is canonically 1,90 m, but I think the female version is smaller now. Maybe 1,85 or 1,87 max...

Seeing a tall woman like that is making something to me. Now I can relate with Yuji more deeply now.

She doesn't have the standard tomboy haircut similar to canon. Her hair is long and in a high ponytail, with some wild strands of hair falling on her face, and she is not using her characteristic blindfold or bandages. She is using her round sunglasses.

Maybe is too early or as a woman she cares more about appearance, I don't know.

But her clothes are very tomboyish and similar to canon. No skirt or anything.

And she is pretty. If Satoru stans are crazy, then Satooru simps would be worse than Makima's one.

She is literally the prettiest woman that I've seen in my entire life!

"Have you been training? You look stronger..." She makes an exaggerated contemplative expression while looking me up and down.

"Yes, I have been training."

"Oho~ The unmotivated Megumi-kyun is finally going to live for his true potential??" She asks mockingly while wiping a fake tear off her eye "I'm so proud of you. Sniff~"

"I couldn't have said better..."

"..." She pauses to stare at me "That's good. I'm glad, but what caused this change of heart? Hmmm?" She gets very close, her face inches from mine.

"..." I only turned away. I have an answer, a good excuse really, but will be more effective if I hold it for now.

As expected, she doesn't really need the answer "Alright!!" She claps her hands again "Then let's go training!" And without waiting for my response, she grabs me by the collar and we teleport away.


"Ugh... Warn me beforehand." I say annoyed after shaking off the vertigo of being moved too fast.

"But that wouldn't be fun... And did you like it? Now I can teleport! Not really teleport, I compress the space between two points and..." She goes on and on. Showing off how much of a genius she is.

You know, from a screen Gojo is really a fan favorite. It's very fun to watch him, now her, but try living with this creature... She gets annoying fast.

"So... Why did you bring me here?" I say while looking up on the staircase to Jujutsu High.

I rarely have been here. Probably to keep me away from the higher-ups.

"Well, I can feel that you had some sort of... Breakthrough? Enlightenment? Level up? Whatever, first things first, I need to check how much better you are now, so..." She says with a bright smile while we climb the stairs and arrive at the temple that is used as a dojo.

"You are gonna beat the shit off me first before adapting the training." I complete

"You're so smart, Megumi-kyun~" She doesn't deny it

"..." I roll my eyes at her but internally I'm happy. A spar with her is everything I want now. Someone that I can go all out with my new powers. Not about control of my body, but stretching it to the limits.

"First, without cursed energy..." She turns to me with a cocky smirk.

As I said, annoying... She is not even putting a fighting stance, because that is her fighting stance against me... Standing there with her hands on her hips.

I sigh and prepare myself to get my ass beaten.


"And she made me walk back after dropping me far away. That's why people don't like her..." I mumble while walking home.

Luckily today is Sunday, so after some hours of my innefectivity against that monster being thrown on my face, I come back home humbler than before to enjoy the homemade food of Tsumiki.

"I'm home..." I declare like is customary in this country

"Megumi, welcome back~ How is the training with Gojo-san?" She asks, appearing in the hallway while wearing an apron.

"A humbling and tiring experience." I comment while approaching her. "I would hug you, but I'm all sweaty..." I tease with a smile, threatening to grab her and mark her with my scent.

"Mou~ Go wash your hands. The food is almost ready." She retreats and gives me a playful slap on the shoulder, blushing a little.

Good, she is getting used to the skinship I have been exposing her lately. Always hugging and all that.

"I will do better and I will take a bath." I say while walking past her. I really don't need to take a bath because of [Time Savers], but the act itself is pleasant, so why not, right? "Wanna Join?" I smirk and ask her playfully

"No!" And she runs away. Maybe afraid that I would really grab her and bring her to the bath, or simply to hide the very prominent blush on her face.

Heh~ It's all coming together.


Now, in my room, I sit at my study table while scribing some notes. Nothing school related, I'm only thinking about that training program.

"Let's see... We are at the end of April. The first plot point will be on 24 of December next year with Geto's Parade of something..."

Is Geto a woman here too? Will Kenjaku use her body to take some backshots for his plan as well? I can volunteer myself if he needs someone from the Zen'in clan. Geto must be a Throat G.O.A.T with that technique of swallowing cursed spirits

"Anyway, after that, in more or less July of the year after this event, The real plot will start." I still need to decide what to do with Itadori.

"Then on 31 of October, the Shibuya Incident."

This would give me 2 years and six months of preparation before hell broke loose.

"At that point, I need to be strong enough to complete the mission..."

The True Sukuna Successor mission is exactly like those side quests that make you too OP to the main storyline.

If I gain Sukuna's power, I can easily deal with the rest.

"I need 10 fingers to start the ritual and try to defeat Sukuna. 31 of October in Shibuya will be the moment when enough fingers will be together... Till there I need to be strong enough to beat a 10-finger Sukuna."

A 10-finger Sukuna is stronger than Jogo... And there's that Black Box thing of his. If he pulls unknown moves on me, things could get trickier.

Would I lose? You know the answer... Nah, I'd win.

"Jokes aside, the minimum requirements to even survive a fight against Sukuna would be... Knowing the 'Domains' techniques. Domain Expansion, Simple Domain, Domain Amplification..." I write it down in my notebook.

Wait, will Domain Expansion even be useful against Sukuna's open domain? Can I learn open domain in so little time? Not even Gojo could pull that off... Probably...

Probably because he, now she, never thought about it. I bet, if giving the genius bastard some days, she would be capable of doing that.

"Reverse Cursed Technique is a must too..." I add it to the list.

"And the most important... Mahoraga." I write Big Raga on the list.

Now, to tame Mahoraga I will need to level up my templates.

"Ugh... All goes back to the basics. To defeat Sukuna, I need Mahoraga... To have Mahoraga, I need enough destructive power to one-shot him... To one-shot him... Well, how to one-shot the final boss of shikigamis?" I recline back while thinking about my cards.

After some time I go back to writing some things.

"A good Punch with the Tremor fruit and Advanced Conqueror's Haki must do the trick... But is still unconfirmed if I have Conquerors... Can I one-shot him without it?"

Ugh. How durable is Mahoraga again?

Maybe I could ask Gojo to help me with that. I can summon the guy, fight him a little, and then let Gojo Holow Purple his ass after I gauge his strength.

Yeah, it's a good plan. I will talk with her in the future.

But even before thinking about taming Mahoraga, I need to tame the rest of the nine other shikigamis.

Then I need to try the new uses of the Ten Shadows that I have in mind. Will be tricky to differentiate the "impossible" from the "I can't do now".

If I invest so much time in useless investments, I will not be strong enough till Shibuya.

And I can't neglect the Templates either, they're my Trump card to tame Mahoraga and eventually defeat Sukuna.

"Damn... So many things!" I groan

I look down on the big list again. A timeline filled with objectives and achievements.

"Well, always start by the beginning... Time to do that 'Back to the basics' shit."

I circled "Physical Training" and "Cursed Energy Manipulation", and after that, I put the number 1 close to them.

I continue circling other things to train and putting numbers on them to create a priority list. The numbers also indicate the day of the week that I will dedicate to the specific thing.

"One month..." I murmur while tracing things to create a chart and putting sub-topics like "Armament" and "Observation" connected to "Haki Training".

"I will dedicate the next month to understanding where my talents lie..."

Maybe I'm better in Haki than with Mysterious Devil Force, so I will use this next month, one of the 30 months that I have before things go to shit, to discover that.

After that, I will recreate this training program and decide where to put more of my time.

"To learn Reverse Cursed Technique and other techniques of the Jujutsu Kaisen Power System, I will need Gojo's help too..." And to do that, I will need to show a certain degree of talent.

Well, I can only continue to train and bid my time.


A month later

*Pow* *Pow*

Keeping my horse stance, I continuously punch the thick layers of metal sheets on my wall.

Imitating Garp's warship sandbag training. If I have an anime body, I'm gonna do anime training montages.

My salary as a contractor was useful for buying many sheets of metal so that I could punch it. I had 10k dollars initially, and every month I receive 10k more. This week I received my first paycheck beyond the initial deposit.

As expected of an Omniversal Slaving Company, they don't want their contractors to waste time working in 9-to-5 jobs to sustain themselves instead of going around capturing waifus.

Receiving more than six figures a year for doing nothing it's very generous. And even [Body Tune-up] can be considered medical care. But I don't think they compensate me for work-related injuries...

I continue to do the gruesome task of torturing my knuckles while simultaneously keeping some shikigamis activated but hidden in my shadows.

I tested how the whole summoning works. If the shikigamis constantly drain my Cursed Energy to stay active or if is like those summoning magic in games where you spend a certain amount of mana to the summon stay during a fixated time.

The answer is... It's a little of the two. Yes, I spend more during the initial summon, after that I only lose more Cursed Energy after a certain threshold to keep them active.

I also spend a little of Cursed Energy to do certain things with them like, putting them in my shadows to hide, and other techniques.

But the Shikigami's innate techniques don't spend my Cursed Energy, which is a plus.

With my increasing Cursed Energy reserves, I still don't know the cause but is either the [Soul Talent] or the Darkness Devil Template, I can keep two or three shikigamis active without straining myself. Even when fighting.

This is more than what Megumi could do in canon, I think.

Now, about my new techniques with Ten Shadows, I'm happy to say that I can, or at least can see myself doing in the future, all of them.

I discovered that I'm pretty talented with the Ten Shadows. It's almost easy how I can mold the thing with my imagination.

The only things I can't do are probably due to the lack of control of Cursed Energy. When I become better with it... The true potential of the Ten Shadows will appear!

And let me tell you something... Manipulating Cursed Energy is fucking difficult!

Maybe is because is born from negative emotions, you know? With all that instability and shit, but damn... I was expecting to be more smooth in moving that thing, but it proved difficult.

Thankfully I have Gojo to help me with it. I'm not shy is asking for her help. It's a asset.

But manipulating Cursed Energy is easy compared to using that Mysterious Devil Force from the Darkness Devil.

Really, that thing... Ugh.

Compared with Cursed energy is like holding a normal hose and a firefighter hose.

Maybe it is because the Darkness Devil is another species entirely. Or because of his tier, but is difficult.

And that's why I left it aside from now.

Why? Shouldn't I focus more on my strongest potential template?

Well, I kinda discovered how the Talents perks work.

The talent is not fixed. The talent increases. It increases with practice and experience.

Right now, I have a good talent and I learn things fast with Soul Talent, but I can't be considered a true genius... I'm a genius, not a monster. But in some years...

After I study and practice with different power systems and energies.

Maybe I will be like Ging Freecs, copying techniques with a look. Or Garou.

Maybe this is how Sukuna became what he is today. He has that raw talent, but he polished over the years with experience and research.

So, I will become a master in what is easy to me now, so that when I really go to practice with the Mysterious Devil Force, it will be easier.

Like a newbie in Martial Arts would have a harder time learning than someone with a good foundation in another Martial Art, or even in some sport.

And this brings us to the beginning... The foundation.

The body and mind. That's what I'm training every day.

I feel like if I can break some threshold in my physical strength, the Tier of my Template of Blackbeard will increase naturally, maybe even the Template of the Darkness Devil too.

So every day, I test my limits and push myself.

I can feel it. I'm getting stronger physically at an alarming rate. And no one expects a Summoner to be so strong physically.

I will surprise them all.


"Then you go 'Om', lock it with a 'Kachak' and then you hold it with a 'Zwoon'..."

"..." I can only deadpan at Gojo's explanation of how to do a Simple Domain.

"What? This is exactly how I did it..." She tilts her head at me confused

And the worst thing? It's that I kinda get what she is talking about...

But I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction of nodding along.

Fucking genius bitch... I will forgive you because you're cute.

"Is there no book explaining it?" I ask while taking some sodas from a vending machine and throwing one at her.

She is sitting on a bench, her butt on the backrest, and I sit beside her legs.

"Hm... Must have... Maybe." She thinks while drinking from her can "Jujutsu world is full of nepotism, so these techniques are often held by the clans. Jujutsu High teaches you the basics. To learn more you need to find a teacher." She explains.

Like Todo and Yuki. This also reminds me that there are variations of these techniques that are kept as a monopoly to the people of the big clans.

"That looks inefficient..." I mumble

"Tell me about it. That's why so many sorcerers die in their formative years." She sighs annoyed. Even making a puking expression. "This makes you have to work harder in building connections instead of training. Tying you into being indebted to the people above you and then you repeat it with the ones below. Even the system of raising a sorcerer rank is like that... Needing people to recommend you."

"I see. And you broke this Corporate Machine that is the Jujutsu World by being too strong." Satooru didn't need to do that to be on the top of Jujutsu World.

"Exactly~" She pats my head "That's how incredible your sensei is, with her own strength she makes all those old geezers uncomfortable." She says smugly

"..." I keep a straight face while she pats my head. Once again, it feels nice but I'm not giving her the satisfaction of showing it. "Corruption in a world that can crumble at any time. People on the top prioritize their interests while people on the bottom die... Now I see what you want to change, Gojo-san."

This makes her give me a big smile

"Right? Right? That's why I became a teacher. I will not let those stinky old men corrupt my cute students!" She puts a hand on her chest while acting righteous "Don't worry, Onee-chan will protect you!"

Onee-chan, huh? She Always wanted me to call her that

"So that's what you did to me, huh? I remember you saying something about stopping my clan from taking me..." I say with an even voice

"..." Her smile disappears slowly while looking at me

"Don't worry... I'm thankful. It's not like you brainwashed me or anything. And if I went to this elitist world too soon, I wouldn't be capable of staying with Tsumiki and protecting her." It's good to put these things that we never talked about before on the table.


"So thank you... Onee-chan." I smile at her. The truth is she protected me even though she had no reason to do it. I can be thankful for that.

"!" Her whole being lights up at my words. That's a cute smile. "Megumi-kyuuun~" She hugs my head, trapping it between her breasts strongly.

"...forgot that I said that." I deadpan between the infinity softness. She is really suffocating me, you know?


"...I will deny it if you tell anyone." I have a reputation to protect.


Third Person P.O.V.

Tsumiki is in a dilemma right now.

The last month has been a rollercoaster of emotions for the Young girl. Everything started with Megumi finally starting to be honest with her and fixing their relationship. Not that she minded how Megumi acted before, she understood that he was simply like that and the fact he didn't express doesn't mean she didn't like her.

But it is much better when he lets things clear, she admits.

But things become too clear... Megumi becomes too honest. Things are slowly going in a direction that she is not totally sure she is ready. Their relationship is changing and if something goes wrong, will be damaged beyond repair.

So right now she is thinking of doing something to stop it.

On the table in front of her, there's a multitude of letters dispersed and open. These are love letters that she received through this last week.

It's common for her to receive love letters, but she always ignores them. But now she is thinking of accepting someone's confession just to keep Megumi away.

But she feels bad, she feels really bad doing that. She imagines that it will hurt Megumi and will be like playing with someone else feelings, but she is on her wit's end right now.

She tried denying Megumi before, she prepared herself mentally to be strict and create boundaries before meeting him but when she is face to face with him, she always folds.

She is always teased and lets him do whatever he wants. Thankfully he never crossed a line, but she could feel him getting closer and closer of crossing the said line.

She sighs with her head between her hands.

"Does I really need to do this?" She asks herself for the umpteenth time

"Do what?" A voice cuts her off mercilessly

"!" Turning around fast she sees Megumi standing behind her, his face impassive and his eyes narrowing while looking at the letters. "Me-Megumi! I thought you were training with Gojo-san!" She says flustered while collecting the letters fast and without care, making a bundle.

But Megumi is having none of that.

He snatched a bunch of letters faster than her eye could see and started Reading them.

"Megumi! Give it back!" She tries to take them back, but he holds them high in the air with his outstretched arms. Out of her reach.

Megumi is taller than high school boys, there's no way she can win against him in any physical contest. Her small jumps are useless in front of his build.

" 'Fushiguro Tsumiki, please accept my feelings...', 'Your gentle smile touched my heart...', 'Since I saw you for the first time I knew...', 'Give me one chance to make you happy...'..." Megumi read the letters that he was keeping high in the air while looking up.

Discarding and letting the letters fall like trash after finishing Reading.

Finally, on the last one, Tsumiki has already gave up on taking them back, he looks down at her and asks

"It can't be that you're thinking about accepting any of these confessions, right?"

"M-maybe... Wh-what?! I can't?" She acts defiant

"Obviously you can't."


The fast and easy response caught her off guard.

"Do you think I will let you go to any of these trashes? Dream on." He says with a frown.

"Megumi, this has nothing to do with you!" She feels a little strange from this sudden controlling nature, and strangely a little happy.

"Has everything with me, I'm not letting you get stolen like that."

"What? Are you jealous?" She tries to flip things over

"Yes. Can't you tell?" He admits easily and without changing expression.

"Wha-what... Yo-yo-yo-you are je-jealous? Ho-how so?" She is thrown off her bearings by his response. She stammers and blushes heavily.

"I'm jealous exactly how you are imagining that I'm jealous."

"..." Her blushing goes nuclear now

"I see what you are doing..." Megumi narrows his eyes and steps in her direction.

"Wha-what I'm doing?" She steps back, but eventually, her back is against the table and she is trapped

"You're thinking of using one of these guys as a Shield. To make me back off."

"That's... That's..."

"Did the recent progress of our relationship make you panic... Onee-chan?" A roguish smile slowly appears on his face while he puts his face close to hers

"~~~" She keeps her mouth shut and closes her eyes to avoid looking at him

"Not answering is an answer in itself..." He says, his voice dangerously close to her ear "Are you feeling confused? Don't be... I will make things clear right now..." His voice gets even closer


"I like you, Tsumiki." He whispers in her ear making her shudder "Romantically. Like a man like a woman. Lovers, not siblings." He goes beyond making things clear


No backing down now. There's no way things will be kept ambiguous from now on.

"And I know you like me too..."

"That's-" Her words are blocked when Megumi puts a finger on her lips

"Don't deny it. I saw your looks. The lust that a sister shouldn't have for a brother."

She whimpers at his words

"You like me... You love me... You lust for me... And that's why you were thinking of accepting these confessions. To keep me and your sinful thoughts away." He chuckles "The irony... I was almost cucked by my own awesomeness."


"I'm not gonna let this happen. Didn't you think that maybe if you accepted, you would've pushed me away even as a brother? Or are you gonna play with the feelings of some poor bastard? Or were you planning on making me jealous?"


"Typical misunderstanding bullshit troupe to create drama. Not on my watch." He says with a scoff "Now, because you've been a bad girl... I'm not gonna play nice and slow anymore, Tsumiki." He chuckles again

"Megu-!!!!" When he lets go of her lips, she starts saying something but is interrupted again.

This time not by his fingers, but by his lips.

He kisses her, grabs her waist, and brings her closer.

"Hmpf! Hm~~ Hn, ahn~" She tries to resist in surprise initially, but is futile.

She can't escape his evil grasp and some seconds away she is melting in his arms and mouth thanks to [Sticky Fingers].

In no time she is even reciprocating the kiss and that's the moment that Megumi decides to stop.

"..." He looks at the red face, mouth open and panting Tsumiki.

And with a whole lot of willpower, he stops himself from pushing her down on the table.

"Throw away these letters in the trash. You only need me." He says and moves away, not forcing her to do anything right now.

'A little of gaslighting is really essential in a harem. Now let's hope hentai logic will prevail.' He thinks while moving away to his room.

Letting a very confused and horny Tsumiki to her thoughts.