
Post World War 3

Nick Clearly, a young blind boy from Australia, born in the middle of war, lives in an underground world and is told all his life that anyone who goes up to the surface they will die. The day Nick leaves his underground home everything changes for him. Read more to see how Nick’s world gets turned upside down.

Satay · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A New Life as a New Person

The darkness has bleached my skin, the grief stolen any remaining emotion and pain, the years grown me taller. I haven't needed to go outside for an extended period of time for a number of years, I haven't spent any time with anyone officially for a few years. I look so grey and angry it's hard to smile and whoever sees me runs away. I have been called a freak, nightmare, murderer, accuser and all I can do is frown and glare. My name is no longer Nick, I haven't heard that name in so long, no, the name I know now is "Katí̱goros", it means the accuser. How fitting it is, to have a name that describes the owner. Nick never meant anything to me. My previous name meant victory or lord. All I feel is hate, I feel empty, heartless, distant and dark. I have nothing inside except anger.

I hear a sound, and I turn to see someone walking the through the center square of Zenith in the moonlight, "Nick! Are you here?" They yell. I don't let whoever it finds me, I hide in the darkness at the wall. The moon is shining down on the ground in the center square through the roofless top of the building. My voice has become deep, rough and growly, "Who is it."

"You may not know me, my name is Amanda."

I keep myself concealed in the darkness as I answer her, "And how, may I ask, Do you know of Nick?"

"I was told by some strange people that he lives here alone. I went to school with him back at home."

"I'm sorry, Nick is no longer here."

"What do you mean?" She asks sweetly.

"This nick you speak of, he's dead."

"Then who am I talking to? If I may ask."

"Tell whoever sent you, Katigoros sees no one," I say, walking out into the light wearing a long black cloak.

"But I was told..." She pauses, "Okay, thank you. I'll go."

I watch as she walks away, back through the moonlight and through the darkness. I wonder why I feel, for the so long, I feel down, bad, regret for lying to her, for telling her I was dead, for telling her. As she walks away with her back turned to me I faintly hear her mutter to herself, "This place is so dry and has so little food."