

A young Rakilaia Jones tries to steal back priceless artifacts along with Austin Willback. They don't just learn things about each other along the way but what is truly real or is Austin imagining the entire thing? Does Rakel figure out who she is with all that goes on in her life? It's not just the past that resurfaces as she herself learns more than what meets the eye.

Helen_Howard_9458 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Rakel didn't realize she had lost her father or where he even was she couldn't find him, on top of that Austin looked way too happy for her as he seemed very pleased with himself over something as he reeked like a dog. " You look horrible, What happened? " She didn't see it till he had walked closer to her and it said a lot she knew how those felt. She should be long gone dead but she clearly wasn't even though there were a lot of times when she wished she was. " Three guys ganged up on me. Dragged me through the road and then they tried to hang me. " He still had the looks of horror on their faces after he successfully didn't die and it said a lot he felt dead. " Are you feeling okay? " She felt like it was a stupid question as he only looked at her without an expression, or maybe he was thinking something that she couldn't see.

" I feel like trash and I need to sleep." Rakel couldn't agree more even though they had slept for hours not even 4 hours before. Austin felt like absolute crap as his throat only screamed at him, even more, when he spoke. He didn't know what they were waiting for but he only went with the flow before he only followed Rakel. " Have you seen my Father?" He wasn't sure where the guy had gone in the first place when he couldn't walk as fast. " He disappeared and I've been trying to find him." She thought she had looked everywhere he just didn't want to be found. " What are we going to do if I can't find him?" Austin didn't understand where he could've gone to, but he questioned what Rakel was doing it said a lot she seemed worried about something and that wasn't what bothered him at all.

The last thing he remembered was the pain in his head after something hit him hard as the darkness followed in front of him. Rakel on the other hand felt it down her spine that something was wrong but when she heard Austin and then the thud that followed she didn't know what to think before trying to fight off the guy that grabbed her. "What's wrong with you? Leave me alone." She was already confused as to why they were there in the first place but having to fight for her life wasn't just annoying but painful. The guy that had her from behind wouldn't take no for an answer before she elbowed him but not as hard as she switched sides he only groaned in annoyance as his hand snaked around her throat holding her tightly in place. " You were always too weak for me."

She hated when people tore her down and not just mentally but physically. She tried to fight but her breathing was already too shallow as she didn't have to see Austin know he was already on the ground past out.

" Grab her legs! You drag him." She noticed how the people had become and that was stupid. They didn't seem to care about a lot of things and this was one of them, Only a few people saw her struggle to breathe, and not just that, it made her feel worse about herself. Why couldn't she be great in someone's eyes? Fighting was never a part of her plans as well was the torment that followed. People never knew her for who she really was and it said a lot. She eventually stopped fighting before her eyes rolled into the back of her head but thankfully she breathed but only barely. Rakel felt like she was never accepted for who she was. She saw herself as a great person who had a great personality while others judged her they also hated her. She knew she was a Jones but what was their excuse? The name meant so much but to her, it meant so little. She wanted her own life where she could do as she pleased and still do what was right.

If they were going to judge then they were going to watch her be something great but she wasn't going to care who said what, it was her life, not theirs. " Rakel!" She barely heard her name as she didn't want to open her eyes, once she waited for the pain to start as her life would end. What was the point now, Nothing. Austin however was terrified for her as the pain throughout his body spread as he physically wanted to scream. The scars from the pain showed as he mentally couldn't think of anything else other than the screams that he forced out of those he had to kill, now he knew how it felt. His head throbbed from the pain as he couldn't really see what was right in front of him. It took a while for his eyes to adjust as he only saw Rakel's head down as blood ran from her face. Oh God doesn't be dead. He shook his bonds before he heard metal upon metal but not in front of him. It terrified him with a passion that he couldn't see who was behind them, But not once did he think of Rakel's father ratting them out. A laugh was heard before he saw the man in front of him, His unshaven face with dark brown hair and eyes and the hate behind his eyes before a blow to Austin's face shattered his thought.

" What are you to her? Do you know her? I bet you would want me to kill you just because of who she is!" Rakel thankfully moved but not before his thinking interrupted him once more as she seemed to black out yet again. " I don't care I'd still accept her. " He gritted through his teeth as he so badly wanted to punch him back as his headache became a migraine. More laughing came from the guy as he heard Rakel barely let out a groan. She was weak and he knew that, but he had been through too much just to sit there tied. " What's so bad about her that you'd want to hurt me?" He felt that in his soul like it was the right question to ask but he also felt immediately that he would regret it. " Well don't you already know? She's an abomination. Austin's head spun with what he had said before Rakel finally came to with a pounding headache that followed. " Do me a favor; Shut up!" Rakel yelled as the pain in her head worsened. She groaned in pain as she felt the blood run down her face as the guy only laughed more before Austin and Rakel heard the metal noise from behind them as something whizzed past them from behind. " You don't get to speak to me heifer! Oh, I'm Rakelia Jones I should be dead. I'm Rakelia Jones and I was raped. " He bent down onto one knee pushing both her legs apart before looking back up at her. Austin didn't like what was at play and neither did Rakel however Rakel pushed her legs back together but not till the guy who apparently she knew punched her in the throat as she only tried to breathe.

Rakel from her point of view knew how hard it was to get over something when people brought up the past, but it was every time that no one really cared. When Daniel tried to open her legs that's when she felt like all hell broke loose. She couldn't even look at Austin as she knew he judged before he tried to push her legs back where they were but he was too fast as she didn't see it as she couldn't breathe. " How did it happen, Rakel?" He said her name like it was poison as he gripped the knife that he had in his hand the entire time although Daniel didn't care too much about Austin he still brushed the knife in between her legs as tears streamed down her face along with the dried blood, only the crying made her look ten times worse. " I know you were pregnant. What did you do with it? I swear on your grave!" He shifted getting up but bent to her level pushing the knife against her cheek and moving it down to her neck. " It was too easy to rape you, It would be easier to kill you." Rakel barely wanted to watch as everything wasn't clear to her everything he said only made her want him to just kill her without remorse.

" Just do it, get it over with. It's not like no one had ever liked me. " She didn't cry and she didn't want to even think about Austin and how close they had become. Her Father was a hateful man who was never there for her then again he only ran from everything, even from her. Everything happened too fast before he pushed her backward although she closed her eyes tightly Austin worked on the rope that burned his wrists that didn't seem to want to work for him. " What are you doing? " Daniel's friend didn't sound too impressed until he saw Rakel as thoughts went through his mind.

" You know the only pain she should have is the torture before the death. " Daniel's friend didn't seem impressed but at the same time, he was shaking. " Oh just kill her and get done with it. " His friend for a moment didn't look too good as he seemed to process something before turning back towards Daniel and Rakel. " Why are they here when you could've just killed them when you attacked them? " He had a point but if anything Daniel only looked annoyed as he traced his knife down her face. " You're enjoying it too much. Do you want your own room, jeez get a life? " Rakel on the other hand had finally had one hand free as she pretended to move towards Daniel. " Hey!" She didn't get to do much as Daniel's fist slammed into her jaw Austin became upset.

Rakel not once cried as he hit her again and she knew she had a bruise already on her jaw and cheek as Daniel forced his way in between her legs tracing his knife against her thigh harshly as her pants ripped as he only seemed pleased instead of disgusted with what he was doing to her. It only brought back the bad memories as she pictured herself getting out of her bonds and getting free. She pictured trying to free herself from the evil that stood in front of her. She could only imagine Daniel forcing the knife into her stomach as he wished he could've done it sooner. " Kill me already you swine." Both her hands were free as she had the sudden burst of energy and it said a lot considering the fact that the next move wasn't so smart. " I'm not the coward. " She said it sarcastically before slamming half her body into Daniel as his friend didn't do anything but watch. " HA! " His friend laughed before looking over at Austin with a scary frightening face before looking back towards Daniel and Rakel.

Everything happened too fast before Rakel struggled to free herself from underneath him. " Remember this? You didn't struggle too much. " Daniel leaned down further in her face before moving both his legs in between hers. " I'd rape your dead cold body." Rakel's eyes widened not in surprise but more in fear before her instincts kicked in. She kneed him hard and his mouth went into an o shape before she punched him harder in the throat as he couldn't breathe. Slamming her head against hers as she threw him off her. Grabbing his knife from the floor beside her she didn't give it thought before plunging it into his stomach leaving it there before she heard the running footsteps along with yelling. " Good grief!" She turned barely looking before he threw the knife that was in his hands right at her. She didn't like it as she only blinked hard before moving barely two inches and catching it in her hand and laughing as she looked at the sharp edge looking back at him with a crazy look. Rakel only growled out before he stared back at her pulling out another knife and running at her with a deep glare. She heard the growl that came from her before she jumped grabbing his wrist all the while yanking him with her over her shoulder. He yelled out hitting the hard ground and yelling out in pain as she threw her mid-length hair over her head before looking at him slamming her foot roughly against his head. " Idiots."

Austin watched in amazement mouth gapping open in shock before jumping in his chair and pulling at the rope that held his wrists together. Rakel on the other hand loved the adrenaline as it coursed through her very bones. A deeper feeling went down her spine and although she didn't like it she thought of something else as she only tried to shake it from her mind." Jumping will not help. You should know that by now." She barely had to slam her foot down on the end of the knife that layout on the ground before her as it came back into her hand as if she never threw it on the ground in the first place. She had done it too many times too and every time it was too cool to process. She cut the bonds that held Austin's wrists together as she knew any minute the other friends would come to check up on what was so special. " We need to move. " Rakel was already antsy about everything and she wasn't in the mood to kill those she knew.

The falling leaves that fell around her body didn't help anything as they only made her feel closer to death. She had run way too long as blood ran down her legs before it made her want to throw up. " Why me?" Rakel had cried and even though she was hysterical she wanted nothing more than to turn back so they could just kill her, after all, that's what they were doing right? Rakel only wished there was no pain in her body before more pain coursed up her spine as she tried to not yell out. What ticked her off was the part where it hurt to move and yet she knew she needed to get somewhere that was safe and away from her attackers. She whimpered before crying through the pain that only became worse as she moved around the trees around her. There wasn't a trail but behind her blood only showed through only some areas of where she had been. Rakel had heard the yelling not even a quarter of a mile away before the fear rose back up inside of her. Holding the left side of her stomach as well as her hip she limped as she tried to run. " I found her!" A scream escaped her before she was tackled to the ground as she didn't like anything else that followed; As much as she wanted to die it wasn't how she wanted to go. Her scream had died out as his hand closed around her throat as she tried to yell. " We weren't done and yet here you are and we're back at it again. " He laughed after moving his hand upward as she hated everything and even though she was in a lot of pain she kicked out at the guy that was on top of her as he cried out before slamming both their heads together but not before punching him not as hard in the throat.

She didn't want to kill them but they were bugging her to the point where she really wanted to. " Ha, You got the nerve. " Daniel stated while the other guy only stared at her legs as if terrified of what he had done only when he looked at Ethan he didn't want to get hurt just because he wanted to do something that they wanted to do. Rakel didn't see it that way it was always about people's perspective and then they'd get it twisted. " Come at me. " Daniel only laughed as he looked at Terrence before looking back at her Rakel screamed it as Terrence only jumped slightly scared of the outcome. Rakel stared Daniel down as Ethan only groaned on the ground trying to still breathe as he only barely breathed with his hand around his throat. Daniel stepped away as he pushed Terrence in front of Rakel not thinking of what was going through Rakel's mind; War. " Come at me. I dare you." Rakel fired up and stared them down with a murderous look as if they all didn't know what to do. Terrence on one hand turned and tried to run only to have Daniel punch him in the face. " Where the hell do you think you're going? We're all in this coward."

Rakel knew he still had his gun but he was out of bullets and Terrence was scared out of his mind from the rush Rakel was feeling felt like he should've already been dead. Ethan stared out as Rakel's foot slammed into his ribs before Daniel pushed Terrence roughly into Rakel but she saw it coming as she kicked him hard in his jaw as his neck snapped to one side fast as they all heard it before he crashed to the ground in a heap. Daniel was in shock but when Rakel stalked toward him he fled without looking back. " He'll kill you. We'll kill you. I'll kill you."

Rakel didn't take it seriously until a year later as Daniel ran into her literally in London on the street. " What the, Hey!" She yelled before something was slammed into the side of her face and black dots formed in her vision. " Let me go." She said it weakly as her shirt was lifted Daniel looked over her as scars showed on her abdomen. That's when he cussed her out before slapping her hard his friend Ethan looked a little terrified but still strong as he held her down. " You're going to leave us no choice. I could kill you." He gritted his teeth before snarling at her. " Do It then, not like I've got a life, I've never been happy. I can't be alone or have any friends that actually care. Do it!" She yelled as he only stared mockingly above her straddling her legs as she couldn't move. Tracing the knife over the scars he only made her bleed. " I was going to care, then you ruined it," Rakel screamed through the pain as not even the slightest breath was uttered for the little baby that was supposed to be. She knew it was wrong but she wasn't even 18 she could barely take care of herself and it said a lot considering everything else.

Ethan grimaced before blinking hard as his hand weakened over the blood he saw. Ethan only saw the way she had kicked Terrence but that only angered him more as he gripped her firmly before Daniel traced the knife over her thigh and then plunged it into her side as more blood flew out of her. Rakel only saw the pain as a gateway. She wanted to die but she heard the faint yelling as the boys suddenly got off her she wasn't sure before everything went dark. She could've sworn she saw a dark figure before she heard her name being called but even after she came to she only kept seeing it in her vision as if 'it' were still there.

" Ma'am. You're going to be okay. You lost a lot of blood. You'll need to stay for a few days and get your strength back. " She didn't want to hear it she wanted to lights to turn off she hated her life. The abuse, neglect, the heartache was too much and it was worse than the pain. she could tell she was on Morphine as she couldn't feel the pain and although it where true she could still faintly see the dark figure before everything else went black.

Rakel did hate her life there was a reason for the college, the name change, and on top of that the secrets. Her deepest secret was one that she didn't want anyone to know even though Ethan and Daniel already knew. She didn't have a choice and sometimes she even wondered what her life would be like on the run with a child. She would hate it, would Austin hate her for the choice she had made? She looked at him as his wrists were red and bruised as laughter rang out. Austin turned fast as Rakel thankfully knew a way out she grabbed him jerking him with her through the warehouse which was way too long, to begin with. " You always know where you're going; kinda creepy." Austin only followed until shots were fired right at them before he stopped where he was and ducked behind the overturned table. " Flipping nuggets, die already." Austin heard the groan from Rakel before he saw the RPG as he tried to motion to her.

Rakel's mind was used to mixed signals but when she grabbed the RPG and aimed it at the mob she didn't do very much aim. " Goodbye." She pulled the trigger and only some died instantly with horror although the screams died out Rakel honestly didn't feel any remorse. Her mind went dark with the adrenaline that coursed through her only this time she felt weak as she felt in her stomach as the pain for that day more than several years before erupted in her stomach. The memories and losing the baby even though she knew she wasn't upset were still painful. She didn't even like the thought of what it would've been like if she had a child, especially with someone who had raped her.

With that thought clouding her vision she didn't see the few that came in as she sat down with her back against the box. Her hands found her stomach as she pushed down the memories as well as the Acid Reflux. She felt numb before feeling like her body was on fire. Her stomach was weak even though she couldn't hear anything she suddenly felt dead and hollow inside. She felt too weak to move and not just that but she wondered if she was dead as she barely heard her name being yelled. She found herself only looking over at him before the ringing in her ears continued. The Pistol lay out by her hand but she felt as if she shouldn't grab it and that maybe she should just let them finish whatever it was they wanted. Austin didn't get it. What was so wrong that Rakel couldn't fight back not just that but Rakel stopped so suddenly before only a handful of men ran in armed and ready for the kill. " Oh God protect me." Austin half ran and jumped doing a front flip over the box that didn't hide her real well. " He didn't look at her as he grabbed ahold of the gun that layout right in front of her as she only stared out at the floor as if in a daze. She wasn't okay. He didn't bother with asking when she might not answer him so if anything he made sure the bullets were still there before he only bothered with asking himself what was hurting her to the point where she wanted to die. He was confused as to why she acted so dead half the time when there was half an army trying to kill them. He couldn't tell what was going on inside of her mind but if anything after shooting the last guy he only knew she wouldn't be much help.

Rakel felt like screaming only she didn't even have the strength. Seeing head-on what that black mass really was and what was going on she didn't even feel awake if anything she was dead, but why was she still breathing? " Kill yourself." She had said it to herself and she hated that she wanted to listen before looking back at Austin as if he could sense something else besides her. Austin only pushed her thinking she'd get out of it as it only made her not care before feeling too helpless as she just stared out however she had a fistful of her shirt in hand. Rakel couldn't get the past out of her head as she only thought of what happened. She couldn't go one day without thinking of what could've been. " Rakel!" She came too as it took her a moment to realize what had just happened; She spaced. They both heard that faint metal upon metal again before yelling was heard. " Blow the place up. They're hiding but it doesn't mean you've got to be stupid." Austin heard Rakel cussing under her breath before he barely had time to process what she was doing until he looked back at her knowing there was an army of people who were waiting and not patiently. Cussing he dived from the bullets as one grazed his arm although he felt the adrenaline and fear course through him he only followed her towards the unknown part of the warehouse. His left hand grabbed his right arm as blood showed before something blew up from behind them shouts were heard and yelling followed. " Rakel. Where the hell are you going?"

Austin yelled not realizing she was still frantic from the past as her stomach made her more upset before she realized she was hyperventilating. What made it worse was Austin as he only shook her as the fire rose from where they once were. It made Rakel question why she was getting worked up about something that happened in the past then again her life wasn't too great and everything and who she was only made her want to fight herself. " Rakel snaps out of it. we are going to flipping die if we don't get out of here!" The fire only spread as something else blew up something slammed against the wall from the other side where they were as iron shelves showed from the other side of the wall that was almost bare. Rakel only saw the opportunity as she pushed him away from her. " Maybe if I die here they'll stop." She didn't realize she had said it out loud before Austin grabbed her again yanking her back hard. " Hell no." Rakel could've sworn he growled before she saw the hateful look in his eyes. " Don't get why you can't just let go of the past, Rakel. Whatever happened doesn't define who you are now. Stop taking what they say too seriously and be the person you want to be; it's not hard being someone you're not, But the blame you have now is only because of them. Who are you?"

Rakel only stared at the fire behind his eyes and then wondered why she couldn't just be something she wanted to always be but the life she didn't want always seemed to make her question her sanity. " Because of me, you're free. You don't know me and you definately don't have a say in anything I've ever done. How can you ask me who I am when you don't know who you are? The fire around them only made what they were both feeling loose as Austin knew she was right. He didn't know who he was but he definetly didn't care to much about what they had been doing. Was this just going to be something that happened as they died? The thrill of the adventure still waited as the ground underneath them creaked. The poles stuck through the wall made it harder for Austin to focus as his gaze went over the room they were in at the small window over the table that had things scattered everywhere. " At least I want to make something of myself than wanting to die just because people want to tear me down." He pulled her with him as the window didn't seem to be in good condition as he didn't think before shooting the glass as the fire ran up the walls toward them. " GO!" He jerked her not trying to be rude as she only seemed to hesitate. Austin growled underneath his breath before making the bold choice as he backed up flinging himself at her although his foot barely had touched the table his arms found their way around Rakel as they both dove through the window and onto the harsh ground. His arm around Rakel didn't do any damage to her as she only opened her eyes as the fire kept going. Rakel still heard the roar from the fire and her ears weren't happy as the ringing continued, she felt like she couldn't hear anything. She didn't want to lift her head not before looking at Austin who seemed to be more quiet than her. It worried her when she didn't like how he lay before he shot up fast groaning out before laying his head back down.

Rakel sensed nothing wrong as his left arm was only a cushion for her head his other arm laid over her waist in a protective way that made her question what he was really like and why she even had thoughts running through her head. Rakel was just never aware of the person who knew her from so long ago, she never turned her body to see that he had seen them both. He only knew of the outcome if he even interfered.