
Possessor in Naruto

Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Anime & Comics
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Chapter-45: Pain attacks Konoha!

(A/N: This chapter is gonna be a really big one be prepared :D)

It was finally the time pain will attack.

Nearing the new year, of 17th year after Naruto was born, or I came to this world.

I washed myself up and went to Mount Myoboku for some training. I wanted to be completely prepared if I wanted to fight him.

Rinnegan users are no joke to fight.

I started by creating 10 clones and started absorbing senjutsu chakra.

After I practiced for a while, I started some more meditation to calm myself for the fight as well and collect senjutsu chakra in myself. I cannot afford to lose my calm during a fight.

Rage only brings destruction.

I was currently in a barren area, a place which was extremely scarce in senjutsu chakra, even compared to outer world.

This was toad valley of death, where toads are buried.

The senjutsu chakra from their bodies is absorbed and supplied to the main land in order to create the safe haven for other toads.

I mainly practiced here as I wanted to master the sage mode to it's absolute perfection and even be able to enter it in the worst of the worst situation. It also helps me improve my senjutsu abilities.

Of course my clone were in the main toad land to collect the chakra for the fight but I prefer to be here as no one comes to this place at all.

After a few hours of training and being lost in thought whether Sage of Six paths was a boob guy or an ass guy, I was woken up by Fukusaku who had a worried look on his face.

"Naruto-chan! Konoha...!" He said as he caught his breath.

"Naruto-chan! Konoha! It's attacked by Pain! You need to go and save them! Pain and his team is searching for you!" He said.

"Well, I did have an uneasy feeling today. I will summon all the best toads to Konoha. Let's go." I said as I reverse summoned myself into Konoha and summoned all the toads that can help me in this situation.

After the reverse summoning, I saw a really big hole right in the centre of Konoha.

Looks like Pain had already Shinra tensei'd their asses off, eh?

I removed my shirt I was wearing to reveal one big rhombus seal covering my back.

This was Byakugo seal but filled with my medic chakra as well as the Kyuubi's chakra, essentially giving me Tsunade's insane healing but without consuming life force as it literally 'creates' back cells to fill the wounds instead of 'regenerating'.

After mastering medic ninjutsu, I was given this seal as a gift by Tsunade.

It took me one month to learn it, four months to modify it for my needs and 10 days to fill it up with chakra.

"It's been a long time since I was able to fight without holding back. I might get to see the pet fox inside my stomach if situation gets serious but let's hope that isn't the case." I said to myself as I activated eight gates technique up to third gate to increase my perception, reaction speed and speed as well.

This was a reckless move as it will tear my body apart as I already had sage mode going on but it didn't matter.

If I succeed now, I won't be able to be in this body anyway.

I directly opened fifth gate and ran towards the direction of other pains and quickly neutralize them.

My targets were Human path and animal path as they are responsible for information as well as animals attacking Konoha.

I found human path in an alleyway, absorbing information through souls of ninjas.

I quickly got behind him and crushed it's head like a watermelon.

It was the weakest pain but one responsible for information.

After some more searching, I finally found animal path and it was on back of a giant multi headed dog.

I quickly switched to sixth gates and jumped over the dog's head, and started fighting it.

It wasn't a hard thing to do as I was in sixth gate and it wasn't meant to be fighting in close range.

It's taijustu skills were really good but only punching and kicking can't do anything against eight gates technique.

It tried to summon something in my stomach but because I was too fast and my reaction speed was insanely high, I saw it coming from a mile away and was able to avoid all it's attack with ease, once again using Great vacuum breakthrough, one of my own ninjutsus to rip it's body apart.

The moment it struck it's eyes, the animals were unsummoned and I quickly came to the main place, where all the toads were collected.

They were fighting all the remaining pains while one pain, the Naraka path was nowhere to be found.

"Are you Uzumaki Naruto?" Tendo pain said as his eyes shone with a purple glint.

"Does it look like I am?" I asked as I signaled the summons to retreat and take care of Konoha now.

Everyone went away silently.

Tsunade tried saying something but I didn't let her say anything.

I also didn't let Katsuyu enter my pocket as I didn't want her spying on me.

"Of course it does." He said as preta path pain rushed towards me.

I knew that it will absorb ninjutsu so I did what any person fighting against it should do.

"Square up Motherf*ckers." I said as I sucker punched it right in the chin and launched it behind.

My sensory abilities had already detected where Asura path was.

I quickly ran towards it as I ignored Tendo pain that just raised one of his palm towards.

"Bansho Ten'in!"

With one jutsu, I was pulled behind towards me.

"Just kidding!" I said as I got a grip over myself and launched myself towards the Tendo pain.

The attraction force as well as me launching already gave me a lot of speed.

The sixth gate was taking too much out of me so I needed to relax a bit to sustain my stamina, so I tricked it into sucking me inside.

By undoing a senjutsu clone in Mount Myboku the moment I ran and collecting senjutsu chakra, I compressed all of it into my fist and released it inside Tendo pain's body the moment I struck it.

"Now suffer. Sage arts: Touch of death."




The ground rippled away as I ripped apart Tendo pain's whole body in one punch and the shockwave from that attack travelled all the way to the ground, creating big cracks in the hole Tendo pain made.

My arm was ruined and I was out of eight gates technique as well.

I was limping too as the shockwave traveled through my body and I cannot casually say f*ck you to physics with my current body and ignore it.

It was healing up slowly however.

I quickly used Byakugo seal to heal myself as I walked towards the Tendo pain which was still unable to stand up and pulled out all the metal chakra rods and tried detecting pain's main body through it.

In a few milliseconds, I was able to detect pain.

Looks like the training paid off.

It's time to steal a Rinnegan.

I ran towards pain's direction as I quickly created a few seals to flood Konoha and with some more seals, I created tornadoes that created even more destruction.

I needed more chaos going on in the world now that I have succeeded.

After some running, I finally arrived at the location where pain was.

It was big tree that was made up of paper, more precisely, explosion tags, in case something goes wrong.

"Looks like peace has stumbled upon me." Nagato said as he looked me in the eyes.

"It sure has. So how are you doing, failure of a god?" I asked.

A few chakra rods came towards me which I didn't dodge but filled them with senjutsu chakra as well as Kyuubi's chakra.

It flooded pain's head with a lot of sensations mainly one being intense bloodlust from Kyuubi and the other being extremely enhanced senses one gets from getting into sage mode the first time.

It even managed to nearly burst all my clones that were working in Land of waves as well as other places.

"You still didn't answer me, failed god of peace. How are you?" I asked him as I sat down and stopped molding chakra.

He didn't respond but counter questioned me.

"Do you hate me?" He asked with a solemn look.

"Damn right I do. You killed Jiraiya-sensei." I said as I pulled out some chips out of my space inventory and started eating it.

"You don't look like someone who possesses enough hate...How does it feel-" He tried saying but I interrupted him.

"that you destroyed Konoha? Killed so many ninjas for your own goals? Claimed lives of my loved ones and comrades and then mocked their deaths by saying you are creating peace but in reality you were creating misery for everyone? That's the reason I said you are a failure. You fail to see your imperfections and work on it, letting it create chaos and misery, disappointing everyone who had their hopes on you. Both Yahiko and Jiraiya expected a lot out of you but it's seems you failed remarkably. It's surprising how much you managed to worsen the situation. It's an achievement in itself. There is no reason I can hold hatred for someone like you, who failed doing whatever was necessary again and again and again. If anything, I want to ask. Are you only physically disabled or did the power reach your head and screwed you mentally as well?" I asked.

Konan was looking enraged and was just waiting for Nagato to allow her to attack.

Nagato was silent for a while yet again.

"Still it doesn't change the fact that you haven't forgiven me nor you have any methods to create peace other than my own. We both are the same. Working on our own sense of justice to justify our actions, regardless of whatever may be the cost. That is what I am doing and that's what you will do eventually. You can't see my ways being correct, for you never experienced true pain." Nagato said.

"That's where you are wrong, Nagato. I don't work on my sense of justice. If anything, I despise it. I work on what's necessary, not what my heart says. and what was that about not experiencing true pain? I lost my love of my life, all my friends, my sensei as well as everyone near me, all because of you. It pains me a lot to see them die but I have learnt to accept and adjust a long time ago. I can hold all the pain myself and not let the world suffer in exchange. That's how I was able to create true peace, something you weren't able to given a lot of time. How many years have been since you conquered Amegakure?" I asked him.

"13 years. It's been 13 years since I defeated Hanzo the Salamander at cost of my dear friend Yahiko and my own legs. That's when I embraced pain and vowed to create peace. The peace that you big nations enjoy is built upon the misery of the small nations! Countless people suffer because of your big nations. The very idea of true peace is impossible. I've seen it! I've worked on it! " He said as he closed his eyes.

"13 years? What were you doing during this time? Working on your stupid theory of pain equals peace? I brought peace in Land of waves, ended wars in Kirigakure and made Sunagakure stand on it's feet once again in span of only 4 years, minimizing fighting to absolute minimum. What's your excuse of not being able to create peace in Amegakure and making it one of the great nations and supporting other nations for creating even more peace?" I asked him.

"Can you guarantee you peace will last forever?" He asked.

"Nothing can truly last forever. All I can do is to make sure to pass my ideas to the future generation and trust then to build their own peace. Best I can do is change the present. Idea of true peace is impossible but working towards it, isn't." I said.

Nagato's eyes widened a bit.

Yeah that's right b*tch I am using Yahiko's ideology here.

"You are someone who was twisted by world and it's people into a crude mockery that thinks of himself as a untouchable god who can do anything. You were tricked by others time and again...Losing everything that was precious to you." I said as I put the chips back in the space inventory.

"The world won't let you be happy and neither will it allow anyone to be truly happy, unless you can do what is necessary to create peace. To take away all the pain from everyone at the cost being your own self.

You wrench out a fake smile every single morning for that purple haired lady over there and tell yourself it's going to be ok...you can correct the world...you can create peace, but deep inside you feel the depression and impossibility creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight." I said as I pulled out the rod from my body and used the Byakugo seal to heal up my wounds and recover in case he decides to fight me.

"Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll get a kunai, write a letter bidding her goodbye, slash your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss.

Jiraiya-sensei and your teammate Yahiko will find you in the afterlife, heartbroken but relieved that you no longer have to live with this world, which you failed to correct." I said as tears trickled down from my eyes.

"The people who you leave behind will bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a failed god is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Until now.

This is why, Nagato...I present you a...choice." I said as I calmed myself down.

"Believe in me and take the leap of faith or get crushed by the cruel reality that constantly rejects you, the very reality you want to protect....The very reality you want to correct.

Someone like you can never correct the world completely, for you are a broken individual. Someone who suffered so much that despite possessing the best eyes, you cannot see anything what you are doing.

Will anyone be truly happy in this peace you created?

Will orphans not be pushed in a battlefield by all the nations? Will children learn in schools to study for betterment of world or will they learn how to kill enemies in the very battlefield you are making?

Your progress up till now is a testament to that. All this slaughter...killing so many people...If all this doesn't convince you, just think what would be Yahiko's reaction when he hears what you did to this world and yourself.

Or you can stop deluding yourself and accept that you just want to destroy the world and justify it as creating peace. Decide now. I won't be forcing you to make any choice." I said as I finally finished the speech, brought out my chips out from space inventory and started eating my chips again as I also drank some juice to refresh myself.

Nagato was lost in thought as well and Konan was surprised by my speech as well.

They better work according to me now. I had to prepare and rehearse this speech everyday to make sure it will work.

Endless modifications went through to make sure it is perfect for making him surrender peacefully.

If he doesn't, I can fight but I'd avoid fighting as much as I can because it might mess up in future if impure world reincarnation is done on him by Kabuto.

After a while, he just smiled.

"I trust you, Naruto. We both are technically brother disciples, who studied under the same teacher. I hope you will be able to create peace. Perhaps the pain I inflicted upon world was not the way to go...Perhaps I should've taken in the pain myself, only leaving peace and happiness in my wake...but I failed to realize this method...The very method...Akatsuki was based upon..." He said as tears trickled down his face as he formed a few seals which in turn surprised Konan.

"That jutsu will end your life, Nagato!" She said as her eyes widened.

"I know. That's why...Konan...I want ask...Will you bury me along Yahiko?" Nagato said he finished forming the seals.

Tears also trickled down Konan's eyes as she nodded.

"I think I will believe in you, Uzumaki Naruto. War inflicts death, pain and misery on both sides. Perhaps I didn't have what it takes to create peace. Perhaps all this was set up by someone or is work of god...An eternal hatred....a wound that cannot heal....That's what war created...I believe in you can create true peace, Naruto..." Nagato said.

"Outer Path — Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique!" He said as he clasped his hands as his hair turned white as he overexerted all the chakra from his body and pushed it into his eyes.

He collapsed on the ground and I flickered towards his side to catch him.

Tears trickled down Konan's face as she wasn't able to stop herself from crying.

She broke down and started crying as she covered her face to hide the pain away. She lost both people she adored. Her world was totally destroyed. All her loved ones are gone.

Well, it doesn't matter in the end...I am successful and that's what matters.

I quickly used a few chakra scalpels to extract Nagato's eyes and kept them inside space inventory as I implanted fake Rinnegan inside his eye sockets as I tried to heal him up so that impression of me caring isn't ruined.

The process was extremely fast as I was in sage mode and I practiced Eye extraction a lot in private to make sure I don't mess it up.

After a while, Konan saw me trying to heal Nagato and she stopped me.

"The jutsu he used...Takes a lot of chakra. In order to substitute for it, he used his life force...He cannot be revived from the death with regular medic ninjutsu." She said as she sniffed and removed tears from her eyes.

"W-What will you do?" I asked her as I showed her vulnerability so that she doesn't get suspicious.

"Fulfill his wish...Bury him along Yahiko and once again start working on Akatsuki to fulfill their dreams, abandoning the bijuu collection mission." She said as she used a jutsu to wrap paper around Nagato and lift him up.

"I hope you are able to do it. Thank you for everything." I said as she also gave me a bouquet made up of paper and disappeared into a lot of paper pieces along with Nagato's body.

I hope she doesn't discover the difference in his eyes, though I was extremely careful with them.

With this, Nagato is out of my way and I can finally leave Konoha for once and for all.





(A/N: Another big boy chapter for you.

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