
Possessive Wife's Little Treasures

What if your death was the beginning of your life? What if you were transmigrated in a world dominated by women? What if you entered someone else's body on their wedding night? This is the story of Yize who was a perfect lady in her previous life and a drunkard in this life. She was blessed with wealth and honor during her lifetime and was blessed with beauties after her death. Her current life is… Harder… Faster… Deeper— What the **** was that? AHerMm!!! What a wonderful life she had. ********** #Ytinifn_582 WARNING!!! — Reverse harem — MATURE Content*

Ytinifn_582 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

He's very cute

After almost four hours of waiting, Xiao Sheng felt uncomfortable because he didn't do anything except lying and sitting on the bed. He wasn't this lazy on his mother's residence, when was there time to be like now.

He's not as sore as earlier, it's probably because of the medicine. Thinking about it made him blushed. He stood out of the bed and slowly walked outside. He's walking strangely that anyone who sees it could guess what happened to him.

I can't be lazy. He went to the kitchen to prepare for lunch. If the wife owner came back drunk and he didn't make lunch, he will really receive a beating.

There were cases like this, even if the man isn't lazy, the wife still beat him because the wife was dissatisfied. How much more him, who're not doing anything.

Xiao Sheng cooked rice porridge and boiled vegetables. This was the best he could do because he didn't know how to cook other than this. It's not because he didn't learn but because this was always what he had eaten in his mother's house. The mother was a gambler, all she thinks is earning money for gambling, not think of what they eat everyday. If not for it why would he be used as a collateral.

The fathers hard earned money from sewing covered their meals. They could only afford to eat gruel and vegetables, which always makes the mother dissatisfied and beat the fathers as a result.

Then he realized the problem.

The wife master wasn't a poor person. So basically, she hadn't eaten this kind of food. The house didn't lack anything, the problem was on his. If the wife finds him useless she will definitely beat him to death.

Again, he remembered how his father was beaten, there was one time that his mother beat his father and the two fathers, it took them three days to move. He trembled at the thought of his wife doing it to him.

My body was half the size of that the wife owner if… if she beat me badly… I don't know what will happen to me…

What should I do?

He was looking at the things in the kitchen but still can't think of anything to cook.

It was at this moment that Yize came home, she silently walked inside to see what her little husband was doing. She brought some of the things in the kitchen first but—

I thought this guy was inside. Of course she did instructed him to stay inside the room. But what was she seeing right now? She almost had the urge to spank this disobedient husband. However, she discarded the thought when she realize how serious he was in his work that he didn't even hear someone behind him.

"I'm back" she casually said while hugging him from behind. She liked holding him in her arms.

Xiao Sheng vaulted when someone hugged him and his face paled as he heard her voice.


"En. Didn't I told you to stay inside?"

"I…I…" he's so tense that he couldn't even think of any answer in response to her. Yize already saw what he cooked and she could roughly guess where the nervousness came from.

Men were very pitiful in this world, for him who don't know anything about cooking, if it was any other woman he would have been long thrown outside by his wife. However, some of her views were not from this world, she don't need to imitate them just to adapt their ways.

She wouldn't change him but she will definitely not let him work for her. What's the use of her big self if she let a small man do the housework when she can easily do all of it by herself?

Yize put him on a stool, smiled at him and said "Just sit here… You're still not well down there, are you?" teasing him as her sight traveled down. Xiao Sheng blushed at her remarks, one thing he had observed about the wife was that she's shameless.

Yize chuckled seeing his reddened cheeks, he's very cute.

All of the tense atmosphere was forgotten just like that, a very effective solution.

Yize do the cooking while Xiao Sheng just sat there looking. The wife owner didn't scolded him nor beat him for his incompetence. He was really useless that he let his wife do his work.

Although he felt sweet, he feared that what if one day the wife owner will find someone more capable than him. Will she disown him? If that really happen, he can only blame himself for it.

Xiao Sheng distracted himself by watching the wife owner cooking. Her every move was elegant, very opposite to her appearance. Not that the wife owner was ugly but because the wife owner looked rougher than the average woman.

(Let's talk about Yize's appearance, imagine the female version of Aquaman, she looked like that)

The wife master don't looked like she's trying, she worked familiarly like she's used to it. He had never heard of a woman who knows this kind of work.

His thought was understandable because women usually don't do cooking. Women who knows how to cook were rare, and most of them owned restaurants. And of course Yize's cooking skills were learned in her previous life.

Xiao Sheng didn't know that the more he looked, the more he found the wife owner handsome.

Not long, Yize finished her work and prepared it on the table. She knows that his attention was on her, and she liked it very much. She didn't know that this was how it feels when someone you cherished put all his attention to you. How good it was to have this kind of life.

Xiao Sheng who plan to eat the poridge he made was stopped by her. She instead eat all of the poridge and boiled vegetables by herself, bearing in mind that she's not the rich daughter from the past, she can't be as prodigal as before.

After the two had eaten their lunch, Yize walked outside to get the remaining things she bought in town earlier. Most of it were brought inside their room, and Xiao Sheng who were standing at the side just watched the wife bringing things in. He offered to help but was immediately rejected by her so he just stood there obediently.

As soon as everything were brought in, Yize realized the problem in the house. Although, the house was spacious enough for the two of them to live, she still find it small. Probably because she lived extravagantly in the past.

'I need to earn more money to renovate the house', she thought.

Her mind was already thinking of what kind of house she will build in the future. Then she remembered the plan she had seen before. Her dad once invested on a project and it wasn't anything special but just an ancient mansion. She once thought that that project won't be successful but who would have thought that after it was built, it became a favorite spot for tourists to visit.

Although she studied architectural, she can't relate on old things. Now she realized how good that mansion was. Since she already thought of building her future house on that basis, what she needed was wealth to make it realize. She has an out of this world knowledge so she has the advantage on a lot of things.

"My wife can I come in?" Yize was pulled out from her thoughts when Xiao Sheng called from outside the room.

Yize's attention transferred to him who were standing at the door waiting for her response. "Come here" tapping her side, gesturing him to sit beside her.

He walked towards her, his walking was a little bit strange but Yize acted like she hadn't seen it. Xiao Sheng obediently sat beside Yize. I wonder what the wife master is going to tell me.

Yize remembered the dresses she bought in town, she handed it to him. "I bought it earlier, see if you like it."

As soon as Xiao Sheng received the clothes from her he just look at it without any reaction, but not long after, tears rolled down his eyes silently. Aside from his father, the wife owner was the first to give him a dress so he can't help but be emotional.

"My wife, thank you" he smiled sincerely at her.

Yize was very happy to see this sincere smile of his. She suddenly remembered her past life, whenever her parents looked at her, it was full of love. And whenever they gave her gifts it was the same sincere smile she gave to them in exchange.

I don't know what happened to them after I died.

Good thing her family has a strange tradition, whenever someone died in the family, they won't mourn for the dead, they'll instead send the dead off with a smile. Yeah, that's probably the reason why she didn't feel sad leaving her beloved family. And she has a younger brother there, so she wasn't worried that no one will look out for her parents.

Yize looked at Xiao Sheng dotingly. He is her family in this life and in this world, he will always be hers as long as she lives. "You don't need to thank me. What's mine is yours because you're mine."

Xiao Sheng was speechless, he didn't know how to respond to her. He wouldn't dare, the wife owner was already very good to him, thanking her was the least he could do. He widraw his eyes from her and into the clothes in his arms, checking them one by one.

'They're all very beautiful, these things might have cost a lot.'

His smile dropped when he suddenly realized his thoughts.

"Ouch!" Xiao Sheng exclaimed when Yize flicked his forehead.

"What were you thinking?" Yize pulled him out from his thoughts. This little husband always like to overthink so he must be thinking something not good again. "Here", she handed the sweets to him, she almost forgot to give this to him.

Xiao Sheng looked at the wife owner's hand stupidly. So, Yize reached out his hands and put in on his palm. She patted his head gently like coaxing a kid. "Don't think about those unnecessary things." Yize retracted her hand after she got enough of it. Who told her to touch his soft hair?

Xiao Sheng's heart was really messed up at this moment, the wife owner really convinced him this time. If all of it was just an act, he didn't mind being played by her if it means getting this rare treatment.

The life of men was very hard in this world, despite being treated unequally they still held the hope that someone will love them someday. However, women thinks differently, even if a man sacrificed his life for a woman, that woman would only think it's normal because this world is a world of women. It's not because they were not capable of loving but because this was their nature, they grow up believing that women were superior than men, women was the heaven of men. Women's affection to men was fleeting, no woman would really succumb to the so called unconditional love of a man. How twisted women were? But the world is fair, they looked down on men and at the same time desired them. No matter how strong they are, they undeniably relied on men to create their own seeds because their concept of prosperity is nature.

It's dusk when Xiao Sheng sat on the bench outside their house, waiting for the wife to come home.

Yize on the other side of the mountain was now following a trail with the team. Earlier in the afternoon, she was asked by the village head to help for the search of Dong Dong, a hunter in the village. It was said that this Dong Dong went to the mountain to hunt as usual, she went there with her cousin but only her cousin came home injured.

Of course Yize can refuse to help but the predecessor was a friend of this Dong Dong and according to her memories, she was a good friend of hers.

Yize brought five women with her, and they're now following a trail of blood after almost four hours of searching.

She crouched down and touched the blood stain on the ground to check it. It's fresh!

"Yize, what did you find?" Yan Ru, one of the five women with her.

"She's near" she casually answered.

"Good! Good!" they heaved a sigh of relief, although women don't have any good feelings to men, they deal differently when it comes to their peers.

The six of them followed the trail cautiously, it was said that Dong Dong and her cousin was chased by a bear so they need to act carefully lest they encounter that bear before they even rescue Dong Dong.

Soon they finally found her leaning behind a rock seriously injured. Yan Ru and the others immediately help Dong Dong covered most of her injuries. Five meters away from Dong Dong was a pit two meters in diameter, a bear was lying there dead.

The team returned home as soon as everything was settled, Yize lifted Dong Dong, carried on her back and the remaining five people tied the bear and dragged behind them.

When they arrived, it's already dark.

Xiao Sheng who was sitting inside, worriedly looked through the window. The moment Yize's figure was on his sight, his eyes lit up like it has never been before.

"My wife!"

"En" Yize nodded at him. She avoided him and directly went inside to wash herself lest she'll scare the little husband with her bloodied clothes.

After washing herself, she brought her used clothes outside and put it in an empty bucket.

"Sheng Er!" Yize called him because he's not in the living room probably in the kitchen.

"My wife" Xiao Sheng's figure hurriedly showed up in front of her. He smelled food so she could guess what he was doing there. "Wife master, I already heated the left over this afternoon. Let's eat."

"My Xiao Sheng is very good" Yize patted his head as praise while Xiao Sheng blushed at his wife's statement.

And another night passed by like in a fast forward, Yize lying on the bed with satisfaction, hugging the beauty in her arms.