
Meeting an Yin Physics.

In the middle of the road, A group of students from the Karate club was ganging upon a kid, who was standing in front of them.

Where Chen was not in the mood to rough them up, given there were way too many students around.

Also, his martial art profession was something, he was not allowed to show to others. Unless! He faces some kind of threat from the other party.

Chen yawned as he was feeling quite bored, so he looked to the side and dashed. That stunned those students from the karate club, that was looking at Chen who was running quite fast.

"Huh! What was that all about? Brother did he just run away like that, without even facing us for whatsoever no reason..."

One of the Hooligoon looked at Chen's retreating figure, as he shook his head and walked away thinking, that there was no way that they would be able to catch up to him.

While others started to chase the guy but none of them were able to do that. As they could only stare at Chen back helplessly.

Chen who was finally able to shake them off, shook his head thinking he had run to the rather wrong side and would need to take a taxi to that place now.

'Huh! I got to waste some of my money now, but I can't beat them up for this right? Also! What the hell with those people? I can't remember, messing with them for the moment.'

Shaking his head and thinking, if this was related to that girl. Then everything which was happening around him for today can be explained.

"How can I help you, young man."

Chen finally reached the shop of the old man, that seemed to be selling the Gourd he was looking for. But that was not the only business that old man was doing, behind the shop frontier.

There was also a stone gambling place, where many people can become rich and poor depending on their luck.

'Hmm! Should I gamble for a bit, given my luck has been heaven-defying from the start? Though! My teacher never denies me visiting places like this to earn some money, to begin with.'

Chen decided to give his luck a shot again.

"Hmm, another fool who wants to try his luck?" The old man shook his head at Chen entering the back place. As he had seen many people going inside, with the same look while getting addicted to rock gambling.

On the other side, Chen entered the venue which was quite large and open, where he found several people laughing and enjoying their time while looking around.

Where Chen noticed, that quite a few people with Patek Philippe company watches.

'Hmm! Most of them here are rich and are here to enjoy some time with rocks gambling huh? What the hell with that? They can just go to some bar or something man.'

Not being able to understand them, Chen walked and started to pick up some stones which cost around 2 to 3 thousand each.

While Chen did not do anything funny from them until he encounter one, which was giving him a similar feeling so he decided to buy them.

"Little brother, I think that stone is not worth it at all. Why not take my advice and you can reap benefit from it. I can promise for you on the name Zhang."

A man with a haughty attitude and a scholarly look on his face walked toward Chen.

Where Chen looked at the guy, who was smiling at him with goodwill, and looked at the teenager behind the guy.

His eyes could not help but crease, given the little boy behind him was not a good entity on it.

'Is he being haunted by a spirit or something, but the boy outward projection looked so bright. To the point, I don't think the boy is in the wrong this time.'

"Uncle Zhang! It seems Big brother did not seek our advice and came here for some fun. So, we can let him do anything he wants to do."

The little boy seemed to be quite sensible, as he looked at the old guy beside him and pulled his hand. When the old guy who was called uncle Zhang heard his nephew's words, he could not reply back to the little guy and could only go with it.

After all, even he knew that what he was trying to do was not right. But he was in need of a lot of money and did not want to harm others too.

"Little Sister! Here it is a Herbal Wine with not much of an alcohol tendency, but it can alleviate a little of your symptom you had to go and get checked by some expert to be safe."

Chen found the little guy similar to his little sister! So, he could not help but pity that little guy for his problem.

That is why? He took out one of the four wine gourds which he had filled before coming here and gave it to the little guy.

The old guy was about to say something when the little guy opened the cap and smell the herbal wisp.

Making his blood feel warm, after feeling cold for gods knows how many days.

"That little girl surely likes to act like a boy being able to wear such clothes. Though! As long as her divine Yin meridian is formed. She will be a genius. Just like me! Who had both Ying-Yang Divine meridian."

The Old guy was stunned, along with the little girl that was looking at the Chen figure who was walking out of the area.

As he had already collected around 10 to 12 of the rocks which gave him a good feeling from them.

But he did not want to cut them and wanted to scrub them himself using some sandpaper.

"I hope I can get some good prizes from them, although the party of the old guy is about to start. I should be able to reach it in time, after showering and changing some clothes from the home."

When Chen was showering he recalled, how those with Divine yin meridian are an absolute beauty to look at.

Chen thought about how he ended up losing the chance, to make a beautiful girl similar to his master his girlfriend.

"Hmm! That is an absolute waste! Though! I guess I hope I will be able to meet her back again. Though! What is that girl doing in a small city like this."

In the meantime inside the Yan family, Ai was looking at the view from her balcony recalling the sight of her little sister. She has been suffering from a certain disease, which even her brother has been helpless against.

But Yan Tao promised to find some herb that is hard to locate, at the moment and help his little sister.

That is why? The main branch Yan family has been very close to their family which was a small branch family for them from the ancient period.

"Hmm! I hope dad can find that boy with that wine, after all, that wine helped us a lot. Particularly, it helped Xiao Jing a lot."

Ai shook her head, thinking about how her father had called that boy to the party and asked her to befriend him. But she was not willing to befriend a stranger. While there was her little sister too, she also wanted to help her out too.

Uncertain about what she wanted to do, Ai closed the door to her room and walked downward for the party. Where Jing was holding back her uncle's hand with a smile, as she told him how uncle Yan's birthday party invitation was in Chen's pocket.

Given the card was coming out of the pocket due to small in size, and how they will be able to talk to him at the party.

Where uncle Zhang was embarrassed about how quick-witted and great sight his nephew had, and comparing her to himself he felt his face heating up with shame.

Wearing a proper dress, which he ended up buying while on his way to the party.

Chen threw his old clothes to fatty home, as he told him that he was about head to a job for which, he got to buy some expensive clothes and will get quite some money from the job.

Where Fatty who was well aware of these kinds of jobs bought Chen lie with a serious expression, and even helped Chen with his hair.

"That fatty sure knows about hairstyle! As expected of an expert, though if he slims down a little he will be quite famous in this profession."

Chen thought inside his mind. As he walked toward the mansion, which was opened for the party.

Though! The ground beside the mansion was used as a golf area, right now it was decorated with many things for entrainment for the party. When Chen heard the guard calling him with an inspection look.

"Hello Sir, can I see your party invitation for this event."

Chen was about to take out the card when he heard a guy from the inside call out his name and walked toward him furiously with a sneer on his face.

"Huh! A fucking monkey from the lower society was able to get his hand on the invitation card, is that some kind of joke or what..."

Chen's face turned a little serious as he looked at the boy on the side, where the guard turned to look at the boy and turned to look, at Chen.

Not thinking much Chen took out the card and gave it to the guard to check if he was allowed or not.

Where the guard, smiled at Chen with a polite smile when the boy on the side again screamed with anger.

"What the hell! You even rob something like an Invitation card, to meet with Ai Ai! Chen, I am about to call the police to get you arrested, I cannot allow a bumpkin like you to enter such a high-class party and destroy its prestige."

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