
She Ran Away Pt.1

A trembling figure stood in front of a desk afraid of the pain his next sentence would bring him.

"She's not home, sir. Head of security just called to confirm".

The atmosphere turn cold and the secretary immediately looked down afraid of seeing the expression on his CEOs face.


The secretary immediately jump in fear.

The shaking of his hands almost made him spill the documents in his hands. Not wanting to be in the room any longer he ran out to fulfill his boss's order.

"Yes, sir", he yelled on his way out.

Outside of MJ city, a woman stood peacefully by a river. She hadn't felt as free as she had since the days before she met him.

The ringing of her phone interrupted her thoughts.

"Is it done? And are you sure he won't find me?"

"Yeah, just make sure to keep a low profile from now on. I'm sure he'll be looking."

"Thank you so much Sara, I promise I won't forget this."

After the phone call, Brae walked back towards her car.

She wasn't sure where she was going to live yet but she knew it wasn't going to be anywhere near MJ city.

His headquarters was there and she wasn't stupid enough to screw herself over again.


It's been two years and Brae has just started to feel a sense of peace.

She's no longer afraid of someone following her as she walks the sidewalk. No longer as wary of new people she meets.

At one point she thought he might have stopped looking for her but the updates Sara gives her tell her otherwise.

In the two years she's left him, she got a job, a dog, and met new friends. She felt God was finally giving her relief after possibly the worst relationship she's ever had the misfortune of being forced into.

The only thing she's grateful for was the fact she left before he could start planning a wedding. She was only 18 at the time and she hated his guts to top it off.

Even if everyone was telling her how great a man he was only she knew how crazy he acted in private.

Always suspicious, controlled everything about her. She couldn't take it anymore. She knew she'd go crazy if she had stayed.

Even if she was an orphan with no template of a healthy relationship to model, she knew theirs was not healthy. She had no say in anything.

All his friends became her friends, and all they did was ram praises of him into her head every meet up.

Today she was going to meet up Pete. She met him almost a year ago. Pete was a great help in a adjusting to R city.

He helped her move into her second apartment after not feeling safe in the first one and was there for her when she needed a friend.

Although he could be annoying sometimes he was very funny and a great friend. She's hoping they can be more than friends.

Although she's not very good at picking up social quies, she thinks Pete might like her, hopefully. Anyways it's time she move on and stop dwindling on the past and start dating.

She put on her favourite pair of jeans. The ones that make her legs look endless and thin.

She didn't want to look like a try hard either so instead of a cute blouse, Brae chose a plain white t-shirt. She's not someone who likes too much colour.

She really hopes Pete asks her out today. Or else why would he choose such a romantic café to meet.

Unknown to her, Pete wasn't the one who texted her. Sure the person used his phone but Pete was busy trying to stay alive in a basement in MJ city at the moment.