
Possessive Devil's and Fallen Angels (short stories)

Short stories that involve fallen angels and lost goddesses that fall into the hands of possesive devil's and handsome yandere's. ~~~~~ "where are you running of to hmm?" she heard the dreaded voice she had been having nightmares about. "Turn around." his stern voice snapped through the air making her spine snap upright with chills. The command shot right through her and without realising she turned to meet his fiery glare. "What a coincidence" lotte joked in fear. "hahhh..." he sighed running his hand through his hair before looking back and meeting her eyes dead on, "coincidence? Let's not pretend. My little dove escaped and I came to get her back so she could live safely in her cage." "N-no!" Lottle trembled. "What do you mean, 'No' ? It wasn't a question it was a order. Your coming back whether you like it or not." ~~~~~ (A/N: WARNING MATURE CONTENT, NOBODY 17 OR YOUNGER SHOULD READ. CONSENSUAL AND NON-CONSENSUAL SEXUAL THEMES THROUGHOUT AND SOME DESCRIPTIONS OF ABUSE. SINCE THEY ARE SHORT STORIES I WILL PUT COMMENTS AT THE BEGGINGING OF THE STORY TO DISCLOSE WHETHER THERE IS ANY OF THE ABOVE WITHIN IT.)

Spawn_devil171 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Falling for the Fallen (Part 1)

(A/N: WARNING there are some descriptions of abuse, kidnapping and torture that may distress readers)

Iris had never met one of the fallen before. Only from stories she heard of their wicked, deceitful pasts. Old tales of monstrous creatures made up of hatred and betrayal fogged her mind as she looked forward at the perfectly carved statue of a man in front of her.

"What are you doing here angel?" distaste lased his words as his shadow filled eyes flickered back and forth between Iris and the demon corpse she was carrying.

"Correcting the world's natural order. What are you doing here fallen?" she mimicked back smirking as he rolled his eyes.

"Ha! Of course! I forgot how trivial an angels work was." divulging from the topic he spun back around and left the destruction that filled the gloomy back alley.

Watching as he leisurely strolled away Iris's eyes followed his long white hair, wondering why one of the fallen she had been brought up to despise held looks more angelic and holy than any other angel she'd met.

"... Its cruel" she murmered as the corpse in her hand blew up into sparkles of light before scattering red ashes on the alley floor.

Curious as to why one of the fallen was there and even more so at the fact he was trying to stop the demon from corrupting more souls, she followed after.

Luckily he hadn't gotten far and was leisurely strolling along the street looking wistfully at the sky as he passed through a park entrance.

Following closely behind, Iris looked through the gate before realising she lost sight of him.

"Huh? Where did he disappear to?" she muttered whilst rubbing her head in confusion.

"Where did who disappear to, hmm?" she heard a deep voice creep up behind her unexpectedly.

"Ahhh!" she screamed , jumping back in fright.

"Hahaha, you'd be a pretty poor spy. Why are you following me so secretively?" his smirking face began to turn stern after looking at her flushed face.

Iris, who was swamped by embarrassment, covered her face with her hands and avoided the question by spinning around. Releasing her two snowy white wings that had streaks of silver splashing through where the light spilled over them.

"...! " his face paled at the sight of her wings, they were truly magnificent and dazzling but if any human were to see she would be as sure as dead.

Diving towards her, he pushed her backwards onto the soft grass covering her in a black fog like coat. Leaning forward towards her ear he whispered for her to put her wings away.

Stunned by the whole affair, Iris retracted her wings and then pushed him of when she snapped out of the daze.

"What was that for!?" flustered, she stormed of whilst a faint pigment of red stained her cheeks.

Unknowingly, the fallen followed after under the pretense of ensuring that their kind wasn't discovered.

"You shouldn't pull your wings out like that even I know that much," he started lecturing her as she spun around and pouted unable to defend her pride.

"Hmpff... "

"I didn't think the simple question of why you were following me was so difficult, but seeing how ruffled your feathers were just now I take it your a little unexperienced, huh?"

"N-No! I've got plenty experience!" she instantly yelled back, although her defense was a little misleading and only earged the fallen to play around a little more.

"Really?" leaning forward his breath brushed past her ear making her shiver, "What kind of experience?"

Startled at the question, she fell backwards into the ground stuttering on her words as she got the implication.

"Hahaha! I take it none from a response like that." he laughed, wiping away imaginary tears.

"uh-uh none of your business! What does it matter anyway?!" stuttering, she stood back up and wiped the dirt of the hem of her silk dress.

"I'm surprised you still haven't been taken given this level of innocence," he murmered under his breath as he wrapped a a white fur coat around her.

"Huh?" shocked, she looked up in curiosity.

"... You looked cold," he responded, looking down at her furrowed brows, "just take it."

"Haha! what a gentleman how unexpected from a guy who pushed me onto the ground and has a mind that filters everything out bar that," she snorted whilst continuing to wrap the coat around herself.

"Who was it who took a sexual innuendo from a question completely unrelated to sex?" he sneered sarcastically as he tapped his chin with his index finger.

"Shut up! You know full well that you were guiding me towards that assumption." she defended, her face growing redder by the second.

"Really? I must be releasing a lot of sexual tension for you to get that from what I said" he finished, gazing down on her with crescent eyes as her mental wall exploded and her face glowed in embarrassment.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! It was you! Definitely you who made out about that thing when speaking." she stumbled as she stepped into his trap.

"What 'thing'? Hmm?" he teased as her eyes became glazed over in pink coating.

'Aww is she gonna cry over this? How cute.'

"You know...S-s-s-s-se-se...ahhh! You know what I mean." she stuttered.

"Hmm do I?" he went further, this time causing her to fume up in anger and embarrassment.

"S-se-se-s..."she gave up looking up at him with watering eyes and flushed cheeks.


" YES! SEX!" she yelled. Not realising what she said she clasped her mouth shut with her hands.

"Really?" he sniggered as she bit her lip in embarrassment. Thinking it was criminal someone was this seductive, he launched forward to meet face to face.

"What are you doing?" she whispered shyly as her hands lowered.

"Admiring your eyes, they seem to sparkle even in darkness." he stated unaffected by the impact it had on her as her heart began to beat faster.

Iris could feel her throat drying up and she feared if she swallowed he would hear it and mistake it for fear. She didn't want to give him more reasons to tease her.

"Why did you come down to earth? Just for some demon that would have been killed by the reapers anyway...you treat me like I'm suspicious but your the one going against the norm, " he said gazing directly into her eyes, "pretty. "

"what do you mean? I came down here because! ... Because" she sighed struggling to come up with a believable answer. She couldn't tell him she just felt instictually drawn towards this place and then stumbled over a demon.

"Well, I think this is over sherlock," he smirked before wandering off again with a slight wave.

Somehow his dismissal of her tugged at her heart edging her to follow after him, "W-wait!"

Running after, she tripped and fell, stumbling down into a thorny bush that pierced through her skin , "Shit, *hiss*"

Pale, wax like blood began spilling down her hand and pouring into the soil below. Panicking, she quickly tore a strip of her dress of and wrapped it around her hands.

There was one rule angels had to follow and it was to never reveal their presence to humans. Ever since a human tricked an angel to make tools with the lubricant like blood that created and almost indestructible shield around all metals. It was inevitable that human greed resulted in the loss of an angels life.

'Shit, I need to get out of here or else I'm screwed.'

Opening up her wings, she decided it was best she flee now before the fallen smelt her blood. There was a myth that if the fallen were to smell the blood of an angel they'd get a craving to drink it as a way to restore their wings. It might just be a myth but...

Her wings gracefully cut through the air at increasing speeds to prepare for takeoff however before she could escape a dark fog wrapped around her foot, dragging her down.

"why are you running away, I thought you were curious about me. Don't tell me your going back to heaven so soon, " the dark voice coiled itself around her as she felt herself being engulfed in the darkness.


Opening her eyes, she realised she was left in darkness, "where am I? I'm sure I was going to go back but then... That guy, he came and... Nnnggg"

'It's even painful to think, did he give me something to make my head feel this heavy, ughh'

"Your up! Finally. I almost died whilst waiting for you to wake. Do you remember what happened?" that familiar voice echoed in the darkness and although he seemed sympathetic he was still acting suspicious.

"I don't. Do you know where we are?" Iris asked, conscious of her words so he didn't suspect she knew he was acting.

"The darkness I suppose, it's where the fallen are abandoned by God and stripped of their wings."

"So why am I here?" she already knew the answer. She had been disgarded after her carelessness and now she would just be another fallen.

"Because I put you here" the monotone words created a deafening silence that sent shivers up Iris' back.

"You? How? Why?! " the questions spilled from her lips as she tried to escape only to find she couldn't move her body for being tied down.

"Shhh... Don't panic, I'm gonna turn the lights back on but I'll turn them off again if you scream.". the soft warning meant nothing to her as the fear and pain began to grow and tears threatened to spill from her eyes.


The lights turned on but after being in the dark so long it was hard to make out where she was. Listening, she could hear steps nearing and then stopping in front of her. Squinting, she managed to make out his face in front and discover she was stood upright.

"Why are you doing this to me? I thought you left why did you come back?" she trembled, fearing what he had to say.

"I was but something smelt so irresistible, I just had to have a bite. However you won't believe how shocked I was to discover it was you." he fantasised as his hand neared her face to brush back her hair.

"Y-your going to eat me?" tears began to run down her face as she realised how messed up the situation was.

"No. I'm gonna do a lot worse than eating you," he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around her side as he snuggled into her nape, "I'm gonna make you one of the fallen so you can never leave again. It will be sad to see those beautiful wings be chopped off however its the only way you won't be able to leave me."

"No! let me go!" " she screamed frantically, rattling the chains that tied her arms above her head to a pole and kept her feet rooted to the ground.

"Don't worry, I'll keep them on display so you can see them everyday and be reminded of me and what I am willing to do to keep you by my side." his sinister tone made her helpless as her knees buckled and her head fell landing on his shoulder.

The fallen could feel her tears seeping through his shirt however his one track mind didn't allow him to diverge from the plan.

" Well I better get started, but first..." he pulled out a seringe from his pocket before prodding it into her arm, "we don't want you to feel that much pain, do we?"

"Ssstopppp..." she drowsily moaned as her body relaxed in his arms.

"... cute."

He had no idea what tool would slice through a pair of angels wings, especially tools from the human realm. Whilst wondering he noticed she had a dagger hidden away at her ankle strap probably there in case she ran into a situation like this. Laughing, he grabbed it and stroked his finger down the bladed side.

"Should work."


Waking up, she felt a burning agony soar up her back as painful cries and screams burst out uncontrollably. She knew it would hurt but not this much, did he even stitch it up.

"Aww, I'm sorry. It hurts doesn't it," although the words themselves were caring, his tone gave away his satisfaction.

Still bawling in pain while curling up on a bed, she menacingly glared at him through her tears.

"Don't give a glare like that, it doesn't suit you."

"I don't care! you've cut my wings off you monster!!!" she yelled with all her might while choking on her own tears.

"Hahh, but how else was I going to make you stay" the statement held no remorce and it only infuriated her more.

"Agggghhhh!" she painfully moaned as her back brushed against the bed.

He began to cautiously near her, holding another seringe in his hand, "don't worry it's anaesthesia, it'll help."

At his point her body became limp as her joints could no longer move and he could easily administer the drug. He carefully lifted her up and rolled her onto her side before lying down next to her.

"You should just learn to love me and we can live happily together forever"