

"You up?" Tre stood at the door fully dressed, his thick, shoulder-length black hair dripping from the shower.

Cleo groaned as she stretched in bed. Last night had been restless, with dreams of the surfboard, her name engraved into its surface, and the waves. Strangely, they happened while she was conscious, just kept coming, and she couldn't control them. While she was excited about these signals, she wondered if they really had to come in the middle of the night.

Tre nodded and said he'd be downstairs. He'd slept in another room last night, suggested having separate rooms since it was such a large house. It was a little disappointing since she expected they'd share a room. Well, more space in the bed for myself, she thought.

Cleo rolled out of bed, falling face-first onto the rug. After five minutes of debating to get up, she splashed water on her face, slapped the sleep away, and headed downstairs, hoping Tre bought breakfast.

"So when are you going to head out to the beach?" Tre asked, looking out the kitchen window. He'd finally finished his "important" business call that'd lasted about an hour while she munched on some sandwiches that were on the table.

"We could've already gone if you weren't so busy," she rolled her eyes. She couldn't help being annoyed. He never had enough time. But then again, she needed to be alone today anyway.

"Cleo, you know I get important business calls." It was true, though he always kept his work life secret. It was some type of government job, he'd told her. He often left in the nights and evenings.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "I think work's going to keep me busier than usual today. Please just go without me, I want you to see how amazing this beach is. You'll love it."

"Yeah yeah," she said, hiding a smile. She couldn't wait to head out, to get to the bottom of this mystery. The sea had been roaring in her ears all day, and her name on the board's surface continued to flash in her mind, a glimpse of the adventure to come. Someone wanted her to go out to the water, to uncover this mystery, she felt it. She felt the ocean's call deep in her soul, its energy buzzing through her veins. Oh, just you wait. I'm coming, she thought.

* * *

Cleo. Cleo. Cleo. She was upstairs again, touching the engraved letters that whispered to her. They were in such a strange font, mystical and ancient-looking. I'm not the only one in the world named Cleo. She shook it off. That was the old villagers' words getting to her head. "She always pokes around when there's nothing to see," they'd say. "Too desperate for adventure," the neighbors would shake their heads. I'll show them, she thought. This board was meant for her. She gazed at the clear water from the balcony. There was only one place she could go that would reveal everything.

She glanced at her reflection in the closet door mirrors, trying to undo the massive knot in her auburn hair. She was already dressed in the only swimsuit she owned, a yellow one-piece that'd been with her for as long as she could remember. As if telling her to hurry up, the evening sun spilled into the room, reminding her that it was getting late.

"Ok, ok, I get it," she muttered. With a deep breath, she carefully lifted the magical board and tucked it under her arm, heading downstairs into the empty kitchen. Tre had left for work after she told him she was going to the beach alone. She would tell him everything after she uncovered this mystery. No harm in hiding a secret for a little bit, right?

A whirlwind of excitement swirled in her stomach as the fresh breeze greeted her on the outside porch. She ran across the white sand, feeling its warmth through her bare feet, tightly grasping the board under her arm. A biker almost ran her over as she darted across the path.

She stopped at the sand, breathing fast. There was the glistening water, the pillowing sand...but something was missing. The people. She looked everywhere, not seeing a single soul. The silver watch Tre'd given her told her it was six o'clock. "How odd," she murmured to herself. Well, I get the beach all to myself, then, she thought happily.

The oddly-calm waves greeted her with a silent splash. The entire sea was silent, barely moving. She waded in, surprised to find that it was also the perfect temperature, nice and warm.

"Well, you sure are being nice to me today," she chuckled. She was used to the ocean, to its waves and touch, but not this kind. Back home it was wild, cold, the waves always thrashing, but this was different. This water seemed more special, as if it were meant just for her at that moment, alone in its stillness.

She stayed like that for a while, mesmerized, forgetting about her quest and worries. She had never felt this much peace. Only when she glanced down at the board, seeing her name on its crystalline surface, did she remember. With a sparkle in her eyes and her body quivering with excitement, she began to paddle into the deep. It was time. For what, exactly, she wasn't sure. At least she knew this wasn't some wild goose chase. She wasn't trying to build an adventure out of nothing like the villagers would say. She wasn't going to let whoever sent these signs to her down.

"I'm ready," she smiled down at the water. "Don't hide anymore." She moved her hand through the clear water, creating a ripple, waiting a bit impatiently. Suddenly her eyes widened to saucers. Oh, it'd stopped hiding alright. An enormous, hundred-foot tall wave had silently appeared out of nowhere-and was heading right towards her.