
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Makima's Foreign Lover - 1

At Makima's Office..

"Hello, Ms.Makima!.. It's nice to meet you!.. From today on I will be working directly under your care.. I hope we can get along!.." the man politely greeted, bowing down to show his respect for his senior at work. 

Makima didn't visibly show much of any physical reaction, having heard that the Devil Hunter was transferring from another area, but she was pleasantly surprised to see that he was certainly foreign. His Japanese wasn't flawless, but it wasn't so bad either. The height at which he stood was significantly tall, perhaps somewhere over six feet. His frame was muscular and toned, visible through his black suit and white buttoned shirt. His skin was dark and tanned, completely the opposite of Makima and many of the other citizens of Japan who were all generally pale and light skinned. She couldn't quite put her finger on why, but she found his exotic smell to be…. Pleasant.

"Yes.. Likewise, It's nice to meet you too." responded Makima. 

After lifting his head and getting a better look at her, he found trouble in keeping himself composed. 

"They weren't kidding about her looks… God damn, she is gorgeous!..." He thought to himself, trying not to hamper his first impressions by allowing his wandering eyes to go detected, maintaining eye contact without slipping up and showing his keen interest. 

Makima seemed to know everything, surprising him with a slight smile that made his heart skip a beat. Almost as if to say "thank you", even though there was no real way for her to tell what he was thinking. 


The next couple of weeks pass by without a hitch. The Devil Hunter from abroad completes the missions that Makima assigns him without fail. His performance was astounding, equally as powerful as he was confident in his looks. Of course, being the Makima herself, she wasn't an easy person to receive genuine compliments from. However, once she'd noted that she was definitely impressed, albeit mildly.

Meeting with her again, after being summoned to her office, Makima seemed to be in an excellent mood.

"Say… Do you want anything?... I've been working your tail off for the past few weeks, and you're still new and establishing yourself here in Japan's division.. And yet, you aren't missing a step… I'd say that type of dedication deserves a reward for your service… Is there anything you had in mind?.." asked Makima, head tilting slightly to the side as she rested her chin on her hands, a bright smile that was almost sultry, always finding himself mesmerized by those meticulously detailed eyes. 

"A reward?..." he muttered to himself in disbelief, having never expected such spoiled treatment. 

Makima wasn't known to pick favorites, apparently. And yet, here he was

"Yes.. A reward.. It can be anything you would like, as long as it's in my power of course.." 

"Then!.. Will you let me take you out on a date?.." he asked in a hurry, hardly processing what he'd just blurted out in the heat of the moment. It seemed like he'd just spoken the first thing that came to mind. Makima's appearance was alluring, and it was almost like she had this aura about her that was enticing. Her personality separated herself from the rest. 

"A date?... Oh, my… I'm surprised… I wasn't expecting this, to tell you the truth.. " replied Makima, the emotions she claimed to be expressing conflicting with the unbothered look on her face.

"D-Did I really just ask that?... Well, it's too late to back down now… Let's go for the kill!..." 

"Yes!... I would really love to take you out on a date when you aren't busy!..." he doubled down on his request, with a look of determination and fire in his eyes.


This was certainly a first for Makima. Although popular and exceptionally beautiful to the point where it was never surprising if a man held feelings of attraction towards her, none ever had the gall to actually act upon them, asking her out despite the gap in status, being the boss of many of the Hunters.

"Very well, then.. I'll take you up on your offer.. Let's go on this… date~." replied Makima, deciding to entertain his request on a whim, smiling at his obviously thrilled reaction as he nearly pumped his fist in the air and started celebrating on the spot. 


A day later..

Makima and the foreigner devil hunter found themselves with some free time to spend together, meeting up after business hours and then keeping their promise of having a date. Makima didn't know what to expect, having not been on a date in quite some time, in fact, she couldn't remember when the last time even was. Nonetheless, the man, while nervous at first, gradually grew more confident as the day passed by. 

On their visit to the movie theatre, he was bold enough to wrap his arm around her waist, keeping his large hands at bay on the side of her hip. He managed to keep his cool on the exterior, but on the inside he was almost panicking wondering if he had gone too far. The man didn't want to overstep his boundaries, but he didn't want to keep a prude, unsuccessful date either. Makima noticed his overly familiar touch, but didn't comment on it, instead glancing over towards his direction and noticing the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. This wasn't any ordinary woman, after all. This was Makima

As the movie went on, and their almost cuddling positions gnawed at his sanity, he audibly gulped as he planned to take things another step further. The ever so beautiful redhead teased him by resting her head against his broad shoulders, after all, that was something natural to do on a date, was it not? Especially considering how she was gauging his every reaction, delighting in how flustered he would become, and yet how natural he acted on the outside. 

"Oh… I can tell that your mind is no longer on the movie, is it?.." seductively purred Makima, feeling the palm of his hand slide back and rub over her curvaceous backside, the tight white pants that she was wearing allowed him to cop a decent feel of her amazing ass. It was something that he'd taken notice of whenever he'd purposefully walk behind her in the hallways, and there was no chance in hell that he would let an opportunity like this escape him. Walking behind her in the middle of the day and then grabbing her behind was a sure death sentence, but with the atmosphere of a date and how well they've been getting along so far, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to go for it. 

"Shit!... I really did it!... I kill Devil's for a job, but this is almost scarier than that!... She's not mad, is she?... Damn, her butt is so soft!...." he internally commented, with Makima's next course of action shooting all the blood rushing through his veins directly to his crotch. She lifted her ass off the chair and then allowed him to slip it underneath her, taking a seat directly on his hand while she intently gazed onto his face. 

"This is what you wanted, right?.." she asked rhetorically, allowing him to cup her round backside freely without consequence, laughing to herself as it looked like he was on the verge of freezing up and passing out at that moment. 

"M-Makima…." he gasped, unsure what to say.

Pretending as if nothing had changed, and having her little fun, Makima refocused her attention on the movie, with the man's hand still experimentally groping her backside, wondering how far he could go before being reprimanded. 

When the movie was over, the couple continued their date elsewhere. As they navigated the sidewalks of the town, she had noticed that he seemed to be gravitating closer to her whenever he possibly could. The stunt he pulled at the movie theatre was far from subtle, but the rest of his actions were. Keeping his hand glued to her hip, leaning in very close when he'd speak with her, which allowed Makima to inhale his potent scent, keeping the comments as to how pleasant she found it to herself. 

He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he was able to not only touch, but fondle Makima's clothed ass for a long portion of that movie, remembering how he wished it would never end. 

The date went on with the locations they visited growing in number, planning the entire day out himself as he took the initiative in showing and taking her places of his choosing. 

"Makima… I gotta say, that outfit looks incredibly sexy on you…" he huskily growled, nearing his limits of how much he could hold himself back. It was troublesome hiding his massive bulge which came to life as a result of the prolonged period of time he spent feeling her amazing ass, and the longer time they spent together acting like a couple, the hornier he'd get. He knew that Makima was supposed to be his unattainable, goddess-like woman. A man could only dream about spending time like this with her. 

"Is that so?... I wasn't sure what to wear, considering I hardly go out like this.." she admitted, readjusting her pants and pulling them higher up her thin waist, inadvertently shaking her butt which made the humongous man clench his fists and flex his muscles in order to prevent another bulging erection. 

"Yeah… Except… Your outfit… It definitely looks really tight…" he commented, staring directly at her plump backside, biting his bottom lip as he did so and casually bringing up his left hand to touch it smoothly. 

"My… How daring of you, to do such a thing in public.." she whispered, holding onto his abdomen and feeling his chiseled muscle. Their connection was obvious to the passerbying crowd around them, and Makima could hear some of the comments being said about the unlikely couple with her exceptional hearing. 

"Oh my gosh… He's so tall!..." 

"Wow… What a size difference... "

"I've always heard that foreign men like him have really big-... You know…"

"What did they call it again?... Big black cock?..." 

The gossip surrounding them didn't fall on deaf ears, maybe in his case as he was too busy focusing on the bombshell of a woman beside him. He didn't anticipate the date would progress this smoothly. Normally, picking up and charming a woman wasn't much of a task for him. After all, he was tall, handsome, vascular, muscular, powerful, somewhat wealthy and most of all he was a beast in bed. There were several women that found his race as exotic, a reason for curiosity as there were various rumours, especially in Japan regarding the differences of most men and those that were black. 

Makima heard everything, but acted as if she didn't. After all, it was incredibly difficult to tell what was going on in that head of hers. In fact, even though it was painfully obvious, she knew that he wanted to have sex with her. It didn't take much of a genius to figure that out, and it wasn't unlike a man to desire such a thing from a luxurious woman such as herself.

Time flies by when you don't want it to, and the luckiest man on Earth who'd just taken out Makima on a date was scrambling for thoughts on how to prevent their night from ending. They had completely finished through his entire date plan, and Makima didn't seem in a rush to leave as she noticed that he was having trouble talking about something. Until finally, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned in her direction, breaking the question that's been trapped in his throat, wondering if this was the right decision to make. 

"Makima… Before you go home… Would you like to come over to my place for a drink?... The truth is, we're pretty close at the moment… So I was thinking maybe…." his voice trailed off. He was already grateful that she'd accepted his invitation for a date, but he wondered if his avarice would be his downfall in requesting something again despite the kindness she'd already displayed.

"A drink?... Are you sure that's all you want us to do there?..." replied Makima, lips curling in an almost half smile, reading his mind and knowing fully well what he means by such an invitation. A man inviting a woman at this time of the night after a date, his intentions couldn't be any less clear. 

"No… Of course not… There's something else that's been on my mind since the day I first met you…" he confessed, standing promptly in front of her, looking down at Makima who needed to stare up at him given their differences in height. 

"Hmm~... Well, that's certainly quite the confession, is it not?..." 

"I can't keep these urges to myself any longer…" he admitted, his stance letting her know that he was serious about this. 

"I understand… I'm just surprised you had the courage to ask me… I'll tag along with you, to your house… In your room… With just me and you… Treat me gently, will you?..." she teased, stepping forward and leaning against his front, pressing both of her hands against his chest and keeping a sultry gaze on her face.


The man was visibly stunned, jaw dropped and everything. From the very beginning, the prospect of even taking out Makima on a date seemed far-fetched. When he'd accidentally spoken what came across his mind, he expected to be rejected. Even now, when he decided that the night wouldn't be complete unless he invited her over, he believed that she would say no. He was under the impression that maybe, he would be able to seduce her over a period of time. Not after one day. That is, if it was even possible to seduce a woman like Makima. Even though she would flirt back with him, it never felt like she was the one wanting it more. He wasn't even certain if she was aroused, or merely getting touched and groped by him was nothing but child's play. 

"I'll treat you like a woman deserves to be treated, Makima…" he responded, not cockily, but supremely confident. Now that he was given the chance, he was going to make absolutely sure that it was a choice she would never regret. Just like he'd never failed a single mission he was assigned, he vowed not to fail this once in a lifetime chance either. 

"I'm looking forward to it, then~..." she responded, pushing him slightly back when he looked as if he was about to pounce her right then and there, calmly flipping her hair to the side and walking ahead of him, looking back in his direction and watching as his eyes immediately relocated to her fine butt that moved with every step. 

"Come now, you will show me the way, won't you?..." beckoned Makima with her fingers, despite the man appearing to be almost twice her size, with massive legs and biceps and a huge frame, it felt like she had control over him entirely. Whatever she wanted, he would immediately comply. 


A few minutes later…

"Makima… Um, I'm not sure how to say this, but… I don't have any condoms…" he whispered into her ear, now impatiently palming her ass while his steps would occasionally intrude with hers, breathing heavily as he wished nothing more but to immediately make his way back to his apartment. Thinking about the things he was going to do to Makima and this tight ass of hers was making him wild

Pointing with her finger, Makima directed him towards a convenience store that was located directly next to his apartment. 

"Oh, yeah.. I completely forgot there was one near me!..." he said, perhaps lying so that he could find an excuse to go raw. 

Makima didn't rule out this possibility, but merely smiled and found the notion adorable. Walking ahead of him as she appeared to do out of habit, she held onto his wrist and dragged him towards the store, the strong man feeling weak in numerous ways when it came to Makima. 

Searching around the shelves, the man was scanning for his size before Makima picked up a box of condoms before he could even locate it. The 00.1 condoms, holding him by the hand and leading him forward as they made their way towards the counter.

"Yes… I would like to purchase this for this man right here…" spoke Makima, almost making a show out of buying a pair of condoms with a huge, black man standing right next to her. Attracting some of the eyes and chatter of women who understood well was about to take place tonight. He couldn't stop himself from almost feeling bashful, heart racing as his sexy boss, who was the ideal, perfect woman had taken him to the store to buy some rubber for later. 

"You don't have to buy it for me, Makima.. Let me pay for it…" he whispered into her ear, having to lean downwards as he did so.

"No… Today's my treat… And you'll be paying me back with something else, aren't you?..." she replied, teasingly staring directly at his crotch, smiling from his facial expression upon realizing what she was insinuating. 

A big, muscular and powerful man he certainly was. But he felt tiny sometimes when he was with Makima. 


At this apartment…

"Sit down on your bed for me, will you?" asked Makima, even if she was offering politely, there was something that felt so commanding about the way she would speak. 

It was his apartment, his room, his bed. And yet, Makima was calling all the shots as if she'd owned the place. And he listened, not even batting an eye. Taking a seat on the edge of his mattress, he felt a surge of adrenaline throughout his body. This was really happening. This wasn't a fantasy. This was real. Everything was hitting him all at once, as his cock lurched with excitement. 

Makima didn't need to tell what she was planning, the purpose behind her actions was easily identifiable. The redhead walked up towards him with a slight sway to her childbearing hips, placing her finger underneath his chin, pressing it up so that he looked directly at her face.

"Eyes on me…" said Makima, dropping low into a squatting position, refusing to kneel because from her perspective, it was a sign of control, something she wouldn't subject herself to. 

No complaints were received, considering he was able to see her fat rump sticking out behind her. Her piercing gaze took the breath away from him, captivated by her beauty, and aroused by her seductiveness, something that occurred without having to exert much effort. 

"Makima…" he mouthed to himself, clenching tightly onto the bedsheets underneath. 

"I've heard a lot about it… This thing here.." spoke Makima in her usual nonchalant voice, poking at the apparent tent in his pants that was none other than his turgid erection begging for release and trying to escape the suffocating confinements of his pants. They were all simply too tight for a man of his size. Large and burly in various places. He jumped slightly at having his penis poked with her fingers, as she teasingly trailed both digits up and down the length, staring at it intently.

"You did?.." he gasped, trying to make conversation but having trouble following her words, not wanting to outright ignore her.

"Yes.. There were some girls chatting about how big black men are down there… I was just wondering if that was true?.." questioned Makima.

"You're free to find out.." he murmured, having Makima's face situated this close to his crotch was sending him into a frenzy, gripping tightly onto the blankets to maintain his cool. 

"I propose I will, then.. I doubt that someone would lie about such a thing.." spoke Makima, requiring both hands to fiddle with the stubborn zipper of his trousers, struggling slightly to pull it past his behemoth bulge, the outline of his cock and its size was already noticeably larger than anything else she'd ever seen.

Grabbing at his belt, and then pulling the buckle apart, Makima's job was made easier as his pants fell down slightly. Then, she was capable of pulling the zipper down, finally releasing the button, his pants coming undone as her piqued curiously reached her moment of anticipation. It wasn't often where Makima would think about such things, genuinely surprised that the size of a black man's cock was something that would linger in the back of her mind. 

Slipping her nimble fingers within the hem of his trousers, and pulling them down to his ankles, Makima came face to face with his boxer clad crotch. Now, the imprint of his manhood was glaringly apparent. She paused for a moment and looked at him.

"I can't believe this is happening.." he spoke to himself, feeling like a million bucks and they hadn't even gotten started yet. 

"How long has it been like this?.. I can already see some of your cum leaking through your boxers.." commented Makima, noticing the dampness around where the head was located. He flinched at her statement, and didn't know how to answer. Makima didn't seem to care, however. Drawing her face closer, and placing a light kiss on the tip, causing him to gasp in pure shock, as the hottest woman he'd ever seen started sniffing his cock. 

"The smell is very strong… Do you wash it often?" she asked.

"Of course I do!.. Every day, in fact!.." he responded. 

"Don't worry, it doesn't bother me.. I quite like it, even.. That is, your smell.. Can I take these off now?.." asked Makima, while the man took some time to recover from the perverted comments she made with a straight face.

"She likes my smell?.." he thought for a quick moment, before responding by nodding his head frantically. 

Makima, perhaps purposefully, tugged down at his boxers in a tantalizingly slow manner. The base of his hardened shaft was revealed, as his length was bent downwards and slowly but surely it was being freed. Travelling downwards aiming for the cockhead, noticing that the veiny black turgid object looked ready to spring out at any moment. Makima was speechless the entire way, stripping him but not without living in the moment, never recalling a moment where she'd been this intrigued by a man before. Was this feeling love? No, not yet. Lust? Maybe, but Makima has never fallen victim to such a trifling emotion. All that she could say confidently was that she was…. Curious

That mental confirmation was precisely when the dark, ebony cockmeat whipped out in surprising, forceful fashion. Perhaps sitting an inch away from being struck on the face, Makima's eyes widened slightly at the revelation of the monstrous appendage in front of her. 

"It seems like they weren't lying… This is… Quite impressive..." commented Makima, the literal foot long close enough from her face that he could feel her warm breath against it. Truth be told, it was something alike she'd never seen. His penis was of a gargantuan, one of a kind size. Her slender, cold fingers struck first, using both hands to wrap around the thick girth, pulling him forward by his tool with her face rubbing against the slightly sweaty undershaft. A large shadow casted upon the middle of her nose and forehead, demonstrating the absurdity of his size, nose located directly against his almost grapefruit sized testicles, smelling him once more like she'd occasionally done at the date. The heaviness of her breathing was tickling him, as he'd taken notice of her slight scent fetish, finding the fact that his dick was taller than her model-like face, positioned directly in between her enthralling eyes

"Makima… You're breathing so hard… Do you really like smelling me that much?..." he asked.

"I can say that I fancy it…" commented Makima, closing her eyes and inhaling a deep smell while her hands held snugly around his muscular thighs that felt like pillars.

He wanted to tell her to suck his cock, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Makima wasn't the type to be ordered around. Anything she did, was of her own choice and doing. Instead, he sat down patiently as she seemed to be analyzing his member, comparing it to the size of her forearm as she drew back and held it up against it.

"Well, I can't say that I was expecting this… By big, I was under the impression that meant bigger than average.. But this… The difference is quite ridiculous…" commented Makima, reaching behind her head and ensuring that her loose braid was properly fixed.

"Makima… Are you going to?..." he asked in a hopeful manner.

Makima didn't respond, instead continuing what she was doing while ogling his juicy member. His erotic, big black cock was capable of making women's mouth water from the mere sight of it. However, he knew she wouldn't be as easy. Taming women wasn't much of a challenge for him, but Makima, while voicing how impressed she had been, didn't show it. Other girls would be drooling, praising and gawking at his cock. That didn't happen, however. As Makima maintained her cool stare, and monotone but somewhat serious, sultry voice.


There was a silence that captured the room as tensions grew high, Makima was taking her time, keeping her mouth at a teasing distance that was driving him insane. Those pretty, soft tender lips were almost rubbing against his mushroom head, puckered at first before slowly opening them, a strand of saliva was visible from her parting mouth that was opening invitingly, staring into his eyes and hardly blinking. 

"Oh my God… It's happening, it's really happening!... Makima's going to suck my dick!.." he gasped internally, breath ragged as Makima's hot pink lips wrapped lovingly around her gift, having to stretch her mouth wider than anticipated as she engulfed his black bulbous tip. 

"Ooohhhhhnnnnn!!~...." His voice was typically coarse and deep, but quite the moan escaped him from the abrupt pleasure. Makima's mouth was so wet, and the insides felt incredibly warm as her tongue slid underneath the veiny undershaft. Focusing her breathing through her nostrils, Makima opened her maw wider to properly fit whatever else she could of his remaining inches inside. 

Firstly, she wanted to see how deep she could take him, unbothered by the dripping of drool from the sides of her lips. Makima was a clean person, but she didn't mind getting a bit dirty if it meant tasting this potent slab of exotic manmeat, swiping a strand of hair that was blocking her beautiful visage. Her plush lips trailing down his shaft, covering every inch with her sloppy saliva, digging her nails against his built thighs as her jaw hung wide open, as far as humanly possible without dislocating it. Every curvature of his thick length was basked within her oral orifice, not a single blowjob in mankind history would have surpassed the wide range of emotions running course through his mind and body 

At that very moment, he swore that he'd just officially fallen in love with Makima. Pushing forward and testing her own limits, she was forced to stop gagging after impressively taking him significantly past the halfway point. Makima wasn't sexually active by any means, but it sure seemed like it. After coughing slightly from the intrusion of her throat, and retreating swiftly before rewarding his fat black cock with long, hungry licks up along the pole, covering him with broad motions of her tongue in glistening, sticky saliva. His penis felt like a king amongst the others, even more so when Makima swirled her slimy wet muscle around the head, leaving him in awe at her lewd techniques. The same mouth that delivered the orders that could potentially determine his life or death, was now pleasuring him without hesitation. Spit slathered up the massive bellend, with Makima producing more saliva as a result of the thick musk travelling into her nostrils. Her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked on him nice and hard, taking it all back within the entrance of her mouth, maintaining eye contact while commencing the bobbing of her head.

At first, she didn't necessarily start fast. Taking her time, slowly working her way downwards with the intention of swallowing his cock, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her, loving the view of her dicksucking face with her coldexpressionless eyes that were also somehow vibrant at the same time capturing his heart. She was controlling everything, from the way he was feeling, the pleasure taking over his body. Makima had the keys to it all. 

"I want to make this woman mine." 

Is what he thought, now that he'd come this far. There wasn't a reason to back down, Makima was the love of his life. Her gentle fingers held him at bay as his hips couldn't stop bucking, gradually jerking her head faster to the tune of his arousal, spit dribbling out and occasionally flying as she worked her neck and mouth tirelessly over his member. The taste was exceptionally prominent, a noticeable salty taste perhaps from sweat from being outside all day, having never bothered to take a shower before engaging in their lewd activities. Makima knew fully well that he simply couldn't wait. 

"This feels so good, Makima!~.. You're amazing… Your mouth… It feels like you're making me melt~..." he praised, sticking his foot underneath her crotch with his toes bumping against the underside of her butt. 

Makima didn't have so much as a blush on her face. Nonchalant, an unreadable expression. Was she flustered? Excited? Bored? Aroused? It sure didn't seem like it, but for some reason that in itself was immensely attractive. He found it exceptionally hot

"Damn it… I think I'm going to cum… Agh, I usually last way longer… But this is too much!..." he gasped, grunting profusely when Makima responded not by stopping and pulling out but instead furiously whipping her head back and forth. His precum oozing dick was reaching the very end of her tongue, right at the entrance of her throat every time. The occasional slurp that emanated from her mouth brought him closer and closer to that long awaiting orgasm. 

His bloated ballsack was a product of constant teasing, spending several hours of the day thinking about this moment. Or at least, what was still yet to come. Makima dragged her lips all the way back but stopped right before his slippery meathead escaped her oral clutches, looking up at him with eyes asking "Are you going to cum?", refusing to blink as if she were staring into his soul.

Her answer came shortly after Makima decided to lap at his sensitive slit, putting the nail in the coffin as the big burly man groaned and ejaculated violently within the wet cavern of her mouth. Audibly, she made a noise of surprise when her cheeks were filled and bloated by the second spurt. The thick, gooey substance stuck around the ridges of her upper mouth, dripping down onto her pink tongue and creating a pool underneath. 

"I'm cuuuummmiiingg!!~...." he announced late, as Makima was already willingly swallowing his cum. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth and encouragingly licked the underside of his black sheath, milking him dry as her womanly fingers cupped his weighty testicles and lightly squeezed them for an extra push. His viscous semen shot with immense vigor, the pumping of his grandiose cock was visible, as was the gulping of her throat from the chugging of his cum. Shoveling all of the heavy load in her mouth after drawing back her tongue, capable of feeling it against him, gulp after gulp, drinking most of what he was producing in a ridiculous manner. A little bit trickled from the sides of her lips when the pouches of her cheeks bulged too full, lips glazed in semen as her tongue rolled out to catch the sweet liquid before it stained her clothes, making a circle around the oval shape her mouth had taken.

"She's drinking all of it up!... Makima just gave me a blowjob and is swallowing my cum!..." he thought, putting things into perspective. A literal minute passed by, with Makima receiving quite the leg workout from maintaining this squatting position for so long. Truth be told, she had found the taste of his cock leaning closer towards the delicious side rather than unpleasant. Interracial fetishes was never something she'd delved in before, but Makima certainly enjoyed his special taste and enormous size. 

"Jesus Christ, Makima… You sucked me dry!..." he sighed in relief, his big black body starting to sweat as if he'd started a light workout. 

There was a wet plop that separated his genitalia and her enticing lips, swiping a glob of semen with her finger and pushing it back onto her tongue, only to vanish and never be seen as she swallowed it. Makima inhaled a deep breath, making sure to smell his dick a final time before kissing it goodbye, standing up on her feet and tilting her head back, downing the rest of the spunk with her finger tracing her neck as if to demonstrate where it was being deposited from.

"How was it?... I take it was to your liking given how much came out… Do you normally cum that much?.." asked Makima, hand on her hip as she looked down at him.

"It's usually a lot, but never this much.. I think it's because it was you who was blowing me that made me bust so hard.." he said, rubbing the back of his head. 

"I see.. I'm glad you enjoyed it.." she responded, meanwhile her following actions totally derailed the conversation, capturing his throat as he couldn't utter a word when Makima unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her perfect pale skin, wearing a surprisingly skimpy red laced bra underneath. Reaching behind her back to immediately untie the knots, allowing her boobs to freely jiggle as they were freed from their confinements. Shaped magnificently with picture perfect nipples that were pink like her lips, with a thin waist and bodacious hips. 

"Shit…. Makima's so fucking hot!..."

"If I remember correctly, this is more to your liking~.." spoke Makima, turning around to face the opposite direction, hooking her fingers underneath her tight pants and having to wiggle herself out of them, bending over and sticking out her butt in all of its glorious plumpness. Making a show out of removing her pants, successfully showing little by little of the soft cushiony flesh every time she'd swing her hips and pull down on her undergarments with her fingers. After all, he'd spent a lot of their date thirsting over her big butt, touching and grabbing it, being the primary source of his arousal. 

Each of her squishy asscheeks spilled out from the top, until Makima was barely able to pull it past its sheer roundness. After completing its journey, her pants fell down her legs and onto her ankles. Makima was left wearing a matching sexyred thong that looked just about ready to disappear within her buttcrack. It was a sin to keep such a fine butt trapped behind a pair of pants, that's what the man thought as he continued ogling in mesmerization. His still lively erection throbbed until it reached full mast, his prick helmet that shone with spit wanted nothing more to ravage the woman before him.

"What's wrong?.. Cat got your tongue?.." she snickered, turning her head at his direction while she slithered her way out of the erotic thing. Stripping until she was completely naked from head to toe, her naked rear exposed in its prime form. He could've sat there and admired it all day if he was able to, nearly losing it when Makima brought both of her hands behind her and lifted her bouncy cheeks, showing the entrancing jiggle which was her tool equivalent to his BBC when it came towards taming sex partners. Men would do the craziest things to receive but a glimpse of her juicy rump. After letting him enjoy the view for a couple seconds longer, Makima crawled onto the mattress, inadvertently like a seductress before flipping over and laying on her back. 

"I'm just having trouble thinking straight with the most beautiful girl on earth naked and laying in my bed." he answered bluntly.

"Oh, you flatter me."

"Makima… I'll make sure you won't regret this… Have you ever had sex with a cock this big?" he asked curiously, grasping the base of his dangerous meatpole as if it were a sword, scooting forward as he carefully mounted Makima who was lying in wait.

"No, I haven't. You're the first one that I've seen grow to such a size." replied Makima.

"Do you like it big?" 

"I wouldn't say it's a bad thing."

He wanted to prove to her just how long his cock really was. Sure, Makima was already quite familiar with it after extracting his semen through oral sex, but he was under the impression that she didn't quite process the ungodly proportions of it. He accomplished this by mounting her but resting his black slab of meat against her white, toned stomach. Not only showing the contrast in their skin color, but demonstrating a preview of the depth at which he would reach. 

"Oh my… This will definitely be something.." commented Makima

"It sure will be… I'm going to fuck you so hard, Makima… I might even break your pussy!..." he started talking dirty as the adrenaline was kicking in and pumping blood to his veins. 

"You think so?... Mmm, don't forget to put on your condom… Don't think that I forgot about that~... It would be a problem if us Devil Hunters had a child now, wouldn't you think?" she teased, watching as her new black liver scrambled and searched for the box of condoms, ripping out a pack and tearing it open, attaching the large rubber over his cock, still somehow not a perfect fit due to how sturdy and weighty his elongated shaft had become.

"Alright, it's on now… I'm going to be sticking this inside of you, Makima… You like this big black dick?..." he panted, recalling earlier that he'd heard at least one of the girls talk about him in that way. It wasn't a surprise that he was the recipient of being fetishized. He perfectly fit the portrayal of what the ladies called BBC, after all. He wanted to figure out if Makika fell under that same category.

Instead, she didn't quite provide him with the answers he wanted. Only putting on a slight smile as she voluntarily spread her legs, showing him the gorgeous, slightly soaked wet folds that were a perfect shade of pink. He easily located her hole and pressed the painfully erect head of his fuckrod directly against her aching cunt. The condom covered penis carefully pushed past her entrance, feeling himself slowly getting sucked in by her wondrous pussy. A foreign sensation of tightness squeezed around him tightly, forcing him to grunt as he possessively held onto her legs and nudged his hips forward, stuffing her with more of his black cock, folds expanding bit by bit as the shape of her vagina was forced to adapt to the large invader.

Makima expected this to happen, but was still alarmed by how vicious the penetration felt. His dick wasn't only freakishly long, but intimidatingly sturdy too. It almost looked like a third leg dangling between his legs. He sank deeper into her molten heat, the body temperature of her skin when he touched her was nothing comparable to her inner tunnels that wrapped around his rubber clad erection. Her legs twitched slightly from the somewhat painful, excruciatingly long insertion. Not wanting to force himself inside all at once, he took his time guiding and feeding his monstrosity within her angelic pussy, until he finally bumped against the end of her innards, kissing her womb as an unfamiliar shockwave of scorching hot pleasure shot through Makima's cleft.


Mildly surprised by the width at which her inner crevice had stretched, as well as the lengths that he was reaching, Makima was satisfied by the experience. Thankfully, the man in which she granted the permission to have sex with her was more than qualified for the task, worthy of becoming intimate with a beauty such as herself. 

"How is it?... Your first taste of my cock, Makima?..." he asked, wanting to claim her as his. 

"It's certainly on the bigger side, that's for sure." she commented, still unmovable, seemingly unfazed by it all. Normally girls would be thrashing about and experiencing an orgasm about now. 

"Oh well.. It'd be boring if you were such an easy woman to conquer.." he muttered to himself, his hands roaming from her navel and travelling upwards until reaching her chest, grabbing two handfuls of her supple flesh, meanwhile surprising her with an onslaught of ferocious thrusts. He didn't only have sex with her, he fucked her. With an athletic frame from his constant physical training, paired along with being exceptionally tall and having bulging muscles that made Makima appear small, the mattress indented underneath their combined weight, plowing into her hot sex with rippling force that caused her precious breasts to bounce and jiggle.

Unexpectant of the aggressive pounding of his masculine hips, Makima held onto the soft pillows that her head was resting on. He was great, talented and capable of utilizing and taking advantage of sporting a twelve inch raging boner that women with high standards like Makima could enjoy. Even though it was her tight pussy that was getting railed, the burly Devil hunter was making the bed creak underneath his weight, Makima's smaller body was hardly visible underneath his smothering frame. 

"Makima…. Makima!~...." 

He kept chanting her name desperately as if he were pleading for help. Makima felt his grip on her waist securely, holding her in place as he delivered exceptionally rough thrusts that nearly made her whimper from the power packed behind them. Luckily, she was anything but a fragile girl, capable of handling this much at least. Nevertheless, stuffed with a foot long cock wasn't the easiest challenge to handle, plunging and cleaving at her sopping quim that was wet with arousal. A sign that Makima was definitely enjoying herself, but doesn't really allow herself to show it. That's just who she was, even if she was having the happiest moment of her life, it would be hard to tell.

"Fuck… I can't-... Those eyes… It's like they're drawing me in…" he wondered, staring right into her face as he placed both hands beside her head, their hips colliding and smashing together as Makima allowed herself to get fucked in all definitions of the word. Hard, fat veiny cock constantly wrecked her insides, drawing more and more fluids of her arousal each time he would piston in and out at impressive speeds. Blistering thrusts when he reached his peak performance, all two hundred pounds of his weight attempting to draw whatever power out of the motion of his humping and attempting to overwhelm Makima with her strength. He didn't want to bore her with a passion less fuck, giving everything he's got, stirring his cock inside as it felt like it reached her stomach, gasping and bucking his hips against her groin that pushed needily against his in response. 

"I can't believe your pussy is this tight… You feel like a virgin… I didn't expect you to be this good!~..."

"Mmm~... I'm glad…" purred Makima.

Pillaging several inches at a time, until the constant clenching onto his cock drew him towards an inevitable orgasm. He wanted nothing more than to make Makima cum, but it was hard enough to last from just putting his dick inside of the sexy, hourglass figure bombshell. Hips snapping sharply as he prepared to reach his peak, wishing he could've held on for longer despite already lasting far longer than any man Makima had been with. He was disappointed after surviving a good while without cumming, but it was a commendable effort in comparison to the rest, with the majority of men would probably end up prematurely cumming from the tightness alone of Makima's vaginal cavity.

"Shit!~... I'm going to cum, Makima!... Your sexy fucking body is going to make me cum!... Come on, give me the order!..." he yelled.

Makima giggled at his request, a sly smile on her face as she looked down towards her flat stomach and envisioned where exactly he was reaching at the pinnacle of each thrust.

"This is an order… Cum." instructed Makima, changing into a completely serious tone of voice, sending a shiver down the man's spine as he found himself listening without a second thought. He flexed his calves and thighs meanwhile arching his back and shoving himself balls deep, situated directly against the underside of her butt while spasmed out of control, allowing himself to moan meanwhile geysers of semen began gushing out with incomparable force, enough that Makima could feel his condom being blown up like a water balloon, filled to the brim with not an inch of space left unused. Her body began breaking out into a sweat after expending significant energy keeping up with his muscular physique, breathing slightly harder with a faint blush on her cheeks, hair slightly slick with sweat as she caressed his handsome face and sharp jawline while he was nearly finished.

"Haa…. Haa…. God damn… That was something else…" he commented, leaning back and cautiously drawing his hips away from her crotch, watching as his black mammoth extracted itself from her white pussy hole, slightly gaping as a result of the abuse. 

Makima's facial expression hardly deterred from the normal, except from the sight of his efficient use of the nearly overflowing condom. It hung loosely past his dark crown, the white thick seed visible from the transparent rubber, nearly leaking from the abundant amount that spewed from his tip.

"That would definitely be enough to get me pregnant…" thought Makima, slightly aroused from either the thought or the sight, unsure which one was having the stronger effect. Nonetheless, she sat herself back up on the bed and started stretching her arms, celebrating a job well done as their date went successful, adequately rewarding him like she promised as well receiving an extra generous tip of her own. 

"Wait a second, Makima… I'm not done yet…" he said, holding onto her wrist to prevent her from hopping off the bed.

"Oh, I apologize.. I didn't realize that you were still so hard.. That almost looks painful.." commented Makima, tilting her head to the side as she stared lovingly at his prodigious member. Twelve inches, an addicting taste, erupting with cum, and boundless stamina. There were a variety of great features that the foreigner boasted, making Makima's mind wander and wonder if all black men were like this, or was he a special case among them. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't want this night to end… Cumming just this much won't be enough, Makima…"

"Just this much?.. Didn't you cum twice already, that's plenty."

"No… For a woman like you, I could go through the whole night.."

"Is that so?..."

"Yeah… Could you get on all fours for me?.." he asked, applying a brand new condom as the one he'd just used was sticky and messy with his fresh jizz.

"All fours?... Alright…" responded Makima.

Answering his demands by crawling on her hands and knees, turning around and perfectly bent over so that her thick, delicious ass was emphasized as she said "like this?", while calmly running her hands over her smooth backside.

That was a first way ticket towards unleashing the primal beast lying dormant in the man's insatiable libido. He eagerly speared his way inside of her juicy, slickened quim. This time however, he felt his hips bouncing against the rippling flesh of her generous asscheeks, loving the sight as he was pounding feverishly into it. Like a boxing bag taking all of his blows, providing a cushion for his devastating thrusts. 

Makima continued with her nonchalant attitude, but to her genuine surprise, accidentally let out a slight moan to slip from her lips after he punched the entrance of her womb with his turgid cockhead. 


It wasn't loud enough for him to hear, unfortunately, due to the heaviness of his own breathing, combined with his own groans for bliss, as well as the clapping of her bubble butt that was slapping and wobbling wildly as a result of his empowered, eager thrusts. He was mercilessly fucking her doggy style, taking advantage of his enormous size, hands glued to her childbearing hips and pulling her back to meet his wanton thrusts. 

"Fuck… Fuck!~... Makima!~... This is the best ass ever!... It's so big, round and soft… It's making so much noise as I fuck it!..."

Makima's hair flung wildly as she gripped the mattress to hold on, her pale, smooth asscheeks turning slightly red from constantly being flattened like a pancake for quick bursts of his flailing hips. Loud, resounding meaty slaps echoing louder and louder as their sweat slickened bodies intensified the noises they were producing. Eventually, when he was about to cum, his overwhelming strength toppled over her and shoved her into a prone bone position, stomach flat against the mattress due to his carnal desire to dominate the illustrious Makima's famous, heavenly dump truck.

"I'm cuuuummmiiingg again, baby!~..."

Her toes curled as her pussy clenched and convulsed slightly, nearly cumming from having her ass manhandled. Being called "baby" was new, but she didn't hate it. Again, his penis spasmed as he roared, continuing with slight thrusts as he finished off into the second pack of condoms for the night. Makima's face rested on her forearms, breathing quite frantically from the draining activity. Strangely, she didn't find this sort of thing expendable by any means, quite liking this type of treatment. 

"Again… He let out so much… And with so much force…"

This time for sure, Makima thought he was done. But of course, as she turned around to face him once more, that undaunted erection stood proudly in all of its mighty glory. 

"You thought that I'd be finished already, didn't you?... Makima, I told you.. I won't be finished until we run through the entire box of condoms here." he said, holding it in his hands and giving it a little shake, one of the packets dropping onto the mattress which he grabbed and peeled open.

"Really?.. I must say, you've been quite impressive up until this point.. But even I doubt that's possible." she expressed her uncertainty, raising an eyebrow, believing that this was nothing more than a bluff.

"We'll see about that, then.. I promise you, I'll prove you wrong." he stated with supreme confidence. 

It appeared that his promise wasn't just merely convenient words. After that, they fucked all night. Everything that he said was going to happen, happened. Makima found herself slipping on numerous occasions, letting out slight groans when he plunged into her sopping wet sex and fondled her ass.