
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Anime & Comics
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Lucy Heartfilia X Big Dick Elfman

Lucy Heartfilia was one of the most beautiful women in Magnolia, unbelievable curves, smooth silky thighs, complimented nicely by a nice large, plump ass and a rack big enough to seduce any man that she so pleased. Now twenty six years of age, her body had matured even greater than how she looked in the past. Natsu Dragneel was her boyfriend, her lover, they had been officially dating for eight years, and only recently they were engaged. That's probably why their relationship was so close-knitted, inseparable ever since they've known each other, starting out as best friends of course. Perhaps because of this, Natsu didn't condemn her for her job, one that not every partner would be so keen to ignore.

Lucy Heartfilia was a porn star, and an incredibly popular one at that. Ever since her debut, she has boasted the most searched name amongst other adult film actors, becoming so successful that she accumulated more than enough money than she could imagine. However, while that was all nice and dandy, money wasn't her main priority. In truth, Lucy was a nymphomanic, completely addicted to sex and always have a constant craving for it. This was something that developed after she lost her virginity to Natsu, and has blossomed into an obsession that required external aid, often having sex with other men with his permission, even outside of her field of work. Whether that be a total stranger, or one of their close friends, Natsu wasn't always the man that would take her to bed at night.

Natsu Dragneel was 27 years old, he was now working as her manager despite being her fiancée. His job was to organize job assignments and events for his hot gorgeous wife, and while others would be devastated being in his situation, Natsu had no qualms about Lucy's hunger for sex, understanding it. Most importantly, in his mind what mattered most was making Lucy happy. As long as she returned with a content smile on his face, he could care less about what she did in the bedroom. After all, it was just sex, at the end of the day, Lucy loved him the most, her sex partners would never take her out on dates, and she would never express romantic feelings for them. What she did love them for however, was for their huge cocks. Now, Natsu wasn't necessarily small by any means, but Lucy was a tough woman to please, having developed a fetish for big cocks after getting hooked on it after her first try. It was intoxicating, otherworldly, nothing could ever match it. That's what led Lucy to devoting herself into becoming a porn-star, giving her the opportunity to meet other men that would adhere to her exotic tastes. Not everyone was walking around with a bare-minimum nine inch erection, it was rare.

And now, today was no different than the others, just another day at work, but with a bit of extra spice.


In the film studio of "Fairy Tail XXX", located on the edge of Magnolia…

Elfman Strauss, a thirty two year old male talent had become Lucy's favorite fellow actor, having already shot several movies with one another. Their videos together had become the hottest internet sensation, everyone in the porn world was talking about them. What was there not to like? The man that boasted the biggest cock on the planet, using it to its fullest capabilities to totally demolish the woman recognized as Magnolia's hottest blonde busty bimbo. There was always something extra when they filmed together as opposed to other men, and the room could sense it too. Natsu, the cameramen, Elfman's manager, everyone could tell. Lucy and Elfman developed a natural chemistry that couldn't be matched, they loved having sex with each other just as badly as it seemed, perhaps even more. It was the sexual equivalent of her love for Natsu, they had met up countless times outside of filming, and he was well acquainted with Natsu because of how many days he would stay over and take his place sleeping in Lucy's bed.

Even now, all that could be heard was the squeaking of the bed that sounded like it was on its last legs carrying the two insatiable sex addicts, making it rock over and over, again and again. Elfman was obviously way bigger than the typical average human being, standing absurdly tall at eight feet and three inches, weighing at six hundred and forty pounds. It was one of his many unique features that Lucy fell infatuated with, because he was so large, heavy and unbelievably muscular the impact which his masculine hips trampled her with was unparalleled. Not to mention, Elfman's tanned ebony cockshaft was simply out of this world, the thing was probably fourteen inches long, and spanned a ridiculous girth throughout the base all the way to the thick mushroom tip! Certainly, he was a burly beast that easily tamed the slutty vixen, a match made in heaven in terms of sexual compatability.

The high-definition professional video camera that belonged to the film crew were all currently aiming at the woman named Lucy Heartfilia, who's feverish moans sent delicious chills down the spectator's spines. Recording was their only job, but it was always a challenge to prevent themselves from becoming erect from watching the lewd display before them. In pornography, it wasn't out of the ordinary for the porn stars to exaggerate their reactions and act like a whore who thought of nothing else but cock, but Lucy wasn't like that, this was her true form, her real self. Five years total of experience in the porn industry, and she had never once cheated herself, never selling herself short, never acting content with a penis that didn't satisfy her. That was why her highly depraved moans came out so raw, so guttural, lying on her back with the mattress indenting heavily underneath them, Elfman's huge shadow casting over her entire body, as he was occupied with pounding roughly into her, eviscerating her tight pussy that never failed to make him nut.

"Aaahnn!~ Oohnngh!~ Oooh!~ Baby!~ Oooh!~ Harder!~.. Harder!~... You're fucking me so good!~" praised Lucy, writhing through her compliments, the muscular giant penetrating her again and again, powerfully and unwaveringly, one of his hands reaching towards her chest to knead and fondle her gigantic tits, the supple flesh of soft titmeat feeling like he was touching heaven through his fingers.

The uncensored, unfiltered scene went on for a couple minutes, their combined primal grunts and womanly cries of ecstatic pleasure echoing throughout the room as every sound that escaped their voices were filmed and captured by the camera. They were already at a tremendous pace, it was the climax of the scene, and he pinched her nipples in between his thumb and forefingers as he packed everything he had behind these last several thrusts, making Lucy's head jerk back and forth wildly from the impact, signalling with a final prolonged grunt that he was on the verge of cumming. Lucy could sense it too, now understanding his body's tendencies in and out, the amount of times that these two have had sex together far exceeded that of any other person she'd ever slept with, even Natsu himself.

"Hnngh!~ Guh!~.. Lucy!~.." panted Elfman, wrapping things up with a few more nudges for good measure before withdrawing himself from her dampened, cream oozing pussy, sitting on her hip as the white-haired man furiously pumped his huge cock with those big hands of his to finally get himself over the edge, simultaneously playing with Lucy's all-natural, unbelievable tits while she helped him by playing with them herself, just as he let out an impassioned roar followed by a heavy gasp and splashed of his incredibly thick, copious semen discharged from his piss-slit and splattered all over her silky smooth tummy and gigantic breasts, a few splashed landing on her face as well, with Lucy opening her mouth wide to catch it. His semen was so delicious, he was always eating nice and healthy so that one of Lucy's favorite treats would always taste amazing.

"Okay, CUT!!! That's great, you two! Let's take a short break before we continue." shouted the film crew's director, snapping the clapperboard to signal the end of the scene. The camera's stopped rolling as they perfectly captured the scene.

"Phew…" sighed Elfman, carefully taking his seat off of Lucy, sinking down on the bed to catch his breath as Lucy instead sat up first, fixing her sweaty disheveled hair that was a complete mess after spending what felt like hours laying underneath the tanned giant. There were only a handful of women up for the task of handling Elfman's gargantuan member day in and day out, and she would never have it any other way.

"You were great, Elfman! That was even better than last time, I can't remember the last time that I came that hard." complimented Lucy, leaning forward and placing her hand on Elfman's broad chest, closing her eyes and placing a quick smooch on the sweaty, manly smelling man lying right next to her.

"Mmm." he groaned against her lips as he palmed the back of her neck, deepening the kiss as he inserted his tongue inside of her mouth, and they started to wrestle with saliva dripping down their chin from how intense it was getting. A heated kiss that left Lucy moaning into his mouth, even more so when his left hand trailed down to cup her left buttcheek, the subtle sounds of their lips smacking together grew louder as it almost seemed like he was drinking the excess saliva from her mouth, making out for over an entire minute before finally separating when Lucy was forced to push him away, panting for air.

"Thank you, Lucy. That was really manly of me, if I say so myself. But, with you it's always a pleasure, so it's only natural that I would always surpass my previous performance as well." proudly stated Elfman, licking his lips to remove the string of saliva connecting their lips, the way Lucy stared into his eyes with such a powerful, hungry salacious gaze was always one of his weaknesses. A grin plastered on his face as he tapped her on the shoulder to let him up, getting off of the bed and stretching his arms high in the air as he walked over to the replenishment station to grab a drink of water first. Hydration was always important during these strenuous sessions.

"God, that was so hot… He's such a stud." she muttered to herself, her eyes still following Elfman's naked figure as hanging past chiseled buttocks in the space between his legs she could still see his dangling flaccid penis swaying about, the thing was a tank. Almost in a trance as she continued staring at him, never failing to amaze even herself that she was somehow able to survive having sex with that humongous man, sometimes she would feel suffocated whenever he would lean against her, and the sounds of the bed about to break always worried her somewhat.

"Lucy… Lucy?!... Hello, anyone in there?!" a familiar voice could be heard that eventually snapped Lucy awake, placing a pack of wet wipes in her hands was Levy McGarden.

"O-Oh, thank you!" responded Lucy, gratefully accepting her kind gesture.

Levy was a tiny, blue-haired woman. They were best friends out of work, and had become Lucy's makeup assistant for the last few years. They shared a relationship both in and out of work.

Lucy sighed out of relief as sex work was truly exhausting, especially when her partner was Elfman Strauss, the male equivalent of porn stars that always challenged her with a struggle to keep up with him and his boundless libido, unnatural girth, and monstrous length. Using the wipes to erase the greatest traces remaining on her body from the last scene, namely his juicy spunk that remained coating her flawless skin, another person approached her from the background, yet another familiar voice that belonged to another valued person. That man was none other than her fiance, Natsu Dragneel.

"You were great, darling! Man, I could really feel the heat even from back there! You looked so sexy and naughty as usual! You and Elfman really are incredible." praised Natsu, the pink-haired man had a huge appreciative smile on his face as he bent down to place a chaste kiss on Lucy's cheek, thankfully wiping it properly or else he would have had a foul taste remaining on his lips.

Before the hot blonde could even muster a reply, still trying to collect herself after such a passionate mating session, Natsu was unfortunately pushed away by a sullen-looking Levy.

"I'm sorry, Natsu, but I have to prepare Lucy for the next scene as soon as possible, there isn't much time left for that! You'll have to talk to her later, sorry about this once again." apologized Levy, remaining true to her comment as it seemed the rest of the room was in a rush to set up the cameras and different angles for the following scene.

Almost as a sign of confirmation, a loud voice on the set through speaker phones announced "We will continue in fifteen minutes, please return to your stations as soon as possible and ensure that everything is set for the upcoming scene."

"Sorry, Natsu." apologized Lucy with an apologetic smile, before the little blue-haired lady started to remove the last remains of Elfman's sperm that was hanging just above her neck.

"Gosh, Lucy. You have to clean yourself up properly! It's weird if I have to do it." instructed Levy.

"Oh, sorry!~ I'm so used to getting covered in it, I don't really notice when it's there. Wait, don't wipe that off yet!" gasped Lucy, stopping Levy from swiping the wipes across her right cheek, taking it off with her thumb, and then placing it against her mouth, engulfing her digits with her lips and sucking the musky cream from off her own finger, humming while doing so and closing her eyes, a perverted act that made even Levy blush no matter how many times she watched her act so wildly.

"Jeez, don't do that in front of me!" scolded Levy.

"Ehhh?!~... Sorry, Levy… It just tastes so good, I can't stop myself!~... You want a try?" teased Lucy, a smug grin as she stuck her hand in between her cleavage to scoop up another handful, spreading her fingers and showing it off to Levy who gasped in response.

"A-As if?! Don't show me that! Now hurry up and clean up, we don't have much time, remember?!"

"Okay, okay!... Sheesh, you're always so serious." pouted Lucy, closing her eyes and lapping at her palm with her long, wet tongue. The substance tasted sweet and it was very rich in texture, Elfman was sitting in the chair across from her and noticed Lucy licking it all up instead of wiping it down, a smug grin on his face as he catcalled to Lucy with a whistle, letting him know that he approved. She opened her eyes and stared right at him, seductively while exhaling through her mouth and dragging her tongue along her hands and gathering up the final globs of cum, waving at him with the hand she just cleaned and then blowing him a kiss, sending a wink in his direction.

He smiled to himself as he quickly rubbed his length, starting to bring it back to it's full mast and wiggling it back and forth, as if to wave his absolute tree trunk of a cock caught Lucy's eyes and made her cover her mouth as if to act in utter shock.

"Stop flirting, you two!" yelled Levy, even making a huge man like Elfman flinch from her booming voice.

"Alright, I'll stop!" apologized Lucy a final time, remaining still as Levy started to apply subtle makeup that was applied mostly to clean her face rather than perfect it, also having to focus on applying the rest on her cleavage as it was the primary landing spot for Elfman's shots of sperm back then.

A couple of minutes passed by, and just shortly after Levy was satisfied with her work and giving herself a pat on the back of her achievement, it was announced that filming would now resume.

On the set, everyone gradually filled their positions, returning from wherever they ventured off to during the break, and Levy hurriedly scampered away to leave the stage. Elfman and Lucy both joined each other in front of the camera, visibly recovering from the short stint as they stared into each other's eyes, the man looking down at her due to their obvious size difference, placing a hand on her generously curvy hips. Although, that only lasted a short while, as Lucy quickly became side-tracked with her favorite cock of all time, staring down at his clearly refreshed cock that had really returned back to its complete size. There was no way to tell how many times she'd seen it, but it always, always left her in awe, no matter how many times.

After the gigantic man and the shortstack voluptuous blonde nodded briefly, they caught themselves in another passionate embrace as they began to kiss wildly again right after the start signal, hands ravenously roaming each other's bodies that they both felt were perfect. Elfman always appreciated her breasts that was her trademark feature, but even more so loved to grab and squeeze her round, heart shaped ass that felt like soft jello in his hands, cupping them with both of his enormous palms and fingers and playing with them, as their sloppy kiss left them breathing heavily through their mouths and nostrils, unbothered by the taste and smell of each other's breath, truly a kiss that demonstrated how smitten not only Lucy was with Elfman, but how attached Elfman had become with her. Lucy parted her lips wide to accommodate for his large tongue sneaking inside, every part of his body after all was significantly bigger than the average man, and that was one of the many reasons why Lucy was addicted to kissing him. If they weren't having sex, they were probably kissing. They always greeted one another with a hot, spit-swapping kiss, lasting long enough that the thick strands of saliva would be visible around their lips, with Lucy sticking her hand in between them to grip and stroke his elongated manhood. Standing on the tip of her toes as they remained enamoured by one another, Lucy started to push him down onto his back, telling him to sit and relax on the mattress, although he didn't budge and had to move himself, relaxing and swapping places as Lucy mounted him while turning the tables and shoving her own tongue deep inside of his hot mouth.

"Mmmm~… Mhh…"


Their instructions for the following scene were lost in the clouds, perhaps acting purely on instinct alone. Instead of following the script, Lucy and Elfman were instead captivated by the heat of the moment they were sharing together.

"Your kisses are so sexy, Elfman."

"If we weren't recording, maybe we'd end up kissing all day." he whispered hotly into her lips, speaking so quietly that nobody else could hear.

"Impossible, I'd hop on your dick after a few minutes." retorted Lucy, giggling as she leaned in for a final kiss, her plush lips pressing firmly against his before backing away.

However, she wasn't finished yet. With eyes similar to that of a woman possessed, Elfman smiled triumphantly at her as she started to place numerous kisses all over his muscular front. There was tons of ground cover due to his vast size, and he leaned back with his hands behind his head, watching as Lucy kept her piercing gaze onto him, and inched lower and lower with every soft press of the lips. Playfully, her tongue circled around his nipple when he reached his chest area, playfully as she heard Elfman groan before she continued her sinful descent. The teasing was agonizing, for both the crowd of aroused men and the naked tanned giant himself, Lucy was purposefully taking a tantalizing slow pace, drawing everyone's attention in and increasing the sexual tension between them. Blood was pumping to his superior cock in anticipation for what was to come, already having a crystal clear idea where Lucy was heading. His chiseled abdomen was rock hard and impressive, Elfman's physique was something he worked extensively on day in and day out. If he weren't fucking her brains out like usual, he was probably working out. And if he wasn't, then he definitely was going to later.

"Mmm, you sure are taking your sweet time, aren't you Lucy?" said Elfman, seeing a devilish smile on her face, soft wet kisses could be heard coming from her lips, closing her eyes but occasionally glancing up towards him.

The lower she would get to his groin, the stronger the smell would enter her nose. Now licking straight down past his lower abdomen with her tongue tracing his pubic region, although he was perfectly clean-shaven, barely a strand of pubic hair was left. Lucy couldn't keep her eyes shut any longer, she didn't want to. The object of her affection was right before her very eyes, the erotic smell was intoxicating. He didn't wipe the sweat off his body, meaning the odor was strong and the whisk of musk entering her nose was dizzying, the aroma of Elfman's raw turgid cock was casting a spell on her. Natsu had always said that he had a good sense of smell, and enjoyed Lucy's, this was the first time she felt like she could relate. Natsu felt relaxed from her sweet scent, but Lucy felt obsessively horny from the smell of Elfman's cock.

"Ohhhh fuuckkk…" moaned Lucy, half-lidded eyes gazing in mesmerization at the massive black organ looming beneath her face, purposefully keeping herself only a few inches apart, closing her eyes as her slender fingers tried to grip around his hips, sniffing excessively through her nostrils.

"H-Hey, Lucy. You're gonna make me shy if you keep smelling me like that." joked Elfman, rubbing the back of his head as most women would normally be deterred by the heavy sweaty scent of a man. None were quite as dirty as Lucy was, after all.

"Ah, I can't… The smell is so strong. It's crazy. God, it's making me so horny, Elfman. Your big fucking cock gets me so fired up." mewled Lucy, her reference to one of Natsu's sayings left a lasting effect on him, pants slackening at her words as he watched her beloved literally fawn over and begin to worship another man's cock.

"Yeah? You like that dick, baby?" growled Elfman, especially when Lucy had to use both of her hands to lift the tough slab of meat up so that she could rub her cheeks against the undershaft, and begin to smell the part of his genitalia that smelled the most, his humongous pair of testicles, the sweaty leathery skin having a profound taste to them as her tongue crept out and licked it after spending a good while inhaling the scent from it. Her left hand cupped the dark pouch and kept them in her palms, the size of the gravid orbs were enormous, and she couldn't exactly hold one of them properly as she massaged his sensitive sack lightly, using her available hand to circle her fingers around the base of the shaft and hold it still as her pink, wet muscle gently dragged a trail upwards the underside of his veiny, virility radiating cockshaft, leaving a visible trail of saliva behind as Lucy moaned from her lips while doing so. Repeating the motions and restarting the cycle after she reached the peak, starting from the very bottom, and completely showering his rock hard erection with copious affection, starting to make out with Elfman's junior as if it were her long lost lover, in combination with her exaggerated tongue movement.

"No, I don't like it. I love it. I love it so much." passionately mumbled Lucy, lips occupied with sucking against the sack, rolling his left testicle on her tongue and cleaning it of all the sweat, devoting herself entirely to sucking the sweat out of them as she breathed heavily through her nose, Elfman's hefty black meat resting against the middle of her face.

"That's quite the confession, though I don't think anyones surprised. Everyone knows that you love my cock, Lucy." hissed Elfman through his teeth, certainly feeling the warmth of her mouth and glossy lips caressing his most sensitive area, brushing her golden luscious locks to provide the camera with a better view of her cumhungry, slutty face. She was still beautiful as ever, but there was a crimson red blush on her flushed cheeks, eyes consumed with lust, completely and utterly infatuated with Elfman's erotic engorgement.

"I want to suck it. I'm gonna take this fat cock inside of my mouth and blow it hard until he fills it up with that tasty cum of his!" thought Lucy, falling to temptation and unable to keep up the foreplay, wanting to take that delicious, salty and sweaty cock into her mouth. Before she could start, Elfman surprised her by abruptly sitting up for a moment, easily reaching over her and picking her up by the legs, flipping her upside down so that Lucy was now lying on top of his body, but facing the other direction. This meant that her thick bubble butt was right in front of his face, and her milky thighs were resting on top of his broad shoulders, legs dangling in the air as Elfman embraced her by the back and bum, his third leg was long enough to reach her mouth from there, as he sat cross-legged on the mattress.

"My bad, Lucy. I'd love to sit back and have you lick my cock all day but, I got too excited and needed to have a taste of you too. Think of it like I'm returning a favour." snickered Elfman, finding himself quite enjoying the aroma of Lucy's dampened divine pussy, the shade of pink was so inexplicably alluring, the folds were wet and soaked, so beautiful. They were still slightly spread apart as she hadn't quite fully recovered from the beating he gave her earlier, seeing the temporary damages made him grin. It was a powerful pussy, and he strengthened it every time he would beat into it like a battering ram.

"You're damn right about that… Oh, gosh. It's so fucking biiiiggg… You're so sexy, Elfman. I just want to take a picture of your cock and put it up on my wall." moaned Lucy, closing her eyes and opening her maw as widely as possible, inhaling a deep breath before diving in.

"Don't flatter me too much, you're quite irresistible yourself!" praised Elfman, taking advantage of his thicker, longer tongue to easily lap over the entirety of her tiny quivering cunt, drinking all of the juices as she gasped and shuddered in his grasp, squishing his hard neck with her thighs and encouraged her to start devouring his meaty erection. Encasing the impossibly girthy cockhead within her soft lips, glueing them shut and making sure to shield him from her teeth and to never let go. This was the dick that she had practiced her cocksucking skills for years, and it showed. Lucy's furious bobbing caused spit to fly off of her glistening plush, full lips as it jerked wildly back and forth, the most impressive part was her non existent gag reflex that didn't trigger despite fitting over half of Elfman's manly monstrosity inside of her wet orifice, slipping past the entrance of her gullet as her mouth formed a huge circular shape, throaty wet noises emanated from the love she was making with her mouth, pleasant vibrations surging through whatever part of his length was submerged within her slimy throat and greedily sucking lips as she was forced to moan as Elfman demonstrated his own exceptions cunnilingus abilities, sucking roughly on the erect clitoris and teasing Lucy in every way possible, paying her back for the earlier foreplay, his rugged huge lips and strong tongue were one of the many reasons why Lucy adored his ability to go down on her. A mutual hungering that showed through her heavy panting and dedicated oral-fucking.


Natsu, who was standing out of the line of sight of the cameras, stood there silently with folded arms, watching the erotic going-ons with great interest as he mentally pointed out the differences in terms of enthusiasm when Lucy used to suck him in comparison to Elfman. She didn't seem disinterested when she would do it for Natsu, but the contrast was evident. His eyes were fixated on Lucy, he couldn't peel them away even if he wanted, for some reason, he loved watching Lucy like this, he saw nothing wrong with her being the woman she truly was, a total slut.

While he was deep in thought, as if contemplating something but in reality merely left in awe from the cock worshipping, pussy-eating display in front of him, Levy McGarden stepped beside Natsu, her gaze similarly on the couple at the center of the spotlight. After a long moment, as if to take in everything she was seeing, she allowed her gaze to switch over from the man next to her, needing a break from the action.

"I'm always so impressed at how well you handle this, Natsu. I don't know if I could be in your situation if I were you. I mean, Gajeel sometimes feels uncomfortable with my job being here, but I would never fool around with anybody. If he ever saw Elfman doing the things he does to Lucy with me, fucking her so hard like that,then he'd be so angry at me!" whispered Levy, grabbing Natsu's attention by yanking him by the arm.

"Oh, yeah I guess that would make sense normally, but… I just love Lucy, everything about her. I would never forbid her from doing something that she loves. I just want to see her happy, and as you can see right now, that's exactly what she's feeling." responded Natsu, pointing at his fiancée that was slurping excessively, working up bubbles of saliva from her frenzied motions, beginning to surpass her own physical limits and swallow the tastiest straw on Earth, in hopes for the tastiest drink it would provide. Lucy's arms tried to wrap around his big hips and palm his buttocks, holding it firmly as Elfman dropped one arm to grab at the back of her skull, pushing it against his crotch as he was powerful enough to hold her up with the other, still squeezing her buttocks as they both let out a slew of moans into each other's pleasured private areas.

"You're gonna make me cum, Elfman! Keep licking me, right there, that's the spot!" yelled Lucy before stuffing herself right back with his manly tasting member, refusing to shy away from her deep aggressive bobs despite the fact that his hips started bucking and thrusting against her head, spit seeping from the sides of her lips, eyes teary from the lack of oxygen but persevering and continuously jamming her throat with it, earning a growl of approval as his scorching hot member throbbed inside of the lock of her plush lips, and into her gullet.

He was going to cum.

Elated, beyond the point of comprehension, Lucy's eyes gleamed as they shot wide open, cracking a smile before choking herself onto the impaling member, for the first time uttering a loud, wet gag as she pushed against his butt, cheeks turning pink as she held completely still despite the noisy, wet sllrching of her throat, closing her eyes as Elfman fucked her face and left her convulsing her sweet honey all over his mouth as he drank it up, sitting up on his knees when he started to ejaculate and waves of thick, glue-like semen ejected from his tanned-skinned appendage, unrelenting as constant spurts of it shot out of his pulsating erection, the camera zooming in for a close up view as it caught how Elfman's nutsack constricted before firing off every shot of it. A deep croon leaving Lucy's mouth as she shook her hips against Elfman's outstretched tongue and desperately tried to keep up with his drowning eruption, there was far too much of his cum to handle, despite loving the taste and texture of it, there was only so much she could gulp down especially with a contorted position like this, coughing out some of the white substance that spilled from mostly her lips but some from her nostrils, removing her nose from his pubic bone until it started to bloat her mouth full of it, constantly having to gulp and chug it down. It lasted for sooo long, and Natsu had watched them many times in the past, but it felt like Elfman had extra left in the tank. They hadn't seen each other for about a week, was he preserving himself specifically for this day? Natsu couldn't explain why, but the thought of this big buff guy containing himself so that he could better serve Lucy helpings of his cum was kind of erotic.

It wasn't until two minutes later until Lucy finally finished her meal, an exaggerated gasp as she separated with a wet plop to her lips. Elfman didn't stop eating her pussy out even after she came, not because he wanted her to cum, but because of the taste of it. Lucy and him were similar, taking her hands off his ass and pushing and shovelling the globs of semen on her face and caking it into her mouth. A finale that was truly worthy of the films end, but this was only the beginning, Lucy smooched the dark crown as if to thank it for feeding her, before performing a dutiful clean up blowjob and sucking the soul out of him for good measure, earning a manly groan. She always fancied the sound of it, his voice was so deep and intimidating, it sounded like it belonged to a beast, and the fear inflicted from that aroused Lucy more than anything.

"Lucy… She's so beautiful." murmured Natsu, watching as the chiseled giant flipping his fiancée over again, lifting her back down and onto his lap, crouching over him as she shifted into position, hand resting on Elfman's large chest to steady herself, slowly and truly enjoying herself, her pelvis descending onto Elfman's towering ebony cock that stood upright proudly, a silent gasp leaving her agape mouth when it made contact with her slickened folds once more, beginning to penetrate her as Natsu was consumed from the sight of it tearing apart and welcoming in the enormous conqueror into her succulent, tight white pussy.

"Yeeeessss~… You're inside of me again." panted Lucy, gritting her teeth and staring wantonly up towards Elfman, always finding it amusing to watch the smaller blonde struggle trying to fit his length inside no matter how many times they've already had sexual intercourse.

Unbridled pleasure began to surge through her loins as Lucy embraced the muscular front of Elfman, resting her cheek against his pecs as his fingers ran through her beautiful blonde hair, appreciating her for the beauty that she was as Lucy let out a prolonged groan as her inflamed folds expanded bit by bit, until her aching sex was completely wedged with Elfman's manly manhood, sinking into it with her vaginal fluids squeezing and squirting on top of it, dedicated towards sheathing the entirety of it within her molten, velvety heat. Her body was always so soft, so jiggly, and he loved rubbing against it. In turn, Elfman's body was so tough, so powerful, his physical strength always wow'd her, and she loved getting bodied underneath it. Eyes drifting upwards and caught on film as Lucy's guttural groans reverberated off the rooms walls as her slick tight vaginal cavity clung on for all it was worth. Inserting inches at a time as more of his length invaded her until she was finally filled to the brim, managing to somehow take all fourteen inches of the thing. Natsu could see the huge globes of flesh that was her butt right above it, Elfman's thighs were so huge like bricks that Lucy actually sat in between them as she almost seemed to be squatting, with her slender waist gripped securely as Lucy savoured the man's touch.

"Aahhnnghhh!~… Ahhnnnnghh!"

"Take your time baby girl, I'm not going anywhere any time soon." smiled Elfman, the bodacious blonde halting her movements as soon as she bumped against his groin, taking the entire plunge as she closed her eyes and stared up at him.

"Ohhhnnn, yeesss… You're so deep inside of me, you're pressing against my womb." giggled Lucy, placing a kiss on the chest of her big hunk of a man in appreciation for his body.

The pause was necessary because Elfman's mammoth organ was too thick and long no matter how many times they did it, Lucy would need a few moments for a breather at the minimum, so that her sensitive vagina could grow accustomed to the new size and shape it would have to take for their sexual escapades. Lucy went crazy whenever flat on her back and being totally dominated by Elfman, but she didn't mind being on top either, giving her the opportunity to strut her stuff and admire his genitals all to herself. Lucy would actually dominate Natsu in bed whenever they had sex, Elfman was generally the only guy that she was mostly submissive towards more often than not. The fact that he was eight foot tall and muscular with a fat, hanging cock probably had something to do about that. Raising her pelvis and then dropping it down onto him, Lucy began short bounces with moving her butt up and down, it almost looked like she was twerking from the back, and Elfman supported her by cupping the mountainous flesh of her juicy rump. He placed kisses on her forehead as Lucy's vehement moans sounded like music to his ears, the mattress bouncing underneath them as they gradually accelerated and picked up their pace, the sounds of Elfman's large ballsack flopping up against Lucy's marshmallowy ass created a taboo chorus of lovemaking that grew louder in volume, erotic clapping of their sweaty skin as they clung to one another like passionate lovers, the carnal grunts and moans were so fierce and surreal.

"Elfman!~… Elfmaaan!"

"Oh, Lucy!… Lucy! Ride that dick!"

That's precisely how it felt for Natsu Dragneel, the whole ordeal was surreal. An out of body experience that felt like he was living out some sort of perverted fantasy, except this was reality. Natsu's mouth was dry, and he froze in place, the surrounding sounds apart from Lucy and Elfman's mating seemed to tune out, focused on nothing more but the sight of his angelic fiancée being defiled. He'd only just noticed but, his son was starting to get hard, Natsu was getting an erection from watching this. The pink-haired man tried to ignore the excitement and thrills that he felt watching them, triggered by seeing the facial expressions Lucy was making in front of the camera, and that her thick dump truck shaking and wobbling on top of him. He wanted to see it all, moving around the spectator circle to try and catch a glimpse of every angle possible.

As if he were mesmerized, entranced by what was happening before him, Natsu's gaze followed Lucy's unmarked plump tits, which jiggled dangerously and freely with every up and down movement, slapping against her chest, nipples erect and appearing as gorgeous as ever. They were talking so dirty to each other, and while they had never explicitly disrespected him or compared Natsu to Elfman before, he wondered what that would feel like. His lovely fiancée, the big bootied, huge titted blonde suddenly jumped up onto Elfman, suffocating the white haired man and sandwiching his face in between her mountainous breasts, the pure boobage was overwhelming as she wrapped her legs around him, and Elfman raised his butt and hips to keep himself lodged inside of her. Motorboating her out of playful, sexual fun. Their chuckles of laughter dissipated when Elfman became serious, suckling on her mammaries with those thick lips of his like some sort of giant baby, making Lucy arch her head back, and grind her erect clitoris against him, massaging her insides to completion as she rode him like a wild, horny animal.

At some point in time, Natsu had started masturbating. Absent-mindedly, it was very slow paced and concealed from the others, he was sort of rubbing himself through his trousers, wanting to stimulate his hardening erection.

"I-I'm touching myself?" pondered Natsu, having to think back about Levy's words for a moment.

It was a given that he had always known what Lucy's special career path meant for the both of them and how their relationship would change throughout the years. I'm terms of having sex, she would no longer be exclusive him, not that she was anyways for the most part. Nevertheless, he ultimately made the decision to support her dreams, and allowed her to flourish into the superstar porn actress that she was today. Watching Lucy with someone else never bothered him then, and it wasn't bothering him now either. After returning back to the land of the living from being lost in his train of thought, Natsu realized that what was happening in front of the cameras had changed again. Instead of sitting on Elfman, Lucy was now positioned on all fours, bent over and balanced on her hands and knees, the towering muscular stud sitting tall behind her, anyone that saw their size difference would be rightfully worried for Lucy. He was fiddling with his stupendous phallus trying to angle it accordingly to successfully penetrate her, and the sexy blonde was whimpering impatiently as she wanted to be impaled again, having already came countless times from bobbing up and down his length, the remnants visibly leaking down her inner thighs.


"Yes, baby. You're so fucking tight around me. You're a sexy tight little whore, aren't you?" he teased, the two grunting viciously in unison after he succeeded, beginning to move rhythmically as he understood the best way to fuck Lucy, one of his massive paws grabbing onto her blonde sweaty mane and the other stabilizing her hip, tugging on her hair making her head yank backwards slightly as he pushed himself inside of her, Lucy screamed in depraved elation as he peeled his hand off of her hip for a moment to spank her naughtily rippling buttocks. Lucy was a glutton for punishment, completely submitting herself to Elfman as she ground her ass into his crotch, grinding herself up and down against it with her eyes shut tightly in absolute stupor. They were filming porn after all, and they were instructed by the directors to act as primitive as possible, in terms of giving into their sexual desires. Lucy pushed back needier against him, the feeling was heavenly as she grumbled and mumbled incoherently. The seductive bite to her bottom lip showed how fulfilling sex with Elfman truly was, a week without this was too long, she could spent the entire week doing nothing but getting fucked by him if she really wanted to.

"Un-huh!… I'm your sexy little whore! Fuck me, fuck meee, fuck me harder!~… Ohhnghhh!~… Elfman, you're so fucking good!" cursed Lucy, having a tendency to use many slurs whenever she was truly engrossed in the sex, nodding her head frantically for no particular reason as Elfman kept spanking her cruelly and letting those soft round cheeks of her have it, turning a bright shade of pink red as Natsu snuck his hand underneath his trousers and started jerking off to the sight of his blonde bombshell of a fiancée getting totally manhandled by the giant exuding masculinity.

They were acting like two wild animals that were stranded in the wilderness, in the midst of the heat waves of breeding season, the white-haired bodybuilder pounding the salacious blonde like a rag doll, everything seemed to blank out around her and the only thing that remained was Elfman and his ridiculous cock. The cameras, Natsu, Levy, none of their existences even occurred to her in the flow of the moment as she continuously reached her peak, exploding her thick cream all over his meaty appendage as she wiggled her butt back and forth, spurred on by the constant battering off her thick cheeks. Out of this world, that was the only way she could explain how she was feeling. Lucy encouraged Elfman to pull on her luxurious hair even harder, after her first couple rounds of getting thrown around and ravaged by Elfman, she never wanted it any other way. Soft, gentle sex wasn't in her vocabulary, Lucy loved to be treated like a slut. Her bountiful assmeat provided ample cushion for his muscular, driving hips. The way it would ripple and bounce off of his harsh thrusts left the cheeks of her rear-end shaking before smacking together, resounding slapping noises that were accentuated from their heavily sweating bodies that almost looked like artificial lubrication, but they were all natural. Other props that adult film actors used have never been incorporated into the videos starring Elfman and Lucy, who provided themselves on recording realistic sex, this was how they really were, on the nights where Natsu would take the couch, and Elfman would take their bed, this is exactly how it went down. Fucking her from behind as he gripped her waist right above the curb are of her ass, Lucy's fiancée watching in harrowing witness as he slapped her bare, naked ass again.

"Nnghh!~… Gghkk!~… Ohhngh!"

"Oh, yeah! Get your nut off to me, Lucy. Keep shaking this fat ass of yours!"

"UNNGGHHH!~… Uunnghhh!"

Their steamy fuck fest was so boisterous and noisy, howling moans and very turbulent orgasms that seemed to have affected Lucy's entire body. The ratio from where she came and Elfman did was astonishing, her spine arching, toes curled, closing her eyes in erotic bliss as she screamed at the top of her lungs, it felt like electricity was reaching the very depths of her being, scattering all the way to even her fingertips. Shallow breaths, and a wildly jiggling ass, Elfman kept backing up and then slamming into her with reckless abandon. His colossal tube of gigantic onyx plunged in and out of Lucy's pink folds, her plumpness bouncing to the tune of his hips, clit glistening with every one of his dangerous strokes. Natsu was now standing directly across from her, and grasping every minor detail of her facial expression, she looked so intense, gently sobbing, but not out of sadness, but of pure happiness. Her heated walls fluttered around the rocketing tanned length that left her in ecstasy, splitting her open as Lucy gave into his unyielding force, and limitless libido.

Minutes, and then what felt like hours passed by. Elfman pancaked her big bum flat whenever he'd hammer into it, an informative twitch to the cock and a slight hitch to his movement revealed that he would not hold out much longer, accelerating his pace again and leaning onto Lucy with his dense, bulky body, pushing while fucking her into oblivion and prone on her belly, tits smushed against the bedspread with her entire upper half laying down flat as her breeding hips and plump booty was lifted high in the air, eyes rolling to the back of her skull as she tried to muster every ounce of strength to not get completely flattened underneath of the tanned giant. The cameras capturing behind them could hardly see Lucy being smothered and by him, roughly grabbing a ball of hair with his fists, pulling her head backwards and circling around her neck his thick fingers, sticking out his tongue that was met with Lucy's as they licked each other. Elfman let out an animated roar as his final set of almighty thrusts sent them both over the edge, remaining in his crouching position as he drove his hips all the way back just centimeters before slipping out of her greedily constricting cunt, knocking the oxygen right out of her system as she started to blank out for moments at a time whenever Elfman would rock her entire world, succumbing to an earth-shattering orgasm as their hyper tongues slid back and forth, up and down together before Elfman shoved their faces together, their sexual collision reaching the epitome of depravity as they once again acted out of script. Instead of cumming all over her body again, Elfman defied that notion and unleashed his viscous, potent seed against the entrance of her womb, Lucy's cervix soaking up everything that he had to offer as their bodies spasmed together and kicking her legs out into the air underneath Elfman's butt, the sound of her voice sounded like she was crying.

"Ohh my god!~… Oh my god!~… Yes, yeeessss daadyyy! Cum inside of me, let it all out inside of me!" howled Lucy as her insemination left the strands of minuscule hair on the back of her neck standing , goosebumps throughout her skin and a shocking shiver down her spine of exhilaration. This wasn't planned, although they were filming porn, they were only obligated for a facial and then finishing the rest over her body. Lucy's wailing breathless moans sent Natsu over the edge as he watched with his jaw dropped as the filthy creampie erupted within the deepest recesses of her divine pussy, thick slimy wet noises as Elfman's turgid lady-killer produced immense waves as he filled her like a condom, Lucy's chin resting on the mattress with a shamelessly degraded face that looked almost unrecognizable, Natsu had never seen it. Her fiancée grunted as he came in his pants, soiling them as Elfman kept growling and grunting like a rabid beast, finishing himself off as he used Lucy's, squishy and shapely figure to masturbate to completion, shaking back and forth as he completely milked himself dry with his swaying grapefruit sized orbs constantly meshed against the bedspread and onto her ass, flattening her completely as Lucy's tiny white pussy squeezed around his girth in an attempt to wring him dry.

"He's cumming inside of meeee!~… Elfman is pumping my womb full of his thick, manly cum!!" thought Lucy, teeth grinding as she became drunken and delirious with lust.

"Oh, damn… That was way too hot!" thought Natsu, gulping as he realized that he had just came, staring around and hoping that nobody noticed. Thankfully, not a soul was paying attention to him, shutter-shocked from what took place in front of them. Elfman and Lucy's horny kissing slowed down as they gently rubbed each other's lips with their own, still vibrating slightly as they would twitch ever so often, and a visible pump motion travelled upwards his length after his bloated cumvein would shake, the high definition camera capturing all of the fine details. After what felt like at least two minutes, Elfman started to shoot blanks, several minor thrusts before he cautiously disconnected himself from her soiled sopping quim, the outer and inner lips cloudy with his semen, as the camera lens zoomed in on the fourteen impressive inches unclogging the engorged hole and a flow of white came seeping out of it. Lucy laid on the side of her face, exhausted and completely drenched in sweat from head to toe, the smell of it potent in the air as Elfman was sweating even harder. The white blanket sheets underneath were entirely damp from the moisture, and Elfman with a victorious smile stuck two fingers onto her crotch and spread her labia apart, showing off what he accomplished.

"That was a manly finish, wasn't it, Lucy?"

"Ohhh, I can't believe it. You really let it all out inside me. That was so naughty~…" purred Lucy, the clapboard snapping signalling the film's end, and a loud "CUT!!" shouted in the air as they finished and wrapped up the set. Natsu stood awkwardly as he tried to cover his pants with the front of his jacket, not wanting to be noticed. Lucy rolled over onto her and groaned, finally able to relax after a very tiring session of work, Elfman wrapped his huge biceps around her waist and then rolled on top of her, mounting her as she laughed. Opening her mouth as their tongues met in the center, and she held onto the back of his neck, as they made out heavily for almost three whole minutes as the crew worked on cleaning up the set around them. They attacked each other's lips at different angles and changed the position of their heads, a build up of saliva trickled down her chins, from a distance they looked like they were sucking each other's faces before Elfman pulled away and allowed Lucy to gasp for air as she scratched his back, and he purposefully left a hickey on her neck by suckling on the sensitive skin, Lucy turning her head and offering her nape to him as she beamed a smile and rubbing his hair. They were interrupted by Natsu who arrived at the side of the bed, Elfman noticed him and started to lick at the wound he left to ease the pain, leaning down to place a final kiss that Lucy gleefully returned before pushing himself off the mattress.

"You're a very lucky man, Natsu. Lucy's quite the handful." said Elfman, always appreciative that Natsu was co-operative and allowed him to do this, maybe sometimes even encouraging it. He gave him a pat on the back as thanks, they weren't close friends but they definitely appreciated each other's kindness.

"Thanks again, Elfman." chuckled Natsu, staring at Lucy's freshly made hickey, other visible marks could be seen throughout her nude body. He gently pushed a stray strand of sweaty hair covering her face and tucked it behind his fiancées ear, staring at her full with love and admiration, which Lucy acknowledged with a grateful smile. Sometimes, or most of the time, she would always get a little reckless. He leaned in to whisper something into Lucy's ear, making her gasp in surprise with a heavy blush on her face, pulling away and staring at Natsu who had never looked so serious in his life.

"Hey, Lucy! I'm about to take a shower, want to come with me?" invited Elfman, not even bothering to cover himself up as he allowed his big meat and naked buff body to be exposed to everyone, and Lucy glanced at a Natsu for his permission. Despite everything, she would never do something behind his back. Never had she once snuck out and gotten railed by Elfman without approval, in that case, Lucy was still a loyal woman. Their relationship was simply different than others.

Natsu responded to her questioning look with a slight nod, as he watched as Lucy's radiating smile shined ever so brightly.

"I'll see you later, babe." said Lucy, placing a kiss on Natsu's cheek, as he couldn't help but notice how wet they were from Elfman's saliva. She hopped off the bed and hurried to the naked giants side, pressing her tits against his rock-hard biceps as they walked off towards the showers direction.

Meanwhile, Lucy and Elfman could be heard laughing and giggling from the halls, they were fooling around and washing each other's bodies, somewhere along the way getting distracted as they suddenly fell silent. Natsu could hear everything, as he sat near the entrance waiting for Lucy. He could only imagine what was happening, as he started to hear Lucy's hungry moans, their lips crashing together and their skin clapping as they started to fuck impatiently once more, a quick final round as Lucy whispered into Elfman's ear, hiking a leg up his side.

"Natsu wants you to cuck him." mewled Lucy.


"Mmm… He wants me to take you home tonight. Sleepover for a few days, but he wants to watch. He wants to be alone with us this time. He wants to see you take me as your woman for these next few days." explained Lucy, leaning against Elfman while licking her lips.

It didn't seem different from what they were already doing, but Natsu always gave Lucy her private time outside of work. He also never admitted to or actually masturbated to the sight of it. This was the first time he casted whatever little pride was left, and requested that he see it again, but only the three of them, and in the intimacy of their home, on their bed where he proposed to Lucy to marry him. There was such a powerful taboo about the situation that was so stimulating.

"Oh, I'll cuck him alright." laughed Elfman, rubbing Lucy's flat belly as if to let her know where she was going to be filled.

"I can't wait for it, Elfman."



On the drive home…

Natsu was the one driving Lucy and Elfman home, except the two were occupying the backseat. They hadn't even reached their destination, and still couldn't keep their hands off each other. Natsu was trying his hardest not to be sidetracked as he focused on the road, but the mirror in the middle revealed Lucy kissing and licking over Elfman's hot bulge of his boxers, making it wet with her saliva meanwhile he returned the favour by sticking his hands underneath her booty shorts and fingered her clothed cunt.

"You two can't wait, huh?" said Natsu, trying to keep his composure as Lucy nor Elfman responded, breathing hotly under their breaths as she suckled on the boxer-clad tip.

At Lucy and Natsu's house…

Seconds after entering the house, Elfman and Lucy were already glued onto each other's faces, a tongue-wrestling kiss where they stripped the clothes off of their partner's body as if it were offending them, getting in the way. Natsu didn't even speak as he stepped aside, removing his own pants and underwear that were soiled from earlier, watching as someone who was more of a man and Lucy's type picked her up off the floor and carried her to the bedroom. He didn't even need to look around as he already knew where to take her, Natsu silently following behind them as Elfman cuddled her while standing, jumping onto the mattress with Lucy in hand which nearly collapsed it underneath them. One would assume after hours of filming that they wouldn't be in the mood for sex afterwards, but Lucy was fuelled by it, especially when Elfman was involved. Her hands caressed his backside as Natsu received a rear view of the darker-skinned man aligning his hulking member with his wife-to-be's leaking honeypot, already dripping wet from the thought of cucking her eventual husband.

Natsu wanted her to walk the fine line of betrayal, it made everything seem so taboo, so wrong but oh so right. This wasn't normal, he understood that, it was an acquired taste for a man that delved too deep into their "open relationship". It was the consequences of his lack of pride, and he watched with glee, enchanted by the moment as Elfman and Lucy kissed with unmatched energy that Natsu couldn't relate to. The biggest turn-on was seeing Lucy's true form that she couldn't bring out with him. Inadequate? Not necessarily, but clearly not enough for a woman of high standards such as Lucy, needing to fill the void by filling her insides with her massive cockswinging giant.

"Oh, fuuck, Elfman! Fuck me in front of my hubby! Cuck Natsu for me!" squealed Lucy, thrashing and heaving beneath the beefy brawn, bottoming out inside of her and once again stretching out her cum-oozing womb.

"I will, baby. You can count on me! What's gotten into you, Natsu? Turned on from watching me nut in your wife?" asked Elfman, although they weren't officially married, talking like they were made everything seem so much more wicked.

"Y-Yeah!…" admitted Natsu, as Lucy went wide-eyed and stared at her pink-haired lover, a mischievous smile on her face. It was obvious that he received a kick out of watching her get fucked at work, and she was going to put on the show of her life, not only for herself, but for him.

"Mmm, you want to see my big strong daddy cum in me baby? You want to see him give me a baby?" teased Lucy, making Natsu's heart drop as he almost started to hyperventilate imagining it. The fact that she was on the pill or wasn't, he couldn't remember. If this was a part of the play he couldn't tell, but the sheer thought of it alone nearly sent him over the edge. In front of Lucy, in front of Elfman, he started to touch himself. That was the only answer she needed, this was exciting Natsu, he was fired up.


Like a locomotive picking up speed, her buff, manly partner thrusted his behemoth prick inside of her gushing, juice-filled snatch. His huge meaty hands found their place around Lucy's neck, holding it possessively, making it harder for her to breathe in combination with his ebony hog rutting deeply within her uncontrollably spasming cunt. Wrapping her legs behind his in sexual contortion, locking him in place as if to say "I don't want you to leave me."

"Lucy, between me and your fiancée, whose cock do you like better?" asked Elfman, seeing clearly where this was all accumulating to. It was a long time coming, before Natsu gave in to temptation.

"I-Isn't that obvious?!… Of course I love your cock more, Elfman. I love it the most!…" shrieked Lucy, head bouncing back and forth as her pendulous jugs flopped erratically as did his dominant black pouch, pinning her down in a mating press.

"O-Oh, Lucy!…" gulped Natsu, although he already knew, hearing it come out of her lips for the first time was something else. No wonder he didn't find a problem with Lucy's line of work, he was a certified cuck.

"Why do you love it more?" instigated Elfman, in between aggressive grunts as he asserted his dominance by rendering Lucy unable to speak for a few seconds as he stirred his impaling, sheathed fuckrod by wiggling his own hips from side to side. The sizzling pleasure that entered her core left Lucy moaning incoherently, pulling against his buttocks to try and force it inside, although they were already connected as deep as humanly possible, all fourteen inches plunged within the size queen.

"Because of how much bigger and better it is! You're so much thicker and harder, you fuck me so much better than my husband!" yelped Lucy, her voice sounding like it belonged to another person, the croon bellowing out from the uncharted depths of arousal. It was coming from a real place, she wasn't lying for the sake of it, merely confessing to her sins, and it just so happened to be right up Natsu's alley, a premature ejaculation spewing from his inferior member, standing at a regular six inches, as a cock doubled his size tore through Lucy emphatically.

"Ggh! You dirty slut!"

Elfman as the bull in the relationship realized how much it turned him on that his sex companion was already in a relationship and soon to be married always clung to him for sex. Normally, they followed the rules established that he couldn't cum inside, but the urge to do so outweighed whatever consequences were to proceed, and Elfman creampied her in front of everybody, the last straw remaining of Natsu's sanity.

"Oh! Ohh! Ohhh! F-Fuc-ckk! Fu-ck! Elfman!! D-Dadddyy!" screamed Lucy, her voice and breathing her erratic as she was stretched impossibly wide.

Lifting her legs as they tightened around Elfman's crazily wide frame, calve muscles flexing as they shook like jello, fingers clawing onto his back and the other gripping his ass, grunting into his abundant chest that stuffed her against the mattress. How little room there was to breathe left her dizzy, and he was already working up a hot sweat as the scorching summer weather filled the room, the lingering scent becoming so much more prominent. Rippling waves of satisfaction exploded down every limb of her body, squealing in pleasure with a high pitched voice as she completely lost control. Glancing towards her longtime lover as she was barely visible underneath Elfman, who started to crawl downwards to kiss and lick her face.

Natsu was furiously jerking off, and both he and Lucy's eyes met wondrously. Her guilt was now completely stifled, having no second thoughts about wanting to fuck Elfman, in the past keeping herself reserved out of doubts that Natsu wasn't entirely on board with this. As if to thank him with a sultry smile, she then refocused her attention on Elfman.

"Kiss me, baby. Kiss me with those big lips of yours. Are you watching, Natsu? Elfman's going to give me a baby now. He's going to make me his." taunted Lucy, egging her fiancée on after seeing how madly he was masturbating.

Elfman squeezed her cheeks with his pointer and thumb fingers as she puckered her lips, spitting in her mouth as she drank it without hesitation, showing how whipped she really was, and then they melted into each other's intimate kiss, imitating lovers. The utterly manly pounding soared her to new heights of carnal euphoria, it was incomprehensible how hot it was to cuck Natsu, to tell him how much better Elfman was at fucking her. Lucy was a nymphomaniac, and Elfman was the only man that could treat her insatiable cravings. Their lips were locked, as first Elfman swallowed her tongue, and then Lucy did his thereafter. Tightly holding onto her asscheeks with his left hand, as the other choked Lucy and then swiped at her bottom lip with his beefy thumb, pulling down on it. They frequently crossed boundaries that most swinging or open couples would establish, Natsu wasn't like them, he wanted to see this, he wanted Lucy to act like a voracious, cumhungry whore.

Although there wasn't a camera recording the extravagantly naughty display, Natsu had the memory permanently ingrained, he would never forget this moment. Elfman's drool could be seen entering Lucy's mouth as their tongues duelled for dominance.

"Lucy… Lucy!…" chanted Natsu like a broken record, witnessing as Lucy sucked and slurped on the thumb pressing against her tongue, breathtaking, mind boggling thrusts as Elfman collapsed on top of her and took advantage of his weight, straightening his legs out that hung off the edge of the bed as they inhaled each other's breath, exaggerated lip smacking noises, spit swapping and relentless pounding of the womb as the handful of violent orgasms left her body shivering in turmoil. Natsu saw Elfman's intimidatingly big balls clench, as did his buttocks.

"Lucy, I'm going to cum." growled Elfman.

"Hhaahhnnn! Mmwaaahhh!~… Natsu, are you still watching baby? I'm going to become pregnant! Ahh!.. Ahh! I'm going to have Elfman's child!" exclaimed Lucy, with Natsu nodding in compliance.

"Yeah! Who does this engaged pussy belong to?" shouted Elfman.

"Yours! It's all yours, daddy!"

"It's not Natsu's, is it?!"

"N-No! Only yours, only yours Elfman!"

"Oh, fuck Lucy!" gasped Natsu, legs shaking as he came again.

"I don't want Natsu's tiny dick, I love bigger and better ones like yours!!! I want to be used by your huge cock only Elfman!!!" shrieked Lucy, ravishing her innards as spit dribbled from her lips, panting like a bitch in heat before being silenced by a stomach fluttering kiss, slutty airy pops emanated from his pistoning ebony cockshaft sliding in and out of her clenching tunnel, Natsu watched in slow motion as fertile seed gushed out in thick heavy jets from Elfman's pillaging black cock, her shining, glistening clit a result of a tempestuous climax.

"Get pregnant!!!" shouted Elfman with grinding teeth, cracking one of the legs of the bed with his final lurching as they jumped slightly when the mattress tilted over.

Natsu kept cumming buckets like he never had before as Elfman's climax spritzed groin splattered his thick nutslop all over her defeated cunt. He fell to the floor as he was completely drained of sperm, meanwhile Elfman's endless supply kept pumping Lucy full of it. Her eyes met Natsu's, who was half-lidded as he was falling asleep, the overwhelming arousal too much to bear.

"Make love to me, baby." purred Lucy, the two enveloped in a sweaty, naked cuddle as they kissed. That was the last sight Natsu remembered of the day, Lucy closing her eyes and Elfman looked like he was eating her face from how much tongue and lips he used to make out.

"I hope you enjoyed it, babe." thought Lucy, arms embracing Elfman by the neck as they then proceeded to suck on each other's lips and tongue for an hour or even longer, the only remaining smell was that of their saliva, and Lucy's throbbing sex.

Was she, or was she not on the pill? Natsu didn't know, it would have been sensible if she was, given the risks of her work. Only time would tell, but that wasn't something Natsu was thinking about right now, as he fell into a deep slumber.