
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Artoria x Hung master

Artoria never thought she would be summoned to Chaldea. Meeting the master who had just defeated him and right now she has to work with him as an ally.

Because it was her fate as a servant that she must serve the master who summons her, then she would obey his command.

Nevertheless, she has to serve his master. Artoria knew her master respected her, and he even treated her like a queen, doing his best to make her feel comfortable at Chaldea.

But all she feels about her master is that he was a pathetic growing young man. He's no match with her lineage and legend. She is wondering how a weak master like him was able to summon her in Chaldea.

Yet, she decided to say nothing to him, even when he asks her help to clear Singularity and a few lives challenging missions.

One thing she appreciated, her master was not easily defeated. Due he can support many servants with his mana supply. He can use his command seals even more than the third time. His strength in battle did impress her a little bit.

But she wished his attitude would act more knighthood than a sleazy young man.

Whenever she is summoned by him. She always appears with her horse in the battle and her mighty lance, Rhongomyniad, every time she is summoned in the battle and defeats her enemy mercilessly. Whether it's monsters or humans.

When they were in a tight situation, her master would command her to release the true power of Rhongomyniad, unravel the thirteen seals, and blast her enemy to take away.

She is often summoned in battles and her master always appreciates her help.

Artoria found herself spending her time more with her master after battles, mostly he would ask her to accompany him having a break since she's the wise lion king and her experience might help him in the next battles.

Being appreciated as a dutiful knight makes her feel nostalgia, whereas at the time she was just a knight that was branded as the hero, not as a ruler.

She probably felt itchy toward her master because his carefree attitude reminded her of who she was before.

And slowly, she would remember his name as the memento of her past.

Ritsuka Fujimaru.

Her master not only blessed her presence, but he also summoned other kings and gods belonging to another country and even had aliens as his servants for his next adventurer.

It was shocking but Artoria didn't feel her presence would lose to anyone who didn't have enough fame and wisdom like her.

But then, her other self started to make an appearance in the Chaldea. She sees Lily Artoria Pendragon, the one who hasn't had the terror of being a hero, and then she saw the true Artoria Pendragon before she loses the Excalibur.

She even met her Alter form, who had a black lance and armor with the same horse. They were making her feel annoyed. She never feels this bothered about other people's presence.

But Ritsuka is still showing his favoritism toward her. Saying that, even though Chaldea has many servants that he has to attend to, he still approaches her, asking her times and even bringing her into battles.

Secretly, she appreciated how her master was still looking at her, not her other self, not her past, not even her alter form.

"Artoria-san, how's your room in Chaldea?" Ritsuka approached her as she is having tea in Chaldea's canteen.

Currently, a lot of servants were having holidays become summertime and it would be their time to show off their swimsuits.

A lot of them drag her poor masters to attend the useless swimsuit contest and they want to know which one is the master's favorite.

Artoria didn't have to ask Ritsuka. She knows who's the best. She even prepares her swimsuit just to impress her master only.

"Fine as always. Why do you ask?" Artoria said as she drank the tea gracefully. She knows so well her master's stare and he looks away as she meets his gaze.

She honestly thinks her master is kind of cute if acting like a bashful boy.

"I presume you want to visit my room?" Artoria asked again, this time Ritsuka choked out his drink. Such a wasteful tea, Artoria thought.

"N-No, I didn't mean that," Ritsuka said as he desperately shook his hand to say no. But Artoria wasn't an innocent girl coming from the village. She knows so well that kind stare from Ritsuka.

After all, he's a healthy young man. Anyone would have the desire to crave touch from one another. True, servants it's not completely human but that doesn't mean they can't provide comfort and satisfaction between two bodies.

Artoria was confident about her skills in bed. After all, she's a king, she also rules the bed of her own. She was also aware that her body was a dream for any man who prefers big and curvy things.

She has them all. Big butts, Breasts, and of course a nice curvy with nice hips. Artoria noticed the Chaldea staff also throwing pervy gaze every time she walks around, even though she is wearing her usual outfit which only reveals her cleavage, but some so many men look ok at her like she is walking a buffet.

If they live in her era, they will get executed on the spot. Her knights won't even allow them to look at her, even once.

But right now, she's feeling a little bit tipsy. The stupid competition almost gets in her head and she dislikes how the lowlife servants dare to steal her master away just for showing off their skins. She understood that the other servants, especially those who had a high sex drive, wanted her master to share his mana personally with them.

But she never saw him take one servant, even his lovely so-called kouhai, Mash, to his room. Felt her master was too shy to ask something like that. She would humor him by inviting him into her bedroom.

"Oh? You don't want to supply mana for me?" Artoria even throws a smirk at him, which rarely she did.

"A-Ah! Y-you want that?! I-I think you can supply mana from the energy room." Her pathetic master dodges the direct question by answering the stupid questions, of course, this makes her a little bit frustrated.

"So, you want to give me some? Or not?" She pressed him even further.

Ritsuka talks like he just lost his tongue. Nothing in his vocabulary makes sense in her ears. The Lion King decided to give up and let the man pick up his own pace. If he's not ready, then she won't press it.

After Ritsuka excused himself to meet his teammates. Suddenly a hideous man approached her like they were old friends.

"See? Your master is so pathetic. How about me? I can supply your mana anytime and anywhere."

Artoria grunted in disgust and left the cafeteria immediately. She didn't want to deal with the prick who was even ten times worse than her master.


Arsenio. A new master was recruited by Chaldea.

Artoria didn't like him very much. He is not just throwing a perverted gaze at her. He didn't have a sense of boundary and privacy whenever she met him in the hallway. Making her uncomfortable wandering around in Chalder this time.

She decided to avoid him like plague. She didn't want her mood ruined just to see that man's trash.

He introduces himself after he officially becomes Chaldea's member. At first, he was ranked as staff to work behind the screen, but he has talent as a master and has a big amount of mana supply to summon a servant.

The people in Chaldea are thrilled to see a new addition of masters since they need more masters to solve their huge problem of dealing with new villains in every new place. Artoria knew about this situation and found it odd that this Arsenio guy suddenly appears in the middle of nowhere.

What she knows is that currently, Chaldea was in the middle of nowhere which is not easy for people, even for a master level to find them. Artoria didn't feel that Arsenio was a strong guy, not even at Ritsuka's level and she never saw him fight with his servants.

She believed the man was making a bluff and bragging about something he didn't have. She wished the man would die somewhere on the missions or maybe get recruited by the villain instead since he was completely useless in Chaldea.

Artoria met him again in the hallway since there was no one beside them. Suddenly Arsenio slipped his hands between her breasts and called it an accident. It was obvious he was lying and before Artoria can knock him down, the man dodges her attacks swiftly.

It was a bit weird because judging by how his body is shaped, there's no way he can avoid a servant with a high standard, attack like that.

Yet, the man walked away as if nothing happened. Artoria didn't want to deal with him either, so she ignored him.

But things like this started to happen often and Arsenio became bolder every time they encountered each other.

And Artoria can't hit him even once. She even wants to summon her holy lance just to give him a shot, but then she didn't want Ritsuka to find out why she pissed at him so much that she even dared to hurt a human-like him.

She was being patient for the sake of her master, and it seems Arsenio noticed this too. The man took this opportunity to drive her to the corner.

There's one meeting where Ritsuka, Artoria, Da Vinci, and Arsenio are discussing in the planning room and the man dares to approach her and put his dirty hands on her ass.

She remembered how she got sexually harassed by him and she almost grips his neck, but she stopped because Ritsuka was right in front of her.

Sensing the holy woman ignored him. Arsenio didn't even stop groping her ass, he used his finger to slip into her underwear and start to rub her pussy.

Artoria throws him a death glare. She wanted to kill him, but her glare was giving her the opposite effect.

The man shoved his middle finger right into her pussy and Artoria gasped.

"Huh? What's wrong, Artoria-san?" Ritsuka looked at her with confused eyes and wasn't aware why Arsenio was standing too close to Artoria and the lion king only coughed.

"Nothing." She grudgingly hides the fact that she just moaned because of Arsenio.

After the meeting is over, Artoria only throws her death glare. "I will kill you after this."

But the man was still showing his smirk, not scared of her threats at all. "Oh, I will be waiting~"


"Ritsuka—Don't you think Arsenio is a bit…odd?" Artoria tried to look for a plan to get rid of the man quickly. "I find it odd when he suddenly appears with a weird ability."

"Hmm? Oh, he's just a nice guy. Maybe he wasn't skilled like other masters because he told me he didn't receive a good education about magi and masters." Ritsuka, who wasn't aware of how shitty Arsenio is, still talks like he was a good person.

Artoria wanted to hit her master's head so badly. She dislikes how naïve her master is. He would blindly believe anyone who offered help without thinking twice and often got tricked by enemies.

"I understand his situation. I was like him before, you know. I don't know anything about Magi and suddenly, I'm here." Ritsuka said as he smiled at her.

Artoria found out maybe she's being too soft to Ritsuka because of his smiles. It might be one of her weaknesses.

"I'm pretty sure he's having a hard time, so maybe we should help him." He said as he stood up and proceeded with their missions.

They were in the middle of the desert to find the next villain who was hiding from them. This place reminded her of her first encounter with Ritsuka before she was summoned as his servant.

At first, she didn't care slightest about him and didn't care if he ended up being executed by her knights. But right now, if something happened to him. She won't hesitate to unleash her power to protect him and his precious smile.

But then, things do not always go as planned.

Ritsuka was ambushed by his enemy and outnumbered. Artoria thought her master would prepare plan B if things were not going well, but sadly Ritsuka didn't prepare enough servants to face them. With deep shame, Artoria has no choice but to obey him when he decides to pull back.

Escaping from enemies wasn't her style. She would face her enemy directly and won't give up until she eradicated them all.

'If only my knights are here—' Artoria wished she could gather her knights like before. They can save them in tight situations without a second doubt. But somehow, Ritsuka was unable to summon them, not even one of them.

Ritsuka claimed maybe he didn't give good luck with male servants, but even he wasn't able to summon Gareth who had a female form. Artoria suspected maybe Ritsuka cannot summon another knight because of her presence.

She also noticed Ritsuka didn't have servants who has the same rank as her, there's but she saw him summoning them at the same time, probably Ritsuka have a limited mana supply, and Ritsuka becomes rarely summon them, only with Artoria he would give her his full command seals.

Artoria at first feels a little bit proud to see Ritsuka using her with her full extended power, but she began to notice that his plan was a bit reckless, and she wished Ritsuka would have planned their mission better and not been trapped like this.

Thankfully, Da Vinci, who was watching them from the screen, immediately saved them and summoned them back to Chaldea. They arrived safely but Ritsuka has fallen, probably because of a lot of mana that he has to use.

Artoria helped him by carrying him back to his room. The King only chuckled once she entered his room. His room was bland and did not have much decoration, probably he was too busy to take care of his room.

She didn't mind if one-day Ritsuka would use her for his wish, but since he was a gentleman, he wouldn't ask her if she didn't want him. But for now, she wished him to get well.

As she walks to the corridor. Her body grew heavily. Probably because her mana supply also drained as she used her power to protect his master away from their enemies. If she prioritizes her needs, she would attack her master right now and drain his semen for mana supply.

But she can't do that, not right now when he's unconscious. She planned to take a long nap to suppress her fatigue before she passes out, at least she would know if her master would awake.

But then, Arsenio met her again in the corridor.

He is still throwing his annoying smirk but this time Artoria can smell a strong scent coming from him. This smell was making her body tremble, enticing her to go submit to the man in front of her.

She didn't understand why she reacted this way?

The ugly man approached her as he touched her chin, not her breast, which is a weird thing since he had a chance to do so. "You're running out of mana, do you?"

Artoria raised his eyebrow. She didn't know why he knew; it must be he heard about the failed mission from Da Vinci. "You know, I can help you if you need Mana."

Artoria would say no thanks immediately if she didn't feel fatigued right now. But her body needed it so badly and the scent she smells right now was making her head dizzy. She usually won't let her guard down this low toward Arsenio.

But somehow she nodded and followed the man to his room. She even only visited her master once and now she is visiting a man's room that she had just known for weeks.

"Sit here, my lord." He said as he took out her cape and took her holy lance. Her weapon was heavy even though Ritsuka can't hold it properly, but Arsenio can hold it well and put it down like it was nothing.

She sat on the edge of his bed. His bed even has a stronger scent, like the one coming from his groin. "So, what do you need?"

"You already know the answer."

"Haha, yes. But I do like to hear what you want, my Lord."

Seeing Arsenio suddenly become polite in this kind of situation only makes her growled in annoyance. Satisfied to see her frustrated expression, Arsenio snaked his hands right into her body.

She usually would glare at him but right now his hands feel so good squishing her lovely big tits as she groped by him.

"Like this?" Arsenio purposely grabbed her breast in a slow mode as his fingers went between her nipples and pinched it slowly.

Artoria gasped as she let him squeeze her breast to his heart content. But he didn't stop at using her hands, he also used his lousy mouth to suck and kiss it like she would produce milk.

Oh, her body cannot stop trembling. She never knew the mouth that looks so disgusting actually can give this kind of pleasure as he continues to suck like he was a baby. She hated it that her body makes her feel that way and she wanted to stop him, but her body said otherwise.

After a few licks and sucking, he finally pulls out and makes her nipples twitch. Artoria didn't want to look disappointed, but Arsenio saw that hidden expression. "Don't be sulking, Onee-same. I can give you more."

Arsenio uses his fingers to enter her pussy. This time Artoria has to accept fully that his fingers would violate her like he was his plaything. But his fingers also make her feel good, Artoria can't help but spread her legs wider just to make him reach her place even deeper.

"I know you want this—Ever since I touched you—" Arsenio chuckled as he rubbed her weak spot with his fingers.

"Hngh—" Artoria can't believe that his fingers were thicker than she expected and once he added more fingers, she couldn't help but feel better than before.

"See? You're so greedy—clenched my fingers like this." Arsenio whispered as he turned her face into his face closely.

Artoria didn't like how he forced her to face him and humiliated them this way, if it wasn't for mana, she would have already killed him. "N-No. This is for mana."

"Are you sure?" Arsenio only moved a few inches away from her, and then his wet tongue started to lick her lips. Artoria was supposed to keep her mouth shut, she didn't need to accept his stinky tongue.

But she finally opened her mouth to let the tongue slide in. Arsenio was thrilled to see Artoria allowing him to dominate her mouth as he pushed and licked her tongue back. Artoria slowly got pushed into his bed and got laid down as Arsenio went on top of her.

His hands are still inside of pussy while making her wetter than before. The man didn't allow her to stand back.

After he took out his fingers, he began to open his pants as he sat on her stomach, fitting his huge cock between her huge tits. Artoria is shocked to see his member so close, and she can sniff the strongest scent from her position.

"You like that?" Arsenio used his hands to press her boobs and gave his cock boobs massage. Artoria tried to look away and ignored him who had been using her body like a sex doll.

But she can't ignore this huge cock even his pubes hair ticked her off. "Suck it if you can." Arsenio challenged her and she absolutely can't back down, she hates being treated like a virgin.

She licked the tip reluctantly and then she used her mouth to try sucking his cock, it didn't taste bad on her mouth and she slowly got used to it.

Arsenio, who has been impatient, used his other hand to grab her hand and pulled her head, making her suck his cock even deeper. Arsenio also moved his hips vigorously so he could make her unable to breathe because of his cock.

Her mouth feels so warm and awesome, any man would cum right now but not Arsenio. He was able to hold his cum until he hit her throat deeper while his balls were between her breasts.

"Great! I'm cumming!" Arsenio groaned with a proud voice as he unreleased his cums into her throat.

Tasting mana for the first time was like a drug for Artoria. It feels so good that it even makes her whole body tremble like she just had the best meal of all time. Even though there were few pubes left in her mouth, she didn't hate it at all.

"Damn, I already know your body can make anyone ejaculate, but I have to admit, you're perfect."

Artoria didn't know what he meant but Artoria can't believe the man wasn't putting his dick on her but she almost came just after getting a deep throat from him. It was humiliating for her but her body was shaking in a great way.

It supposes to be enough, she didn't need to get full sexual intercourse with this man. But her curiosity got better, especially when the huge cock that had just filled her throat right now stood up proud and hard like it restocked its own in a minute.

She wanted to know how much mana he has so she might squeeze him dry. It was for his master, she thought, if she had mana, maybe she can heal Ritsuka.

Somehow, she didn't realize her naïve thoughts would turn into dust once she tasted his cock again.

"You want some real action?" Arsenio said as he began rubbing his hard dick into her wet pussy. "I know you have been waiting for this for so long. I can see your hungry eyes from afar."

Artoria cannot keep her moans as the man takes off all of her clothes. Her naked body is exposed and so does her pussy.

Arsenio didn't need to remind her twice as he rammed her dick instantly, making Artoria flinch as the man fucked her mercilessly.

Artoria never thought this man that she hates actually can give her what she wanted. It was beyond her imagination. She had never felt like this before, not even when she was still a human and a holy knight.

Being dominated by a mere scum who used her like she was a thing was not something she should be proud of, but right now her body has never been in this high state before. She can't suppress the endorphin rush on her brain that makes her lose her common sense in such a fast way.

"Aahh—Ahh—" Her sweet moans escaped as she pounded him hard. At this point, it wasn't all about mana anymore. She can't resist the forbidden pleasure she had with someone else other than her master.

"See? I know you want this bad. You like my cock, huh? Like it so much?" Arsenio wasn't being helpful at all. His teasing only makes her body greedy as her pussy clenched him tightly.

"Admit it, you slut." He said as he grabbed her hair and pulled it roughly. She was being treated like a low-life prostitute as he fucked her roughly, hitting her stomach walls like she was an object.

Yet she didn't have the energy to push the man far away, she can't even use her mana to hurt him. Her pussy accepted the savage huge cock who has been nonstop pounding at her as she clenched even tighter.

Arsenio grinned as he pushed his tongue again into her mouth, making her breathless as he pinned her down, breaking her pussy and even making through her cervix just to fill her up.

She can feel the man was about to ejaculate again as she can't resist holding him much closer. She used her legs to make him bury his balls deep into her pussy. "Damn, what a greedy pussy!" Even Arsenio is surprised to see what Artoria can do.

"Man, Ritsuka is missing so much when he refuses to visit you. I will be glad to visit you anytime.' He said as he dominated her with her cums. Shooting a thick layer cums inside her like her womb was his cumdumpster.

The man's hips shook as Artoria moaned. She never felt so full as she accepted the seeds happily. This is what she has been looking for after all this time. Yet, the one who can give this to her was the scumbag who was obviously up to no good to Ritsuka and her friends.

Yet her body already claimed. Surely she can't live normally after tasting such delicious mana that can help her fight, she also started to get addicted to getting filled by his huge cock.

Arsenio can see the lion king also cumming after him. Her body has been flinching nonstop as the bed is getting wetter than before. The man didn't mind if she dirtied the bed. She can be punished more.

"You act highly mighty but you just slut." Arsenio said before he started another round. His cock still has some left and Artoria cannot resist not drying him up.

Even though in the end it was Artoria was the one who got dried up and her brain also get fucked just because Arsenio can get it up and made her eat his cums like it was her food all along.

Servants didn't need to eat and sleep, which makes them perfect targets to be personal sex toys and Arsenio has no intention to let her go until she succumbs to him completely, at least of her body.

Artoria cannot defy what's going to happen to her. At this rate, she wasn't hungry about mana anymore, she was hungry about a huge cock that was able to penetrate her womb. She didn't feel like she was a woman, right now her body was beginning to embrace her true self as a slut who can't do anything besides sucking cocks and getting pounded like a doll.

Day, Night, Afternoon. Artoria cannot tell how many hours have passed by, she keeps being inside Arsenio's room even though the man has been going outside several times to not raise suspicion about him.

Artoria has every opportunity to leave his room, but somehow her legs just won't move because her pussy is still throbbing madly. Waiting patiently for her new master.

And Arsenio never stop grinned to see his new sex slave.


"Artoria-san! Where have you been?"

Artoria was shocked when she met Fujisaki in the canteen. He was looking for a lot better and she almost forgot why in the first place she was in Chaldea.

Artoria was acting like nothing happened as she was still walking in the corridor. Still walking like high and mighty. Nobody dared to ask where she was from, even Da Vinci.

"What's wrong, master?" Somehow it feels so wrong for calling him master since her body was supplied by someone else other than Ritsuka.

"It's been three days! I can't find you anywhere, I thought you went somewhere."

'3 days? I thought it was a week.' Artoria thought she was being held captive by Arsenio for a whole week since she always loses track of time.

"Ah, yes. I probably have things to do. How are you?" Artoria changed the subject as she observed her master.

"I-I'm fine. How about you? I heard you had fatigue because of me. Sorry, I'm not good enough to be a master." Ritsuka genuinely apologizes to her.

She wanted to tell him what happened at that time, but she can't bear the thoughts of shame and regret if Ritsuka finds out she just received mana from someone else.

She thought she was keeping a secret from him. But it turns out it was a different case. She realized she stopped caring about Ritsuka when she knew that a giant cock was giving her what she wanted.

Somehow, she didn't feel anything toward Ritsuka anymore. Not even his bright smile would even make her heart flutter.

Even when she looked at her weapon, Rhongomyniad, all she remembered was the huge cock that had just invaded her pussy. It wasn't easy to not blush while holding her weapon and thrusting it at every enemy she saw.

In the meantime. Artoria's heart would burst out every time she met Arsenio in the corridor and there's Ritsuka, he would grope her and then whisper to her to come to his bedroom.

Artoria always comes to his bedroom even though she's not running out of mana. At first, it was at midnight when Ritsuka had already fallen asleep and Artoria made sure no one would see them.

Arsenio would welcome her and they act like they were in a forbidden relationship. Artoria didn't know If Chaldea banned this kind of method but Artoria didn't want to expose herself that she was cumslut when it's about traditional transfer mana.

She would get banged by Arsenio until the next morning because she didn't need sleep either and her mana got replenished. The next day she acted as if nothing happened and went on a mission with Ritsuka.

Thankfully, the young man didn't notice how Artoria was more refreshed than before. He even didn't notice that he wasn't letting out single mana for Artoria because she already got it from someone else.

Yet, whenever she was on a faraway mission, her mind drifted back to the nights where her pussy was used as a tool for pleasure and Arsenio often would degenerate her like she was a lowlife cumslut that exists just for his entertainment.

She used to hate that but right now her body would get thrilled whenever the man wouldn't hesitate to humiliate her as he pounded her pussy.

And their secret rendezvous didn't stop at his room. Whenever Arsenio met her in the corridor he would use his hands to grope her body and make her gasp, and sometimes when they had toilet breaks, he even invited her into one of the unused bathroom stalls and used it to get some quickie.

It was quite disgraceful for a king or even a holy knight to get a quickie in a public place like some low-life commoners who didn't have common sense like animals. Yet, Artoria cannot reject his offer.

She would spread up her pussy and let the huge cock ram into her womb, making the wet sounds filling the bathroom, even a few staff who entered the bathroom quickly left because they were too embarrassed to hear some people were having sex on the bathroom.

Artoria can feel Ritsuka was calling her when she was about to cum. She clenched tighter as she let the man bite her lips and suck her tongue. "Mmm—Yeah—Aaah!" Artoria even moaned like a slut, thankfully nowhere was nearby at that time.

"See you in the hall." He said as he left.

Ritsuka, thrilled to see Artoria, didn't know that her pants were filled with Arsenio's cum and they proceed to the next missions.

Similar things happened afterward and if Artoria starts counting, almost everywhere, even in Da Vinci's place, they already have sex. Artoria can remember every place where Arsenio's filled her with his seeds and she would remember every time she revisited the place even for the work only.

One of Artoria's favorite moments that she absolutely can't forget, she even almost want to touch herself when she remembered was the room where they usually sent Ritsuka and his servants to another dimension, that place almost been full 24 hours if Ritsuka was out there.

But that time, Ritsuka was with other servants and the only people who stood by were two people who were asleep.

Arsenio has the guts to surprise Artoria who is watching the screen and start to grope her. Artoria rarely aggresses to have sex in front of someone else since until this time nobody has found out about their activity, but right now Artoria cannot resist Arsenio's hard dick who keeps rubbing her ass.

Artoria keep her voice down as she got fucked in the ass by Arsenio. The lion king didn't know that her prostate was able to give her to see heaven in a second as he pounded her, violating her prostate just to make her even lewder than before.

The two guys were stuck in deep slumber, probably Arsenio already drugged them, and Artoria suddenly got a call from Ritsuka.

Turned out Ritsuka hadn't slept and he wanted to talk to Artoria. He was in the middle of the desert again and he remembered what Artoria said about the stars and kings.

Artoria only hummed as she quietly spread her legs, making the man pound her even deeper. Ritsuka did hear the slapping sounds but didn't realize it was coming from the headset.

"Hey, we should come here again," Ritsuka said, innocently inviting her again.

"Mmm—Next time—" And then the communication cut off. Artoria sat on the desk as she spread her pussy. "I can't wait anymore—Do me—Ah!" Artoria almost moaned as Arsenio continued to violate her pussy, making her get fucked even the man can bury his balls deep into her pussy and both of them dirtied the command room with their cums.

Thankfully the two clueless guys didn't know what happened last night, but they can smell something weird in the room.

There are still a lot of moments where Artoria and Arsenio shared, but the most extreme way was when they had a mission together, and Da Vinci and Ritsuka were also there.

Artoria can't remember how she ended up alone with Arsenio but they did have a chance to have a quickie and they had it. probably because they were thrown all over the place and Arsenio just happened to be close to her.

They were having sex on the nearby abandoned cave. Even if it was in the middle of the day, Artoria just can't resist the man as she is spreading her legs and let him pound her before pouring his cums right into her womb.

Once they met them halfway, both of them were sweaty and had the same smell. Luckily Ritsuka believed they were thrown into a nasty mud pool and he believed it, no so when it's Da Vinci, but the woman didn't say anything.

What's worse, on the night at camp, Arsenio had the guts to drag Artoria outside the tent and have sex in the middle of the open forest and Artoria didn't even reject him, he lets the man violate her in the middle of the night, changing view positions and then return with pussy dripping of their mixed cums.

Ritsuka was sleeping peacefully and didn't notice the two of them were having sex just so close to his tent, and Arsenio dare to spread his cum right into Artoria's face and then got one into Ritsuka's tent.

It was wild whenever they had a mission together, Ritsuka didn't suspect one thing about Arsenio who was suddenly interested in going on the mission with them, even though he never offered help before to him, even Da Vinci was wary at first. They didn't know that the main reason why Arsenio was sticking around was because of their hidden agenda.

The only thing left was Ritsuka's room and Arsenio did suggest she do it in her bedroom. Even though she didn't feel anything toward Ritsuka, she would feel guilty if Ritsuka found out.

He has never been a mean person, not like Arsenio, so there's no point to dirty Ritsuka's bed.

Right now, Arsenio was in her room. Eating her pussy like she was the most delicious food and Artoria just can't get enough of it.

Arsenio's mouth always smells so musky just like his dick, but now she grew addicted to his smells, so now he's imprinting her pussy by making her pussy would smell like him, and Artoria secretly would end up masturbating every time she smelled her pussy on the bathroom stall and ended up wanting to touch herself.

It was all dandy, until one day Arsenio had a different idea.

Suddenly Arsenio decided to end their secret mana exchange. Artoria, who always believed that she was being extorted by Arsenio, was shocked by this fact.

"Huh, what?" Artoria has never felt so foolish as this before.

"I said, you don't have to come to my room anymore," Arsenio said, suddenly acting coldly toward her.

"Why so suddenly?"

"Nothing. You don't want to be busted by Ritsuka, right? I'm allowing you to patch things up with him."

"What? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, you can say what you want but I'm done with you today."

Artoria never thought she would get pushed away from him. "If you are finally done with him. You can come to me anytime you like."

So he was asking her to choose between them. It was a hard choice because it's not only about her secret, but everyone will know and she won't fight with Ritsuka anymore.

Artoria tried to think of this as an opportunity to get a cool head. She realized she was blinded by his cock. She could spend more with Ritsuka without feeling guilty.

But it turns out she got distracted the entire time. Even though she didn't meet Arsenio for the whole day, her mind still went back to the events where she got dominated by Arsenio and her pussy always aching whenever she imagined his huge cock.

She almost drooled up when she imagined Arsenio's cock filling her pussy again, making her spread out as she had never done before.

She looked at Rhongomyniad and even wanted to suck her lance just to feel what his cock liked to fill her mouth.

She wasn't aware Ritsuka had noticed her odd behavior as he clicked his hand in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Ritsuka noticed she was daydreaming. He put his hand on her forehead, and she immediately slapped him. It was shocking for both of them. In the end, Artoria apologized and Ritsuka accepted it sweetly.

Ritsuka wasn't the one who violated and treated her like a dirtbag, but now her body even refuses to get touched by someone else other than Arsenio.

'This is getting ridiculous.' Artoria was furious that she can't even control her body as she went rampage on her new mission. Thankfully the mission wasn't that hard, and they came home earlier.

Artoria stomped to her room as she tried to get calm. She is always cool and level-headed so why now she is acting like a child. She keeps thinking on her bed until her body begs her to touch herself.

Artoria had never masturbated before, and she always did this in front of Arsenio because he used to force her to do it. but right now, she feels weird that she needs to touch herself. She's a servant, not a human, so why is she acting like a dog in heat?

Nevertheless, her fingers already went down into her pussy and started to rub her favorite part. She remembered how Arsenio did it. She can't deny he was good at making her pussy spread out and hungrier than before.

Even though her fingers were long, but not thick enough to make her satisfied, she even spread her pussy even further, missing the giant cock that usually pounded her hard until she saw the starry sky.

She becomes frustrated because she can't reach the climax. Then, she had an idea when she had one item that might be on par with Arsenio's dick.

She even summoned Rhongomyniad to use it as masturbation material. She makes sure the tip of the lance wasn't sharp and can be used to be her sex toy.

Artoria moaned as she began to put her holy lance into her pussy and began to move like it was Arsenio's dick, moving it in rapid speed to reach her climax because she just needed it. She needs that kind of big thing to release.

Unable to suppress her horniness anymore, she decided to visit Ritsuka. She knew at least Ritsuka could help her, even though she doubted the young man had such skill as Arsenio. But once she entered, she saw Ritsuka half-naked.

She saw his dick and she had never been this disappointed in her life. His size wasn't even half of Arsenio's huge dick, and she didn't want him anymore.

That day she decided to leave Ritsuka and sprung herself into Arsenio.

The man only smirked when he saw Artoria with a pleading face. He already predicted this way before he claimed her pussy.

That night the Chaldea was filled with Astoria's nonstop moans and the sound of skins slapping all day.


Ritsuka cannot stop worrying about her.

Ever since he woke up from a deep slumber, Artoria has changed. She had never shown her gentle smile before.

He never saw her bringing her mighty lance anymore, even though she always brought it like it was her life. And every time he asked her about it, she would change the topic right away, like she didn't want to talk about it.

What shocked him, was that the next day Ritsuka tried to talk to her about the last awkward moment they just had, Artoria brushed it off like it was nothing.

It was obvious Artoria was about to say something, she has a weird flush face, a face that he has never seen before, and he wanted to know why.

Whenever he asked Da Vinci and other staff about this, they had no idea. Only Arsenio would calm him down and gave him pretty good advice.

He suggested meeting her in the Da Vinci Shop at midday. It was weird because usually, Da Vinci closed her shop so she could have lunch so no way anyone would be in the room, but he did see the lion king enter the room with someone.

As he was about to approach her. He can't believe what he just saw.

His majesty just went down, unzipping Arsenio's pants, and then she started to lick his cock like it was candy for Artoria.

At first, Ritsuka thought he was seeing things. He never knew someone would have a huge cock like Arsenio. It's like Hercules' size dick, but this time it was in human form and it's throbbing hard.

And then Artoria. Oh, the lion king has turned into a complete slut as she sucked his dick like there's no tomorrow.

Ritsuka never knew someone like Artoria could suck cock like that. She won't hesitate to swallow the whole cock. Like her throat was made just to suck Arsenio's cock without flail, he even didn't see her choke even once.

The man also treated her badly, he would grab her hair, which had an amazing braid style, into a complete mess, yet Artoria still looks so gorgeous with a huge cock in her mouth.

Her tongue would leave her to drool all over his dick, even as she sucked his balls with a satisfied face. The pubes on Arsenio's dick were kind of crazy but Artoria can lick them all just fine, and didn't find his pubes hair disgusting at all.

Ritsuka cannot help but find it hard to see this.

He feels ashamed because he is supposed to be angry that Artoria was stolen right by him and Arsenio was treating her badly.

Yet the view of Artoria sucking his huge cock greedily while touching herself was enough to make him cum. Ritsuka can see the floor is getting wet because Artoria was cumming just before the man forced her to swallow his dick completely and cummed right inside of her throat.

Artoria coughed a bit but she immediately changed her position. She sat on the desk where Ritsuka usually exchanged stuff with Da Vinci and right now Artoria spread her legs like a whore.

Ritsuka can see how wide Artoria is right now and the woman begged her, even masturbating in front of Arsenio just to make him fucked her right away.

And he did it. raw.

Ritsuka can see how his dick was able to make Artoria a mess. The woman didn't even care to close her mouth and let her moans fill the room. Ritsuka has heard this voice several times, he just didn't know it was Artoria all along.

Ritsuka was hard again, he was crying because obviously, Artoria has completely abandoned him, and right now she has received mana from someone else, even though her contract is still with him.

The only thing he could do was to let go of Artoria, but his heart cannot take it. The command seal was the mark where Artoria came to Chaldea and aided him.

He just can't believe right now Artoria forgetting their max bond and choosing Arsenio instead, even though the man potentially might be their enemy.

It was too late to regret, Artoria already warned him, and right now she falls right into his arms.

"Aahh—Arsenio—Please—" Artoria, who spoke like a true cumslut, began begging her as she tied her legs to his waist.

Not wanting to let him go.

"Man, you're never satisfied, don't you? Here I come!" Arsenio who remembered fully her behavior finally let out his cums inside of her, making her scream in pleasure.

Artoria was making a lewd face, and Ritsuka came right away, wishing he was the one who was making Artoria like this.

But his small dick can't do something like this, his size was ten times smaller than Arsenio and there's nothing he can do about it.

The man met at his gaze. And he didn't look embarrassed at all. He only makes signs that he shouldn't have made noises if he didn't want Artoria to notice him.

What a complete nightmare. Ritsuka takes the whole day for a break.

When Da Vinci asks him who was making a mess in her office because her office is kind of smelly, Ritsuka won't give her a single answer.


Artoria is completely under Arsenio's grasp.

She even dressed like a slut, like her bunny outfit and showing off her bikini whenever they were not on duty, and Arsenio sometimes would touch her like nobody was there.

After she no longer hides that she's the one who keeps making moans on the Chaldea, Arsenio finally announces their new contract as servant and master.

Everyone finally knows that Artoria finally chose Arsenio as her new master, and nobody protested. Artoria witnessed Da Vinci quietly ask Ritsuka about his opinion when Artoria one sided moved to Arsenio's team without his permission.

Ritsuka accepted it without fighting back. Usually, it would be the master who terminated the contract, and the servant would perish if they didn't receive the mana for a long time, but it was an odd case. Probably because Artoria has been fed with Arsenio's mana and she can't perish right away even Ritsuka wishes to cut their mana link.

Ritsuka was looking distant, but he didn't dare to act hostile toward his new master. Sometimes he still threw a longing look toward her, but Artoria pretended she didn't see anything. Ritsuka was no longer her concern after all.

She knew someone like Ritsuka wouldn't be able to satisfy her.

The more she spends her time with Arsenio, the more she feels foolish that she used to care for Ritsuka before.

Why should she stick with one master after all?

Why does she need to be with Ritsuka when she can get all she wants from someone else who is more capable than him?

She slowly starts to forget why she needs to defend Ritsuka and stick with him. Getting mana supply from Arsenio was ten times better than protecting Ritsuka all the time.

Getting claimed by Arsenio and becoming his personal cumdumpster was a blessing for Artoria, awakening her true form as a true servant. She can fight without worry about mana in the battlefield, making her team was leading in the Chaldea, even though Ritsuka's power was no match with Arsenio.

Because of this, nobody would protest if Arsenio start to do indecent things in public like touching Artoria unappropriated way, undressing her, kissing her, and even daring to have sex with her in the middle of the day anyone can see them.

And Artoria never refused. She gladly spreads her pussy and let Arsenio ruin her clothes, making her like a real slave whenever someone came and saw them having sex, Arsenio would like to show off them and even let one of them touch her.

The only person who wouldn't do anything to her was Ritsuka. She can see his hurtful face whenever he found Arsenio pounding her like a madman anywhere and he would quietly leave them.

This was making Arsenio have a new idea. "Do you know that we haven't had sex in his room? How about we try that?"

And Artoria obeyed. Imagining she have wild sex with Arsenio in his bedroom was excited her, she wonders what kind of Ritsuka's face when he found out.

He has a password and turns out he hasn't changed the password after Artoria entered her birthday number as the password. "Foolish man." That's her response.

Arsenio quickly kissed her as they entered and the two often won't part away until his dick was about to burst.

Filling Ritsuka's room with his musk smells and Artoria can't wait to make it spread all over his bedroom. Once it enters the nose, nobody can't forget. Artoria cannot resist her horniness as she begins to spread her legs, inviting him to pound her whenever he likes.

Ritsuka was taking too long to return to his room as Artoria was already getting filled in every corner of Ritsuka's room.

"Ah—Yes yes!" Artoria squawked happily she let Arsenio's juice shooting inside of her. When

"Ah, I'm getting sweaty, I want to take shower." Artoria said, purposely didn't close the door. Of course, the man ended up following the king and had three round sexes inside of the bathroom.

Artoria was deadly gorgeous when she's wet from the top to the bottom. Arsenio chuckled as he thought if only Ritsuka would see how he made the mess out of Artoria right now.

The woman already cummed more than once and right now her pussy twitched happily as he claimed her asshole again even though she just cleaned her holes.

They continued kissing and moving their hips until the bathroom door broke because they couldn't hold both of them too much longer.

The man easily carried the naked woman into the bedroom and started their ritual all over again. The man would use his fingers again to gauge out the leftover cums just to make her get filled again, but this time Arsenio made sure the musk also would forever stay on Ritsuka's bed.

Artoria was getting horny again because of his action and begged him to fuck her right away. But this time, Arsenio was using slow method, purposely doing this just to torture Artoria.


"No, we need to save up energy before he's coming—"

"Aaah—I'm coming!" Artoria was sucked at slow sex because she would cumming immediately and this made Arsenio laugh at her, mocking her for cumming like a virgin.

"You're not patient at all." Finally, Artoria gets what she wants. Arsenio pounded her hard like tomorrow was the doomsday and if he could break her right, she would get a broken leg right now and still enjoyed getting pounded by him.

Artoria didn't even remember where she is right now, forgetting the owner of the bed was Ritsuka Fujimaru.


Ritsuka, who had just returned from a long mission day, was shocked to see his room was in a big mess. He wanted to sleep the whole day, just to forget about Artoria, his beloved servant who was stolen from him.

He was about to open the door, he noticed he could hear a bed creaking coming from his bedroom, he was confused. There isn't supposed to be anyone in there, maybe someone was able to hack the password?

"Aah—Your might lance is the best—"

"Really? Which is best?"

"Yours—Yours is better than—Aaaaah!"

Ritsuka recognized the voice, it belonged to Arsenio and probably Artoria was there, becoming his bitch.

"Huh? Why is my room so noisy—WHAT!" Ritsuka forced himself to look and the view was terrifying.

He can see white cums dropped in every corner of his room and his nose can pick the musky scents.

Ritsuka won't forget these smells forever. Not when Artoria loved the smells as she licked his huge cock which reeked of the musky smell all along, and even Artoria sucked his balls like worshiping him.

"The loser is finally coming home!"

"What are you guys doing here?! Get out—"

"Can you see? Your dear servant misses you."

Arsenio was lying, Artoria was sucking his dick with happy inhuman noises and then Arsenio would push her head and force her to have a deep throat.

Ritsuka just wants them to stop yet right now they won't stop bragging about their matching stamina and libido in front of him.

"Oya? You even have a boner!" Arsenio laughed at him as his hands start to dig Artoria's wet pussy.

"For you, I give you special views." Arsenio brought the king into his lap and used his hands to stretch her buttcheeks.

Making Ritsuka have a full view of both two holes, Artoria was filled by his cums and right now both of them are dripping wet.

He can see how thick his cums were, making Artoria satisfied.

Ritsuka has no choice but to close the door and sit on the nearby sofa. It was sticky and still smelt, but it wasn't bad like in his bed.

The poor man saw Artoria get fucked right away in his bedroom and the woman was moans happily, getting rammed by him with piston force and she even let out her tongue like a dirty dog.

And then Arsenio claimed her mouth and gave her a French kiss. Ritsuka's heart clenched as he watched her beautiful lips get eaten by Arsenio, the woman also willingly kissed him back like both of them were made for each other, Ritsuka's burning jealousy was about to burst up.

Yet, all he could do was watch and do nothing, like what he usually does. Sensing the man was about to have a breakdown, Arsenio decided to have some dirty talks with Artoria.

"Which one do you like, hun?" Arsenio asked as he pounded her in between.

"Aahh—What do you-Aaa!" Artoria has no clue what he's talking about, she even almost forgot Ritsuka's existence in the room if her master didn't remind her.

"Me or Ritsuka?" He said with a calm tone, but his body moved vigorously just to make her lose her mind again.

"Hngh—Y-you—Of course!" Artoria answered without hesitation, and it made him chuckle.

"Why?" He asked again, this time he didn't wait for her answer as he added more speed.

"Wha—Obviously because of your dick—Aaahh—SO BIG—SO GOOD—AAH!" Artoria's moans turned into weird noises and she even started to lose the ability to talk normally like a human.

At this point, the two of them have already discarded Ritsuka and continue to enjoy each other's embrace like the world belongs to them only.

"See, Ritsuka? This is how you tame your servant. Make them your cumslut and they will obey you in no time!" Arsenio said in the mock tone as he started to grab her waist.

He purposely broke her by pounding her into the cervix and coming right away.

"AAAHH—YES—MORE MORE—I CUM—AAAH!" Artoria's climax was making Ritsuka also come in his pants. This pathetic man can't even hold himself to not come, even though his heart was completely broken heart, yet his dick was still slave to them.

"It's your fault that you don't even sleep with her and right now she is only looking forward to working with me. Loser."

What Arsenio said wasn't wrong. If Ritsuka had taken the first step, things might have gone differently.

But it was futile. Arsenio would take his servant anyway since his noodle dick won't stand a chance against Arsenio's gigantic cock of Arsenio.

When Artoria rose up from the bed, she whined to him. "Nee, let's return to our love nest. I think we broke the bed." She said without even feeling guilty for ruining his room.

"Yes, my lord. We can do this all day." He said as he carried her in bridal style, both of them walked away with naked and didn't care to clean up a single bit, leaving Ritsuka alone with the reality.

A couple of staff saw them before they entered Arsenio's room and he locked it. meaning he didn't want anyone to bother them.

It was hard to make Artoria fell into deep slumber when she can handle him pretty much almost all day, probably because she's high rank servant and strong one, but it was easy to take down her mentality and makes her into his personal sex slave.

It wasn't easy but it wasn't hard earlier, he just had enough patience and observant skill to lure them out and then make them fall over heels because of his amazing size and technique, it was his fate as the conqueror, conquering any servants into his submission.

And his first victim was happen to be the most legendary of Britain hero in the most erotic body, of course he won't waste a single chance to not claim her.

Now, after he finally was able to make her sleep. He began to investigate other women, even girls he won't mind.

"Hmmm, who shall I take next?"


"Are you sure you will continue to act like this?" Suddenly Da Vinci grew a conscience and asked Artoria the foolish thing she ever asked.

She knows so well that Artoria was beyond help yet she dares to approach her. Probably because Ritsuka's condition was getting worse.

"If you want me to take care of that boy, you should find other babysitters."

"That's not what I mean. You used to be the great king of Britain and now you're acting like a slut just for one man."

"I'm not King. I'm the only servant here and my purpose is to serve my master, whatever it is."

"He has plenty of servants too, they can take care of him. But, if he wasn't being careful, his friends might be—ended up like me." Artoria said as she winked before leaving Da Vinci in a confused state.

Artoria was fully aware that his master won't stop at her and would continue to conquer other servants, probably her double self and anything that has her resemblance.

And she was okay with it, she couldn't wait to explore a new world with her new master and begin an adventure as the king of the cumslut.