
Porn With Plot

Short Stories collected from different sources and authors.

I_Am_Busy · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Akeno Himejima X BigBlackCock

Nick, the new boy in school who left many students puzzled with his androgenous beauty, had been living a quiet school life. People occasionally approached him to chat up with him, but there were no students who wanted to have a conflict with him. Except one, Akeno Himejima, the virgin killer of the school with a personality that would not fall behind in feminine wilderness even when compared to an actual beast out in the wild. She did not view Nick's slim and pretty body as anything other than a challenge. If anything, she felt like everyone mentioning just how pure and pretty Nick was in front of her felt no different to her than them challenging her to sully him. She did not hesitate for long before exposing her twisted intentions and vixen ideations to her close friend Rias.

''Hey, you know that new kid Nick, right?''

Rias was quick to respond in a cheery manner with her huge tits resting on her desk.

''Yeah, everyone has been talking about him lately. I wonder if he would mind joining me for lunch.''

Akeno could not help but swing her long hair to the side and roll her eyes to display her disappointment in Rias.

''You are so lame, Rias. I was hoping that at least you would find it fun to see him lower himself like all the other boys in school. Everyone is putting him on a pedestal just because his skin is smooth and his voice is not deep. He would totally fuck any girl who spread his legs for him and even film it for everyone to see. Men are just monkeys after all, they will do anything for good pussy, especially if it is from a pretty girl like me.''

Rias was not all too rude of a girl, but she did enjoy casual perversion like this with all parties consenting. What was wrong with her friend hooking up with someone if they also agreed to it? Rias smiled and quickly extended her hand to Akeno.


Akeno was happy that her friend finally supported this fun idea and smiled while shaking her hand. ''You bet ya!''

They did not discuss the bet conditions a lot. After all, Akeno would simply back out of the bet if she did not want to publish her own porn on the net. She was the only one with skin in the game. Akeno was quick to doll herself up as she prepared to go seduce Nick. She entered her room with a unique focus that a woman usually only had before going to the wedding of the girl that they hated just to outshine them. After all, Akeno could only maintain her virgin killer status by living everything with this type of motivation.

Akeno's room was the female equavilent of an armory: she had drawers decked with the sexiest underwear, a collection of makeup products that could paint her entire room, fast fashion that had become popular only last week, sex toys with twice the size of the average adult man's cock just to prepare herself to all the sizes and even a wooden replice of herself to test out certain clothing combinations. She was not just a woman, she was a monster of a woman with the armies of only a few nations posessing nationalistic dedication capable of rivaling her sheer dedication to the art of taking the virginity of everybody with a dick. She had no intention to hold back on this pretty boy Nick as well.

Nick was a boy with a lot of interest placed on him with few ideas on how to handle it all. He was a simple boy with a ton of male urges brewing inside his pants and a pretty face on a slim body that did not match just what kind of a cock he was packing. He did not respond all too positively to the confessions that the girls, and even some of the boys, in the school made towards him. He kindly rejected each and everyone while hoping day and night that he had their courage as well. After all, Nick was madly in love with his precious Akeno but without the guts to be able to actually open up to her. Right when Nick was about to beat himself over the fact that he was too much of a coward, his crush walked up to him at the most random time.

Akeno was not just wearing the school uniform by itself either. She had an extremely short version of the regular school skirt that was so short that it actually rested on her fat buttocks without covering her private parts at all. The only thing saving her pussy from being seen by Nick in its entirity was the thin string of her black thong that ran down between the lips of her plump pussy.

Her top was also basically not buttoned at all, revealing her huge tits to the open air and to Nick's eyes as if they were entirely bare, with only her nipples obscured by her shirt. Her long hair was silky smooth and shining with the almond oil generously applied on it. She was also wearing long heels that demonstrated her charms perfectly. She was not just pretty or beautiful, she had clearly went through the trouble to intentionally sexualize herself. Nick was left speechless, with both of his hands trying to push down the rising bulge in his pants as to not look like a creep in front of his crush. Akeno spoke while parting her vibrant red lipstick covered valoptous lips.

''Hey there, pretty boy. Would you be interested in losing your virginity? I am totaaaaaaaaally going to record the whole thing and post it on the net though. What about it? Are you going t-''

Nick did not know if he was dreaming, but he did not hesitate at all before answering. ''Yes! Yes! Please!''

He held her hand and started walking her to his room, ready to fuck her brains out. He did not care about the conditions at all. He just wanted to have sex with his crush, no matter the cost. Akeno was not surprised at all. This reaction was actually the average reaction. Most men reacted in this way when she offered free sex. She had heard repeatedly from the boys in school that most of them even used her as fap fuel. Nick might be a really pretty boy, but he was still a boy through and through.

Nick's room was a rather simplistic room. He had a bed with white bedsheets on it, a pillow with no patterns on it and a desk that looked like it was only used for studying. The reason for that would be assumed as Nick being a clean young man with a tendency for the organized decor, however it was actually the fact that Nick was packing such a huge cock and cumming such high amounts that he could only jack off in his bathroom without making a mess. Akeno did not know those details as she looked around the room and assumed Nick to an innocently pretty and nerdy boy. She sat on his bed as if she owned the place and looked at Nick while speaking.

''Come on, you really should not make your partner wait in moments like these if you want to be successful in bed. I am already in the mood, so strip down and let's just get to business.''

Akeno was certain that Nick had a really small cock after seeing his room. Only boys with tiny dicks would not have fucked after spending this much time in this school full of bimbos. Either that, or men who were so hung that they could not comfortable fuck the average girl in this school.

Akeno had zero confidence that Nick would be a part of the latter, or that his cock would be any size that she could not handle if he did end up being a super hung dude. She simply certain of her

victory before the battle even began. Yet, her mouth was left agape once Nick stripped down to reveal his gargantuan, rock hard cock. He was not merely twice the size of the average man down there, he had a dick thicker than Akeno's arms put together and the length was easy to compare in that regard as well. She could not believe that Nick was packing something like this for just how feminine his face and body looked. Her confusion made itself appearent once she opened her mouth to speak.

''W-what the hell is that? How the hell are you so hung? A-are you some kind of monster?''

Nick's excitement did not die down just because his crush reacted to his huge cock with such shock and surprise. He instead used this chance to confess while rubbing the tip of his gigantic cock on her face without any respect for her personal spece.

''I love you, Akeno! You are the most beautiful girl in this school! I get this rockhard whenever I think about you, I can not believe that I actually get to pound your pussy with this cock today!''

Akeno was clearly second guessing herself deep inside. Could she really remain sane after spending a night with this incredible example of a cock? However her mind wandering off and making guesses meant very little when it came to the reactions of her body. Her lips were already wrapping around the tip of Nick's majestic cock and lubricating it with her saliva. She remembered what she came here for after a little bit more of doing this. She braced herself once more and spoke while looking up at Nick with a cheeky expression.

''Sit on the bed, pretty boy. I got distracted with just how hung you were for a moment, but I will show you why so many virgins have lost their virginities to this body. Even a dick this large stands no chance when I have so many ways of making you cum using my body.''

Nick did not look like he had anything to complain with his crush offering up sexual favors to him. He instead sat down on the bed while looking at the full bossom of Akeno. He knew what he wanted now that his huge cock was covered in her saliva. Akeno seemed to also understand it as she kneeled on the ground in front of Nick. She then pressed her super large tits around Nick's gargantuan cock. She had all the intention to still hold onto her pride as a virgin killer even if Nick was packing a cock larger than any cock Akeno had seen, even documentaries included. Akeno spoke with a cheeky smile while starting to move her tits up and down the shaft of Nick's cock.

''Your dick might be rock hard, but it only makes it so that my soft tits feel all the better. But, I have to admit that I am impressed you can get this rock hard of an erection with such a large cock. It was honestly shocking, since most guys who are half as hung as you are usually end up having a hard time even getting it up.''

Nick was feeling blissful with his huge cock wrapped by the soft flesh of Akeno's huge tits. The saliva acted as enough of a lubricant to make each and every move of her tits feel slippery and erotically pleasing. He was helpless as his face twisted into a pleased smile. He had never felt pleasure of this caliber before and he could something growing within him. He was becoming wild. This perfect female in front of her giving him this much sexual pleasure with just her tits was enough to trigger something inside Nick. He first started moving his own hips up and down to take greater pleasure from this titjob. He completely ignored the camera that was recording them and focused on making the tip of his cock touch Akeno's plump lips at the peak of each thrust. He was fucking her tits while stealing kisses from her lips with his cock. He could scarcely believe that girl he loved was actually doing something like this out of her own free will.

Akeno was confident that she could handle any cock, but the size and might of Nick's cock in front

of her with a well of untapped male instinct behind it was enough to make her have second thoughts. She did not understand why her pussy was already getting wet just from giving a titjob or why she even allowed him to thrust his cock up and down between her tits just to make her kiss the tip of his cock. Her eyes had some embers of female pride in them while she looked up at Nick but her lips were gladly making lewd love to the tip of his cock as if that cock were the lips of her starstruck lover. She was never a woman to disobey the urges of her body, even if they led to humiliating sexual situations like this. However, the situation had not stopped becoming lewder just yet. Nick looked down with his colourful and pretty eyes while carrying a tone of voice that was way too commanding for how feminine and elegant his face looked.

''Hey, you should be more honest with yourself, Akeno. I love you enough to know that you are holding back. Squeeze those tits tighter and let me properly fuck it. Every part of a woman is meant to be used by cocks anyways, so you would not care if I made a pussy out of your cleavage, right?''

The words were not ones that Akeno expected to hear, but she still pressed on her huge and soft tits with her hands with enough power to make her fingers sink into them. She was making a perfect titfuck onahole for Nick's dick while also drooling like crazy all over his cock as she kept up the sloppy kiss. She was unable to discern the reality of her situation for a moment since such a tight and wet environment being wrapped around such a vulgar cock made it so that the sex sounded no different than her pussy getting fucked. He was even thrusting his hips upward with enough force to have his balls slap against the underside of her tits. He was fucking the hell out of her tits while groaning with pleasure. She could not help but admire this gigantic cock that was about to make her cum just from fucking her tits. She had never felt this close to orgasm without even touching herself. She could not even begin to imagine just what kind of mess this gigantic pretty boy dick would make out of her pussy in a few minutes. Her face of rebellion and female pride soon turned into that of joy and pleasure. Her smiling lips were repeatedly struck by the tip of Nick's cock as he kept fucking her tits, and she made sure to place a small and loving kiss on that monster of a cock each and every time it rose up to her lips. She was properly expressing her thanks and her smile was becoming wider and wider as she grew to accept her ever encroaching defeat. Nick was also a moaning and groaning man with a wide smile across his face now. This was better than anything he had ever dreamt of and he felt close to cumming.

''Ah! Fuck! This is way too good, Akeno! Your huge tits are better than any onahole in the market! This feels fucking incredible! I am going to cum! I am going to cover your face in white!''

He was using more and more obscene words now, Akeno could tell that there was a beast trying to surface from beneath the usual ego of Nick. He was trying to sexually go berserk and the only thing between him and utterly dominating the female in front of her was a thin veil of civil conduct and serenity. Would she be given forgiveness for being a female with a wet pussy once Nick became hornier? Surely, he would do nothing short of pinning her down and fucking her womb directly with this gigantic cock that was clearly meant to leave no part of a woman's body sacred. He would own her if she did so much as slack off for a single moment and allow him. With all of that in mind, Akeno smiled as she allowed the pleasure was over her. She gave up on trying to be civil. She would get ruined by this cock and enjoy every single second of it. She screamed out with pleasure as an orgasm washed over her at the same as a thick and sticky wave of semen covered her face and body as Nick ejaculated.


This was the natural outcome. A single titjob and being awash with a crashing wave of super potent male seed was enough to break any bitch when the cock in question was an absolute titan like this one. She simply stood no chance from the very start. Akeno knew that this would be when most men took a pause, however she could still feel the pulsing heat of Nick's furnace of a cock in front of her face and the steam that was rising off of it. This pretty boy was packing the kind of cock that would scare even a demon. He was not a mere man that one could find off the streets. This cock was a proper bitchbreaker. Akeno knew that she had no options other than to surrender to this cock, feeling its heat and knowing its location even when her eyes were hidden behind a thick veil of semen was more than enough proof for her. She stood up on shaky legs as her insane hands-free orgasm had finally ended. She moved onto the bed as Nick laid down on his beck with his huge cock standing erect like a pillar.

''I-I am going to take your virginity now... Hoooo... T-this huge cock is going to lose its virginity in my tight pussy.''

Nick's bestial side had risen up to the surface. He had no intention to wait anymore and spoke while rubbing the tip of his cock against Akeno's dripping wet pussy as she prepared to ride his cock.

''I love you, Akeno. So, I am going to make sure that I keep fucking you no matter what. This is what a man is supposed to do when he is faced with a horny and cock-hungry slut like you , after all. I am going to teach this pussy the meaning of conquest. After all, what is better to a man than to completely own the girl that he loves? I am also going to be cumming into you as many times as I want. You are okay with all of this, right?''

She had only one answer to give to a question like this while slowly allowing her weight to drop onto this huge cock that could be compared to an artillery shell of the highest caliber.

''Y-Yes. Y-you can own this fucking pussy.''

She said this while knowing full well that the camera was rolling. She spoke knowing with great clarity that her words would be heard by a countless many. She did not have to even pretend to be civil if she could get fucked by this majestic dick on the daily. She fully focused on the sensation of getting her tight pussy stretched as she sat down slowly on this cock. The incredible girth of the cock made it so that she was being stretched like nothing ever stretched her before. The length was also so incredible that she almost felt like there would be no bottom. The first in a lifetime feeling of getting her cervix touched by the tip of a cock also added to that sensation. She had never expected that there would come a day where she would have to stop inserting a cock not because the cock's length had run out but because the depth of her pussy did. She was left breathless and her heart rate started to rise. She felt as though some fear of the unknown was taking her over, but as cum dribbled down from her face she was able to see the relaxed expression on Nick's face as he spoke.

''Akeno, I am going to say mean things. I am going to get you in the mood that you need to be in order for you to be able to have sex with this cock.''

She did not quite understand what he could possibly mean by that, but her questions were declared null and void by his next move. He reached and grabbed her slim waist before suddenly pulling her down. The entire upper qarter of his cock had penetrated into her womb, so deep that the tip of his cock was hitting against the roof of her womb. She felt as though her sanity was fading when she heard Nick's dirty talk.

''Move your ass up and down, slut! You are the one riding my cock! I am going to stretch your slutty pussy and ruin your whore womb! You are going to be carrying my babies from now on in there, so I am going to fuck it to fullest to make you pay for such a blessing! You are going be my bitch from now on, Akeno! I will fucking own you!''

Nick was still laidback while yelling such things with such intense energy in his voice. He was ordering her around, but also challenging her. She was being challenged to shake her hips up and down if she could. She was being ordered to ride such a gigantic cock and have it fuck her pussy with her own movements. She could scarcely imagine a more humiliating form of sex. She would be left with no feminine or personal pride if she did something like that. However, being on the verge of orgasm just from Nick putting his cock into her was more than enough motivation for the hormone and sexual thoguht driven part of her brain. She was ready to trample over such things like pride and completely fall deeper and deeper into depravity for the sake of pleasure. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be made into an onahole for a gigantic cock. She wanted him to yell at her more. She wanted him. She poured more strength into her legs and stood, taking the entire length of Nick's gigantic cock with a display of inhuman effort. After that, she dropped the entire weight of her body back down on Nick's cock again. This was the piston. A full body, full motion method of dick riding that could satisfy even a bitchbreaker dick like this. Yet, the cost was in just how good it felt for Akeno.


Nick was honestly impressed. Each thrust was truly making her orgasm, but she did not stop standing up and dropping herself back down on his cock. Her pussy was super tight, hot and wet. He could not find anything to complain about other than speed. He then looekd at the camera.

Waiting for her to make him cum with such an intense yet slow tempo would surely not make for an exciting video even if she was doing heqr best. So, Nick decided to properly respect her and declare his ownership over her while making her assemble the doggy position with a few easy pushes and pulls. He did not treat her roughly, showing that he still loved her dearly. However, he could not allow her to think that he would not fuck the shit out of her just whenever he wished. After all, he owned Akeno now. He mounted her in that doggy position and started thrusting his gargantuan cock in and out of her while making sure she was facing the camera. Her lewdest expressions and her eyes tearing up from pleasure were all made bare for everyone to see. Nick did not stop fucking even after showing everyone that, though. He was fucking the hell out of her pussy with the full intention of pumping her womb full of his babies.

Akeno's eyes were rolling to the back of her head already. The cock fucking her womb was so large that there was an imprint of his tip in the form of a large bulge on her abdomen with each and every thrust he perfromed. The bulge was large enough to even be seen on camera. She was not just being fucked, she was being destroyed. She could herself as nothing higher than a fucktoy from now on. However, getting her womb stretched like this made her incredibly happy. She had never even dreamt of being fucked like this in her life, but now it felt like the only valid way of having sex.

Was it even sex when it did not leave the woman with questions about where her life was going? Was it sex if one did not feel it in their soul? She was helpless. She was being fucked like a bitch. Yet, she had never been happier. Her womb was being devastated, but she felt like she was winning in life as a woman. She could not help but scream in joy and pleasure.




Nick was feeling happy as he heard those words. But he had to make sure that the climax was something that Akeno remembered forever. He wrapped her long hair around his forearm to give himself a good grip, before he suddenly started thrusting fast and hard enough to make the nosies of their skin slapping against each other sound like thunder. The room was being drowned in noise and the thrusts were getting so fast that the amount of pussy juice spraying from Akeno's pussy looked as though there was a sprinkler right around where they were connected. He was fully intending to break her as he pumped her womb full of seed and kept thrusting even when his cock started ejaculating. The incredibly thick and sticky cum flooding her womb and filling her pussy up like construction glue was enough to make her hesitate when it came to if this was even real or not.

Akeno was feeling as though she was in a dream as she fainted while Nick screamed to declare his victory, not against Akeno but in life.


The following 45 minutes of the video were Nick fucking Akeno while she slipped in and out of awareness. He had fucked her to the point that bed would forever smell of their sex juices. He only stopped the video recording after he was convinced that Akeno could not keep going anymore. He laid in bed with her until she came to her senses an hour or so later. She was unsure as to how much of what she remembered was real, but the guilt inside her was real as she looked at Nick's handsome and pretty face while she spoke.

''Ha... Good morning... I-I am sorry about the whole filming thing... T-this sex was far too intense for it to be something like a bet with Rias... I-I want to be a couple. So, can you please forgive me if I promise to delete the video?''

Akeno did not wait for his response, calling Rias to cancel the bet and backout just to prove her sincerity. She would have the video deleted even if Nick was still angry at her. However, Nick instead slapped the phone out of her hand before speaking.

''I don't care who sees me fucking the hell out of your pussy like that. If anything, it is going to be fun recording stuff like that. I am also totally going to be fucking you every single day from now on.''

Akeno was happy as she hugged Nick tightly. They then posted the video to each and every pornsite, even linking it to school groups. She knew that a porn video like this would be the end of anyone respecting her in a social setting, but she did not intend for any other fuction to her life other than being Nick's woman and onahole. She did not care if people made fun of her, as long as she could get fucked by this cock until she passed out by the daily.

Akeno and Nick were watching the video themselves while snuggling, of course Akeno's hands were busy massaging Nick's huge balls and Nick's hands were fondling her huge tits. They were enjoying each other's company while watching Akeno go absolutely stupid on Nick's cock using the wall to wall TV in front of them. Akeno was amazed just how such a huge thing could truly fuck her. Rias on the other hand, was left biting her pillow out of jealousy when she saw the video. She

was stuck in her room masturbating for several days using that video while she clawed at the furniture in her room, angry at the fact that she lost such a stallion of a cock over to Akeno. Rias could only wonder as to just how good that cock would feel inside her, unable to do more than simply use her imagination while her friend was getting fucked several times daily by such a magnificent dick.