
Chapter 30: Falling In Love.

Kezia: I had a call from Mr. Albert saying that....Perpetual: Do we get to eat pizza everyday?Ann: Eww, Are we going to do another music video?Precious: Tiring, Do we get to do a challenge?Fati: No, We're going to have an advert Rania: You guys!!The Girls Except Rania: YesRania: We're going on a trip to Paris Ann: Oh noKezia: I wanted to tell you girls that Mr. Albert asked me to create another channel for fun games Perpetual: Wow, That is so goodKezia: And the name for the channel is KV To The World The Girls Except Kezia: Wow Precious: That is so exciting Rania: We can start any day right?Fati: I think so, I can't wait for us to start making fun Videos The girls laughed. At the boy's house, Glenn was in the room watching Ann when she performed at the Mnet Awards when Edmund came to him Edmund: What are you watching?Glenn: Oh, Nothing Edmund: You're watching Ann Glenn: Okay, You caught me, dude Edmund: Why, Do u miss her?Glenn: Not only miss but I'm starting to fall in love with her Edmund: Call her so that you guys would go out together Glenn: That is a good idea, Let me try to call her Glenn called Ann but she didn't pick Edmund: I'm sure she'll call back The Girls Precious: I really want something to eat Ann: Me tooKezia: Oh, My youngsters are hungry. Since, Perpetual and I would prepare something for you both Fati: What about us?Perpetual: Make your own foods Rania: Ouch, that hurts Ann: Yes, the past still hurts The girls laughed Kezia: Pepe is just kidding, we're making for everyone Rania: Yay Kezia and Perpetual made the foods with the help of the other girls