
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


---Few Days Later---

---22 June---

Between the clouds above the sea, the camouflaged bio ship flew into the direction of Santa Prisca. 

"We're almost there. Reaching first Drop Zone." Mis Martian announces, prompting Aqualad to stand up and activate his suit's covert mode. 

Miss Martian creates a hole in the bio ship for Aqualad before he jumped though into the sea close to the shore. Quickly jumping onto the shore, Aqualad bugs the motion and heat sensors designed to secure the island.

"The sensors are on a continuous loop." Aqualad speaks into the coms device, alerting the team as they flew over the island. 

"Get ready." Miss Martian announced. 

"Yo." Beast stands up and walks towards the silent Robin. "Look, you want to be leader right?" He questions, receiving a nod in return. "Then you have to be assertive while commanding. And I'm stressing the commanding part. You can't just say nothing and expect the team to know what to do." He gives his tip and pats the boy wonder on his shoulder. "I'm rooting for you." 

Three hooks extend from the roof of the bio ship. Clipping it onto their belts, Beast Robin and Kid Flash slowly descend to the ground, while Superboy simply jumps off and Miss Martian floats. 

Robin glances at Beast before speaking. "Hide in the shadows as we move forward to the storage building." He speaks, slowly walking into the cover of the many trees. 

"Geez who made him the leader?" Kid Flash mutters as he and Beast follows suit, but go in a more left sided approach, Miss Martian and Superboy taking the right. 

Not long after, Superboy comm'ed that he spots two groups moving closer towards each other. 

"Avoid them." Aqualad's voice reached them. "We only need to gather information this mission. Avoid any confrontation."

"Roger." Robin responded before they moved around the groups towards the building. a Few minutes after, once they reached it, gunshots rang through the air, causing more people to exit the building, rifles in hand. 

"Alpha Group." Robin announces through the ear piece. "In position." 

"Beta Group. In position." Aqualad spoke, having met up with Superboy and Miss Martian. 

"I'll infiltrate their main computing room and hack the system. You guys try and find out what happened for that gunfight earlier." Robin commands as he climbed through a window, followed by the other two. 


"Alright." Robin whispers, looking at Beast and Kid Flash. "Kid. Move with me. Beast, keep a lookout." He speaks before slipping into the room, quickly knocking out the guard stationed at the computers, overlooking the cameras. 

"Wow. I'm a lookout..." Beast mutters while walking down the hallway. Reaching a door, he pushes it open a bit before peaking outside, spotting some guards putting crates into a helicopter outside. "Robin. It seems they're starting the transportation of the good tonight." He says, not long after, Robin responds. 

"It's a boosted version of the Venom drug." Robin explains. "We need to keep it here for a while and contact the League." 

"Make contact or no?" Beast asks, unsheathing his swords silently in preparation.

"..." No reply comes from the other side as Robin seems to be in thought. 

"Aqualad to Group Alpha. There seems to be a dispute between the island's inhabitants and the group producing the Venom. After attacking a small group of the island's inhabitants, we found that they are being led by Bane in reclaiming the Island by taking down the cult." Aqualad explains his findings. 

"They're too much for the current us." Robin sighs. "Let's see if we can delay them by a bit and report back to the League." 

"Alright." Beast sheathes his swords and move back to Robin and Kid Flash. 


"I'm gonna sabotage their helicopter before we retreat." Robin explains as the whole team grouped back up before he dashes off and the team moves in the direction of the Bio-Ship. 

'Wait...' Beast frowns. 'Wasn't there supposed to be a fight?' He rubs his head in frustration. 'I shoulda watched more than just the one season if I knew I would be coming here. And shouldn't the team be more rash..? Fuck it.' He shrugs as the group of five without Robin enters the Bio-Ship.


And so the days past with the team in training, while also having done similar information gathering missions for the League.

After the success of the previous one, the League trusted them enough. During these days, members of the team did help their mentors at their respective cities as usual, but what's surprising is Superboy went to Metropolis to help Superman...

[Recognized: Superboy B-04]

But didn't go so well seeing as how he barged in here. 

"Yo, Suberboy." Beast walked up to the kid. "How'd it go with the big man? eh? eh?" He asks, nudging his elbow into Superboy's side. 

Superboy glanced at Beast, ready to just walk off without a word, but hesitates as Beast had been a good... friend... to him so far. Sighing, he wanted to start speaking, but go interrupted as Black Canary announced her arrival with a cough, next to her walks Martian Manhunter. 

"Ready for today's training everyone?" Canary asks, walking closer to the team. "We will be doing team coordination and group fighting in a three v one setting." She explains. "First off we will have-" Her words get cut off as Batman's face pops up on a hologram in the training area. 

"We have a mission for you." Batman states before going on to explain how the League took down a Robot that has the ability to study and mimic the abilities of heroes. They then went on to separate the body in two and will be shipping them in two different trucks. 

"You're job will be to guard the trucks from behind." Batman speaks before his hologram vanishes, causing the team to start moving instantly. 

"It's time for you to see me beating some villain ass... Or nothing will go wrong while we escort the robot and it'll just be a peaceful drive." Beast mutters thinking about his motorcycle, BeastBike. "Maybe the name could use some changing, but it's fine..."