
Political Mask

This is a novel that relates to the current political space. It talks about Mzuzu Kingdom which suffered under poor leadership. A young man by the name Kwame was born under weird circumstances and he was destined to save the kingdom.

anthony_murigu · Realistic
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86 Chs

Boardroom Betrayal

Governor Malachi, his desperation intensifying, turned his attention to the very heart of Mzuzu's democratic process—the election board. In a clandestine meeting held in a dimly lit room, he sought to manipulate the mechanisms that should have ensured a fair and transparent electoral process.

Malachi, adorned in his signature charm, sat across the table from the members of the election board. The air was thick with tension as the fate of Mzuzu's democracy hung in the balance.

Malachi (smirking): "Ladies and gentlemen, the future of our great city lies in your hands. I trust you understand the importance of ensuring a smooth electoral process."

The members of the election board, their faces masked in a veneer of neutrality, nodded in agreement. Malachi, aware of their vulnerability, continued his persuasive overture.

Malachi: "To express my gratitude for your service to Mzuzu, I've arranged a little token of appreciation."

With a subtle nod, an aide entered the room carrying a briefcase filled with stacks of cash. The room fell into a weighted silence as Malachi distributed the money among the election board members.

Malachi: "Consider this a gesture of goodwill. I trust you'll make decisions that align with the interests of our great city."

The room, now tainted by the stain of corruption, bore witness to the compromise of the very institution tasked with safeguarding the democratic principles Mzuzu held dear.

Word of Malachi's clandestine meeting with the election board reached Olivia's ears. The sense of impending doom hung in the air, and she knew that the battle for the truth had reached a critical juncture.

Olivia (whispering to Elena): "Malachi is leaving no stone unturned. We need to expose this corruption, for the sake of Mzuzu's future."

Elena, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded in agreement. The suspense of the unfolding events left the citizens of Mzuzu on edge, wondering if their democracy could withstand the shadows that threatened to engulf it.

As the weeks passed, Malachi's influence over the election board solidified. The once impartial body became a pawn in the governor's grand scheme, ready to dance to the puppeteer's manipulative tune.

Elena, gathering evidence of Malachi's corrupt practices, presented her findings to Ahmed.

Elena: "Malachi has compromised the election board. We need to expose this before it's too late. The citizens deserve a fair and transparent election."

Ahmed, his resolve unwavering, knew that the battle for Mzuzu's future had become a fight not just against false narratives but against the corruption that threatened the very essence of democracy. The suspense of the unfolding events left the citizens on edge, wondering if the truth could prevail against the shadows that loomed over the electoral process.

How will Ahmed win on an already swayed election board?