
Political Mask

This is a novel that relates to the current political space. It talks about Mzuzu Kingdom which suffered under poor leadership. A young man by the name Kwame was born under weird circumstances and he was destined to save the kingdom.

anthony_murigu · Realistic
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86 Chs

Amina's Death

Governor Malachi, seething with anger and a desire for revenge, decided that exposing Amina wouldn't be enough. He needed to silence her permanently to protect his corrupt empire. Aware of the consequences should his involvement be discovered, he opted for a more discreet approach.

Delving into the dark underbelly of his connections, Malachi engaged the services of a shadowy group known for their ability to manipulate situations without leaving a trace. These were not traditional killers; instead, they specialized in dismantling perceived threats with cunning precision.

Amina, unaware of the impending danger, continued her relentless pursuit of truth. Her investigations led her deeper into the intricate web of corruption, weaving through the intricate connections that sustained Governor Malachi's regime. Unbeknownst to her, every revelation brought her closer to the lurking danger.

The conspirators hired by Malachi operated with meticulous care. They studied Amina's routines, identifying vulnerabilities that would allow them to strike without arousing suspicion. As she worked late into the night, piecing together the puzzle of corruption, the shadows around her grew darker.

One fateful evening, as Amina left her office, she found herself alone in the dimly lit alleyways. Unbeknownst to her, the hired assailants closed in, their faces obscured by darkness. Silently, they cornered her, leaving no room for escape.

Governor Malachi's plan unfolded with eerie precision. Amina, sensing danger, fought valiantly against her attackers, but their expertise proved too formidable. The truth-seeker fell victim to the shadows that Governor Malachi had summoned to protect his political facade.

Amina's death sent shockwaves through Mzuzu kingdom. The citizens, who had rallied behind her quest for justice, were left in mourning. The official narrative painted her demise as a tragic result of her relentless pursuit, conveniently diverting attention from the true orchestrator of this heinous act.

As the kingdom mourned the loss of a brave journalist, Governor Malachi continued his reign of deception, the mask of his corruption securely in place. The darkness that enveloped Mzuzu kingdom persisted, casting a long and ominous shadow over the quest for truth.