
Polar Mates

In a turn of events, Jane, an eccentric woman, who was relatively broke and had no place to stay, had to share an apartment with Sam, who considered that apartment to be his sole place of solitude. Will Jane be able to successfully coexist with Sam? Or will the ripples that were formed initially grow larger and larger?

The_Chimp · Urban
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123 Chs

No choice

Sam and co were having a very peaceful conversation with each other in the office. After the sort of hectic night that they had a few nights before, they had begun to realize that they were growing old and began enjoying every little thing in life. Even though, if a real old person were to hear their thoughts, they would've probably smacked these lot on their heads and called them straight up idiots. After all, they haven't even married in and had kids, how could they be even considered as remotely old to those people?

Anyhow, the peaceful conversation was put into a halt when Rose came into the fray, looking all uncomfortable.

"Yo, what happened? You look weird right now." Sid was the first to notice the expression in her face without her even having to tell it out loud. Rose smiled at this fact for a few seconds, before going back to the grim face from before.