
Chapter 41


"You have the greatest credit, so drink more water." Mu Liang finally watered the tea plant a lot.

He sealed the lid of the barrel again to prevent the crystal fish from always gushing out.

"Wow! It's a green tree." Mino rushed forward.

The girl with bunny ears blinked her blue eyes, expecting to ask: "Mu Liang, were trees like this before?"

"Yeah, haven't you seen a tree?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

"I have seen it, all I see are dry trees."

Mino nodded his head, with a surprised voice in his innocence: "I just didn't expect the tree to grow like this."

"This plant is a tea tree."

Mu Liang pursed his mouth and introduced in a complex tone: "The tea can be flushed with water and it tastes very good."

He didn't expect that the girl with rabbit ears had never seen a green tree, so when did the world of wasteland end?

Why do some people have seeds.

"The tea can be rushed to drink tonight?"

Mino smiled shyly, and said in a small voice: "Just drink a little bit, I'm just a little curious about its taste."

"Of course you can, you can drink as much as you want." Mu Liang nodded dozingly.

"A little bit is enough." Mino gestured his fingers in embarrassment.

"You go pick some young leaves and buds of tea. This part is the best for making tea." Mu Liang ordered softly.

He saw that the girl with rabbit ears wanted to go up and touch the tea tree.

"Okay." Mino's blue eyes lit up, and he approached the tea tree cautiously.

Not for a while.


The girl with rabbit ears exclaimed, "The tea leaves are so beautiful."

"This tea tree was also transplanted from Bloodbeard?"

Liyue walked over with a dirty little painted face, her silver-white eyes staring at the tall tea tree in a daze.

"Almost so." Mu Liang gave a deep smile.

"This tea tree can at least exchange tens of thousands of catties of dried meat, he is really rich…" Liyue reacted halfway through her speech.

She turned her head to look sideways at Mu Liang, joking playfully: "It seems that the really rich person is you."

"You can also enjoy this rich life." Mu Liang's words were slightly profound.

"Huh?" Liyue was stunned and didn't react.

"Have you seen tea trees before?" Mu Liang looked for a topic again.

"I have seen it, only half the height of yours." Liyue gritted her teeth, her silver-white eyes flashed with hatred.

"It seems that it has brought you a bad past." Mu Liang could hear the repressed emotions of the white-haired girl.

"It has passed." Liyue said in a low voice.

The white-haired girl changed the subject with a cold voice: "You have to be optimistic about this tea tree. There must be a thief who will look at it."

She has never seen such a big tea tree, for some people, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Mu Liang nodded with a smile, and asked softly: "You said if you use tea to trade, can you trade some fierce beast spars with people?"

"Yes, but fewer people change." Liyue's emotions converged again.

There was a hint of reminder in her words: "People who can exchange tea don't lack fierce beast spar. Once you let them know that you have such a big tea tree, you might start to snatch it."

"It won't be easy to say who robs at that time." Mu Liang smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Ah! Angel wings are also planted here." Liyue saw the angel wings under the tea tree.

The white-haired girl trot over happily, squatting down to look at the flowers.

Mu Liang smiled at the girls and looked up at the sky.

He stretched his waist and said with emotion: "It's already evening."

"It's time to make dinner." Mu Liang held the wooden barrel leisurely, turned and walked towards the house.

"Mu Liang, wait for me." Mino clutched his pockets and trot to catch up.

"This kind of life is really good." Liyue got up and watched the two enter the house.

She looked up at the sky, and then looked down at "Angel Wings".

"Is it safer to cover up?" Riyue muttered to herself.

As soon as she finished speaking, she caught the big lizard suddenly appearing in the ridge.

The white-haired girl was dumbfounded, then smiled inexplicably, and stepped briskly back to the house.

With such a beast guarding it, isn't it safer than covering it with something?

Liyue arrived at the door, and before entering the hall, she heard the voice of the girl with rabbit ears wanting to praise her.

"Mu Liang, what do you think of the warehouse?" Mino blinked his expectant blue eyes.

"It's well done, even better than I thought." Mu Liang praised him generously.

"Hehehe…" Mino smiled sweetly after being praised.

The girl with rabbit ears then admired and said: "Liyue has also helped a lot. She is so amazing. Just put a row of stone bricks for the'swish'."

"Then you have to eat more tonight." Mu Liang chuckled out of the warehouse and saw the white-haired girl sitting at the table in the hall.

He whispered: "Thanks for your hard work today."

"It's what I should do." Liyue's expression was cold, but the corners of her mouth rose slightly imperceptibly.

Being praised, the white-haired girl will also feel happy.

Mino walked out of the warehouse and saw the white-haired girl at the table, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed.

She hurriedly looked for something to do, and the cover said: "I will move things into the warehouse."

"I'll help too." Liyue stood up when she heard the sound.

"…" Mino froze, and said weakly: "No, I'll just be alone."

"Two people will be faster." A smile flashed through Liyue's eyes, and she started holding a roll of cloth into the warehouse.

Mu Liang leaned to the ear of the girl with bunny ears and whispered encouragement: "Don't be afraid, she is very nice, you can be friends with her."

"I, let me try." Mino said weakly, his rabbit ears hanging down weakly.

When building warehouses and rooms in the afternoon, the two girls would communicate only when necessary, otherwise they would put the stone tiles quietly.

"You don't have to force yourself." Mu Liang said gently.

"Yeah." Mino nodded slightly, picked up a roll of cloth and entered the warehouse.

"Why didn't you realize that Minuo was afraid of life?" Mu Liang muttered.

He cut the tomatoes to prepare the soup, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that at first the girl with rabbit ears thought he was dead.

After that, I couldn't move and slept for another day or two, and then I was weak for two days.

"So, Minor's fear of me, is that how it passed unknowingly?"

Mu Liang shook his head with a wry smile.

. . . .