
Chapter 39

The rock tortoise set off again, coupled with the evolution's new talent 'Earth Rock Manipulation', leaving no footprints on the ground.

The white-haired girl stayed outside alone.

"It feels incredible no matter how you look at it." Liyue supported the rock thorn with both hands, looking at the slowly receding hills and earth.

She watched for a while, turned around and went back to the house, and heard the discussion when she entered the room.

"Mu Liang, what is this house used for?"

Mino squatted on the bench, his predecessor lay on the table, leaning close to Mu Liang and looking at the plan.

"It's not safe to store everything in the hall when it's used as a warehouse." Mu Liang looked up at the white-haired girl who was getting started.

He wanted to spread the safety hazards to the rabbit-eared girls, and then said: "The firepit is in the hall. If there is a crack of firewood, the sparks will spatter and accidentally burn the surrounding things."

"Understood, I will move things away now." Mino was anxious in an instant.

"Don't worry, let me tell you how to build the warehouse." Mu Liang grabbed the girl's arm.

In the blank eyes of the girl with rabbit ears, he pointed to the warehouse and said: "The threshold must be set higher so that some small bugs can't get in."

"Okay." Minoan answered thoughtfully.

"The warehouse needs to have some compartments, and the things must be separated in specific areas." Mu Liang pointed to the square on the plan.

"Yeah." The rabbit-eared girl nodded obediently.

"The construction of the warehouse is up to you." Mu Liang handed the plan to the girl with rabbit ears.

"No problem." Minuo solemnly took over the plan.

She blushed, and asked in a low voice, "Mu Liang, after the warehouse is built, can this piece of cloth be given to me?"

"Do you want a plan?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

"Well, can you also give me the previous picture?" Mino's blue eyes flashed expectantly.

"Take it all if you want." Mu Liang smiled.

He didn't want to explore what the rabbit-eared girl wanted to do with the plan, the little girl still had a little secret.

"Yeah! When I build the warehouse, I'll find it for you." Mino took the warehouse plan and ran out in a hurry.

"Minuo is getting more and more lively and cheerful." Mu Liang looked softly at the back of the girl with rabbit ears.

"Is there anything I can help?" Liyue pursed her lips and said.

She felt that she could not live for nothing, and had to work in exchange for accommodation.

Mu Liang thought for a while and arranged: "You go to help Minuo build a warehouse, and build another room by the way."

It just so happened that the two girls were alone, getting acquainted with each other.

"Okay." Liyue nodded and turned to look for the girl with rabbit ears.

"Then, I should also open up a piece of land."

Mu Liang thought that some vegetable plants were about to die, so he had to quickly get a plot of land to plant them.

He conveyed the order to the rock turtle: "Little Black Tortoise, find a hill and make stone bricks and dirt."


The rock tortoise roared and went to the nearby hill.

The hill more than ten meters high was turned into a pile of rubble by the rock tortoise in less than a few minutes.

Neat stone bricks, and a pile of mud were sent to the turtle's back.

At this time, the two girls who were drawing the route of the planning map on the ground of the turtle were both stunned at the operation of the rock tortoise.

Liyue blinked her silver-white eyes, and asked in a astringent voice, "Are you always moving so much?"

"Ahem…" Mino swallowed silently and coughed slightly.

The girl with rabbit ears resisted her timidity, her tone was pretending to be calm and said: "Alright, it's okay, Mu Liang has such a character, she always likes to go crazy."

"He is a bit nonsense." Liyue recalled how many times had she been frightened from last night to this morning?

The white-haired girl agreed very much: "It seems that with him, you must always be prepared to be shocked."

"It's not that bad. Mu Liang will also surprise people." Minuo weakly defended Mu Liang.

"…" Liyue blushed on her pretty face thinking of the'Angel Wings' last night.

She lowered her head shyly and nodded imperceptibly.

At this time, Mu Liang didn't know that the two girls were complaining about him.

He manipulated the stone bricks to move to the edge of the turtle's shell, preparing to extend the courtyard wall to the edge of the turtle's back.

When the rock tortoise was evolving last night, in order not to disturb the sleeping girls, he left the area where the rock tortoise was protecting the house from moving.

Pieces of stone bricks were moved by the ability of 'earth and rock manipulation', and a one-meter-high courtyard wall was built on the edge of the turtle shell again.

"Xiao Hong, get some spider silk outside the courtyard wall."

Mu Liang finds something for the Red Ghost spider to do, and sets up some spider silks for alert.

"Squeak~~" the red ghost spider responded with a friction-like voice.

"The next step is the planning of the field."

Mu Liang scanned the location of the toilet and decided to set the field next to the toilet.

This makes it easy to take fertilizer and saves running time.

Mu Liang used his abilities, a field was sorted out, and a ridge made of stone bricks was created to surround the field.

"It's almost time to transplant."

Mu Liang looked at the small fields and smiled satisfied.

He went back to the house and took out all the twelve barrels, as well as the tomato plant wrapped in spider silk.

"Unexpectedly, I came to another world and inherited five thousand years of farming talent." Mu Liang said with complex emotions.

He planted all the vegetable plants according to the arranged fields.

A row of railings were built with wood beside the tomatoes to fix the vines of the tomatoes.

The last tea tree is planted in the middle of the field, next to it is the "Angel Wings".

"Vegetables are all gone, it should be difficult to grow, do you want to eat some?"

Mu Liang squatted on the ridge, watching some withered plants planted.

He saw the "Angel Wings" blowing in the wind, and suddenly thought of using the Taming Point to save the plants.

"If you want to domesticate, the domestication point is only 10 points." Mu Liang frowned.

He was the first to exclude plants such as cabbage and tomatoes.

It is not that it cannot be domesticated, but the value of domestication is too low.

To domesticate a cabbage? It's gone if you cut it.

"It is more practical to domesticate tea trees, which can continuously produce tea."

Mu Liang thought that he would eat meat every day, and his body would definitely not be able to eat it in the future.

Drinking tea can provide the same vitamins and fiber as vegetables.

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