
Pokémon: Worlds Divided

Leon was driving on the road when a powerplant exploded suddenly. It was a catastrophic meltdown and Leon was caught in it and killed. In that instant, Leon's vision was clouded with darkness before he heard an unfamiliar voice calling out to him. When Leon came to it, he found that he wasn't in his body anymore but the body of a 14-year-old boy with the same name. To top it off, this wasn't his world. How will Leon fare in this new world?

Zenith_Heaven · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Notification After Notification!

Leon thought about it and felt confident in dealing with those Taillow from before. Though their numbers were problematic, Leon had the advantage.

"The Pokemon we're going to deal with is called Taillow. It's a Normal and Flying type Pokemon, so me and Lars shouldn't have much trouble."

Leon relayed that Electrike, Nosepass, Aron, and Beldum would have it easy against them. At first sight, they were intimidating to Leon, but overall, they weren't worth mentioning against their Pokemon.

"You said you saw them on your way to scout ahead after defeating that Electrike group?" Lars asked.

"Yeah, they should still be on that large tree I passed." This tree wasn't simple as its size was abnormally compared to the rest.

"Alright, we'll do as you said. We devise a plan of attack though, to make things as easy as before."

From Leona's first experience, she knew that this would be the most effective way. Simply put, everyone should pick a target and attack at the same time.

"I have no problem with this but they're in the trees, so we'll have to force them out." Taillow was short-tempered, so it shouldn't be hard to provoke an attack from them.

Leon looked around and began to pick up rocks, this was for throwing and annoying them. The group headed in the direction where the large tree was situated, so they had to backtrack.

"After this, let's set up camp and eat something." Lars was starting to get hungry after venturing so much.

"For sure, I'm starting to get hungry myself." Leon nodded and said.

In four minutes flat the trio arrived at the location where he discovered the Taillow.

"This tree is really big!" Leona sized up the tree and was stunned. This tree was something that no one could miss, even if they tried.

The tree's size wasn't exaggerated either, it was lengthy and wide. There was even a decently-sized hole at the lower part of the tree. This signified that there might be other Pokemon hiding within.


Leon and company could hear the group of Taillow activity up above. They spotted the Taillow in the tree chirping and even pecking at one another.

"Their numbers aren't a joke." Leon counted about Fifteen of them.

He didn't bother counting them last time since they were glaring at him. Staring would have probably provoked them back then, so he kept it going.

Leon summoned Aron, Nosepass, and Beldum. During these past battles, they, of course, leveled up.

Aron was now at Level Nine, Beldum at Level Ten, while Nosepass was still at Level Eight. Leon believed that Nosepass should be close to achieving Level Nine.

While everyone was observing the Taillow on the tree, a nearby bush rustled and suddenly spun 180 degrees.

"What the..."

There was a face on the bush with a derpy expression, lacking any emotion.

Frankly, it seems that the face of this Pokemon has been carelessly sketched without much consideration.

Everyone looked at this bush with widened eyes and it stared back at them with an indifferent expression.

"... ...."

"... ..."

"... ..."

Leon silently checked its status. This Pokemon was hard to discern because it had leaves covering its body.


<Name: Shroomish♂< p>

<Type: Grass< p>

<Level: 9< p>

<Nature: Adamant< p>

<Aptitude: F++< p>

<Ability: Poison Heal< p>

<Moves: Tackle, Absorb, Stun Spore, Leech Seed,< p>

Leaves stuck to its body due to the rain, so Leon had trouble figuring out what Pokemon it was.

Though Shroomish looked indifferent, its feelings were the opposite. They were invading its space and it had identified them as a threat!

"Not good! Back off!" Leon's expression changed.

At that moment, Shroomish unleashed a yellow spore cloud toward them. Lars and Leon were the farthest away from it, while Leona was the closest.


Leona was splashed with the spore cloud before dropping to the ground stiffly.

She had been paralyzed on the spot. Those spores sunk into and invaded her body without her having the ability to resist.

"Leona!" Lars was horrified.

"Aron, use Rock throw, Beldum, use Iron Head and you use tackle on it Nosepass!" Leon knew Leona wasn't in any danger, as she had only been paralyzed.

The trio didn't hesitate and attacked Shroomish with everything they had. Shroomish was easily and quickly overwhelmed by this flurry of attacks.

It was rooted into the ground and covered in leaves. Shroomish had just awakened from its sleep, so it was sluggish.

First, it was hit by the Rock throw bombardment before taking heavy damage from Beldum's Iron Head. That's when Nosepass attacked it, it simply didn't have a chance.

The final blow was when Beldum's iron head collided with Shroomish, causing it to writhe in pain and flail its feet.

Lars didn't even attack since he was more concerned about Leona's well-being. Leon hurriedly tossed a Pokeball at Shroomish, it wasn't a bad Pokemon.


In just moments, Leon captured Shroomish, and as he did, a notification appeared, followed by a purple virtual screen in front of him.

"Beldum, retrieve that Pokeball for me." Leon ignored the screen in front of him before quickly rushing over to attend to his sister.

"Is she alright?! What was that just now, was it poison?!" Lars was frightened when he saw that strange yellow cloud.

"I-I can't m-move..." Leona said in a strained tone.

"She's alright. That Pokemon was Shroomish, it only used a Stun Spore, which paralyzes an opposition."

Leon had already prepared for occasions such as this. He had prepared Cheri and Pecha berries for paralysis and poison.

Leon reached into his inventory and pulled out a Cheri berry. Afterward, he fed Leona the berry to cure her of her paralysis.

"Okay, thank goodness." Lars placed his hand over his heart and sighed in relief.

Leona's paralysis didn't subside right away, it would take up to five minutes for her to move again.

Leon saw that they had caught the attention of the Taillow from the tree. This time, their gazes were fierce, why were these humans hiding over there?

Leon and Lars quickly picked up Leona and scampered away. Of course, the group of Taillow didn't give chase and let them off.

The group arrived near the roadside where they decided to set up camp. Right then the rain actually stopped.

"The timing couldn't have been any better, this is perfect," Leon said.

Leon pulled a camping blanket out of his backpack. Afterward, both Leon and Lars laid her on the blanket, this was where they were going to eat food.

Leon handed Lars other things such as pots and pans from his Inventory. He feigned taking out some things from a backpack he had brought.

Leona's backpack contained the food, while Lars and Leon held equipment and a bit of food. Leon took out a few extra essentials from his Inventory, such as dry wood, plates, Lighters, etc.

Afterward, Leon left everything up to Lars to set up.

"Make sure you feed your Electrike, I stole his food earlier so he's probably hungry." Leon glanced at Electrike, it had been hungry prior.

After helping in fights, it was definitely hungry.

"Oh, shoot, I have some berries here for it to snack on until our lunch is ready." Lars decided to feed Electrike some Raspberries to soothe its hunger a bit.

Leon gazed at Leona for a second, she was already starting to recover from the paralysis effect.

As Leona was taking a rest, Lars made sure that the camp was ready for them. Meanwhile, Leon took the responsibility to feed his loyal companions - Aron, Nosepass, and Beldum.

"Eat up, guys, you'll need to be at full capacity for what is to come." Leon dropped several Iron bars, scrap, plates, etc...from his Inventory.

"Alright, let's check these rewards out, hehe!" Leon's eyes were filled with anticipation. Once Leon opened the virtual screen, he saw the mission and notification asking if he wanted to redeem it.


First Contact

Objective: Collect 10 Different Species Of Pokemon Native to the Hoenn region. [10/10]

[Quest Rewards] (𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗧𝗘!)


-Bronze Chest

[Would you like to redeem your rewards? Y/Y]

He didn't seem to have much choice, but his answer would have been the same anyway.

[Congratulations, you've received ₱1,000!]

[Congratulations, you've received a Bronze Chest!]

Immediately after redemption, these items appeared in Leon's Inventory space. Leon checked the ₱1,000 before his gaze landed on the Bronze Chest.

[Ding! A new function from the [Exploration and Simulation System] has been unlocked. The system is now unlocking the Treasure Chest Hunting Mechanic, from the Exploration portion.]

[Ding! The system has unlocked the Treasure Chest Seeking Mechanism!]

The system repeated this three times, it seemed to be emphasizing this a lot.

'What?' Right then, Leon saw several Treasure Chests appear on the virtual screen. They all had different colors, while some even resembled Elemental Treasure Chests of some sort.

The system had unlocked the ability to find Treasure Chest generated by the world. These Treasure Chests couldn't be seen by anyone but him.

There were grades to these treasure chests, from the Lowest to the Highest. There was the Iron Chest, Bronze Chest, Silver Chest, Gold Chest, Platinum Chest, and the Diamond Chest.

Leon also discovered other categories of Treasure Chest. These Chests corresponded with the 18 Types.

"It seems these chests aren't easy to find in the wild because of a certain restriction." Leon saw that he could only use the search mechanism within a five-meter radius.

"Isn't it a bit too crippling...?" Leon scratched his forehead with a frown.

'Search!' Leon said in his thought.

[Searching...no Chest Found!]

"Tsk! I thought so, the range is too small. Keep the search mechanic on until I'm close to a chest."

[For unlocking the treasure chest-seeking mechanism for the first time, you've been granted the ability to scan the whole Island.]

Leon saw the wording on the virtual screen and was stunned. He hurriedly had the system scan the whole island.

[Three chests Found on this Island!]

The virtual screen showed his map blinking, obviously hinting him to click it. Leon checked and there they were, it showed what type they were and everything.

'Looks like this Island search is a one-time thing.' Nonetheless, this was good news for Leon.

"So there's two copper chests and one elemental chest." He saw that the elemental chest was a mile away from his current location.

Elemental chests didn't have a ranking system to them. When they were opened, there would always be at least one item related to the chest typing.

"It's probably a water chest because of these rainy conditions." Leon also read that the elemental chest could change depending on the time, weather conditions, terrain, etc.

"Iron chests are the lowest, but it's better than nothing. I just received a Bronze chest, so there should be some decent things inside." Leon muttered while stroking his chin.

Just as Leon was about to open his Bronze chest, he saw another line of words on the virtual screen.

Quest Update...

'Just how many notifications are there?' Leon was speechless, but this was definitely a good thing.