
Pokemon World: Yes I Am Carried by Legendaries

MC gets transmigrated into Pokemon World, a crazy alternate universe of Pokemon where Mega Evolution, Terra, Super Moves (Z-Moves), Fusion (Pokemon + Pokemon) and Synchronization (Pokemon + Trainer) exist. All the major characters from the anime and games also appear. "The strategy for this game is too hard, I just want to be carried by Legendaries and Unbalanced Variant Pokemon" "Uwah! Your Pokemon are so strong! You must be an incredible catcher!" "No, I just know where to find Master Balls" "All of your Pokemon have incredible moves! You must spend an incredible amount of time training them!" "No, I just know where the Hyperbolic Training Chamber is" "AHH! All of your Pokemon are Mega-Evolved!? You must be a science genius!" "No, I just remember the lore from the game, it's actually very simple" Overpowered MC, NO HAREM, Romance Option Vote, Drop you Power Stones in the Bag! :)

OneShotMonk · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


'The humans of Pokemon World are probably built different'

In the span of a week, all lingering pains I had from the accident were completely gone.

'Jay's fitness level probably helped too'

Professor Oak mentioned how several Blisseys were used to help me recover but even he didn't expect I would bounce back so soon.

'In any case'

While I was immobile I had plenty of time to think over my plans, a conclusion I quickly came to that my roster of Pokemon, for the time being, was still too small for comfort.

Miraidon and Urshifu were powerhouses and both had amazing coverage but they were still only two Pokemon at the end of the day.

'There isn't anything I really want on Rocket Trade'

When I was browsing aimlessly on my phone, I discovered a discretely hidden app that was actually a platform to buy and sell Pokemon, all the vendors members of Team Rocket.

As of now, the most appealing Pokemon listed was a Nidoqueen. 

'But I'm definitely keeping my eye on it'

I finished tying the laces of waterproof black hiking boots, the material both looking and feeling high quality.

'They're really trying to win me over'

At the command of Professor Oak, I was given the role of a Junior Field Research Assistant within the Institute. This position came with a small but comfy accommodation in the Western Wing. I had all the basic utilities and even my own private bathroom which was more than I could ask for.

I exhaled softly as I rose to my feet, examining my appearance once more in the mirror.

'The uniform is very practical, even if it's a little over the top'

On my upper body, I wore a light-blue short-sleeve shirt, a small embroidered tag of the Institute's name and logo on the sleeve. On top of that was a green field jacket with the same logo on the chest pocket. On my lower body, I wore cargo pants that matched my jacket, made from quick-drying material that was surprisingly flexible. 

I was also provided with a new, higher quality backpack that had gloves, a hat, my ID Badge, Safety Goggles, a Respirator Mask and 10 Ultra Balls inside of it. 

'They must have used my measurements from the Trainer Band'

All my clothes fit eerily well, my abs visible from beneath my shirt while my muscles popped out of my clothing, really accentuating my appearance.

'Jay is really built'

I truly reaped where I did not sow. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I checked my phone, realizing that the time was already 8:00 AM, hastily answering the door.

A few feet away from the frame was Chloe.

Her expression changed when she saw me, her eyes doing a once-over of my body before she pivoted on her feet.

"Good to see that you're already ready, Professor Sycamore and Professor Elm are waiting for you in the Electric Habitat," she said softly, already walking away.

From her gait and balance, I discerned that she was flustered, a small smile stretching on my face.

'Being fit and tall is really a cheat code'

I wouldn't really call myself handsome since I had a very punch-able face but apparently it was good enough.

'She's a little thin for my taste though'

I closed my room door, navigating the hallway.

The hallways themselves were wide and spacious, made of polished metal panels interspersed with wide glass sections that allowed me to see the more scenic views of Area Zero. It was relatively early so that lights overhead responded to our motion, blinking as we progressed through the building.

As you would expect from a bleeding-edge facility, the walls were decorated with frames of scientific diagrams, all kinds of equations and graphs I couldn't understand littered around me. 

I yawned as we entered an elevator, Chloe's eyes darting towards and away from me periodically, forcing a chuckle.

Her complexion reddened but she remained professional, leading the way when the doors opened.

We swiftly reached our destination. 

The Electric Habitat was a massive area, a mixture of rocky outcrops and open fields.

The soil beneath my feet was soft and conductive, a weak tingly sensation afflicting my toes when I stood still for too long. The habitat had a crisp scent of ozone, mixed with tangy metal and subtle earth, concocting an aroma that was reminiscent of perfume.

There were tall metal-infused trees with glowing leaves that provided perches for flying pokemon, a small family of Wattrel eyeing both me and Chloe as we entered. 

The humidity of the area was sustained by small spaced out ponds that also provided refreshing spots for Pokemon to cool off, an Ampharos visible inside one.

There were also shrubs dotted around the ground, acting as lightning rods that harvested lingering energy. 

Despite the existence of a dedicated Training Chamber in the Institute, there were still training zones in the Electric Habitat, a whole team of researchers gathered around what appeared to be a Zeraora. 

Less discretely, there were massive energy towers that connected the ground and the ceiling, these structures clearly responsible for making the electricity produced in the habitat flow towards the energy stores.

Upon entering the habitat, I spaced out a little, confronted strongly with the idea that Pokemon World had become my reality, a little frazzled but the fact that I was in such a unique and foreign place. 

Chloe chuckled at my awestruck expression, no doubt enjoying how lost I seemed.

"If this impresses you, we should check out the Fire Habitat sometime"

I smiled gently.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that"

She smiled back at me, continuing to lead the way.

My expression quickly fell.

"Come on Miraidon! You haven't eaten in days!"

"Just one candy, we even got a special one, just for you"

A disgruntled mechanical whirring sounded out as Miraidon wriggled out of the clutches of the Professor, weakly lying on it's side and curling it's body. 

"What's going on?" I said with worry.

"I'm glad to see that you've recovered so quickly," Professor Sycamore said remarked.

"Miraidon's been a bit of a runt ever since you were hospitalized, it's refused to eat or drink anything and defaults to the fetal position when left alone"

As if one cue, a quiet depressed whimper echoed from Miraidon's body, almost validating what was said about it.

"It seems to be really guilty about what happened," Chloe chimed, her own expression dropping.

"You must be something special because it's really quite attached to you, not at all what I would expect from just a week together," Professor Elm observed.

I didn't respond, instead walking towards my friend and squatting down beside it.

"Hey buddy, how you doing," I said, softly rubbing it's back.

It moved away from my hand, another sad mechanical whirr echoing out.

My face softened.

I tried to pick Miraidon up, it's body far heavier than I expected but I was just about able to do it with all my strength. Another irritated sound echoed out as it wriggled from my grasp, spinning around and screeching angrily at me. 

A split second later it's expression softened, both it's pupils widening.

Miraidon stared at me in disbelief, almost like if it saw a ghost before it surged towards me.

A loud terrified scream exploded out from my throat as Miraidon hit me with a full body tackle, so excited that it unconsciously used it's boosters, carrying me high into the air.

A mechanical whirr filled with pure joy filled my ears, it's head buried into my chest as it hugged me with all it's strength.

I couldn't help but laugh, returning the hug.

Miraidon's joyful shout then turned into an passionate whimper, a few anguished sounds tugging my heart strings before it quickly started crying, making my own eyes well up. 

"It was my fault as well, I forgot for a second just how special and strong you are," I responded.

My words didn't seem to help, Miraidon continuing to cry, nearly making me cry as well.

"I forgive you"

My shirt quickly became wet, prompting me to stroke Miraidon with all the compassion I could muster, it's mood eventually stabilizing.

It swiftly re-oriented it's body, bringing me back to the ground.

"I've never seen a Pokemon of such power cry before, what makes you so special that-"

Before Elm could finish his sentence, Sycamore jabbed him in the arm, a stern expression on his face.

Professor Elm cleared his throat.

"Even though it wasn't very co-operative, we got all the data we need, I suppose we can leave you to it now"

Professor Sycamore rubbed Miraidon's head gently, visibly happy to see it feel better.

The pair of them then departed.

"You two are really close, huh?" Chloe said, sniffling slightly.

'I guess so'

I nodded, not wanting my voice to break.

Chloe let out a soft exhale, turning towards the exit.

"Now that you're back together, let's go have a look at the other Pokemon you disssssss-"

Although we had just been re-united, Miraidon immediately understood the assignment, flying forward at just the right speed and angle for me to catch Chloe, hugging her from behind as we both sat on Miraidon. 

I too was a little taken aback but I played it off perfectly, Chloe breathing heavily in my arms.

Before she could properly protest Miraidon activated its boosters, electric shields up as we drove off.