
Pokemon: Unchained Idiocy

In a drunken birthday celebration, Vajk and his friends drink a mysterious "Arceus Vodka," jokingly speculating about its ability to transport them to the Pokémon world. As the alcohol takes hold, they pass out one by one, with Vajk last to succumb. A strange figure approaches, whispering cryptic words as Vajk slips into darkness. This Fanfiction can also be found at: RoyalRoad: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/350627 Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14348923/1/Pokemon-Unchained-Idiocy

ZatyaIsten · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

- Ok, these guys are really cute!

As Vajk and Ronin walked through the hallways toward the training area outside, the whispers and stares from the other students were impossible to ignore. News of Vajk's humiliating defeat at the hands (or rather, head) of Amara's Gible had spread like wildfire, and it seemed that everyone had an opinion on the matter.

Some students looked at Vajk with pity in their eyes, shaking their heads sadly as he passed by. They knew all too well the wrath of Amara and her powerful Pokémon, and they couldn't help but feel sorry for the new kid who had dared to stand up to her. They whispered words of sympathy and encouragement as he walked by, hoping to bolster his spirits.

"Poor guy... he didn't stand a chance against Amara's Gible."

"I can't believe he actually tried to fight back. He must be either really brave or really stupid."

"Hey, at least he showed some guts. That's more than most of us can say."

But not everyone was so kind. Some of the students snickered and pointed as Vajk passed, their faces twisted into cruel smirks of amusement. They reveled in his defeat, taking pleasure in seeing someone else put in their place by Amara's power.

"Ha! Did you see the way that Gible smacked him around? He went down like a sack of potatoes!"

"Serves him right for trying to be a hero. He should've known better than to mess with Amara."

"I bet he's regretting ever standing up to her now. He'll think twice before opening his big mouth again."

Vajk gritted his teeth as he listened to the taunts and jeers, his jaw clenched so tightly he thought his teeth might shatter from the pressure. He could feel the anger and humiliation boiling inside him, threatening to explode at any moment. But he forced himself to keep walking, his eyes fixed straight ahead as he tried to block out the noise.

"J-Just ignore them," Ronin whispered, his voice barely audible over the din of the hallway. "They don't k-know w-what they're talking about. Y-You did a brave thing back there, standing up to A-Amara like that. Don't let their w-words get to you."

Vajk nodded, but he couldn't help the bitter thoughts that swirled through his mind. "If I ever see that bitch again," he seethed internally, his hands clenching into fists at his sides, "I swear to God, I'll hit her so hard she won't be able to hold any fucking balls ever again."

As a grown man trapped in his 10-year-old self's body, Vajk knew that he should be above such petty thoughts and childish tendencies. He should be able to rise above Amara's taunts and jeers, to ignore her immature behavior, and focus on his own journey as a Pokémon trainer.

But try as he might, Vajk just couldn't let go of the humiliation and embarrassment he had suffered at Amara's hands. The way she had cheated, using her Pokémon to beat him up in front of the entire class... Brah, it is so unfair.

Vajk couldn't help but feel a sense of righteous indignation at the injustice of it all. Sure, Amara was just a kid and a girl at that. But that didn't give her the right to treat him like dirt, to humiliate him in front of everyone, and then act like she was the victim.

No, Vajk thought to himself, his jaw clenching with determination. Amara needed to be taught a lesson. She needed to learn that actions have consequences, and that just because she was a girl didn't mean she could get away with whatever she wanted.

And as much as Vajk hated to admit it, a small part of him couldn't help but feel that Amara deserved a good, old-fashioned spanking. Not in a creepy or inappropriate way, of course. But in a purely disciplinary sense, a way to show her that her behavior was unacceptable and that there would be consequences for her actions... So whenever she sees her...

As they finally reached the training area, Vajk looked around, taking in the surroundings that would soon become his battleground.

The training area was an expansive outdoor space, with a large dirt battlefield at its center. The field was surrounded by a high fence, with bleachers set up on either side for spectators. The ground was hard-packed and slightly uneven, with patches of grass and small rocks scattered throughout.

At the far end of the field, Vajk could see the teacher standing with his Pokémon, a fierce-looking Hitmonchan. The Fighting-type was going through a series of stretches and warm-up exercises, its powerful muscles rippling beneath its shiny, brown skin. Vajk watched in awe as the Hitmonchan threw a flurry of lightning-fast punches into the air, its movements fluid and precise.

"So, there are human-likes as well? Huh..." He thinks to himself as the Pokémon continues shadowboxing at insane speeds.

The teacher himself was an imposing figure, with a tall, muscular build and a stern expression on his face. He had short, spiky hair and a prominent scar running down the left side of his face, giving him a rugged, battle-hardened appearance. He wore a black tank top and cargo pants, with a whistle hanging around his neck.

As Vajk and Ronin approached the training area, they couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. The whispers and stares from the other students had been bad enough, but now they had to face the teacher and the rest of the class. Vajk took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as they made their way towards the center of the battlefield.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the air, dripping with sarcasm and disdain. "Well, well, well," Amara sneered, her arms crossed over her chest as she stepped forward to block their path. "Look who decided to show up. The hero of the hour himse-"

But before she could finish her sentence or Vajk getting ready to beat the shit out of her without mercy, a blur of blonde hair and enthusiasm came barreling through the crowd, slamming into Amara with the force of a small hurricane. Amara stumbled backward, her arms flailing comically as she tried to regain her balance. Her face contorted into a mixture of shock and rage as she teetered on the edge of falling over, her friends quickly grabbing onto her to prevent her from hitting the ground.

"Oh my gosh, Vajk!" the blonde girl squealed, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet as she turned to face him, completely ignoring the fuming Amara behind her. "I can't believe it's really you!"

Vajk stared at the girl, taking in her appearance with a mixture of surprise and unease. She was wearing the standard school uniform - a white button-up shirt, a pleated skirt, and a navy blue blazer with the school crest emblazoned on the pocket. Her long, blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she gazed up at him.

"Uh, hi?" Vajk said hesitantly, not quite sure how to respond to the girl's enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Amara was seething with anger, her face turning a deep shade of red as she tried to regain her composure. "HEY!" she shouted, her voice shrill with frustration. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

But the blonde girl paid her no attention, her focus solely on Vajk. "I'm Lumi!" she chirped, sticking out her hand for Vajk to shake. "I just wanted to tell you how amazing you were back there in the classroom! The way you stood up to Amara like that... it was so brave!"

Amara's eyes nearly bulged out of her head as she heard Lumi's words. She clenched her fists tightly, her veins popping out in anger as she tried to stroll towards the oblivious girl, intent on giving her a piece of her mind. However, her friends quickly grabbed her arms, holding her back before she could do something she might regret later.

"Let me go!" Amara hissed, struggling against their grip. "I'm going to teach that little brat a lesson!"

But her friends held firm, dragging her back as they tried to calm her down. "Amara, don't," one of them pleaded. "She's not worth it."

Vajk glanced over at the comical scene unfolding behind Lumi, watching as Amara's friends tried to restrain her flailing limbs and calm her down. He couldn't help but feel a small twinge of satisfaction at seeing Amara so riled up, but he quickly pushed the thought aside.

"I mean, everyone knows how scary Amara can be," Lumi said, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, oblivious to the chaos behind her. "Especially with that Gible of hers. But you didn't even flinch! You just stood your ground and told her off like it was no big deal. That was seriously impressive."

Vajk could feel his face growing hot with embarrassment. He appreciated Lumi's support, but he really didn't want to be reminded of his humiliating defeat at the hands of Amara's Pokémon... And if he known there she had that beast, maybe he wouldn't have acted so bravely like that. And besides, there was something a little... freaky about the way Lumi was looking at him. Like he was some kind of hero or celebrity.

Vajk turned towards Lumi, trying to keep his expression neutral despite the growing sense of unease he felt at her overly enthusiastic behavior. He appreciated her support, but there was something about the intense, almost obsessive way she was looking at him that set off alarm bells in his head.

"Listen, Lumi," he said, keeping his voice calm but firm. "I really appreciate your kind words, but I don't think what I did was all that special. Anyone would have stood up for their friend in that situation."

He paused for a moment, debating whether or not to voice his true thoughts.

"And to be honest," he said, his voice dropping to a low, serious tone, "you're fucking creepy..."

But Lumi wasn't listening. She was too busy rummaging through her backpack, her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth as she searched for something. "I know I have it in here somewhere," she muttered to herself, before letting out a triumphant "Aha!"

She pulled out a small, pink notebook and a glittery pen, thrusting them toward Vajk with a hopeful smile. "Can I have your autograph?" she asked, her eyes wide and pleading. "I want to remember this moment forever!"

"Uh..." Vajk stared at the notebook and pen, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. He glanced over at Ronin, who was trying (and failing) to hide his laughter behind his hand. Vajk shot him a glare, but Ronin just shrugged his shoulders, as if to say "hey, you're on your own with this one."

Vajk sighed, taking the notebook and pen from Lumi's outstretched hands. He scribbled his name quickly, hoping to get this over with as soon as possible. But as he handed the notebook back to Lumi, he couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lit up with pure, unadulterated joy.

"Thank you so much!" she squealed, clutching the notebook to her chest like it was a precious treasure. "I'll cherish this forever!"

And with that, she skipped away, leaving Vajk and Ronin standing there in stunned silence, while Amara continued to fume and struggle against her friends' grip in the background. "LET ME GO ALREADY!" She said with fuming anger.

"Well," Ronin said finally, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Looks like you've got yourself a fan club."

Vajk just groaned, burying his face in his hands. This was going to be a long day.

As the commotion settled down, the seasoned Pokémon instructor, a man with salt-and-pepper hair and a stern demeanor, stepped forward to address the class. He stood tall and imposing, his weathered face etched with the experience of countless battles and years of training. At his side stood his trusted partner, a Hitmonchan, its lean, muscular body poised and ready for action.

"Listen up, class," the teacher's voice boomed, commanding the attention of every student in the room. "Today, we embark on a critical training exercise. Each of you will spend the next half hour bonding with your assigned Pokémon, learning their strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics. After this initial period, we will commence a series of practice battles to assess your ability to work as a cohesive unit."

As he spoke, the teacher's piercing gaze scanned the room, settling briefly on Vajk, the newest addition to the class. Vajk felt the weight of the instructor's scrutiny, a mixture of nervousness and determination swirling within him. Despite his lack of experience with Pokémon, Vajk refused to be daunted by the challenge that lay ahead.

The teacher continued, his tone stern and unyielding. "I must emphasize that the use of unlicensed Pokémon on school grounds is strictly prohibited. I'm aware that some of you may be tempted to rely on your personal Pokémon for this exercise." His eyes narrowed as they fell upon Amara, who met his gaze with a defiant scowl. "But let me be clear: anyone caught violating this policy will face severe consequences."

Amara's face flushed with anger, her fists clenching at her sides. It was evident that she had intended to utilize her Gible, despite lacking the proper licensing. The teacher's admonition had clearly thwarted her plans, leaving her seething in her seat.

Undeterred by Amara's hostile reaction, the teacher pressed on, his voice taking on a more profound, philosophical tone. "Being a Pokémon trainer is not merely about emerging victorious in battles or showcasing your prowess. It is about forging an unbreakable bond with your partner, and learning to communicate and collaborate as a single entity. Your Pokémon is not a mere tool to be wielded, but a sentient being with its own thoughts, emotions, and aspirations."

As he spoke, the teacher reached out and gently placed a hand on Hitmonchan's shoulder. The Pokémon stood proudly beside him, its eyes gleaming with unwavering loyalty and respect. The bond between them was palpable, a testament to the years of trust and understanding they had cultivated together.

"When you step onto the battlefield alongside your Pokémon," the teacher continued, his voice resonating with conviction, "you are not fighting for personal glory alone. You are fighting for the honor and well-being of your partner. Your Pokémon places its trust in you, relying on your guidance and wisdom to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. That trust is a sacred bond, one that must be nurtured and cherished."

The teacher's words hung in the air, their gravity settling upon the students like a tangible presence. Vajk felt a stirring within his chest, a newfound sense of responsibility and purpose. He glanced at the other students, noting the varied expressions on their faces – some inspired, others skeptical, and a few, like Amara, openly resentful.

"In my years as a Pokémon trainer," the teacher continued, his voice softening with the weight of experience, "I have come to understand that true success lies not in the strength of your Pokémon alone, but in the depth of your connection with them. It is about understanding their hopes, fears, and aspirations, and learning to communicate with them on a profound level. Only through mutual respect, trust, and unwavering dedication can you hope to achieve greatness together."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before clapping his hands together decisively. "Now, enough talk. You have half an hour to familiarize yourselves with your assigned Pokémon. Use this time wisely, for it will lay the foundation for the battles to come. Remember, this is not a competition, but an opportunity for growth and learning. Your goal is to evolve as a team, not to prove your individual superiority."

As the teacher's words echoed across the training field, Vajk found himself grappling with a mixture of confusion and determination. Having been suddenly thrust into this unfamiliar world of Pokémon, he had no frame of reference for the expectations placed upon him. The concept of Pokéballs and the intricacies of Pokémon training were as foreign to him as the very ground he stood upon.

With a touch of hesitation, Vajk raised his hand, seeking guidance from the stern-faced instructor. "Excuse me, sir," he began, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty, "I'm new to all of this. Could you please explain how these Pokéballs work?"

The teacher's eyebrows knitted together, his expression a mixture of exasperation and disbelief. "You can't be serious," he scoffed, his tone sharp and unforgiving. "At your age, you should've mastered the basics long ago. This class is set to graduate in a mere month, and you're telling me you don't even know how to operate a Pokéball?"

Vajk felt the weight of the teacher's words, but rather than succumbing to embarrassment, he found himself questioning the absurdity of the situation. In his mind, he had no recollection of ever being taught about Pokémon or the workings of this strange world. The expectations placed upon him felt unjust, and a flicker of defiance ignited within him.

As the teacher turned to address the class as a whole, Vajk's gaze wandered to his classmates, searching for any sign of understanding or camaraderie. Instead, he was met with a sea of shocked faces and pitying glances, as if his lack of knowledge was a personal failing rather than a result of his extraordinary circumstances.

The teacher's voice boomed once more, snapping Vajk's attention back to the present. "Each of you has been given three Pokéballs containing different Pokémon. To release them, simply press the button on the front and toss the ball forward. The Pokémon will emerge, ready for battle or bonding."

With a pointed stare directed at Vajk, the teacher added, "I suggest you to try your hardest, kid. You don't have the luxury of playing catch-up. If you can't keep pace, you'll be left behind."

As the teacher strode away, leaving Vajk to his own devices, a wave of determination washed over the young boy. He refused to be daunted by the challenges that lay ahead, even if he found himself at a disadvantage compared to his peers.

With a deep breath, Vajk focused his attention on the Pokéballs in his hands. The smooth, metallic spheres felt foreign yet intriguing, holding within them the promise of new adventures and partnerships. Steeling himself, he pressed the button on one of the balls, feeling it expand in his grip.

In a moment of anticipation, Vajk tossed the Pokéball forward, his eyes widening as a burst of light erupted from within. The radiant energy coalesced, materializing into a small creature with bright, curious eyes and a lively demeanor.

As the brilliant light from the Pokéball dissipated, Vajk found himself face to face with a captivating creature unlike any he had ever seen before. The Pokémon stood before him, its small, compact body covered in soft, light-blue fur that seemed to shimmer under the sun's rays. Its large, expressive eyes, a striking shade of deep red, gazed up at Vajk with a mixture of curiosity and warmth.

The Pokémon's ears, long and pointed, twitched slightly as it took in its surroundings, its nose wiggling as it caught the scent of the freshly cut grass on the training field. Its tail, fluffy and white, swayed gently behind it, a stark contrast to the blue hue of its body.

As Vajk knelt down, his eyes locked on the adorable creature before him, a whirlwind of thoughts raced through his mind. "Holy shit," he muttered under his breath, "what the hell is this thing? It's like a freaking living plushie!"

The Pokémon tilted its head, its large, expressive eyes boring into Vajk's soul with an intensity that caught him off guard. "Damn, those eyes," Vajk thought, unable to tear his gaze away. "It's like this little guy can see right through me. It's kinda creepy, but in a cute way."

Vajk's hand hovered inches away from the Pokémon's soft, light-blue fur, hesitating for a moment. "I wonder if it bites," he pondered, his brows furrowing slightly. "Nah, look at that face. There's no way something that adorable could be vicious. Unless it's like one of those deceptively cute creatures that lure you in and then BAM! You're toast."

Throwing caution to the wind, Vajk gently placed his hand on the Pokémon's head, marveling at the silky texture of its fur. "Oh my god, it's so soft!" he exclaimed internally, a goofy grin spreading across his face. "I could pet this little dude all day. No wonder people go nuts over these Pokémon things."

As the Pokémon leaned into Vajk's touch, a contented purr emanating from its tiny body, Vajk felt a surge of warmth and affection wash over him. "Alright, I get it now," he admitted to himself. "I totally understand why people would go through hell and back just to bond with one of these creatures. It's like having a living, breathing, pocket-sized best friend."

The Shinx tilted its head, pondering Vajk's question. "What kind of Pokémon am I?" it repeated, its brows furrowing in thought. "Well, I'm not entirely sure what the humans call me. I've heard them say 'Shinx' a lot when they talk to me, so I guess that's my name. But as for what kind of Pokémon I am, I don't really know the terms you humans use."

Vajk nodded, understanding the Shinx's confusion. It made sense that Pokémon wouldn't be familiar with the human classifications and terminology. "That's okay, me neither," he reassured the Shinx. "Why don't you tell me about what you can do? What makes you special?"

The Shinx's eyes lit up, excitement bubbling within it once more. "Oh, I can do all sorts of cool things!" it exclaimed, its voice filled with pride. "I have this amazing ability to generate electricity inside my body. It's like a constant hum of energy, just waiting to be unleashed! When I concentrate really hard, I can even shoot small bolts of lightning from my fur!"

Vajk's eyebrows shot up, impressed by the Shinx's description. "Wow, that's incredible!" he marveled, trying to wrap his mind around the concept of a living creature generating electricity. "So, you're like a little powerhouse, huh?"

The Shinx puffed out its chest, basking in the praise. "You bet I am!" it declared, its tail swishing with confidence. "I may be small, but I pack a serious punch! And that's not all – I'm super fast too! I love running and chasing things."

Vajk couldn't help but grin at the Shinx's enthusiasm. The Pokémon's energy was infectious, and he found himself getting swept up in its excitement. "That's really cool, Shinx," he said, genuinely impressed. "I have a feeling you and I are going to make an awesome team."

The Shinx beamed, its eyes sparkling with joy. "You really think so?" it asked, its voice filled with hope and anticipation. "I've always dreamed of being part of a strong, unbeatable team! I want to train hard and become the best version of myself."

Vajk felt a warmth spread through his chest, touched by the Shinx's words. He could see the unwavering trust and determination in the Pokémon's eyes, and it stirred something deep within him. "I promise you, Shinx," he said solemnly, his voice filled with conviction

As the first Pokéball released its occupant, a small, green creature emerged, its body resembling a sapling. Its head was crowned with a sprout, and its eyes, large and expressive, gazed at Vajk and Shinx with a mixture of wonder and apprehension. The Pokémon's slender arms swayed gently, and its tiny feet shifted nervously on the grassy field.

The grass-type Pokémon, Chikorita turned to Shinx and spoke in a soft, timid voice, "H-hello there. I'm a bit nervous about all of this. Do you know what's going on?"

Shinx, with its hyperactive demeanor, bounced around the new Pokémon, exclaiming, "Hey there, teammate! Don't be scared! This is Vajk, our new trainer! He's pretty cool, and guess what? He can understand us!"

The grass-type Pokémon's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? A human who can understand us? But how is that possible?"

Vajk, having observed the interaction between the two Pokémon, chimed in, "Beats me, little dude. I'm just as surprised as you are. But hey, I'm not complaining. It's like hitting the jackpot in the communication department."

The grass-type Pokémon stared at Vajk, its mouth agape. "Y-you can really understand me? This is incredible! I never thought I'd be able to communicate with a human like this."

Vajk grinned, kneeling down to the Pokémon's level. "Well, buckle up, buttercup. We're in for one hell of a ride. Now, why don't you spill the beans about yourself? What kind of awesome powers are you packing?"

The grass-type Pokémon tilted its head, pondering the question. "I'm not sure what the humans call me," it admitted. "I just know that I'm a grass-type Pokémon. I can absorb energy from the sun and use it to grow and heal myself. I also have the ability to shoot razor-sharp leaves from my body."

Vajk's eyes widened, impressed by the Pokémon's description. "No shit? That's cool!"

As Vajk and Chikorita continued to converse, Shinx turned its attention to the remaining Pokéball, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their final teammate.

With a flash of light, the second Pokéball burst open, revealing a small, red Pokémon with a flaming tail. Its eyes blazed with intensity, and its demeanor exuded confidence and determination.

"Holy crap, check out that little fireball!" Vajk exclaimed, his eyes widening at the sight of the fire-type Pokémon, Cyndaquil.

The fire-type Pokémon looked around, its gaze falling upon Vajk, Shinx, and Chikorita. "So, this is my new team, huh?" it said, its voice filled with a hint of arrogance. "I hope you guys can keep up with me. I'm not here to play around."

Shinx, taken aback by the fire-type Pokémon's attitude, stepped forward. "Hey, there's no need to be like that! We'll all work hard to become the best team ever!"

Cyndaquil scoffed, rolling its eyes. "We'll see about that. I'll believe it when I see it."

Vajk, sensing the tension between his new Pokémon, intervened. "Alright, alright, let's take it down a notch. No need to get all fired up, pun intended. We're a team now, and we gotta learn to work together."

The fire-type Pokémon's eyes widened in shock as it heard Vajk's words. "Wait a minute, did you just understand what I said?" it asked, its voice filled with disbelief.

Vajk nodded, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Damn right, I did. Mind blown yet?"

The fire-type Pokémon stared at Vajk, its mouth hanging open. "I've never heard of a human who could understand Pokémon speech before. This is... this is unbelievable!"

Vajk chuckled, amused by the Pokémon's reaction. "Well, believe it, hotshot. We're going to be able to communicate with each other, and that's going to give us a serious edge... I want to kick ass, and hard... I want to show the damn teacher I'm not a dead weight."

As the fire-type Pokémon processed this new revelation, Vajk turned to address all three of his Pokémon. "Alright, gang, I know this is all new and maybe a bit overwhelming, but I want you to know that I've got your backs. We're going to train hard, learn from each other, and become the most badass team out there. You guys ready to rock?"

Shinx bounced up and down, its excitement palpable. "You bet I am, Vajk! Let's do this!"

The grass-type Pokémon, still a bit shy but feeling more at ease, nodded in agreement. "I'll do my best to contribute to the team. Let's work together and grow stronger."

The fire-type Pokémon, despite its initial skepticism, couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the prospect of being part of such a unique team. "Alright, I'm in," it declared, its voice filled with determination. "Let's show everyone what we're made of."


Half an hour had passed since Vajk had introduced himself to his new Pokémon team, and the reality of the impending battle was starting to sink in. As he watched the other trainees and their Pokémon practicing various moves and strategies, Vajk began to feel a sense of panic rising within him.

"Oh, shit," he muttered under his breath, his eyes darting back and forth between his Pokémon and the others on the training field. "I have no idea what I'm doing. How the hell am I supposed to tell them what moves to use? I don't even know what they're capable of!"

Vajk's mind raced as he tried to recall the moves he had seen Ronin's Pokémon perform earlier. "Okay, okay, think Vajk, think!" he said to himself, his voice rising in pitch with each word. "Ronin's Pokémon were doing some crazy stuff out there. Like, that one move where they shot out a beam of light or something. And then there was that other one where they created a whirlwind of leaves. But how the heck do I get my Pokémon to do that?!"

He turned to his team, his eyes wide with desperation. "Alright, guys, I need you to listen up!" he exclaimed, his hands waving frantically in the air. "We've got a battle coming up, and we need to figure out some moves, like, NOW! Shinx, can you do that thing where you shoot lightning bolts out of your fur?"

Shinx tilted its head, confusion was evident on its face. "Uh, I don't think I know how to do that yet, Vajk," it admitted sheepishly. "I'm still pretty new to this... I didn't even try that."

Vajk groaned, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "Okay, okay, no worries," he said, trying to keep his voice calm despite the rising panic in his chest. "What about you, little green dude? Can you do that leaf tornado thingy?"

Chikorita shuffled its feet nervously. "I'm not sure what you mean, Vajk," it said softly. "I can shoot razor-sharp leaves, but I don't know how to create a leaf tornado."

Vajk felt his heart sink, the realization of their lack of preparation hitting him like a ton of bricks. "Fantastic," he muttered sarcastically, his eyes cast skyward. "We're so screwed. I'm going to look like a complete idiot out there."

He began pacing back and forth, his mind racing with potential strategies and scenarios. "Maybe if we just wing it, we'll get lucky," he thought aloud, his voice rising with each step. "Or maybe we can just try to dodge everything and hope for the best. No, no, that's a terrible idea. We need a plan. A real plan. But what? Think, Vajk, think!"

As he continued his frantic pacing, Vajk's eyes landed on Ronin, who was calmly instructing his Pokémon on the other side of the field. "Look at him," Vajk muttered enviously, his brows furrowed. "He's got it all figured out. His Pokémon are like a well-oiled machine. And here I am, looking like a complete fool who can't even get his Pokémon to do a single move."

Vajk's Pokémon watched their trainer with growing concern, sensing his distress and frustration. The Cyndaquil, who had been quietly observing the situation, finally spoke up. "Trainer, listen," it said, its voice firm but not unkind. "We may not know any fancy moves yet, but we've got heart. We're a team, and we'll figure this out together. You said it yourself - we're going to train hard and become the best, didn't ya? So, let's take a deep breath and focus on what we can do right now."

Vajk paused his pacing, surprised by the fire-type Pokémon's words. "Damn, I didn't think I'm going to be lectured by a mole. You're right," he admitted, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I'm getting too caught up in what we can't do, instead of focusing on what we can. We may not have any flashy moves, but we've got each other, and that's a pretty damn good start."

Shinx, its spirits lifted by Vajk's change in demeanor, bounced up and down excitedly. "Yeah, we've got this!" it exclaimed, its eyes shining with determination. "We'll show everyone what we're made of, even if we don't know any fancy moves yet!"

The grass-type Pokémon, emboldened by its teammates' enthusiasm, nodded in agreement. "We'll do our best, trainer," it said, its voice filled with newfound confidence. "We may not be the most experienced team out there, but we'll never give up."

Vajk felt a surge of pride and affection for his Pokémon, their unwavering support and determination filling him with a renewed sense of purpose. "Alright, gang," he said, his voice strong and steady. "Let's do this. We may not have any fancy moves, but we've got heart, and that's going to take us further than any flashing technique ever could. Let's show them what Team Vajk is all about!"

With a united cheer, Vajk and his Pokémon huddled together, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

"What the hell is that weirdo doing?" Amara muttered to herself, her lip curling in a sneer. "Is he actually talking to his Pokémon like they can understand him? What a freak."

She shook her head in disbelief, turning her attention back to her own team. Her Pokémon, a fierce-looking Houndour, a sleek Sneasel, and a cute mareep stood at attention, awaiting her commands. Amara had been training them tirelessly in the last half-an-hour, drilling them on their moves and battle strategies until they were a force to be reckoned with... or at least that's what she expected.

As she put her Pokémon through their paces, Amara couldn't help but glance back at Vajk every now and then, her curiosity piqued by his odd behavior. "What's he up to?" she wondered aloud, her brows furrowed in suspicion. "Is this some kind of trick to throw me off my game?"

Amara's Houndour growled low in its throat, its eyes locked on Vajk and his team. The Sneasel, meanwhile, flexed its razor-sharp claws, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Easy, you two," Amara commanded, her voice firm. "We'll deal with that loser soon enough. For now, focus on your training. We've got battles to win."

Suddenly, Amara's gaze fell upon her Mareep, its fluffy wool coat glistening in the sunlight. The Mareep turned its head, its large, sparkling innocent, and cute eyes meeting Amara's. At that moment, something inside the tough-as-nails trainer melted. "Oh my gosh, you are just the cutest thing ever!" Amara squealed, her voice rising several octaves as she scooped up the Mareep in her arms.

The Mareep let out a contented "Maaaareep!" as Amara nuzzled her face into its soft wool. "Who's a cute little Mareep? You are! Yes, you are!" Amara cooed, her tough exterior crumbling away as she cuddled the electric sheep Pokémon.

As Amara continued to fawn over the Mareep, she suddenly became aware of the strange looks she was receiving from the other students, especially from Vajk who's eyebrows were raised so high it was almost meeting with his hairline.

"Stop staring at me, loser, or my Gible kick your ass again..." Realizing that she had let her guard down and shown a softer side of herself, Amara quickly composed herself, setting the Mareep back down and clearing her throat.

"Ahem, right. Where were we?" she said, her voice returning to its usual harsh tone. "Quit slacking off, you three! We've got work to do!"

The other students quickly averted their gazes, not wanting to incur Amara's wrath. Amara turned back to her Pokémon, her expression once again stern and focused. "Alright, where were we?" she said, her voice all business. "Houndour, Sneasel, let's run through that combo move again. Mareep, you... just stand there and look cute."

The Mareep tilted its head, blinking innocently at its trainer. Amara felt her heart melt once more, but she quickly shook it off. "Focus, Amara," she muttered to herself. "You can't let a cute Pokémon distract you from your goal. But... maybe after I graduate, I'll catch my own Mareep. They're just so fluffy and adorable!"

After some minutes all the students were interrupted by the sound of the teacher's whistle and voice cutting through the chatter of the training field.

"Alright, everyone, gather round!" the teacher called out, clapping their hands to get the students' attention. "It's time to put your training to the test. We're going to have a series of practice battles to see how well you and your given Pokémon work together as a team."

The students quickly assembled before the teacher, their Pokémon at their sides. Vajk and his team joined the group, still riding high on the wave of their newly forged bond and determination. Amara, on the other hand, strode forward with a confident smirk, her Pokémon exuding an intimidating... and a slightly cute aura.

The teacher surveyed the gathered students, his eyes taking in each trainer and their Pokémon. "Okay, listen up," they began, his voice firm and authoritative. "I've already arranged the matchups for the first round of battles. Ronin, you'll be facing off against Amara."

At the mention of Amara's name, Ronin visibly paled, his eyes widening in fear. He glanced over at the fierce-looking girl, her Houndour, Sneasel, and Mareep looking more than ready to tear into their opponents. Amara quickly called them back into their Pokéballs before turning to Ronin, who swallowed hard, trying to muster up his courage, but the trembling of his hands betrayed his nerves.

Amara, on the other hand, looked positively delighted at the prospect of crushing Ronin in battle again. She cracked her knuckles, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Oh, this is going to be fun," she purred, her eyes glinting with malice. "Ready to get your ass handed to you, Ronin?"

Ronin opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He simply nodded, his face ashen and his body language screaming his desire to be anywhere but there.

The teacher, seemingly oblivious to Ronin's discomfort, continued with the announcements. "Vajk, you'll be battling against Lumi," he said, gesturing to a petite girl with a shock of bright pink hair.

Vajk glanced over at Lumi, who offered him a friendly smile and a wave as she literally was about to explode in excitement.

"Huh, this should be interesting," Vajk thought to himself, sizing up his opponent. "She don't look like much, but I've learned not to underestimate anyone... after that Amara brat. Better stay on my toes."

As the teacher rattled off the remaining matchups, the students began to disperse, each pair finding a spot on the training field to face off. Ronin and Amara made their way to one end of the field, Ronin's steps heavy with dread while Amara practically skipped with glee.

"Alright, Lumi," Vajk called out, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Let's have a good battle."

Lumi giggled, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Oh, Of course, Vajk," she replied, her voice as sweet as honey as she grabbed onto her given Pokéball. "But don't think we'll go easy on you just because you're cute and I am your number one fan!"

Vajk narrowed his eyes in exhaustion as he still cannot understand her, but he quickly shook it off, focusing his attention back on the impending battle. "Alright, guys," he said, taking a Pokéball into his hand. "This is it."

Across the field, Ronin and Amara were already locked in a fierce staredown, their Pokémon growling and hissing at each other.

The teacher raised their hand, their voice ringing out across the field. "Trainers, are you ready?" they called, their eyes sweeping over the assembled pairs. "On my mark, let the battles begin!"

The air crackled with tension as the students and their Pokémon waited for the signal, each trainer's mind racing with strategies and possibilities. This was it - the moment of truth. It was time to put their skills to the test and prove to themselves and everyone else what they were truly capable of.

"Three... two... one... battle!"


A/N: Hello dear readers,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting this chapter to you. I've been busy studying for some important exams coming up, so I haven't been able to devote as much time to writing as I would have liked.

As a result, I feel this chapter may seem a bit rushed or forced. I'm not entirely satisfied with how it turned out, since I would have liked more time to refine it. However, I still hope that you find some enjoyment in reading it.

Know that I appreciate your patience and understanding. Once my exams are finished, I look forward to spending more time crafting chapters that live up to both your expectations and my own standards. I hope you had a nice read!

ZatyaIstencreators' thoughts