
Gan's Dreams!

Morty seemed surprised that someone knew who he was at first sight. Not even the guard near the door believed him until he showed him his ID. He was a Gym Leader from Johto, so no one really knew about him in this region.

"Wow, kid, you know who I am?" Morty smiled and asked.

"Of course, I've study who all the Gym Leaders are, even the ones from Johto." Gan finally understood who the guard was referring to when he said a Gym Leader was on vacation here.

Morty felt a sense of Pride being recognized in a foreign region, but he quickly reverted back to his serious expression. "That was a good fight and all, but you're fortunate that Haunter was only playing and messing with you. If it was serious about harming you, you would have been cursed or worse."

"Are you talking about the life force draining it can do?" Gan shook, was it true that it could really do that?

"It can, but the Haunter here aren't that strong but some of them can still perform that life-draining lick. I thought you were a goner when you got licked, I was just about to appear but that Pidgeotto and Koffing of yours really laid it down."

Morty was coming from the 4th floor when he heard the commotion, he quickly ran over and saw Gan fighting against the residence of this Tower.

"What crazy Pokemon!" Gan couldn't help saying, it was too sinister.

"Yeah, they can be crazy, but they're the best typing in my book. I came to Kanto because it was closer, but the Johto region is between Kanto and Hoenn. I heard Hoenn has some pretty interesting Ghost Pokemon, I'll have to give it a visit one day."

Between Hoenn and Kanto was Johto, while Kanto was between Johto and Sinnoh. Except, Sinnoh was far up in the northern hemisphere of this large continent. Gan was aware of this, so this meant that once he was done with Hoenn, he would have to take a long trip to Sinnoh.

"So you say, well, in any case, what brings you to the Pokemon Tower at night? This doesn't seem like a good place to vacation in." Vacationing in a haunted tower? Yeah right!

"Hahaha, you're really freaked out about Ghost Pokemon, but they can't be that bad in your eyes since you caught a few of them." Morty laughed "I came here because the Ghost Pokemon here are far more active than the ones in the old Burned Tower in Ecruteak City."

The Pokemon here was stronger and far more active; this was especially so at night. Morty had wanted to investigate this place for a while, so he came by. He wanted to check the place in Hoenn as well, it was known as Mt. Pyre. This place was rumored to have sightings of different ghost Pokemon not seen in Kanto or Johto.

"I assumed you found what you were looking for? Because I found what I wanted from here and I'm satisfied and ready to go." Gan didn't want to have to deal with any more annoying Ghost Pokemon, they were too frightening to deal with.

"This is good because they're stronger on the higher floors, so it's best you don't go up anymore. I ran into a Powerful Marowak up there, she was guarding her egg so I didn't bother her." Morty recalled that Marowak; Haunter and Gastly never bothered it for some reason and let be to itself.

"What?" Gan started having strange vibes, a Marowak, and her egg.

"In any case, I've gotten what I wanted. I've caught quite an abundant amount of ghosts, so I'll head back to Johto tomorrow. Hmm, I still have my boat ticket I hope; If I don't I'll have to ask an old friend." Morty searched his pockets and pulled out a ticket, then sighed in relief.

"Yeah, I'm leaving too, but it was nice meeting you. One day I'll visit your Gym for a battle, hehe." Gan smiled, he should be done with the Kanto region before a year had passed.

"Now that'll be the day, I'll be awaiting your arrival...hmm, what was your name?" Morty smiled and asked.

"Gan, the name's Gan." Gan actually told him his real name, it was the first after entering this world.

"Gan? I'll be sure to remember it. Farwell for now, Gan." They both looked each other in the eye before Morty walked past him; leaving the tower.

"Sigh, it looks like I'll have to pick up the pace a little. I need to take down Misty then Lt. Surge." Of course, he needed to train on the way, but he hadn't been in this world long and still sat in a decent position.

Gan descended the stairs and towards the second then towards the first, leaving the Pokemon Tower. It was a good thing he ran into a playful Ghost instead of a killer Ghost. They seemed like they wanted to mess with Gan and scare him at the same time. They had succeeded in messing with him—mainly that Haunter!

Gan was truly tired after dealing with Haunter, his chin was even swollen from falling twice on it. He checked his jaw by moving it sideways, he touched it a felt the large hump on his chin.

"If I'm going to be dealing with Ghost-type like Haunter and Gastly, it best to bring Kadabra or something." Gan also knew the better choice was Dark-type Pokemon, they couldn't do anything against them, however, Psychic Pokemon suffered more at the hands of Dark-type.

Gan walked through the street, he was going to check into an inn but he decided to hit the Pokemon market first. This was to prevent himself from having to do it in the morning, so he could head straight toward the Rock Tunnel.

"I have to pick up Growlithe after tomorrow, well, tomorrow because it should be past midnight."

Gan walked into the Pokemart that was open 24/7.

He bought 30 Pokeballs and 10 Greatballs, he was given 4 Premierballs for free because of the sale going on. Afterward, he went to check into an inn to sleep; he got a room for one night.

Gan didn't even release his Pokemon and dove onto his bed and fell asleep. He had to close his curtains because the town was lit up all of the time.

Time passed as usual; Gan had dreams of becoming a Champion. However, he didn't want to be the champion of the Kanto region forever. He dreamed of himself defeating all of the champions around the world in their respective regions.

After beating them, it was time to pick which region to live in for good. The place he wanted to stay for his entire life. Gan's decision was actually the Alolan Region, to him, it was the best place to live the rest of his life in.

He would be the champion here for the rest of his days, or as long as he could. A nice wife, and some kids, it should be a good life. Gan smiled in his sleep but he suddenly woke up out of nowhere.

"W-what time is it?" Gan wiped the drool from his mouth and check the clock in his room, it was already 11:34 am!

"Time sure does fly!" Gan rolled out of his bed and stretched. He once again did his morning exercises before hopping into the shower. Gan ate the last bit of Psyduck meat before feeding the rest of his Pokemon.

He summoned Chansey and the rest of his Pokemon slowly to feed them. This took him an hour and a half to do before he was able to leave. Of course, he couldn't feed Onix because of how big it was, so he could only wait until later.

"They should be waiting somewhere, they know that I'm going to the Rock Tunnel so they should be around there." The Rock Tunnel was very important to Gan; this place contained most of the Pokemon he wanted for his League Team.

Machop, Rhyhorn, and Kangashkan were his main targets here.

Gan said his goodbyes to the woman behind the counter of the inn and made his way toward the Pokemon Center to heal his Pokemon. The nurse put his Pokemon in the healing machine and he waited five minutes until it was complete.

Now, he was ready to head towards the Rock Tunnel, but not before getting a call from Warren. Warren said that he and Arlo were already outside of Rock Tunnel waiting. Gan simply told them that he was on his way now, then he hung up.

Gan quickly made his way over, he passed the Pokemon Tower on his way. He wanted to visit this place again in the future, he wanted to give that Marowak a little visit. Apparently, it hadn't died at the hands of Team Rocket yet.

There were no obstacles on his way toward the Rock Tunnel, but there were a few trainers who wanted to battle him. Gan told them that he would come by later if they were around to battle them, he didn't shy away from a fight if it suited him.

After he arrived at the Rock Tunnel, he spotted both Arlo and Warren talking about something. The cave entrance was the same as Mt. Moon's entrance. The entrance was well organized and built like a real entrance and not just some hole in the wall.

Arlo was the first to spot Gan, he alerted Warren and they both turned in his direction.

"There you are, did you have trouble sleeping?" Warren teased slightly.

"No, actually I had some pretty good dreams, and some big ones at that." Gan could remember his dreams clearly, they were really pleasant.

"Ah, man, is about you having a good time with some busty and sexy woman!?" Arlo's eyes went wide and assumed.

"Yeah, kinda, it was about me and my sexy wife traveling the world." Gan grinned and rubbed his hairless chin.

"Yeah, friggin right!" Arlo scoffed.

Warren sneered. "What do you mean 'yeah friggin right', with the way you smell you'd only attract Grimer to mate with." Gan started to laugh and so did Warren, but Arlo's face only twitched hearing the roast.

Gan's Pokeball shook for a moment and Grimer appeared without being called out.

"Grimer!" Grimer looked around after forcefully leaving its Pokeball!

"W-what the...." The area turned dead silent.