
Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon and its rights belong to its respective owner. Note that I am just copying a story that i read and i want you to read it too.

FebyFeb · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 40 Learning and Training


Tyson gets rid of Brock, Later, I came to the training room, urging my Pokémon to train hard, and at the same time I was learning new knowledge and perfecting myself and No. 0.

"Characteristic Trait of rare treasure shellfish is a very peculiar concept. The concept was first proposed by Neimu Professor specializing in the difference between Pokémon in the Orange Islands.

Subsequent The professors jointly conducted in-depth research on this topic.

Finally, the professors headed by Professor Oak gave a simple definition of Characteristic Trait, that is, the special ability possessed by each Pokémon.

That is to say, the essence of the Characteristic Trait is the special ability that the individual may possess according to the characteristics of the Pokémon itself, taking the chlorophyll Characteristic Trait possessed by most Grass Type Pokémon as an example.

It is Because exactly of the particularity of some Grass Type Pokémon's bodies, the whole is more similar to the combination of plants and animals, making them more active in the sun, so Pokémon with chlorophyll will increase their speed in sunny weather.

Take a Pokémon like Cubone, whose head is extremely resistant to blows, as an example. Because its head is very defensive, it will have a Characteristic Trait that is immune to the reaction force of its own attack, such as a hard head.

In the study, the Professionals found that the number of Characteristic Trait possessed by each Pokémon group is different, the least one has only one Characteristic Trait, and the more can have three different Characteristic Trait.

Through further comparative analysis, it was found that in the Pokémon races with two or three Characteristic Traits, extremely outstanding individuals often have two different Characteristic Traits at the same time, which is completely different from the single Characteristic Trait of Normal individuals.

After data integration, the Professors have made more specific descriptions and classifications for the Characteristic Trait, namely the first Characteristic Trait, the second Characteristic Trait, and the Implicit Ch arcteristic.

Single Characteristic Trait Pokémon Needless to say, this type of Pokémon does not even have Implicit Characteristic, all individuals are the same Characteristic Trait.

In addition, if a Pokémon group only has the first Characteristic Trait and the second Characteristic Trait but no Implicit Characteristic, then the common individuals of Normal will only have one of the Characteristic Trait as their special ability.

There are no Pokémons that have both the first and second Characteristic Trait at the same time.

And if on the basis of having the first Characteristic Trait or the second Characteristic Trait, this Pokémon race also has Implicit Characteristic.

Note that it is or, not and, that is to say, even if a Pokémon has only one first Characteristic Trait and no second Characteristic Trait, if the group has Implicit Characteristic, it also meets the above conditions.

In the same way, Pokémon groups with the first Characteristic Trait, the second Characteristic Trait and the Implicit Characteristic are naturally eligible.

Then the most outstanding individuals will have an Implicit Characteristic as their special ability in addition to one of the first two Characteristic Trait.

Take Onix as an example, the first Characteristic Trait of the population Characteristic Trait is a hard head, the second Characteristic Trait is a strong, and the Implicit Characteristic is a fragmented armor.

Normal individuals will have either a hard head or one of the sturdy Characteristic Traits, and extremely outstanding individuals will have Implicit Characteristic, broken armor, in addition to the hard head or one of the sturdy Characteristic Traits.

Among them, the very outstanding individual refers to the Pokémon of Elite Aptitude and above.

According to the sample, the probability of Elite Aptitude individuals possessing Implicit Characteristic is about 50% under the condition that the population is guaranteed to possess Implicit Characteristic.

Aptitude, the quasi-champion, can only speculate the probability of 60 to 70% due to the small sample size.

Champion Aptitude Pokémon has Implicit Characteristic under the same conditions, without exception.

And Pokémon below Elite Aptitude do not have Implicit Characteristic, the same is no exception.

At the same time, the Professionals also found that the Characteristic Trait of Pokémon will also change after evolution, but there is a law, that is, the continuity of the Characteristic Trait.

The so-called continuity means that if a Pokémon individual with the first Characteristic Trait changes during evolution, the Characteristic Trait that becomes the corresponding change will also be the first Characteristic Trait of the next form. Non-Secondary Characteristic Trait; the same goes for Pokémon individuals with a second Characteristic Trait.

Taking Roggenrola as an example, the first Characteristic Trait is strong, the second Characteristic Trait is fragmented armor, and the first and second Characteristic Trait of Boldore remain unchanged, so the Roggenrola with a strong Characteristic Trait evolves and is still a strong Characteristic Trait, Shattered Armor Characteristic Trait's Roggenrola evolves into Shattered Armor.

But Gigalith's first Characteristic Trait is strong, and the second Characteristic Trait becomes sand, then Roggenrola and Boldore, who have the first Characteristic Trait and the Strong Characteristic Trait, evolve into their final form, and the Characteristic Trait remains the same Is the first Characteristic Trait Trait sturdy.

And Roggenrola and Boldore, who have the second Characteristic Trait Fragmented Armor Characteristic Trait, evolved into the final form after the Characteristic Trait became the second Characteristic Trait of Gigalith, Yansha.

If the Implicit Characteristic before and after evolution is inconsistent, this property also applies to Implicit Characteristic.

Professors speculate that Implicit Characteristic may have other properties, but because the proportion of samples with Implicit Characteristic is too small, no conclusion can be drawn."

Putting down the information, Tyson said to himself: "so that's how it is, Combusken's accelerated Characteristic Trait is due to its special ability caused by its own excellent leg muscle development, as the champion Aptitude must have .

As for Pidgeot and Roggenrola, I can only say that I was lucky enough to hit that half or so, or in other words, Pidgeot and Roggenrola are also excellent in Elite Aptitude.

Otherwise, Impossible has Implicit Characteristic."

Yes, Roggenrola also has Implicit Characteristic.

On the zero panel, Roggenrola now looks like this after passing through the juvenile stage.


Attribute: Rock

Height: 0.5m (average 0.4m)

Weight: 22kg (average 18kg)

Characteristic Trait: Shattered armor (If you take damage from Physical Move, the defense will be reduced and the speed will be greatly increased.)

Implicit Characteristic: Sand Power (The formidable power of Rock Type, Ground Type and Steel type moves will increase during sandstorms.)

Ability: Tackle, Sand Rush, Harden, Stealth Rock, Gravity (Genetic) , Wide Guard (Genetic )

Level: Level 6 (Novice)

Potential: Elite

breed Mode: Due to the speciality of Pokémon, it is fed with high-energy crystals To evolution (the synthesis method is as follows)

Because of the high Rock Type innate talent, supplemented by various special Rocks, it can have different effects and resistances on its body surface Rock (the specific conditions are as follows:....)

"And Roggenrola's broken armor Characteristic Trait will also become the corresponding second Characteristic Trait after evolving into Gigalith, blowing sand, with the power of sand, it is like a fish back in water.

In turn, it proves that this Roggenrola has a very high innate talent on Rock Type, and it also meets the zero test."

Tyson nodded slightly, indicating that it was very rewarding.

After all, this kind of knowledge is not open to the public, he used to have the so-called Implicit Characteristic, but now it seems that It's just that Aptitude's outstanding individuals are stronger in some aspects because of their innate talent.

"Combusken, be careful not to relax too much when you exert force on your right calf."

While thinking, Tyson saw that Combusken was a little out of status, and reminded him.

This is also what an outstanding Trainer should do, because Pokémon are also creatures and will get tired. , there will be joys and sorrows, and training will be distracting. At this time, the Trainer needs to be reminded by the side.


(end of this chapter)

ps: Briefly explain the concept of double Characteristic Trait.

Although in the official setting, a Pokémon will only have one Characteristic Trait, I wrote it myself to make up for it The reason may be a bit poisonous for some readers who insist on the original setting, sorry.

Of course incomplete, because the timeline is advanced, many research results have not come out. (For example, Rockruff's Oblivious and Greninja's bond evolution The special feature of Characteristic Trait.)

I personally think there is no problem with this setting…

If you don't understand the description, you can look at the example, you should be able to understand.

In addition, not all Pokémon protagonists will have double Characteristic Trait.

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