
Chapter 2: Into Reverse Summer Darkest Forest

After a few hours of talking with various family members and visiting different people, it was 6 in the evening and Tye and his team were ready to trek out into the forest.

"Remember, don't stray far away from me or else you'll get lost from me forever."

Both of them nodded, Hatterz went back unto his head and Pen walked by his side.

As evening turned into night and a cold chill surrounded them, the sounds of the forest slowly silenced while the bristling of leaves, Grass, and bushes were amplified in the cold environment.

The darkness covered them like a blanket, the only source of light was the moon shining upon them.

After several miles of walking, they were far away from any sort of civilization.

All three of them were on high alert for any signs of life around them.

After several hours of rummaging through the forest, all they found were a few sleeping Spearows and unresponsive Metapods.

Without much ceremony, Tye yawned into his palm.

"How about we set up camp and sleep off the night, we can try again tomorrow."

He looked up as Hatterz was blinking herself awake and Pen was slowing down in his walking speed and his head hanging lower than usual.

"Har..." Hatterz similarly agreed but her voice was slurred.

As he sat down his bag and took out the tent, a chill ran down their collective spines, not your average cold chill, but a deathly feeling, as if the area around you is wrong in some way but you can't find out how.

Suddenly, Hatterz, Pen, and Tye were wide awake and full of energy, Tye quickly shoved the tent back into the backpack as they took off from the area.

As they ran through the forest, dark trees converged around them as the eerie sight surrounded them.

The sound of everything around had this semi-static sound as the usual sound of kricketot music disappeared.

Realizing the odd situation around them, Tye's face had an excited smile plastered all over it.

As he sprinted along with Hatterz on his head and Pen by his running.

"Pen dispel the illusion, Hatterz sense where it is, we're running towards a clear field, we just had a wonderful encounter!"

Pen's horn lit up with a bright light as it covered the 3 of them while Hatterz uses her emotion-sensing abilities to sense where the Pokémon was.


Hatterz out while pointing towards the ground, Tye instantly caught on to that.

The deathly chill, the one that was following them even after running so far, could only mean one thing, a ghost type that could go and stay inside someone else's shadow.

On the contrary, the usual opinion that all ghosts could go into shadows was wrong, and in this area, only one can do it, by either the Moves Shadow Sneak or Phantom Force.

"Pen keep it in there with sustained confusion."

"Get ready for battle Hatterz, Pen on standby for support!"

As the illusion was dispelled, the area around them changed and Tye instantly made a right turn.

'There should be an open field in this direction,'

His smile grew wider and wider as his heart was filled with glee,

"hehehhahah!" "HAHAHA!"

A magical laughter escaped his mouth, Hatterz unbothered by her trainer's disturbing laugh, used a series of calm mind and and reflect.

After several minutes of running, they reached an open field, it was a small area, but for some reason, it was left untouched by trees.


Pen stopped using confusion as Hatterz jumped off his head and landed on the ground.

Pen and Hatterz stay a slight distance away from Tye, but are still in attacking range.

<Several hours before>

< "Remember, if Mimikyu goes into one of our shadows, stay a distance away but still in attack range, so it's forced to come out instead of simply transferring to another's shadow." >


They made sure to take that order to heart.

As they stood in position, waiting for Mimikyu to make a move, the open field around them made for the perfect battlefield for such a situation, the beautiful moonlight made the area an enchanting sight.

After a few moments of intense waiting, Tye's shadow shifted without him moving before bursting outward, it was an odd sight, seeing a shadow in a 3rd dimensional space.

The Pokémon appeared to be a Pikachu with poorly drawn eyes and without arms, but they all knew who it was, a Mimikyu.

The one they spent several hours traveling, walking, and trekking to encounter.

Seeing Mimikyu not doing anything but watching all of them, Tye felt it may have felt threatened by the 3 way showdown down, he took out an empty Pokeball before saying,

"In official position, Hatterz up front."

As He and Pen jumped back behind Hatterz, he felt like the situation became a little more manageable.

As Hatterz and Mimikyu stared each other down, waiting for one of them to make the first draw.

Mimikyu suddenly dropped into the ground, although the moonlight was shining directly on the area, the darkness around them hid the pool of shadow on the ground that launched itself towards Hatterz.

Although it was Hatterz's first time seeing this, it was not so Tye,

"Confusion towards the ground, now!"

"Hat!" Hattarz's eyes lit up with a blue light as the ground around in front of her was broken into chunks.


The inhuman cry that came from Mimikyu popped into the ground.

Mimikyu's body glowed slightly as the holes in the Pikachu costume further glowed blue, similar to Hatterz's.


Mimikyu shot a wave of energy that moved towards Hatterz which was dodged of her own accord.

'That was copycat, don't know the cooldown of that, can't have it copying the setup Moves.'

"Good thing you already prepared, continue using Confusion, no serious damage, just get it tired,"

Hatterz nodded as Mimikyu went in for the attack once again with shadow Sneak.

Already memorizing the pattern of shadow Sneak, Hatterz scanned the ground looking for Mimikyu and then she sent a confusion to the right of her, further destroying the ground.

As the fight went on, it went from a battle to a case of pulling.

Hatterz used her superior stamina, strength, defense, and experience to completely outclass Mimikyu.

Every move Mimikyu tried was met with a counter, and every distraction Mimikyu used was met with ignorance as Hatterz battered down Mimikyu to the point of huffing and puffing before each attack.


It weakly sent out its claw to attack, but Hatterz stopped it with confusion and blasted Mimikyu away from its place.

At this point, Tye could throw his pokeball at Mimikyu and instantly catch them, but that wasn't his way of doing things.

In his mind, the only way for a trainer to have complete cooperation with their Pokemon is to have them stop fighting and surrender.

If a Pokemon stops fighting but doesn't surrender that means when it comes to strength they will continue fighting and you are just carrying an unwilling being with you.

If they surrendered but didn't stop fighting, then that mean they are too strong for you, you can't get your own Pokemon where you personally trained them to beat a wild untrained Pokemon.

Having the Pokémon stop fighting and surrender didn't mean beating them brutally or injuring them, it meant showing them your strength and what you can provide for them.

As most Pokemon trainers know, Pokemon absolutely loved fighting other Pokemon and becoming stronger, even the most peaceful of species didn't defer from this very fact, and so too is it a fact with humans.


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