

Chapter 89.

Serafall waved her staff and used Kyogre's signature move Origin Pulse, massive orbs of glowing blue water formed around her and began to shoot Water Type Energy beams at the enemies in front of her.

The Pig like creatures and Roman soldiers in front of her were sliced or blasted in seconds, Serafall had learned Origin Pulse from Kyogre and modified it to her liking.

Originally the move was a direct energy based attack, but Serafall modified it to be a defensive technique instead, now the glowing orbs or water stayed and orbited around her while automatically shooting at enemies.

Kyogre had been impressed and so she also learned how to do Serafall's modified version of Origin Pulse, so Serafall, ready to attack walked towards the enemies with a big smile on her face, her Water Type technique shot down and killed every enemy around her as she moved.

I of course felt very proud of her, for both her ingenuity and talent, Serafall might be inclined to the element of Ice but she's also a Sitri and as such she has a very strong affinity with water.

A lot of people tend to forget that little fact, but in moments like this, when she's cutting her way through enemies with a water technique, shows her true heritage as a Sitri.

I bet Sona would be jealous, with that last humorous thought I chose to stop admiring my girlfriend and began to take care of my side of enemies, I let go of the energy string of Excalibur in her Bow mode and let lose an energy arrow.

With a flex of my power, the energy arrow split into many and immediately took down quite a few Wyverns, however, I frowned when I saw them fall down and cause damage to all kind of things bellow, because of their weight.

*Tch! I can keep shoting them down, theres still people running around in the streets...* I sighed and shook my head.

I immediately took off flying while I changed Excalibur into her Spear form and launched myself towards the Wyverns and their riders, I immediately blurred right on top of one and impaled both the Roman soldiers and the Wyvern from above.

I then pushed a bit of my Power of Destruction into Excalibur and destroy both bodies before they can fall down, immediately took off and slice in half another Wyvern along its rider, while also destroying their bodies with my PoD running through my Spear.

This of course made the rest of the Wyverns and riders panic, since they were unable to see me move, much less attack them with the speed I was using.

Meanwhile I frowned *I thought so, these guys are too weak, well it doesn't matter, since all we have to do is make sure to hold them back until the JSDF get here and save the day*.

[You seem to know what's going to happen soon Rean, is this a world you know of?.]

I mentally nodded while I threw my Excalibur in her Spear form through three Wyverns, the riders screamed in horror as their bodies were destroyed because of my PoD running through the Spear *yes, I've seen what happens in this world in an anime, though I've never read the novels that were out and its been a while since I've seen the anime, so I don't know all the details of this world*.

[So there might be some surprises! well thenLet me give you a Quest!.]

I chuckled while I blasted a group of Wyverns and their riders with a blast of PoD from a wave of my hand, meanwhile I summoned Excalibur in her Spear mode back into my free hand.

[Ding! Ding!.

New Quest received!.

Repel the invasion from outerworlders until the JSDF arrive and destroy the enemies!.

Objective: Hold back the Invansion until the JSDF arrive.

Reward: Two Mythical Pokémon Tokens.]

*Simple enough and I bet the JSDF are already on the way, I'll avoid summoning my Pokemon for now since Japan will be the center of attention of all the world, I rather not have to deal with a whole country coming after them*.

[Sounds like a good idea Rean! for now just have some fun, like Serafall is having right now~.]

I took a glance down towards Serafall and smiled as she was doing poses and destroying the army with a big goofy smile on her face, I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

It seems that a situation like this one, gave Serafall a good chance to show off her skill in being a Magical Girl *at least she's enjoying herself and that's what really matters*.

I suddenly whirled around and dodge three Wyverns who tried to tackle me and take a bite out of my body, I quickly stabbed Excalibur through each Wyverns and their riders from above and destroyed their bodies with my PoD.

I then waved my hand and dispersed the glowing dust left over from the quickly destroyed enemies so I could see, a rider glared at me with hatred.

But to someone like me it was like a little baby chick trying to be intimidating, so it made me chuckle, the rider must have felt insulted because he pointed his sword towards me "you do not know who you just earned the ire of, Mage!".

I just grinned "it's you and your Emperor who don't know who your messing with, but do not worry, soon he'll see, but you and your cronies? you will all die here!".

I flared my Stardust Energy for the first time in this world, the Wyverns roared and began to panic in horror while their riders tried to regain control over their steeds.

The rider who had spoke to me widen his eyes in shock as he saw my energy, the last thing he saw was me appearing in front of him with my Dragonic eyes glaring at him, before I stabbed Excalibur in her Spear form through his head.

Meanwhile on the streets Serafall continued to walk forward, while killing Roman soldiers, Pig like creatures, Bull like creatures and even some sort of humanoid creature that she didn't recognize "... Orcs, those look like a minotaurs? and some kind of human monster... maybe an undead?".

Suddenly a Roman soldier riding a horse raised his sword "shield formation!".

A group of soldiers carrying big shields ran forward and planted them in front of themselves and the rest of their allies, the Commander then raised his sword again "archers! get ready!".

Serafall tilted her head as the commander glared at her "hmm? what old school war tactics... your world must be very behind the times huh?".

The commander just continued to glare at Serafall, he then swung his sword down "fire!".

The Archer immediately fired at Serafall while the commander victoriously smiled towards Serafall, who just raised an eyebrow, the glowing water orbs formed from her Origin Pulse, which were lazily floating around her immediately reacted and shot beams of Water Type Energy towards the arrows.

The arrows were instantly destroyed which made the Roman Soldiers gape and the Commander frowned, Serafall shrugged and shook her head "you really didn't thinkt that would work did you?".

The Commander sneered "Mage, it would be best if you surrender! no matter your skill with magic, your still not match for the full might of the Empire!".

Serafall just deadpanned "really? that's the best dialog you can come up with? you sound like a boring everyday baddie in a Super Hero Show...".

Serafall sighed, she then twirled her staff and unleashed a wave of frosty cold air, the Roman soldiers immediately hid behind the big shields they had.

But to their horror and shock everything including themselves froze solid in seconds, the commader only had time to widen his eyes, before being frozen solid.

Serafall smiled and then snapped her fingers, the frozen soldiers immediately shattered and then explode into many small fragments that sparkled in the sunlight.

The few civilians still around awed at the beautiful sight of Serafall in her Guardian of the Sea mode surrounded by sparkling fragments of ice, Serafall just smiled and stood there for a few seconds before walking off towards the next group of enemies.

On another part of Ginza but not to far from where Serafall and Rean were taking down enemies left and right, Yōji stared through a big glass window as a Wyvern tried to fly down and attack civilians.

But it was suddenly ran throught by a beautiful Spear and destroyed in seconds, before it could even get close to the screaming civilian it almost attacked.

The Spear suddenly disappeared in a flash of purple light and Yōji was left gaping at what he just saw, but then he snapped out of it and ran outside to get a better idea of what was going on.

As he ran he began to speak "crap! crap! crap! this can't be happening... there no way this could be happening!... it's just impossible!".

As he ran, he could hear people screaming and panicking as they were being attacked, but he also heard screams and roars of pain telling him that someone was fighting back and taking down enemies.

Still, he needed to get outside and see the damage, he quickly reached the stairs leading outside and yelled at the people to excuse him, so they could get out of the way, he quickly ran down the stairs.

As soon as he got outside he began to look around all over the place "damn... if this doesn't stop..." he quickly took off running again and even jumped over a traffic barrier while still ranting "the summer Doujinshi sale and exhibit...WILL BE CANCELED!".

Yōji ran though the street completely worried about the fact that the Otaku event will be canceled rather than the invasion going on, as stated before.

This man's priorities are on his hobbies, even now, eventually as he ran, he suddenly stopped when he caugh sight of a poor terrified woman crouching on the floor and crying.

He immediately approached her "hey! get up, it's too dangerous here!" Yōji then reached a hand to her "do you want to die! you have to run!".

The woman was really scared right now so she didn't react right away, but she soon registered what Yōji just said, though because she was very afraid right now she reacted to the stranger in front of her with a bit suspicion "ah! w-who are you?!".

Yōji nodded to the woman understanding that she was in a panic "I'm..." but then he heard a firearm go off, close by and quickly turned his head towards the sound.

He saw a police officer shoot at something in the sky in a panic, suddenly a Roman soldier of sorts fell from the sky and rolled on the ground a couple of times from being shot at by the police officer and thrown off by his Wyvern

The soldier took a few heavy breaths in pain before quickly getting up and taking off running towards the police officer while drawing a dagger, the Roman soldier roared as he launched himself to the scare and panicking Policeman.

Yōji's training kicked in and he immediately reacted, he intercepted the Roman soldier and grappled him by the arm, he quickly threw him to the ground and caught him with a neck hold.

The Roman soldiers thrashed around but Yōji was stronger and refused to let him go, he quickly grabbed hold of the dagger the Roman soldier had dropped on the ground and slit his throat splattering blood everywhere.

The Police officer and a few civilians stared at Yōji in stunned silence, Yōji dropped the dead soldier and turned his head towards the Police Officer "are you okay?".

But the Police officers was to stunned to respond at the moment, Yōji however couldn't waste no more time "listen! all of you need to run now!".

Everyone snapped out of their stunned state and nodded, the police officer then spoke outloud "everyone is being evacuated towards the Imperial Palace!".

Yōji nodded and the rubbed his arm over his chin to clean the blood that landed there "let's go! we need to get out of here, now!".

Everyone nodded and then followed Yōji as they quickly made their way towards the Imperial Palace, meanwhile Yōji was lamenting the fact that he was going to miss his precious Otaku event.

It was pure chaos when Yōji as his group arrived at the Imperial Palace, the front gate to the palace was full of panicking and confused civilians, while the police tried to maintain order.

Yōji immediately ran towards the Guard booth and went inside, he watched as Police officers looked at the chaos with a confused look in their face, Yōji then yelled at them to catch their attention "you have to let people in and barricade the Palace!".

The Police officers were instead rather taken aback by a civilian suddenly yelling orders at them "who are you supped to be?" one of them yelled back.

The other one also yelled at Yōji as well "just do as we say!".

But Yōji knew what would happened if everyone just stayed where they are " if you let those guys come here, there's going be a bloodbath in front of the Imperial Palace!".

The Police officers actually flinched at the mental image Yōji's words just created in their minds.

Meanwhile some of the Invansion army began to move around streets, where both Serafall and Rean were taking them down avoiding a certain and quick death.

Some civilians weren't able to get away and were cut down, but everyone continued to run as more and more monsters and Roman soldiers chased them down.

Yōji could hear the screaming civilians and Roman soldiers approaching their location, so he decided to push things, this resulted in the police officers getting a phone call and being ordered to prioritize the civilians.

Yoji saw this and asked "hey was that?".

The police officer hanged up and nodded "yeah... civilians have top priority..."

Yoji nodded, they began to hear someone beating in the gates of the Imperial Palace, so the Police officers immediately went to open the Palace's main gates.

The civilians immediately ran inside as soon as the gates opened, the Police immediately began to maintain order and make sure everyone ran in safely as possible.

Sometime later busses began to arrive and a multitude of heavily equipped Police officers immediately ran out the busses, a Police officer ran up to Yoji and began to issue a report to him " the Administrative district has been heavily occupied! but we'll defend Sakuradamon to the death!".

The Police officer then got ready to leave "reinforcements are on the way as well".

Yōji nodded and then decided to ask a question before he left "where are the enemy forces located?".

The Police officers stopped mid turn and answered "the enemy forces split into two units... one is heading here and getting close, but the second one is being pushed back and defeated".

Yōji frowned and seemed rather confused, the enemies came in big numbers, so if they divide themselves into two units then it means that originally, this was a huge army they're dealing with.

However what drew his curiosity the most was the fact that someone was fighting back "who is fighting the enemies? is it the JSDF or the Police force?".

The young Police officers frowned and seemed unsure as to how to answer that question, but he decided to be honest "w-were not exactly sure who is fighting the enemy... but we have been getting reports of a male flying in the sky and wielding a beautifully crafted Spear cutting down the flying units but...".

The young police officer hesitated for a second but continued to continue to talk "and a Magical Girl is attacking the ground units of the enemy's army as we speak".

The two Police officers besides Yōji sweatdropped but Yōji himself looked very excited "what!? really!? ah! I want to see!".

His outburst surprise the Police officers who took a step back away from Yōji, who noticed and nervously laughed a bit "Err... right...".

Meanwhile, not to far from the Imperial Palace, one of the commanders of the Roman soldiers looked around from on top the horse he's riding with a frown in face "there are structures built of brick and marble here...".

The man besides him riding another horse and wearing high end Roman robes, turned his head towards the commander "sir?".

The commander looked down "I am relieved, to see something familiar...".

The other man riding a horse looked a bit confused but payed attention to what the commander was saying "do you not feel uneasy? do you not wonder where we have found ourselves?".

The commander then looked up and stared at his soldier who were ready to hear his orders, despite being glad to see something familiar, he still felt an odd feeling of dread.

Inwardly, he was wondering how the second unit was faring in this odd and unknown world.

Meanwhile, the SWAT unit and Police Officers had spread around the front of the gates of the Imperial Palace and waited for the enemy forces to appear.

There was tension and fear in the air, but the Police Force was willing to fight until the bitter end to protect the civilians, so they prepared themselves for an all out battle.

Suddenly, one of the SWAT unit officer caught sight of something and immediately yelled out to let everyone know "here they come!".

Everyone heard him and steeled their nerves as they took cover behind the Assault Shields they had brought out, Yōji who was standing behind the gate and with the rest of the Police Force spoke up "where first?".

The young Police Officer answered his question "we have five helicopters coming from Ichigaya".

Another Police Officer continue on "the first Regiment is out of Nerima".

I was hunting down some of the Wyverns that had gotten away from me when I was busy killing others, when I got a Ding and confirmation that I had cleared the Quest.

Suddenly I heard a Helicopter flying towards me and then watched as it shoot down the Wyverns I was chasing, I smiled and saluted the pilot to let him know I was a friendly.

I was glad that he immediately saluted back to me letting me know that he knew I was an ally, four more Helicopters appeared and then flew by me while, I watched them begin to attack the invading army.

Suddenly I heard gun fire below and I watched as Serafall began to be assisted by LAVs (Light Armored Vehicles) who shot at the remaining Roman soldiers.

Serafall smiled and then jumped up and ended landing on top of a LAV, took a sit and began whooping, as she rode the LAV with the surprised Soldiers who stared at her in awe and shock.

It made me chuckled seeing the faces the soldiers were making as they stared at a Magical Girl fist pumping in victory, as the JSDF mowed down the Roman Soldiers.

I then noticed that the JSDF was now counter attacking the invading forces with extreme force, I smiled and decided to take off flying towards where I sensed a big group of Roman soldiers had gathered.

As I flew over the area I watched the JSDG easily take down the Roman soldiers with their advance weaponry, it honestly was a very impressive sight.

I quickly arrived what I think is the Imperial Palace, I've seen it once I think, it was when Yasaka showed me a picture of a Yokai base in this area, at the time I found it funny that Yokai had taken over a very important building in Japan.

But here, it seems that like in the anime the Civilians took shelter here, I stayed in the sky and took a look around as I saw the JSDF fight and defeat the Army that had decided to attack this place.

"It seems like the Empire's army divided into two units... that's weird, that didn't happen in the anime though it might have happen off screen and never showed it but still...".

I watched the JSDF shot down Roman Soldiers in bulk, I suddenly heard a very loud roar of battle coming from the side.

I turned my head over the noise and watched as a big unit of Roman Soldiers on horses suddenly rushed forward "a suicide attack? or perhaps a last stand?".

It seems that the sudden rush helped the Roman soldiers and they were able to move forward and get close to the Imperial Palace Gate, the JSDF soldiers frowned and immediately moved to change positions and attack.

"... well might as well help" I teleported right in front of the rushing calvary and immediately transformed Excalibur from her Spear mode to her Tachi Form, while also summoning Avalon in to my free hand.

I sheathed Excalibur into Avalon and got into my Eight Leaves, One Blade stance, while the JSDF and then Police officers stared at me in surprise.

As soon as the Calvery got close, I moved "Fifth Form - Morning Moon...".

The JSDF soldiers and the Police force didn't know what happened next, one second the young man that appeared out nowhere was standing in a Quickdraw stance and then next second he was behind the Calvery, that was rushing towards the Imperial Palace Gate.

The Roman soldiers and horses froze while the young man twirled his Tachi in his hand and swiftly sheathed it into the beautiful sheath he was holding in his other hand.

There was a sharp sound as the blade slid into its sheath and then a click that echoed throughout the area, suddenly the Roman soldier's body exploded in blood and gore while the Horses fell down on the ground unconscious.

Everyone gaped as the young man turned his face towards the gate and saluted to the Police officers, who nervously saluted back at at him.

Meanwhile Yōji couldn't help but suddenly yelled "Holy shit! that was awesome!".

JSDF and then Police force sweatdropped at the sudden yell while the unknown young man seemed to laugh, no one knew what was going on but they were glad the young man seemed to be on their side.

The JSDF snapped out of their shock soon after and went back to culling the Invading army, while I went inside the Imperial Palace and decided to check to see if everyone was alright.

For the most part everyone seemed okay, just scared out of their minds, which in hindsight is normal, this world is mostly a normal one, so the human world wasn't used to Supernatural events.

So they of course are very rattled, but the Civilians were also showing signs that they were recovering as they began to call their families and check on everyone.

Suddenly I felt someone walked up to me and I turned my head towards who was approaching me, I couldn't help but smile as I watched Yōji Itami, super Otaku, walk towards me.

Yōji smiled and then talked to me as he reached me "hey! thank you for the help! the Police were also saying we were getting some help in the otherside of the city from two people, that was you right?".

I nodded "yes, me and my girlfriend were out and about when this invasion started, we then decided to help".

Yōji grinned and nodded to me, he seemed very excited but I knew why, he confirmed my thoughts a second later "it was really awesome what you did back there! really anime like!".

I chuckled "ah, well, I must admit that all of my techniques are a bit on the showy side but my girlfriend seems to like it".

Yōji nodded but the big smile on his face just got brighter, he looked like he was about to ask a few questions but he then stopped when he seemed to have noticed something.

He immediately walked over to what he had noticed and I smiled when I saw him bent on one knee, in front of a very scared looking little girl.

This is why I like this guy, Yōji Itami might be lazy and completely obsessed with his hobbies, but he is a good guy as well, one that was willing to risk his life for those he cares about.

So I watched him as he asked the little girl what was wrong and when she told him that she was looking for her parents he immediately offered her to help her, a few moments later she grabbed his hand and nodded to him.

I nodded to myself and then decided to go with them, and so me and Yōji looked around the Imperial Palace for the little girl's parents.

It didn't take us long to find the little girl's parent who were also frantically looking for her as well, this was a happy surprise, since in the anime her parents were killed.

But it seems like mine and Serafall's intervention prevent some deaths, which is great since I didn't want to show that I can bring the dead back to life, I still have limitations when it comes to Resurrection Magic after all.

Mainly the time limit on which I'm allowed to revive someone, but either way I'm glad that the little girl found her parents safe and sound.

Afterwards I said my goodbyes to Yōji and set out to find Serafall, who I found back in Ginza and wearing a green JSDF helmet while listening to a few soldiers explain how the Machine Gun on the LAV works.

I couldn't help but smile as I saw her pay attention to everything that was being explained to her, she soon sensed me and turn her head towards me and then jumped down the LAV.

She then took off running and jumped into my arms, I caught her while laughin, Serafall then excitedly began to speak "Rean! can we get one of those Armored Vehicles?! they're so cool!".

I laughed and then noticed that she was wearing her normal clothes, I then smiled at her "Sera, what are you going to do with LAV?".

Serafall just grinned "paint it pink and used it in my show!".

I shook my head and smiled at her "well, I'll ask Isamu to see if he can help me buy one, it's not easy to but Military grade vehicles, you know?"

Serafall nodded and just smiled, suddenly a JSDF soldier approached me and Serafall, this one looked very stoic and had this air around him that just screams respect.

He immediately saluted "on behalf of the JSDF and the Japanese Government, I would like to offer my thanks for your aid... could I bothered you both with following me and giving me your side of the story?".

Serafall smiled and nodded, it seems she was having a lot of fun with all of this, so I nodded as well, might as well help the JSDF since things are going to get crazy for them soon.

A few days later.

Yōji was being recognized for his efforts during the Invansion and was set to receive a medal and higher ranking, at this very moment he was present as a high ranking politician released an official statement in the Ministry of defense "in the face of this disaster, this man was active in evacuation and rescue efforts, saving the lives of countless citizens.

The brave feats of this man, known as the Hero of Ginza and Hero of Nijuubashi, are the pride of all citizens of Japan".

The rest of the SDFJ who were present in this ceremony applauded as Yōji stood at attention, the high ranking politician continued with his statement "Second Lieutenant Itami Yōji".

Yōji immediately responded as he was addressed "yes sir!" but right now, inwardly, Yōji was lamenting the fact that the Otaku event in Giza was canceled and he couldn't get his precious merchandise.

In fact, the poor man looked ready to cry, so he looked up trying to hide his tears, the high ranking politician noticed this and grew curious "what's wrong?".

Yōji sniffed a bit and then responded "its..it's... nothing!" this is how Yōji was promoted to rank of Second Lieutenant, while he was letting out tears from the missed chance to get Otaku related items.

Serafall and I were present and hidden in the ceremony and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Yōji was having a breakdown, this guy was sure funny.

All over TV and the newspapers there were reports of what had happened in Ginza, right now, one such report was going on TV, much to Yōji's annoyance "this is the man who saved so many lives, Second Lieutenant Itami Yōji".

On TV they showed and image of him shaking the hand of the high ranking politician, then the news report showed images of a Magical Girl blasting the Roman soldiers with both Water and Ice magic and a Spear wielding young man killing off Wyverns in the sky.

The images were small and blurry, but it did show the ease in which these two individuals handle the Invading army, meanwhile the reporter on TV continued on "there's still no information about these two people, but the citizens of Ginza are very greatful for their aid...".

Yōji turned of his TV and loudly groaned "damn it!" Yōji really didn't want to be promoted.

The next day.

Yōji got up early in the morning and reported to his unit building, he decided to run around the tracks to keep his mind off his problems, as he ran another JSDF soldier approached him "oh? I wondered who that was! if isn't the famous Second Lieutenant Itami! I'm here from Camp Nayoro! my name is Kurata!.

Is a real honor to be in the same unit as the Hero of Ginza! so, what is it like to be famous? well what's is it like!? man, your so lucky! the woman must be all over you!".

Yōji however was not in the mood and grew a bit annoyed at how much Kurata was talking "hey shut up!".

But Kurata did not care and just smiled at Yōji whose eye twitched in annoyance.

Some time later both Kurota and Yōji went to the Mess Hall to get some food, however Yōji was still lamenting about his Otaku Event, so he sighed "the sale and exhibit ended up getting canceled...and after what happened I don't even get weekends off" Yōji sighed again.

Kurata who was sitting with him, just smiled "you were given a commendation by the Minister and even got promoted! karma is going to kick you in the ass for complaining!".

Yōji just gave zero fucks "it's not like I wanted to get promoted".

Kurata looked surprised with Yōji response "sheesh, you really don't have any ambition for you?".

Yoji closed his eyes "look, I only work to support my hobbies, so if you ask me to pick between my work or hobbies" Yōji opened his eyes and began to eat his food "I'd prioritize my hobbies, without question".

Kurata just stared at Yōji in disbelieve for a few seconds before grinning "Hey, by the way, Itami..." Itami stopped eating and gave Kurata his attention "hm?".

Kurata continued to grin "I've kept it a secret until now but... I was in the sale and exhibit that day".

Yōji's eyes widen in shock "you were!?".

Kurata sweatdropped but nodded "yeah..." Yōji looked surprised but Kurata continued speaking "I wasn't able to do anything, so I couldn't bring myself to say anything-".

But Yōji cut him off " so what about the loot!? what did you get?! wanna come to my place!".

Kurata looked taken a back but Yōji was more concerned about the information he wanted and in his excitement he hugged Kurata who got nervous "h-hey!".

Meanwhile another JSDF soldier was saying thanks for his meal, when he heard the commotion created by Yōji and opened his eyes to see what was going on.

Meanwhile, Yōji was too busy trying to get info from Kurata " what's the problem!? we both have the same hobby, don't we? come on okay? come on!" Yōji then began to rub his cheek against poor Kurata's who was flabbergasted.

He was utterly shocked at the way Yōji was holding him.

Some time later both Kurata and Yoji were back in the running track, Kurata looked very hurt and scared of Yōji while the forementioned man ran by his side "don't be mad Kurata!".

Kurata jumped and hugged himself "it's filthy! I had no idea you were into that sort of thing!" Yōji gaped at him "huh?".

Kurata ran forward "I like girls damn it!".

Yōji flinched a bit "whoa! hey! don't get the wrong idea! I'm not into that!" but Kurata just screamed louder and ran faster

The same man who was eating and watching the chaos Yōji created was staring at both Kurata and Yoji right now as well "they look like they're having fun..." this guys sounded a bit jealous.