
Training 1

Austin woke up real early at dawn he began revising his training plan for the day. He went to the same training field he had a picnic at yesterday, after eating breakfast in the cafeteria. He feed togepi and placed it in the temporary pouch that he used before. Then he releases eevee from its pokeball.

The first day he decided to check the moves that eevee already knows. Then he will help eevee master some of them and teach her double team as well. Finally after making sure she is able to use her moves easily on command he will teach her hidden power. He also wanted to find a chance to teach her long distance attack.

He looked at eevee and asked her to demonstrate the moves she already knows. It know how to growl which he thought was useless, as it only works toward those weaker than it. The same can be said with tail whip except tail whip can be useful as a precursor to iron tail. It also knew tackle but only knew how to attach head on. With training he can teach it, how to use this move more efficiently. Eevee also knew agility which made him happy.

He though that's possibly how it survived for long in the grasslands. The last move that eevee knew was synchronize. This move gather all of eevee's energy and connects it with species that have a similar type. Then it caused huge damage to those creatures. The down side is that it can only be used against creatures with similar type. Eevee is a normal type with no special element, so any normal type even dual attributed Pokemon will be effected. Another down side was that it doesn't differentiate between friend and foe, so austin need to be careful when uing this move.

Austin planned to have eevee learn quick attack as it is a good combo with agility. Double team is also really good with this group. He stared at eevee for a bit. The little guy was catching its breath. Togepi was cheering it on from the pouch.

"Okay eevee we are going to increase the output of your tackle once you mastered that. We will learn quick attack after that are you ready. If you give it your all I will give you from you favorite berries. Are you ready?"

"Eeeveee!" Roared with determination. It wanted to be strong and now was its chance.

"Ok let's start the day with a warmup run." Austin and eevee then began to run around the field. He also wanted to train as well if he can reach half of Bruno's feat in his life he will be satisfied. He still remembers the episode when Bruno punches onix. In normal cases he would not care but in this chaotic world he need that strength.

After an hour of pure running he was tired. This was tougher than the week he jogged till he couldn't no more. Eevee ran even more than him. It wanted its berries no matter what. After resting he had it use tackle on the wooden target. Eevee was first ordered to do tackle from close up 100 times. Once it finished that austin took a thirty minute break and brought out food for the three of them.

Then he had eevee run from a further distance for the tackle. He had it do it 100 times. This process repeated itself for the rest of the day. Running, tackling, eating. Funny thing is eevee saw every time it tackled, Austin punched another target. It got competitive and attacked even harder. At the end of the day he applied potion on both of them. Then they all ate before he returned eevee to the ball.

He then dragged himself and the dizzy togepi back to the Pokemon center. He entered the computer room and placed eevee into the healing machine. In a minute it will fully recover and will be stronger than before. He realized he never checked the stats on eevee. So he pressed the Pokédex app on the screen:

Species: eevee, evolution Pokemon.

Height: 0.5 meters (larger than average)

Color: Silver (shiny)

Weight: 7 pounds

Age: 2 years, female

Unlocked abilities: 1) Run Away(allows the bearer to flee a battle with a Pokémon without fail, even if the opposing Pokémon has used a move like Mean Look or Bind, or has an ability such as Arena Trap.

2)Anticipate (heightened senses and when enters battle can enable it to dodge super effective moves or one hit KO moves. Anticipation does not activate if the opponent has a move that varies in type, such as Hidden Power, Judgment or Weather Ball, even if those moves would be super-effective.(hidden talent)

Type: Normal

Nature: Brave

Description: An extremely rare POKéMON that may evolve in a number of different ways depending on stimuli.

Enjoy dudes

harem4lifecreators' thoughts