
Pokemon: Trainer’s log in a Chaotic World

A Pokemon fanfic based on the fanfic Pokemon chaotic worlds. On fan fiction.com As I have another book and I don’t wanted to get into too much character development. Story will move moderately with occasional timeskips. This story will have light romance but barely. It will focus on Mc. So there will barely be interactions. The story is about a journey of an Mc who is the leader of a Pokemon fan club with the title of professor( I like Pokemon but not to that level) who died and luckily was reincarnated in Pokemon. Only to find out it’s not as innocent and friendly as he thought. Prologue will be the same as chapter one from chaotic world except the ending. I thank revenantzero for a fantastic fanfic. I’m known for haram so most likely it might be haram but since light romance most likely will be only one girl. I have been known to have some grammar issues but it is getting better so help me out when you can. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or its character as well as the original characters made by revenantzero in chaotic world. I do own my own characters and any fakemon if I decide to add them. Also most Pokemon facts will be taken from pokemondb.net. If I change anything I will let you know. Most of it though will be from this database. For anyone looking for detailed info check it out

harem4life · Book&Literature
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Stubborn wimpod

Austin finally began to feel a headache after the euphoric feeling faded. He quickly took out some pain killers and drank them with water. He finally felt the repercussion of his method. If it was someone other than him then it might not have worked.

At least the damage wasn't anything to be scared about. He had potions and his ground type hidden power. Any other person might not have been able to truly pull this off. It was actually scary, as Austin saw what the worst can happen. Thankfully his calculations and hypothesis proved to be right.

Austin began to test his improvements. He finally caught up to Sylveon after this breakthrough. He can focus his energy willingly. Now he just needs to master the third step which it move it around his body. Then moves like endure, focus energy can be mastered.

His thought process also seemed to have improved significantly. Problems that needed a calculator were solved instantly in his mind. He was able to solve 1247 x 33sin(2^2) instantly. (Author: Honestly even I can't do that, thank god for calculators)

The last thing he noticed was that he could better control his body.

Onix finished eating along side Blazeken and witnessed how his trainer improved. It felt that if it can focus its body it will be able to do a lot more damage. As the oldest onix couldn't fall behind the rest. Even Blazeken caught up to him.

"Onniixx!!" It roared towards Austin.

"So you feel ready to take this seriously." Austin said smiling at onix.

Onix roared again signaling its agreement.

"That's the spirit. I think I found a better way to explain it. It's like how you use iron tail but instead you use your body. You should focus your entire weight when attacking from any part of your body. Do you get it?"

"Onniiix!" It responded.

"Then show me what you have learned." Austin ordered.

Onix began to focus. Austin told it like iron tail but used from other parts of body. It began to focus harder and gathered its energy towards it head. Suddenly it's face glowed with metallic luster. Onix then charged with its full weight into huge stone.

Austin sorrowfully cried out, " I don't know why I feel empty. I told him like iron tail he magically learns iron head. I told him to use his entire weight he hurls himself creating a crater.

He did exactly what I told him but why do I feel so annoyed. Ahhhh!"

Onix, who heard Austin's roar, thought he was proud of it's strength so it roared along side him.

Austin calmed down a bit with the help of Sylveon. He then began to think clearly of how to teach onix. The more he thought, the more excited he got.

If onix mastered focus energy using steel type energy, how much stronger will it become. It could freely execute these moves at any moment. Be it iron head, iron tail, and iron defense, even metal sound. This will make onix a force to reckon with especially if it added its weight to the equation.

Filled with a newfound purpose Austin began a serious training regimen.


Two weeks passed and currently onix became much stronger. It practically got very use to coating its body with metallic energy. It was also easily able to alternate the force around its body. Even covering its whole body it it needs to defend (iron defense).

"I'm proud of you boy you have trained really hard. Here you deserve this piece of diamond steel. If you can find this type of metal to feast on in the future, then you will definitely evolve."

"ONIIIX!!" It roared excitedly and then smashed a near by stone to pieces.

Sylveon stared at onix like it was looking at an idiot. Blazeken suddenly felt pleasing to its eyes compared to the rock head.

Austin recalled onix and blazeken. Then headed back to the city. He made his way home to take a shower. This had been his routine for the past two weeks.

His teacher Norris was surprised when he found out that Austin managed to master the second level. He was even more shocked when he found out that Austin had opened his mind eye.

He also asked why he wasn't so injured, that's when Austin told him he unlocked his hidden power. The old man almost had a heart attack from the surprise. He didn't even know humans had hidden power. In these two weeks Austin was slowly getting closer to mastering focus energy. His Sylveon mastered it and learned endure.

Austin finally made it home and saw a d rank trainer with a box in his hand.

"How are you? Can I help you I am the resident here." Austin said.

"Yes I have a delivery for mr. Austin Catcher. If you are him please show me your trainers card to verify." The d rank trainer said.

"Yes I am Austin. Here is my card."

"Thank you for your time Mr. Catcher. Please sign here and I'll take my leave." D-rank who cares said.

"Thanks for the package, I hope you have a nice day." Austin replied feeling fulfilled. This was the first time he had a conversation where the other party didn't talk a lot. They also didn't force him to speak.

Feeling blessed Austin entered his home and went to take a shower. Once he finished he went outside to his yard and called out Sylveon and Servine. Then he summoned the pokeball that was delivered today. What came out was his shiny/mutated wimpod.

It appeared timid but stared vigilantly at Austin. It felt scary auras being emitted by Sylveon and Servine. Austin used berry bribe.

"Hey little guy, from now on you are part of my team. Here is a berry, let get stronger together." Austin said confidently.

Wimpod seemed to understand Austin. It also felt his sincerity. It got closer took the berry and then ran away to the artificial lake. Due to wimpod's innate nature adamant berry bribe failed. Austin lost one berry.

Austin once again tried to trick it with berries and nice guy approach. Wimpod every time took the berry and ran away. Austin chased after the little critter through out his yard. An hour passed just like that.

"Hey wimpod if you listen to me I give you more berries and help you evolve." Austin bargained.

He heard wimpod make some cricket like noise. He then took out a berry and ordered it to tackle the target. Wimpod faces the target ready to attack. Before it attacked it was caught by Sylveon who began to lecture it. Austin was shocked by how stubborn it was. Not wanting to listen to any of his orders. It just wanted to do the opposite. The target it wanted to tackle was Austin since he had the berry.

"This is going to be a tough Pokemon to train. Maybe I can have my other Pokemon 'educate' it. Their have been many cases where this helped change the nature." Austin thought aloud as he entered his home to rest.

Enjoy dudes

harem4lifecreators' thoughts