
C-rank mission End

A group of joltick with a big galvantula leading the way. They seemed angry and Austin wasn't sure what they did. Austin knew that he can only battle. On top of Noibat, combusken, Sylveon, and togetic, Austin summoned onix. Onix was not affected by lightning so it can tank the group of joltick.

"Sylveon hidden power on the surrounding joltick. Togetic and niobat use stay back and support. Combusken that big guy is yours, use agility followed by flame charge. Togetic use fairy wind. Noibat attack with air cutter and sonic boom, when you have a chance full blast hypervoice. Onix take on there attacks, leave them for the rest to train with." Austin gave orders and the team got into position.

Sylveon's accuracy was on point. Everytime she fires eight hidden power balls, each ball hits a joltik. The thunder attacks were attracted to onix. This kept the group safe. Togetic would use fairy wind causing the injured jolticks to faint. Noibat was using his attacks skillfully to distract the enemies.

A few minutes passed and Austin's Pokemon finished off the jolticks making all of them faint. They then surrounded Austin and focused on Combusken's battle.

"Nice Combusken! Now use flamethrower and then make it faint with a double kick." Austin instructed.

Combusken was much faster than galvantula. The only thing was that galvantula attacks were strong. It probably had very high special attack stat. Combusken had followed Austin's orders and successfully injured galvantula. Then it bulked up to store power and focusd at galvantula followed by a slash. Now it used a flamethrower attacking the big spider from behind. The galvantula was badly burned and could barely stand.

Finally Combusken knocked it out using double kick. Then it kakooed(it's a chicken) like a lion. Austin was satisfied with the group's performance and gave everyone food to celebrate. He then used burn heal on the fainted galvantula. He also used a potion on it. Then he gathered them and told his Pokemon to make a ditch to camouflage them. Austin didn't like to kill if he didn't have to. After that was done Austin continued looking for 5 more caterpies. He found one caterpie, 3 wormpoles, and one Scatterbug.

Austin was satisfied with his gains. He finished two mission and gave his Pokemon a good battle. He decided to first go back to the western gate. Then he would go to the northern area to let onix eat it's fill of mineral. Onix liked to dig very deep into the group and eat minerals. This made Austin think that if it kept doing that eventually it will evolve. There is definitely some rare minerals and diamond steel deep in the earth. As long as onix ate enough with proper training it will definitely evolve.

Austin recalled onix and left for the western gate. He then recalled the rest of his Pokemon when he got there. Austin then took the train to the northern gate. It eventually turned dark and Austin returned back to the city after recalling the satisfied onix. Austin wonder why his parents onix was so obedient. He then recalled some note about how they used some hypnotizing techniques from drowsy and kadabra. This eventually lead to onix being very obedient with them.

The previous Austin use to play a lot with this onix when he was younger. Austin wondered when will Muliere give him his parents things since he 'knew' about Austin's background. He thought that maybe the leader didn't think he was ready for it. So he never asked about it. He decided to mention it after he becomes a B-rank.

Austin arrived at the mission office submitted his mission. The officer was shocked that Austin managed to complete the mission so early. Even the businesses asked Austin for his name so they can ask for him when they issue missions. Austin rejected as he doesn't have time for that and money wasn't a issue anymore. He then told them that he might agree if they can manage to make him a coat. He gave them the design and wrote the specs he wanted.

The business dealing with silk accepted and the other one told him it will find processed scales from its clients. Austin was surprised they would help. He kept forgetting that most people in the Pokemon world were generally much nicer than those on earth.

(Author note: don't worry Austin definitely isn't talking about me. Must be some other people.)

Austin went home to rest after finishing this issue. He crossed off two points from his list. The sunglasses connected to the Pokédex and the special jacket that's fire proof and has good durability while still being light.

The list:

1)Find a porygon for the pokenav you will have. X

2)Find a Rotom for the high tech healing back pack. X

3) build a pokenav in the form of a watch. X

4) build a high tech healing backpack. X

5) Find a riolu and train aura X

6) Train hidden power. Crossed

7) evolve onix. X

8) make special Eye wear connected to pokedex. Crossed, will be ready next month.

9) get a special quality durable coat. Crossed will be ready next month.

Austin finished looking over his list. He was happy he had some things crossed. He decided to find a trainer with a kadabra or kirla to see if he can learn miracle eye. So he added it to the list. While Austin was looking over this list he heard the door bell ring. When he went to see who it was he was surprised.


Poll one: electric type:

1) Shinx (shiny or mutated)

2) joltick (shiny or mutated)

3) elekid (shiny or mutated)

4) Togedemaru (shiny or mutated)

Poll two: Grass type:

1) Snivey




Types I decided are water, normal, ghost

Enjoy my friend. Please look at the poll at the end of chapter.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts