
Misty the mermaid (2)

"Croconaw! Use that thing!"


"Yeah, that thing!"

Gah gah!

"Trust me! It's definitely gonna work!"


Croconaw jumped up, opened its jaws, and a cold air surrounded its teeth.

"Seel, dive down!"

Seel quickly jumped into the water, causing Croconaw's attack to miss.

"Croconaw! I believe in you! I know you can do it with the power of our love!"


"Alright, what the heck is he talking about?" Oceanlover asked Rey.

"Don't bother with it, he's just brain-dead."

"Croconaw, use Water Gun on Seel!"

Croconaw hesitated because Seel was underwater, so the Water Gun would have no effect.

"Just do it, trust me, I'm handsome and reliable!"


Croconaw reluctantly obeyed, shooting water, and as expected, it was useless.

Gah gah!

"It's just because you haven't tried hard enough! Keep shooting!"


"Alright, I'm done hoping for him," Rey covered his face, truly at a loss for words.

How stupid could someone be? (Sorry, the author had to nerf him.)

"You're worse than I imagined, Seel, attack!" Misty was also tired. How did this guy even become a trainer…?

Seel jumped up and hit Croconaw with its tail, making it lose balance.

"Hey, you cheater! How come I can't hit you, but you can hit me?!"

...Did you really just say that?

Lukas, now angry, gave random orders to Croconaw, making it too confused to respond, so it ended up getting hit by Seel's attacks.

Croconaw, seeing no hope of winning, turned to Lukas.

Gah gah! (Just surrender, save some face!)

"Surrender my ass! Show them the eternal brotherhood we have, Croconaw!"


"...Seel, end this battle."

Seel jumped up and slapped Croconaw across the face, knocking it out.

"Croconaw is unable to battle!"

"Trainer Cuckmaster is out of Pokémon, Gym Leader Misty wins!"

"CROCONAWWWWW!!!" Lukas jumped into the pool, hugging Croconaw and performing CPR.

"This was the lamest battle I've ever witnessed, I swear," Misty bluntly said while looking at the other trainers.

The players, seeing Lukas lose, knew they had no chance. Rey, understanding that his team of Cyndaquil and Kakuna would surely lose, decided not to fight.

Blue, seeing the others not participating, proudly stepped forward.


"This time, it's my turn!" Leaf pushed Blue hard, making him fall into the pool.

"Leaf, even if you're my friend, I won't hold back!"

"Even better! I'm looking forward to a fair match!" Leaf smiled while Blue cursed silently, being pulled up by Red.

Leaf then took out a Poké Ball and summoned a very small Pokémon, Oddish.


"Oh, I caught it a while back and only now got the chance to use it in battle!" Leaf scratched her head while Oddish cheerfully bounced around.

"Trainer Leaf challenges Gym Leader Misty!"

"Seel, use Icy Wind!" Misty ordered, and a cold wind blew toward Oddish.

"Oddish, dodge and then use Acid!"

Oddish jumped to the side and opened its mouth, shooting a liquid at Seel.

Seel couldn't dodge in time and got hit, becoming poisoned.

"Tch, use Ice Shard!"

Seel tried to resist the poison and shot out ice shards that hit Oddish.

Oddish took significant damage from the attack.

"Mega Drain!"

Oddish responded by firing a green energy orb that latched onto Seel.

Seel winced in pain as energy flowed from it back to Oddish, restoring its health.

"Final move! Absorb!"

The attack was similar to the previous one but smaller; however, it was still enough to finish Seel.

Seel has fainted!

"Seel is unable to battle!"

Lukas felt it was unfair that an NPC could win so easily with such a small Pokémon.

"This is cheating! How can such a tiny Pokémon win so easily while I have such handsome Pokémon and still lose?! I refuse to accept this result!!"

...are you kidding me?

"Skill issue," Rey bluntly said, causing Lukas to feel deeply hurt.

Lukas's Croconaw were in his second evolution stage, but he still lost; clearly, the fault lay with Lukas and no one else.

Misty recalled Seel, silently thanking it, then took out another Pokémon.

"Goldeen! Show them your brilliance!"

This time, it was a goldfish with a horn and lips thick enough to give Lukas a passionate kiss.

"Oddish, use Stun Spore!"

Oddish released a flurry of stun spores everywhere. Seeing this, Goldeen dove underwater to avoid them.

"Horn Attack!"

Goldeen then swam up and attacked Oddish with its horn while it was releasing spores.

Because it attacked so recklessly, Goldeen got caught in the spores and was paralyzed.

"A quick attack to win, huh? Too bad I still have Mega Drain!"

Just as Oddish was about to use Mega Drain, Goldeen fired a Supersonic wave at Oddish, confusing it.

"When did you issue that command?!" Leaf was surprised and started to worry.

The confusion effect is quite annoying since when a move is used, there's a 50% chance it will hurt itself (although now it's only 33%).

And just as she feared, Oddish's attack failed, and it hurt itself.

Oddish has fainted!

"Oddish is unable to battle!"

"It seems like Leaf only has one Pokémon left. This Gym Leader is quite formidable in a way," Blue said to Red and Brock.

"She'll definitely make it," Brock replied cheerfully.

"Exactly, you've got an eye for people, Rock-type Gym Leader," Blue smiled.


Leaf recalled Oddish and took out another Pokémon.

It's the most suitable starter Pokémon for a rookie, Bulbasaur!

"Hey, hey! She has the same Pokémon as mine; she's definitely an OG!" Bob pointed at Leaf's Bulbasaur, happily telling the other players.

"Huh? You mean she's an important main character in the storyline?" A new player asked curiously, making everyone start to wonder.

"Nah, earlier, she got kidnapped and was almost touched by adults, but seeing how she interacts with Red, she must be the heroine," Rey began to share his thoughts, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"So, in a way, is Red the main character?" Lukas asked, making everyone turn to him.

"Why do you think that?"

"It's simple. He's the first NPC that the first five players met. He helped us and gave us gifts, he's the only one who assigns quests and has an affection meter, and he can punish us too."

"So, he must be the main character here!"

(Fact: With his team in the game, I think he'd easily be defeated if there were good type to counter him, but he's still a nightmare for newbies climbing Mt. Moon lol.)

...Is this really Lukas?

"Who are you?" Rey asked cautiously.


"The idiot I know can't suddenly be this smart!" Bob started sweating.


"SHUT UP, YOU IDIOTS, WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH!!" Misty shouted angrily, startling the players into silence.

...She's more hot-tempered than expected.