
Pokemon: The Trickster

A ghost-type specialist entering the Kalos league at the same time as Ash. How will his presence affect the plot of the story? Read to find out. ... Support me on Patreon! patreon.com/Asceanime

Asce · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 31

" Why are you upset?! " 

Perhaps he should have locked the lock before deciding to lie on the couch, Atsumu thought while staring at Laura's face suddenly coming into view. 

" Is it obvious? " Atsumu asked, forcing his body to sit up straight. 

" Not really. " Laura said. " You just had this... air around you that spoke, I am upset. " 

" ... How did you know that? " Atsumu asked, bewildered. 

" Just a feeling. " Laura said, sitting next to Atsumu. 

" So, why is Valerie's future boyfriend upset? " Laura asked. 

" You are never going to stop with that, are you? " Atsumu sighed. 

" Of course not! I'm heavily invested in this ship. Until it sinks, I won't give up on it. " Laura declared, menacingly at the end. 

" I see... " Atsumu said in response. " Well, I'm not going to tell you anything. " 

" Huh?! Why not!? " Laura whined. 

" Just a feeling. " Atsumu said and Laura pouted. 

The door creaked open and Valerie peeked inside. Seeing Atsumu and Laura inside, she opened the door completely and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. 

" Laura, break ended 5 minutes ago. " Valerie said sternly. 

" You're future boyfriend is upset and I wanted to know why. " Laura said, pointing at Atsumu while avoiding eye contact with the scary woman staring at her. 

" Didn't you give her a warning about saying that? " Atsumu asked. 

" I did. " Valerie confirmed. " Yet she persists. " 

 " Look, I wouldn't be shipping the both of you if I didn't see the chemistry between you two. " Laura argued. " It's your fault for making it frustrating to watch the both of you act like a couple when you aren't one. " 

" Laura... " Valerie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, then stared into Laura's soul. " Get back to work before I cut your pay in half for the next 6 months. " 

" ... Yes ma'am. " Laura squeaked. 

Abruptly standing, Laura walked around Valerie and speed-walked down the hall, disappearing around the corner. 

" Should I be taking her seriously? And shouldn't you be going with her? " Atsumu asked, making Valerie do an " It's fine " motion with her hand. 

" Well... She is passionate when it comes to shipping. " Valerie said. " One time, I asked her to explain the... shipping sphere between the characters of a TV show. " 

" How'd that go? " Atsumu asked as Valerie sat down beside him. 

" She gave a 5-hour presentation about shipping in general while using the TV show as an example. " Valerie said. 

" ... 5? " Atsumu asked. 

" Yep. " Valerie said. " That girl does... things when the topic is something she is heavily passionate about. However, it is borderline crazy. " 

" Well, at least you can say it's never boring with her around. " Atsumu said. 

" True. " Valerie smiled. " Say what you will about her 6th sense, but it is quite accurate. She mentioned that you were upset, you want to talk about it? "

" ... " Atsumu looked at the floor and clenched his hands tightly. 

Valerie noticed and gently placed her hand on his. Feeling something on his hand, Atsumu glanced at Valerie's hand on top of his. Turning his head, he stared at Valerie. Vice versa, Valerie stared back. Her hand gently rubbed Atsumu's, slowly loosening it, allowing her to clasp her hand with his, and rubbed her thumb gently on the back of his hand.

" I... don't know if you'll be willing to tell me. " Valerie said. " But, I'll be here for you... if you ever want someone to talk to. " 

" ... Thanks, Valerie. " Atsumu smiled. 

Valerie smiled in response. Atsumu gently removed his hand from Valerie's and slowly approached her for a hug. Opening her arms, Valerie responded. The two sat there, hugging one another. 

As the hug came to an end and both of them let go of one another, Atsumu hesitantly asked Valerie, 

" Hey... Can we have a battle? " 

" Now? " Valerie asked. " Why? "

" I... want to stop thinking... for a bit. " Atsumu said. 

" I wonder if you can read my mind... " Valerie smiled.

" It was obvious you didn't want to work. " Atsumu deadpanned, making Valerie grin. 

" Well, no matter. That reminds me, you don't have my Gym Badge, do you? " Valerie asked with a smirk. 

" Oh yeah, I don't. " Atsumu smirked. " I think it's about time I do. " 

" Challenge accepted. " Valerie grinned. " You took long enough. "


" Who do you think is going to win? " Sophia asked, leaning against the railing to watch the battle from afar. Atsumu and Valerie walked in and took their respective places on either side of the field. 

They were currently in an indoor battlefield room, lights lining the walls of the room with no windows in sight and a roof over their heads. 

" Doesn't matter! " Laura said. " What does matter is that my break has been extended! " 

" Lazy bum. " Ellie said, her voice was as soft as ever. 

" Hey! " Laura snapped, glaring at Ellie who avoided eye contact. Sophia sighed at their antics, rolling her eyes then focused on the upcoming fight. Ellie felt the mood shift as the referee walked in and took his place. 

" I think Atsumu will win. " Ellie said. 

" Why? " Sophia asked. 

" He's giving off a different vibe... " Ellie said. 

" He is. " Laura confirmed. " And... it's kinda weird how different he is. Out of battle, he's not all there. In battle, he creates tension thick enough to be cut with a chainsaw! " 

" ... Does being crazy or being an introvert give you special abilities to read the mood? " Sophia asked not bothering to listen to the standard speech given by referees before the match started. 

" Guess so, yeah. " Laura shrugged.

" ... Why do I even bother? " Sophia muttered. 

" This will be a three v three advanced gym battle. " The referee announced. " Both trainers, please send out your first Pokemon. " 

" Whimsicott, let's dance. " Valerie said, sending out her Whimsicott onto the field, who gracefully floated down to the ground.

" Dusknoir. " Atsumu said, sending out his Dusknoir who gave a bow to Whimsicott. Seeing this, Whimsicott gave a bow of her own. 

" Whimsiott vs Dusknoir... " Laura said, " I have no idea who's going to win. " 

" Didn't you agree with Ellie a while ago? " Sophia asked. 

" All I agreed to was that his vibe had changed. " Laura said. " I never said that he was going to win. " 

" Sure... " Sophia said, taking a glance at Valerie who was smiling. " Ms. Valerie looks excited. "

" I... think she's been waiting for this for a while. " Ellie said. 

" Has she? " Laura asked. " I can never get a read on her. "

" Whimsicott vs Dusknoir. Battle... " The referee announced. " Begin! " 

" Sunny Day / Disappear. "

Whimsicott created a miniature ball of sun and tossed it into the air, thus filling the room with harsh sunlight while Dusknoir dived into the shadows, eye glowing red, and disappeared from view. 

" Growth! " Valerie said. 

When used normally, Growth raises the user's attack and special attack by one stage. However, under harsh sunlight, Growth will raise the user's attack by two stages. 

' Prankster or Chlorophyll? ' Atsumu thought. 

" Mean Look, Trick Room. " Atsumu said, as a green glow enveloped Whimsicott, her stats increased. 

A red glowing eye materialized above Whimsicott, casting a red spotlight. Whimsicott felt her body unable to move, her body rooted to the ground. Bright pink-blueish tiles quickly laid themselves on the floor and a rectangular box was created around Whimsicott, trapping her inside while Atsumu muttered.

" Was that necessary? " Valerie asked. 

" There's no such thing as being overly cautious. " Atsumu shrugged as Dusknoir stepped out from the shadows, floating across from Whimsicott.

" Fire punch. " Atsumu said. 

" Protect!! " Valerie yelled. 

Whimsicott watched Dusknoir disappear from her line of sight and a fist covered in flames took his place, all within a blink. Dusknoir's fist slammed into Whimsicott's Protect. A bead of sweat formed on Whimsicott's face from the close call, before she launched herself into the air with wind mixed with sparkles, all the while Dusknoir's glowing red eye followed her. 

' Fairy Wind. ' Atsumu deduced, watching Whimsicott zip around in the air inside the Trick Room using a special attacking move. Whimsicott are known for their skill to ride gusts of wind on account of their extremely lightweight. There have been reports of Whimsicott slipping into people's houses during a whirlwind and causing mischief.

' She's done this before... ' Atsumu thought. 

' Arceus, this is stressful. ' Valerie thought, wiping away some sweat. ' It's getting difficult to hide which ability Whimsicott has. It's been a long time... but this dance is still fun. '

" Solarbeam. " Valerie said. 

" Shadow Punch. " Atsumu said.

 Whimsicott dived in, riding the Fairy Wind directly towards Dusknoir. From the Trick Room wall, a large shadow fist went straight towards Whimsicott. Seeing the attack coming, Whimsicott used Solarbeam and attacked the Shadow Punch. As the Shadow Punch hit the Solarbeam, powering through it, Whimsicott got out of the way, avoiding the attack. 

" Solarbeam, offense, and defense! " Valerie exclaimed.

" Add Shadow Ball. " Atsumu said. 

Eye glowing red, Dusknoir disappeared from his spot, appearing a distance away from Whimsicott, and fired a Shadow Ball directly at her. Whimsicott barely countered the Shadow Ball with a quick Solarbeam that ripped through and headed straight for Dusknoir. 

With a Shadow Punch from above, Whimsicott used Solarbeam and moved out of the way. Dusknoir appeared behind her and fired at Shadow Balls, while more Shadow Punches appeared. Whimsicott dodged the Shadow Balls and countered them. Shadow Pucnhes with Solarbeams. 

Getting out of the way, Whimsicott rode her Fairy Wind only to be attacked with more Shadow Punches. She countered them, and dodged the Shadow Balls from Dusknoir, desperately trying not to be tagged! 

' Sunny Day will be ending soon and a bit later, Trick Room as well. ' Valerie thought. ' But what's with the glowing eye before attacking!? '

' Prankster or Chlorophyll... Prankster. ' Atsumu thought. 

Sweat dripped in waves from Whimsicott, yet a smile graced her face as she elegantly dodged the bombardment of attacks. 

' That's it Whimsicott. ' Valerie thought. ' Just a bit more... Is that eye thing a trick? ' 

" Once Trick Room ends, Gravity. " Atsumu whispered. 

The miniature sun fizzled out, the harsh sunlight went away. 

" Protect! " Valerie exclaimed. 

Whimsicott floated in the air, and a dome of energy surrounded her. The Shadow Punches that attacked her from all sides were unable to break through, and the Trick Room ended. 

" Tailwind, Energy Ball. " Valerie said. 

A gust of wind comes from behind Whimsicott, allowing her to instantly appear in front of Dusknoir with an Energy Ball locked and loaded. The Energy Ball slams into Dusknoir and pops him like a water balloon! Whimsicott and Valerie's eyes widen, and a sudden force slams Whimsicott against the ground. Whimsicott tried to get up but felt heavier than normal. 

' Substitute! ' Valerie thought. 

" Shadow Punch barrage. " Atsumu said. 

With Whimsicott pinned down by Gravity, Dusknoir opened multiple Phantom Force portals around her. From the portals, Shadow Punches emerged, pummeling Whimsicott. Once the attack came to an end, Dusknoir came out from a portal as the referee looked at the unconscious Whimsicott. 

" Whimsicott is unable to battle! Dusknoir wins! " The referee announced. 

" ... What just happened? " Sophia asked. 

" I'm confused. Are there two Dusknoirs? " Laura asked. " Is that allowed? "

Down below, Valerie returned Whimsicott to her Pokeball while replaying events in her head. 

" You did well. Take a good rest. " Valerie whispered, then looked at Atsumu while placing Whimsicott's Pokeball back. " You had Dusknoir make a substitute after having disappeared into the shadows. But how did you make the substitute life like? If you had used Confuse Ray, Whimsicott would've used Misty Terrain. " 

" Night Shade. " Atsumu answered. 

" Night Shade? A move does a set amount of damage using... illusions. " Valerie said. " I see... You used the illusion aspect to make the substitute believable and fool Whimsicott's senses. " 

" Yep. " Atsumu said. 

" Then what about the glowing red eye before attacking? " Valerie asked. 

" ... Aesthetics. " Atsumu answered. 

" Aesthetics... Really? " Valerie raised an eyebrow. 

" Yeah... " Atsumu said. 

" Weird, I have the strangest... tingle that you're holding back on me. " Valerie said. " That true? "

" ... " Atsumu stared at her. 

" If so... don't. " Valerie stated, coldly. 

" Gym Leader Valerie, please send in your second Pokemon. " The referee said. 

Reaching behind her back, Valerie grabbed her next Pokemon. 

" Mr. Mime, let's dance. " Valerie said, sending Mr. Mime onto the battlefield. 

" Mr. Mime vs Dusknoir! Battle... " The referee announced. " Begin! "

" Dusknoir, return. " Atsumu said, calling Dusknoir back to his Pokeball and bringing out another. " Froslass. "

" Hypnosis. " Valerie said, timing her command when Atsumu released Froslass from her Pokeball. 

A quick burst of psychic energy hit Froslass as Mr. Mime instilled a hypnotic suggestion into her mind. Falling prey to it, Froslass found herself falling asleep, still floating in the air. 

" Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball. " Valerie said. 

" Sleep Talk. " Atsumu said. Valerie's raised her eyebrow, intrigued. 

Channeling his inner gremlin, Mr. MIme thought of an excellent way to attack the sleeping Froslass.

Bombard her with a flurry of Shadow Balls. 

Conjuring multiple Shadow Balls, orbiting them around himself, Mr. Mime grinned while hurling them at his incapacitated foe! The orbs headed straight for the sleeping Froslass at high speeds, their potency increased by the special attack buff granted by using Nasty Plot. If this lands, Froslass will take enormous amounts of damage. 

' What move will be chosen? ' Valerie thought, the Shadow Balls about to hit Froslass. 

In response, Froslass used her right hand... and elegantly slapped away the orbs headed toward her and destroyed them entirely! 

" Imprison, Shadow Ball. " Atsumu said while Valerie's eyes were wide open in shock. 

A pink stamp materialized, embroidered with roses, and had long ribbons latched onto Froslass while emitting a glow that had Mr. Mime in its sights. It was followed by a Shadow Ball fired by Froslass toward Mr. Mime. 

" Light Screen, Dodge. " Valerie said upon seeing the Shadow Ball. 

Mr. Mime's hands raised on instinct when he heard Valerie but could not use Light Screen. His eyes widened as the Shadow Ball approached him, and then slammed into his face! The Shadow Ball exploded on impact, flinging Mr. Mime's head back as well as sending his entire body flying towards Valerie doing " No touching the floor " backflips before coming to a halt. 

" Water Pulse. " Atsumu said. 

Mr. Mime looked up and saw Froslass right in front of him, her eyes still closed. Water swirled around him in a vortex, trapping him inside a ball of water! His hands and feet flailed inside, his head turned back to look for his trainer's next decision, only to find her stumped! 

" Freeze it. " Atsumu said. 

Placing her hand on the water, palm frosty to the touch, Froslass froze the entire Water Pulse, capturing Mr. Mime! Mr. Mime was frozen, his trainer unable to keep up with the fast reveals of unexpected plays, thus...

He is a sitting duck.

" Hex. " Atsumu concluded. 

Eyes opening, Froslass looked at Mr. Mime and gave a small smile... before she enraptured the entire frozen sphere in dark purple-black whisps! The whisps relentlessly attacked Mr. Mime who remained frozen. Unable to hold on, Mr. Mime lost consciousness. 

" ... Mr. Mime is unable to battle! Froslass wins! " The referee announced. 

" ... What?! " Laura yelled from the audience stands. " What the hell!? Are you serious?? Hey ref, I call hax!! " 

" Laura! Calm down! " Sophia said, holding Laura by her shoulders. 

" Calm down! " Laura said, brushing Sophia off. " How?! "

" That guy... " Laura pointing at Atsumu, " Just defeated Valerie even faster than the previous battle! There's something shady about this... "

" Laura! " Valerie yelled coldly. Laura flinched, her head turned to look at Valerie staring at her. 

" Be quiet. " Valerie said. " Understand? "

" ... Yes. " Laura sulked. 

Valerie took a deep breath as she returned Mr. Mime to his Pokeball. Putting Mr. Mime's Pokeball away, Valerie turned to look at Atsumu standing leisurely on the other side, barely broken a sweat while her brain had worked overtime, sweated buckets, and couldn't completely wrap around what just happened. 

" You... are frightening. " Valerie said. " I haven't had a battle that one-sided since I was a rookie. So... how does this... work? "

Atsumu took a deep breath. 

"Sleep-induced Pokemon can still hear their trainer's commands, but they can't execute them. " Atsumu said. " They are forced to stay asleep until they wake up and can start using moves again, with the exceptions of moves that only work when asleep. 

Sleep talk forces the user to enter a... lucid dream state. Their understanding of their surroundings is vague, they don't even know what condition they are in... which is why the move they use is random. "

" Then how did you... " Laura started only to be interrupted by Atsumu, 

" I'M... getting to that. " Atsumu sighed. " The fact that they vaguely know their situation is enough, especially when you can send them your thoughts. " 

" Telepathic link! " The referee said. 

" Yep. " Atsumu confirmed. " When asleep, even speaking into their minds won't help. But using Sleep talk and having them see what you see, effectively removes the problems of sleep entirely. I was Froslass's eyes, sending her the situation of the battle, and giving her thoughts that influenced her movements and moves. 

I showed her slapping away the Shadow Balls, she did it. I showed her using Imprision and then a Shadow Ball, she did it. I showed her using Water Pulse to trap Mr. Mime and then freeze it... She. Did. It. " 

" I... wh... no, no. Wait. Wait. Why Imprison? " Valerie asked. 

" You ever notice how after reaching a certain level, certain moves become common staples? " Atsumu asked. " Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower... powerful and consistent, why wouldn't you have your Pokemon to learn them? Other moves as well, even non-damaging moves. They are everywhere! 

So what happens when you know people have this habit and can guess which moves a Pokemon would know? You use the move that forces your opponent to use every move that your Pokemon doesn't know. It doesn't seem like much... until you add in a high-pressure situation and the opponent is thrown in for a loop resulting in them making their mouth move before they can use their brain. And this... is not even counting the fact that those trainers, may second guess themselves. 

After all, who the hell remembers every move a certain Pokemon can learn?

I certainly can't, but I can narrow it down. "

" There... you asked for this? Happy? " Atsumu asked. 

Everyone in the room looked at Atsumu as if he had grown a second head. In response to Atsumu's question, the referee summarised how everyone felt with a singular phrase. 

" Hot Damn! "



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