
Pokemon: The Tale of A Legend

The tale that started in Lumiose City in the Kalos Region. Caleb Laurent, held an unfortunate past that was subjected to the cruel virus known as COVID. Because of this, he was reincarnated to the world of Pokemons. In this world of Pokemon, Caleb realize a much crueler reality. He began to overcome the surrealism of transmigration and challenged himself to reach higher heights compared to his past, which had achieved nothing but caused worry and grief. He got all the perks supporting him on his journey. A loving family, a powerful and influencial household, informations of this universe, and his trust worthy Pokemons. Read as they trek through mountains of records that made people revered him as: ***** ... Be warned; Slow paced story, dark, it would be as long as a novel(planned to). So if you don't have patience, this isn't for you. #Distress #Dark #Rape #Deaths #Low-Progress #Romance #School Life #Male Lead #Weapon User #Reincarnated #Slow Romance #Pokemon #Battling #Gods #Companionship ... Patreon is now available. Visit me here if you want to see advanced chapters Patreon .com/Sleepingwaters

AiLund · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 14


Pokemon Calendar Year 0310, ten some years before the start of the Arc where Ash Ketchum would start his journey with a Pikachu. Right now, he should still be a toddler.

At this times, war between the Pokemon World League and Crime Syndicates were at their all time high.

In the Kalos Region, there is only one infamous team that although hadn't been making any big moves since it was discovered and made public, were the ones that threatened the population by their terrifying numbers.

It was unknown how they formed or when, but they called themselves Team Parfum. Some concluded they may be the remnant descendants of followers from 300 years ago before the colonization of the past Era where the Parfum Palace had a throne for the former hailed King, Az.

Information regarding them are classified as top secret and only those higher-up in authority in the League were made known in-dept.

Today, near the National Park located in Lumiose City. In a dark alley, a person wearing a dark coat could be seen vividly from the shadows of the buildings around.

He was kneeling down towards a hologram that had a person's feature unrecognizable.

"It is time for our name to be spread, are the subordinates ready to commence the plan, Elite Officer Lysander?"

The signs of change are all over each respective regions. It's not just one region, two or a few.

It's like the entire world is changing all of a sudden. Just look at what all the news reporters are saying in TV.

"The two ancient clans of Sinnoh fighting for monopoly over the region? Will the Sinnoh League handle their tyranny?"

"The Kanto League's declaration of war against Johto Region's persistent independence on declining having their own regional Pokemon League."

"Team Aqua and Team Magma run amok in Hoenn, resulting in countless casualties. Will the Pokemon League not make a move against them?"

"Unova Region, another civil war broke out."

The whole world were talking about this.

It is also the only thing that Team Parfum was talking about in their headquarters.

The mission 'Elite Officer Lysander' was assigned was of utmost importance since it is also the mission which would announce to the world the start of their conquer.

"The time is right. Strike fear into the League, Lysander. Make people fear us. It's time for the whole entire world to know of us again."


Lumiose National Park.

There are mostly children and elderly people walking and sitting around the benches on the park.

Caleb and his friends decided to sat under the tree to shade themselves from the sun. They were near the beautifully sculpted water fountain, so there are a lot of people around their vicinity.

They were playing with their Pokemons, they were enjoying their time, they were laughing and talking to themselves about school.

"Yeah, Teacher Veronica treated us so unfairly. Why do I always got to be picked when difficult questions are asked on tests'?" Eusine complained.

"Heh, you're the only one who would find basic algebra difficult Eusine, you should really study harder."

"Yeah, we're worried you would fail the midterm exam that is just a week from now."

Caleb and Diantha's scolding countered his complains.

"You can do it, Eusine."

This deflated Eusine's ego, but Eclairisse's consoling words made him feel better, albiet only a little bit.

"Bohoo~ I knew Ms.President would understand my feelings." Eusine dramatically wept, reaching out his hands to hug Eclairisse.

But, Eclairisse was having none of it, and dodge his attempt like a bunny.

Eusine fall face first on the grass. Caleb and the rest laughed at him warmingly.

It was very comforting and calming hanging out like this, and Caleb liked it very much so, he wouldn't exchange this moment of time with his friends on anything in the world.

Magby, Drowzee, Ralts and Fletchling were also playing nearby them, with other pokemons that were owned by either the people or trainer around.

Caleb smiled as he lay down and heave a huge breath of air. He closed his eyes and rested. 'This is so damn comforting.' He thought.

The three others smiled seeing him act like this, they continued to do their own things, and eventually joined him on his comfy resting posture.

The sound of the water that came out of the fountain, the chattering of the people around them and the pokemon playing and doing their own thing entered their ears, it was very relaxing.

As they were enjoying this moment. The moment that scared this young bloods and the cause of today's mayhem then occured.


Like a bolt of lightning striking down on multiple boulders, the fountain exploded as did other areas that had many people sitting down and resting.






"COUGH* Son! Where are you! *COUGH."

That day was the worst day the citizen of Lumiose had ever witnessed till it's founding, the result of a terrorist attack that caused multiple casualties.