
Pokemon: The Strongest Trainer

A young man in his mid-twenties is going down the streets toward his apartment when he suddenly sees two strange-looking men trying to kidnap a high school girl down there. He tries to help the girl but loses his life. He opens his eyes to meet a kind goddess. She reincarnates him in the world of Pokemon with three wishes.  He then embarks on the journey to become the "World's Strongest Trainer". * * * * * Disclaimer: Pokemon is not owned by me. Only the OC is mine.

IceGlaze · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Summer Camp Ends!

The children eagerly listened to Professor Oak's lesson as he set up a makeshift classroom where everyone could sit on the ground close to a small waterway.

In the Kanto area, Professor Oak was regarded as the best professor. Although it was only natural that he took this path given his studies and prior experience in it, his primary interest was the first 150 first-generation Pokémon.

The main themes covered by the other region's professors are Pokemon breeding, which results in the creation of Pokemon eggs from a variety of Pokémon, the science of evolution, and the peculiar skills of several Pokémon.

Some of the other lessons are based on how wild Pokemon exhibit various behaviours in their natural habitat. Researchers enjoy studying these wild Pokémon characteristics. Other topics included the evolution of Pokemon, notably how a single Pokemon could change into a different species with a different type, as well as evolution-related items like Kings Rocks and Evolution Stones, etc.

Due to the introduction of one of the best mechanics in the Pokemon universe, Kalos was one of the most thrilling regions to play in. Additionally, the Mega! evolution is a special path of evolution that enables one to surpass their own limitations and advance even further, getting a newly developed form in the process. And the top academic in this area was Professor Sycamore. Although it appeared that Mega Evolutions hadn't yet been made public, as I indicated the last time, Professor Sycamore was working on this and forming the important documents to be displayed to the world. In the upcoming years, it will probably be made public.

And before we knew it, we had spent the majority of the days at the summer camp. Additionally, we visit some nearby ranches to view some submissive Pokemon that the professor had transported over for the kids to observe. After a few days of camp, we repeat this routine and have fun. It would be lame not to enjoy the camp and prepare our meals, and it wouldn't be summer camp if we didn't actually camp out in the open air.



" The other professors, including Professor Oak, are very knowledgeable about Pokémon! In only those few days at summer camp, we learned a lot. Serena, don't you think? "

Serena was sitting next to a branch in the ranch area when Aiden asked her about her understanding of the Pokémon. They could see many kids playing with docile Pokémon such as Oddish, Rattata, and Pidgey, among others, while they sat there.

Serena looked at Aiden with an embarrassed expression and answered, "Yes."

I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw this and said, "You are fairly straightforward with your words, Serena. Aiden questioned her as he observed Serena, who was now slightly flushed.

" You don't need to feel embarrassed around me because we are friends now, aren't we? I like spending time with you! " Aiden responded by giving her a small smile.

"Yes, we are friends, alright." "I will try," Serena replied happily.

"vee.. vee," Evee also responded to Serena's words, who received a head pat from her.

What are you people talking about? inquired Ash, Chloe, and others as they approached us.

Aiden answered, "Nothing, just some random information about summer camp and some stories about our homes."

They asked us to join them in their Pokemon play after giving us a quick glance. For me, they were quite adventurous and wandered around the whole field while playing with Pokémon.The day concluded in this manner.

The professors taught several classes on a variety of Pokemon-related topics throughout the next few days, as well as how to engage with Pokemon on the ranch. This is how the remainder of the summer camp is structured, and today is the camp's final day.

And likewise, our group of six became quite close. Serena and Chloe became quite close and good friends with Eevee. I also grew close to them, especially Serena.

Professor Oak had already cancelled his session that morning with the other visiting professors. On the final day of summer camp, it was so much fun to watch all of the professors participate in the games with the kids.

The day came to an end in this manner, and everyone went home to rest up for their flights or travels the next day. The following day, they all parted ways, one by one. Serena was the one in the group who was most upset about having to say goodbye to me, but I had promised to meet her again and go on a journey with her. In light of this, she waved her hand in the air and departed the town with Professor Sycamore to take the plane to the Kalos region.

By this time, all of the Kanto folks were still present, and we were about to travel to Pallet Town once Professor Oak had prepared everything for departure. Once the professor had everything arranged, we were all set to leave. We all got into the minibus one at a time and departed towards the next town. We had a few issues with ash and grey along the way, but overall it went well. By dark, we arrived in Pallet Town.

All of the children's parents and legal guardians were present, and they had been informed by Professor Oak that we would be arriving in the evening. The children and their parents and guardians departed. Where I currently reside was the question Professor Oak posed to me.

The professor gave me a short glance and told me to follow him to his lab. When I arrived at his lab, he welcomed me to sit on the couch, and he sat down opposite of me.

" Aiden I observed during summer camp that you have quite a bit of knowledge about Pokémon, and you also mention some intriguing theories about their evolution and various combat styles for battles. "

"Professor Oak, many thanks I've read a lot of books about Pokemon, watched matches, and done some research with my grandmother about some evolutionary theories. Because of my interest in these things, I decided to become a Pokémon trainer and travel the world, meet various Pokemon species, and engage in battles in various different leagues in order to win and become a champion", Aiden replied, with an exciting expression on his face .

Professor Oak smiled at Aiden's dream and asked if he could join him after the Pokemon school to assist him in the lab, care for some of the trainer's Pokemon, and conduct research on his theories. If those theories were accepted for publication, he might have been given some advantages when beginning his career as a Pokémon trainer.

Though becoming a Pokémon researcher while simultaneously becoming a Pokémon trainer doesn't sound like a bad idea, and it also has some wonderful rewards when I began my journey, Aiden smiled and nodded in agreement with Professor Oak.

Aiden was addressed by Professor Oak, who told him to take it easy for the time being and that he would send him to the home of his grandmother's friend tomorrow.

* * * *

I hope you like the story.

Also, this is the last chapter of the childhood arc.

Long time skip coming!

I was planning to skip the part about the pokemon school, or would you like to see a few chapters on the pokemon school, tell me in the comments.

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