
Pokemon The Strongest Pokemon Winner in History

Follow this reincarnated boy on his adventure across the Pokemon World. WARNING Thew are tons mistakes that are not fixed. Original Writer is God of Water I don't own anything and this.

xyzsaber · Anime & Comics
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143 Chs

Chapter 59 :The Galaxy group is doing something, Cynthia is leaving!

Chapter 59 The Galaxy Group is in trouble, Cynthia leaves!

"The battle begins! Dratini, use Twister!" Wu You said while looking at the opposite Raichu.

The opposite Raichu has the same strength as Dratini, and is also the Pokémon at the pinnacle of Superior.

"Raichu, use Thunder Shock, then avoid the attack."

After Raichu used Thunder Shock, he wanted to evade, but it was too late at this time, Raichu was swept in by Twister.

Raichu's Thunder Shock was twisted by Dratini and successfully avoided.

"Dratini, use Agility."

Dratini's speed is fast approaching Raichu, but Lt. Surge's Raichu is really not good at speed. In the original book, he lost to Ash because of Raichu's weakness in speed.

"Good opportunity, Raichu, use Mega Punch!"

Seeing that Dratini had arrived in front of Raichu, Lt. Surge couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Dratini uses protection and then uses the dragon's tail to fly Raichu."

Dratini immediately used the protection after hearing the order, Mega Punch was defended, and then used the dragon's tail to fly Raichu out.

"Catch the victory and use Psybeam against Raichu in the air!"

Dratini nodded, his mouth sprayed with extremely cold light, which made Lt. Surge feel confused.

"Raichu, use protection immediately!" Lt. Surge said quickly, he couldn't let Raichu be frozen by Psybeam.

"Dragon Rush ends it!" Wu You ordered again.

Dratini Lock-On Raichu with murderous aura, then dived towards Raichu.

At this time, Raichu had just used the magical skill of protection to block Psybeam. Before he could react, he was hit by Dratini's Dragon Rush.

Raichu was hit hard, his body was blown out, and he slammed heavily on the ground. His eyes had turned into circles and he lost the ability to fight.

Lt. Surge was stunned, and was so defeated, caught off guard by the continuous attacks.

Originally, Lt. Surge saw that Wu You and Lorelei were acquainted with each other, and wanted to release the water to show it! However, before he could release the water, he was defeated by successive attacks.

"You won. This is the orange badge. I am convinced." Lt. Surge took out the orange badge and handed it to Wu You.

"Huh!" Wu You took the badge and put it away, and then prepared to leave.

"That, Lorelei Elite, don't know if my matter is serious?" Lt. Surge saw that Lorelei and Wu You were leaving, and asked immediately.

This Gym Leader is a good position, and Lt. Surge doesn't want to lose this position.

"There are a lot of people complaining about you. There is nothing wrong with you. Pay attention to the impact!" Lorelei said.

Lt. Surge nodded silently, it seems that he will converge a little bit in the future, at least those younger brothers who are like the gangsters must be dismissed.

Immediately after leaving Gym, Cynthia suddenly received a call and her face became slightly solemn.

A few minutes later, Cynthia hung up the phone and looked at Wu You and said, "You heard me, Xiaoyou, Sinnoh has an accident. The people of the Galaxy group have carried out a terrorist attack. I want to return to Sinnoh."

Cynthia was very angry at this time. He was traveling with Wu You, but the people in the Galaxy group were disturbed. This time, they must be beautiful.

"Sister, be careful, take Latias! If there is something important, you can summon Giratina." Wu You let Latias out.

Cynthia nodded, knowing that Wu You cared about her, so Cynthia didn't refuse, and felt happy.

Before leaving, Cynthia took Sundae aside, not knowing what he was muttering, and Wu You didn't listen to it intentionally.

"Sundae, you must be optimistic about Wu You and Lorelei, and don't let anything happen between them."

"Yeah! Don't worry about cousin Cynthia! I will definitely watch my cousin and Lorelei." Sundae said firmly, clenching his fist.

Cynthia nodded, and then asked Latias to take her away using Teleport.

The galaxy group is making a lot of noise, and they openly attacked the city. Cynthia, the Champion, must go back to the town.

But I don't know what madness the Yinhe regiment has gone, and dare to attack the city arrogantly.

"Unexpectedly, the evil organization in Sinnoh Region is so rampant! Team Rockets in Kanto are also rampant." Lorelei couldn't help but said.

"By the way, Sundae, just now Cynthia was mysterious, did he explain anything to you?" Lorelei looked at Sundae and asked curiously.

"I will never tell you." Sundae looked at Lorelei warily.

"Wu You, let's go to the store."

Sitting on Wu You's shoulders, Hina said, who had been silent.

"Okay, take you to the store." Wu You, Lorelei, and Sundae walked into the mall.

I bought some fresh vegetables and meat, as well as a lot of snacks, which were bought by Kina. I guess I bought them for my own consumption.

This mall is opened by Giovanni, and Wu You has a VIP card given by Giovanni in his hand, so there is no need to pay at all.

Although Wu You is not bad for this amount of money, you don't need it for nothing.

"I didn't expect Wu You to have this kind of card. Giovanni Leader gave it to you?" Lorelei looked at Wu You in surprise.

In Kanto and Johto Region, not many people have this VIP card.

"Is this rare?" Sundae asked curiously.

"Of course it's rare. This VIP card is different from ordinary membership cards. With this VIP card, you can enjoy the highest treatment in the shop opened by Giovanni Leader." Lorelei said.

"¨~I know Giovanni is the leader of Viridian Gym, but is he good?" Sundae was a little curious about Giovanni.

Lorelei nodded and said, "Giovanni Leader has great influence in both Kanto and Johto Region. He is a famous philanthropist, kind and very prestigious."


Wu You just drank a mouthful of water, hearing Lorelei's description, couldn't help but spit out.

Great kind person? That guy is the boss of Team Rockets, the world's biggest evil force. He actually said he was a good man? It seems that Giovanni has created a good image of himself.

"Wu You, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, I just choked on drinking water." Wu You waved his hand, he didn't mean to say Giovanni's identity.

Giovanni didn't provoke him again. Why should he provoke Giovanni? To tell Giovanni's identity would definitely offend Giovanni.

Although Wu You is not afraid of Giovanni, it is not easy to provoke an enemy.

"Yeah (Li Zhao Zhao)? Will the San Anu dock at the Vermilion City port?" Sundae looked at the message on the flyer.

"You mean the San Anu! This world-famous luxury cruise ship docks at the port of Vermilion City in Kanto every year. Are you interested in Sundae?" Lorelei took the leaflet and said.

"Of course I am interested. I also want to see this world-famous luxury cruise ship." Sundae was very interested.

"Cousin, are you interested?" Sundae looked at Wu You.

Listening to the name of the Saint Annu, Wu You felt very familiar. After thinking about it for a while, finally remembered, isn't this the ship that sank in the anime?

"I'm also quite interested, you can go and have a look." Wu You said with a smile.

This time I went to Saint Annul, but I was able to meet Team Rockets, not Jessie and James, but other Team Rockets members.

The San Anu will not be able to arrive at Dead Leaf Port until tomorrow, but a ticket is required to board the San Anu. Wu You takes Lorelei and the Sundae to the ticketing location to buy the tickets first.