
Pokemon The Strongest Pokemon Winner in History

Follow this reincarnated boy on his adventure across the Pokemon World. WARNING Thew are tons mistakes that are not fixed. Original Writer is God of Water I don't own anything and this.

xyzsaber · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 114 : Garchomp wins!

Chapter 114 Garchomp wins!

Seeing Garchomp, who is making a breakthrough and improving his strength, Wu You secretly sighs that he is the protagonist's treatment.

Generally this kind of immediate breakthrough belongs to the protagonist's exclusive.

"Nidoqueen, use Double Kick!"

Although Giovanni saw Garchomp's momentum increase, he was not too shocked. He had never seen Giovanni ups and downs.

"Garchomp, avoid the attack, and use Dragon Claw!"

Compared to Nidoqueen, Garchomp is much more flexible, easily avoiding Nidoqueen's attack, and then grabbing towards Nidoqueen's abdomen.

Although Garchomp attacks quickly, Nidoqueen's response is also not vegetarian.

Nidoqueen's arm blocked Garchomp's attack. Although his arm suffered some damage, it was not a big problem for it.

"Garchomp, use Hidden Power!"

"Nidoqueen, fight it down, then use a million tons of Jump Kick!"


Garchomp was kicked out by Nidoqueen.

Wu You frowned. Even though Garchomp has strong physical strength and strong anti-strike ability, sooner or later he will lose.

"Garchomp, use Dragon Rage!"

Garchomp, who had just gotten up from the ground, released a shock wave of endless anger toward Nidoqueen.


Nidoqueen stepped back more than ten meters, and his arms began to tremble. Using his arms to defend against Garchomp's moves one after another, Nidoqueen would not be burdened at all.

The power of Dragon Rage will change with Garchomp's anger, and now Garchomp's anger has accumulated to its apex.

"Release Hyper Beam with all my strength, I don't believe it can hold it!" Wu You shouted to Garchomp.

"Nidoqueen, we also use Hyper Beam to see whose Hyper Beam is stronger." Giovanni gave an order to Nidoqueen.

The two Hyper Beams collided, and then there was a stalemate.

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, Nidoqueen's Hyper Beam began to gain the upper hand, pushing towards Garchomp.

"Garchomp, give up Hyper Beam and use protection immediately."

After blocking the Hyper Beam, Garchomp flew into the sky again, panting violently at Nidoqueen.

Nidoqueen was also uncomfortable, panting and exhausted.

At this time, Garchomp's racial and attribute advantages are reflected. Garchomp is a quasi-god and has a racial advantage over Nidoqueen.

Garchomp also has dragon attributes. Pokémon of the dragon type is stronger than Pokémon of other attributes in terms of attack power and physical strength.

So even though Nidoqueen's strength is better than Garchomp, it's not much better than Garchomp in form.

"Garchomp, don't give it a chance to breathe, use Dragon Rush!"

Amazing murderous Lock-On Nidoqueen, Garchomp overflowed with blood-red murderous aura, swooping toward Nidoqueen.

"Nidoqueen, stop it!"

Giovanni knew Nidoqueen's speed, it was impossible to avoid it, and he could only move forward.


With a huge roar, like a collision of a missile, Garchomp flew out with Nidoqueen, and in the process he broke many trees.

The site Giovanni built here is very large, but now Nidoqueen has been knocked into flight.

"I don't know if I won." Wu You looked into the distance, and the smoke was blocking his vision. Wu You couldn't see the specific situation.

However, in Wu You's Aura perception, Nidoqueen's breath is very weak, obviously he was definitely injured.

Similarly, his Garchomp has a very weak breath.

Soon the smoke cleared, Wu You and Giovanni finally saw the situation there, Nidoqueen was scarred, and Garchomp was not doing well, and the two Pokémon stood up persistently.

"Nidoqueen, use Hyper Beam!" Giovanni narrowed his eyes, then shouted into the distance.

At this time, whoever takes the first shot will have a chance to win. Giovanni doesn't want to be defeated by others, which is too embarrassing.

"Garchomp, use Outrage!"

In a desperate battle, there is no retreat. Wu You asks Garchomp to use the dragon's taboo moves.

Garchomp's eyes turned blood red, facing the Hyper Beam that came over, Garchomp did not evade, and used hard fins to cut the Hyper Beam open.

Then he rushed forward, and furiously attacked Nidoqueen with his claws.

Nidoqueen was beaten with scars all over his body. The crazy Garchomp didn't care about the injuries and pain, and wanted to beat Nidoqueen down.

Nidoqueen just knocked Garchomp off with a punch, Garchomp quickly got up and rushed over again regardless of the pain.

Use the double split to knock Nidoqueen into the air, and then release a super Dragon Rage. Before Nidoqueen fell to the ground, he was hit by the shock wave.


Nidoqueen smashed into the forest, like a meteorite attack, Hoenn's fifty meters of trees were all broken, like a missile bombardment.

Nidoqueen, lying in the big pit, had lost his combat effectiveness at this time, with scars all over his body.

Garchomp's eyes became clear, his sharp gaze looked at Nidoqueen who had lost combat effectiveness in the distance, grinned, and then fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Garchomp." Wu You used Teleport and immediately came to Garchomp's side.

Garchomp was seriously injured at this time. Seeing Wu You coming over, he grinned at Wu You as if he was smiling.

"Garchomp, you did it, you won Nidoqueen."

Garchomp nodded, then stood up, enduring the pain, and roared loudly.

"Your Garchomp is amazing." Giovanni really admired. This Garchomp is indeed tenacious. If this is not Wu You's Pokémon, Giovanni would want to grab it.

"Garchomp, go back and rest first!" Wu You patted Garchomp's body, then put it away.

After entering the Pokémon ball, Garchomp's injury quickly healed, which was naturally done by Hina.

"Giovanni Leader, continue the next battle!" Wu You smiled on his face.

Garchomp defeated Giovanni's Nidoqueen, Wu You is also very happy, this battle is really not easy for Garchomp!

"Okay, come out! Machamp!"

(The king's) Giovanni released his own Machamp, Champion's junior Machamp, and it is estimated that the Machamp of the fourth Elite Bruno is at most this strength.

Wu You twitched the corners of his mouth, and Giovanni was really good. The Champion Pokémon jumped out one by one.

"Come out! Articuno!"

After seeing Articuno, Giovanni's face stiffened.

Just now, Wu You complained about the strength of Giovanni Champion Pokémon, and Giovanni's psychological activities are not a word that can be described by a mom.

Don't the beasts want money? Do you wholesale mythical beasts? It is good for ordinary people to be able to see the beasts.

"This is what I conquered not long ago. It's still in my infancy, and I don't have the strength of a beast." Wu You looked at Giovanni's ever-changing face, and his heart was very dark.

"I have to admire your luck." Giovanni expressed his conviction to Wu You's luck. Being able to subdue the luck of the beast is the most important thing, because the bad luck can't even see the beast.