
Chapter 94

"Your beauty even makes the moon shy, oh fair Maiden of grace! Please tell me your name so I can emblazon it on my heart, and forever be a worshiper!"

Everyone cringed when they heard Brock say those words to Sabrina. The dark-skinned boy had lost all composure when he laid eyes on her. He immediately rushed down on his knee and spoke his heart out to her.

Gary and Ritchie, who were watching this happen for the first time, stayed stunned in their place. They could not believe how a nice and intelligent person like Brock could suddenly become so desperate for love.

"Are you proposing to me?" Sabrina indifferently asked, but her voice made Brock tremble all over with its beauty. "I am sorry, but I am Aizen's Fiancée."

And just that line brought a looming silence all around.

Tears of utter sadness poured out of Brock's eyes, and his head lowered as clouds of depression cast his mind.

"Please see a Psychiatrist. You have some issues." Sabrina sincerely suggested, but to others, it sounded like she was poking fun at Brock, and everyone could not help but chuckle at her words.

"Hey!" Aizen suppressed the temptation to laugh and patted the dark-skinned boy on his shoulder. "It's good to see you again. How's your arm?"

"It's fine!" Brock got back up on his feet and smiled. "And it's good to see you too, Aizen."

"This is Sabrina. She's my Fiancée." He introduced her to him. "And Sabrina, this is Brock Harrison, son of the Pewter City Guardian, and an aspiring Pokémon Breeder."

"Hello." Sabrina politely said.

They both nodded to each other and then an enthusiastic boy stepped forward.

"Hi! I am Ash!" He brightly said. "The future Pokémon Master."

Sabrina kept looking at the boy for a few seconds and her indifferent eyes strained the smile on his face.

Ash awkwardly laughed, but then went stiff when he heard Sabrina's words.

"Hello, Ash." She said. "You have a nice dream, but you don't have what it takes to become a Pokémon Master."

Her words were brutal, and though everyone else understood her meaning, which was that Ash still had a long way to go before openly making that proclamation, the boy from Pallet Town did not take it very well.

"And you know and have what it takes to become one?" His angry rebuttal actually ended up making Gary laugh. "What are you laughing at?!"

"It's funny that you are asking that question to a League Winner with a flawless record so far. Do you know that Sabrina is currently ranked 7th on the Ranking Table of the Rising Stars published by the World Coronation Series? And she's only in seventh place because she has not had any official match since she won the Vertress Conference five years ago. Also, in the top 10, she's the only Trainer to have participated in over 50 Official Matches having not lost a single one of them," Gary informed him and sighed. "And she was not being rude to you."

Everyone who heard his words, except for Aizen and Anira, who were already aware of Sabrina's record, could not help but dumbfoundedly look at her.

Leaf, who was already a fan of hers, squealed in excitement.

"You are one of the Top Ten Rising Stars! Why did you not tell us?!"

"I did not look it up. Last I checked it was five years ago, and I was in the 22nd position at that time." The Moonheart simply said, taking them all by surprise again.

She was in the top 10 and she did not even know about it.

Aizen was not really surprised and he could not help but chuckle.

"She was not being rude to you, Ash. All she's saying is that you still have a long way to go to develop what it takes to become a Champion of Champions." He said to the boy who was clearly feeling a little embarrassed after hearing Gary's words. "So, how come you are here? Has your training with Brock finished?"

"Training was boring! We will continue Training in the last months before the start of the league." Ash smiled. "I have been on a hunt for badges for the last month, and now I have 6 of them!" He proudly said.

"So you challenged the Lavender Gym and Neon City Gym?" He guessed and sighed in his heart when he saw the disappointment on Brock's face.

It was clear that Brock had failed in helping Ash train and make him understand his shortcomings, and now he had decided to let Ash suffer and understand the reality the hard way.

"Yes! The Neon Gym Leader really made me sweat for it. I now understand why Misty hates bugs. They are troublesome!"

"I have Entomophobia!" The orange-haired girl corrected him, but the boy did not understand her words.

"I am here for the Fuschia Gym Match, and also, Professor Oak has tasked me and Gary with a quest," He happily informed Aizen.

"What quest?" Leaf frowned and curiously asked, and even Ritchie seemed curious now.

"Professor needs some more Pokémon at the Coral for research purposes, and most of them are found in the Safari Zone. He asked me to capture some energetic ones and some laid-back ones and gave me a reference letter. I did not know that he asked Ash for the same thing," Gary informed them and curiously looked at his classmate.

"He did not." Brock shook his head. "Professor just told us that you were on a quest for him and would be at the Safari Zone, and Ash..." He stopped and sighed.

He did not have to say anything more as everyone understood what happened.

"I see." Aizen nodded before Ash could defend himself, and then changed the topic. "So, how did your Gym Matches go?" He asked Gary and Ritchie, and both the boys smiled and showed him the Soul Bage that they had won.

"Nice!" He congratulated them and then listened to Anira and Leaf narrate how well the two boys performed in their matches.

Ritchie managed to pull off the win with his Pikachu, Charmeleon, and Dodrio. And Gary prevailed in the match with the help of his Wartortle, Dodrio, and Scizor.

Everyone continued their chat over the dinner, and at the end of it, Ritchie brought up a topic.

"I talked to Professor Oak in the evening, asking for his help with something. And he asked me to consult you." He looked at Aizen and said, catching everyone's attention.

"If I can, I would definitely help you out with it." Aizen knew that it was not something excessive or Professor Oak would have contacted him first before telling Ritchie something like this.

The auburn-haired boy curiously looked at the sleeping silver fox on Aizen's shoulder before he took out a Pokéball and called his own Eevee out.

The little brown fox immediately looked at Rinko with stars in its eyes, and cutely called out to it.


But Rinko was fast asleep, and Aizen was blocking his hearing to not disturb his rest.

"He has had a long day. I will introduce you to him later." He gently said and reached forward to caress its head, which made it cutely moan.

"Aww!" Anira reached forward and carefully took it in her arms. "She's beautiful!" She said to Ritchie, who was happily smiling, watching them adore his Eevee.

"So, what do you need help with? She seems to be in perfect health." Anira curiously asked.

"I am debating which Evolution I should go for," Ritchie said, and everyone understandably nodded their head.

"She's still young. Only two months old. She won't be ready to evolve for the next 4 to 5 months. And you must not rush it." Aizen advised him and watched the boy understandingly nod his head.

"As for her Evolution. Given her nature, she would definitely not evolve into Espeon or an Umbreon on her own, unless you force her to make that choice. Flareon and Jolteon would not be good options for her either." Anira said. "You can choose between Sylveon, Glaceon, Leafeon, and Vaporeon. But if you ask us, we would suggest that you go for Sylveon. You just have to teach her a Fairy Move, and if she's happy with you and you deeply care for each other, she will eventually evolve into it. But if you need a Leafeon, Glaceon, or a Vaporeon. She will be great in any of those forms."

Aizen nodded his head to his sister's words, and Ritchie seemed surprised by how confident and knowledgeable Anira was about his Eevee. But the boy had received his answer, and he was happy about it.

"Thank you!" He sincerely said. "I will listen to you and help her learn a Fairy Move."

Anira was pleased that Ritchie made the right choice. His Eevee would make a great Sylveon.

"Thank you! And I promise you that you won't regret this decision!"

"Vee!" The little Eevee happily jumped into her Trainer's arms and gave him some loveable licks on his face.

Everyone laughed at their interaction and then they made plans for tomorrow to head to the Safari Zone.