
Pokemon: The Orayen Tales

A journey of a Prince, his little Princess, and their companions in the world of Pokemon. Warnings: • Do not expect a canon Storyline. • AU. • There may and may not be (Poke)Game Elements. • A few OCs. • No Reincarnation or SI. • INCEST! Release Schedule: Not specified (On a Hiatus. One Piece FanFic is active right now.) If I have some free time on my hands, I might write a chapter on the other days of the week as well. Discord: https://discord.gg/t2gPEt3 P.S The Cover does not belong to me.

FateDevilAce · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Chapter 2

Professor Oak sighed when he heard Anira tell Aizen about Leaf's problem.

"It is my fault. I am sorry, Leaf." He apologised to the girl again and felt more embarrassed when she lowered her head and just nodded.

He was helpless when all of a sudden the Regional Business giant called him regarding his son. As the sponsor of Indigo League, the man had a lot of weight in the matters, and his youngest son was hell-bent on acquiring a Bulbasaur to start his journey this year.

Oak could have disagreed, but another official from the League called him about this matter as well, and he was helpless. He promised Leaf to get a Bulbasaur in a few weeks, but her most awaited day earned her heartbreak. Something that youngsters her age can not cope with.

"I won't say that it isn't your fault, Professor, but even you wouldn't have seen them pulling the Official Stunt in this matter." Aizen shook his head and then looked at the girl whose hand his little sister was holding. "May I check your Pokedex?" He gently asked her and she handed it to him.

Name: Leaf Green

Age: 13

Trainers License: A-Class; No Perks.

Carry Limit: 6.

Home Town: Pallet Town.

Region: Kanto.

Job: A-Class Novice Trainer.

Pokedex Licensed by: Professor Samuel Oak.

Starter Pokemon: ??

Total Pokemon: ??

He went through her information and saw how she had performed on her Exams. She stood fifth in this year's Trainer Exams and was one of the seven young trainers who managed to acquire an A-Class Licence in all of Kanto.

There was no wonder she was heartbroken when she learned that she had to wait a few weeks more because the Pokemon meant for her was taken by another Trainer.

Aizen glanced at his little sister and found her already making puppy eyes. Well, he had to help this girl or his sister would eat him alive.

"You have mentioned on your profile that you intend to become the best Grass Type Trainer ever." He looked at her with complete seriousness. "Does that mean that you won't be catching other Types of Pokemon?"

Leaf frowned at his words. It was true that she only intended to capture Grass Type pokemon, but the way Anira suddenly squeezed her hand, made her realise that her hopes of acquiring a Pokemon depended entirely on her answer now.

"I will catch the Pokemon that I think I will get along well with." She resolutely looked him in the eyes.

Aizen smiled at her. She was still reluctant at having anything but Grass Type Pokemon on her Team. And to him, someone limiting their options was not a smart person, but he already knew that Anira would not hear a 'No' from him on this matter.

"I have a deal for you." He smiled at her. "I will get you your first Pokemon, but it will not be a Grass Type." He told her. "I will Sponsor you since Professor Oak has his roster full. And I will support you on your quest to become the best Grass Type Pokemon Trainer. However, I want you to focus on making a balanced Team. You must catch at least one Pokemon of each Type. And for the Basic Three; Fire, Water, and Grass, you must catch at least two Pokemon."

"She will do it!" Anira excitedly replied on Leaf's behalf. "And since she's accompanying us on the Journey, I will help her out."

'So that's what this is about.' Aizen sighed inside his heart. He kept looking at Leaf for her answer and she eventually nodded her head.

"Good!" He beamed at her. "But that's not all. You will have to pay me back by becoming my Assistant on my travels for two years. Think wisely before you agree to this. If you say yes, I will add a Silver Perk to your License so that you can carry two additional Pokemon, raising your carry Limit to 8."

That sold the deal for the girl as she nodded without even thinking about it. Anira sighed when she saw her new friend fall into her brother's trap, but it was all for good.

Leaf would only gain from all this, even though she was going to go through hell.

"Professor, can you help me transfer her logs to my database?" Aizen turned to Professor Oak after Leaf agreed to the deal.

"Sure, no problem!" He replied and happily got to it, not in the least worried about losing a future star Trainer who could have represented his lab.

Aizen then took out his Laptop from his backpack and worked on Leaf's Trainer's License.

It only took him a few minutes on his side, and the rest was left to Professor Oak. He made his way to the Transporter Device in the Oak Lab and sent a signal to his Grandmother from the PokeNav he was wearing on his left wrist.

The transporter activated, and soon a Luxury Ball appeared out of bright light.

When he returned to the group, Oak was done with Leaf's Pokedex.

Name: Leaf Green

Age: 13

Trainers License: A-Class; Silver Perks.

Carry Limit: 8.

Home Town: Pallet Town.

Region: Kanto.

Affiliation: Blanc Island.

Region: Hoenn.

Job: A-Class Novice Trainer, Assistant to Professor Aizen Sin Orayen.

Pokedex Licensed by: Professor Samuel Oak, and Professor Aizen Sin Orayen.

Starter Pokemon: ??

Total Pokemon: ??

"There you go." He handed her the Pokedex and then the Luxury Ball.

Leaf's hand shivered when she accepted the Pokeball, and as Aizen guided her to scan her fingerprint on it to register the ball as hers, her agitation rose.

"Time to meet your first Pokemon!" Anira excitedly clapped for Leaf.

The young trainer took a deep breath and beamed a smile as she tossed the ball in the air.

"Come out!" She called excitedly.

The bright white light subsided and a small pokemon appeared out of it.

"Bebe!" It announced in a cute voice and looked at its new Trainer.

Everyone could swear that they saw stars in Leaf's eyes before she squealed her heart out.

"It's so cuteeee!!!!" She lunged at her pokemon but the little one escaped her arms in a scare, earning a pout from her.

Leaf then calmed down and started apologising to her new pokemon. It took her a while to convince the little fairy to allow her to be touched. And the peaceful Laboratory was soon filled with two girls excitedly chatting with a little Fairy Pokemon.

"Come on, now," Aizen turned their attention to him, "Scan her on your Dex and see her info."

Leaf immediately did as asked.

"Flabebe, the Fairy Pokemon. Flabebe is a tiny white fairy-like creature that lives upon a flower. Contrary to its appearance, Flabebe is not actually the flower, but a tiny being on top of the flower. Flabebe has a green lower body with a single stem-like leg and a white upper body with two thin arms. It has a white head, long heart-shaped ears, a pointed nose, red cheeks, black eyes and a yellow circle of hair. Flabebe's flower can be either red, orange, yellow, blue, or white." The A.I revealed the Pokemon. "All Flabebe are Female. And this Flabebe has a red flower."

"Moves Known: Tackle, Vine Whip, Fairy Wind, Lucky Chant, and Wish."

"Ability: Flower Veil."

Leaf's eyes were gaping when she read what the ability of her Pokemon was capable of. She then looked at the two siblings before her eyes turned misty. Failing to hold back her emotions, she lunged forward and hugged Aizen tightly.

"Thank you!"

Aizen felt a chill up his spine when he felt fluctuations in Anira's psychic powers. He found her pale smile absolutely terrifying and he prayed that Leaf would quickly let go of him.

"It's okay..." He whispered, and quickly got out of her embrace as politely as possible.

The last thing he ever wanted to face was the wrath of his little sister who did little to hide her Yandere tendencies.