
Pokemon:The Legendd[REBOOT IS UP!]

A Yakuza member is reborn into the Pokemon World. A Legend will rise. Support: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones

GhostyGodZ · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Trainer Ceremony Finale

"Bulbasaur use [Razor Leaf!]" Gary commands Bulbasaur as he swipes his hands forward. "Your water pokemon stands no chance against my grass-type pokemon!"

Razor-sharp green leafs shot out from the Bulbasaur giant shell-like leaf bulb on it's back.

"Frogadier use [Dark Hyro-pump]" Zane commands his dark demonic frog pokemon with a fierce cold glare of his silver eyes. He didn't move his hands like Gary, instead, he commands Frogadier to attack just with his sharp instinct and dark aura. He didn't forcefully command his pokemon like Gary did. Rather instead he simply instructed what move for his pokemon to do by saying one-word telepathically in its mind.

The Dark Frogadier jumps up in the air and doges the Bulbasuar's slow razor leaf attack. The Frogadier was way faster than Gary's Bulbasaur in every way possible. Dark Frogadier then shoots out a massive stream of blackish water towards the Bulbasuar, it's attack hits it on directly for critical damage. The blast of dark water actually cuts through Bulbasuar defenses! The Dark-type of Frogadier's attack was super effective! Could it be that the Frogadier was another type instead of just Water and Dark?

"Bulbasaurrrrrrr!" Bulbasuar cries out as it quickly faints from the powerful dark attack of Frogadier.

"WHAT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Gary flips out and loses his mind. "Hurry and get up Bulbasaur!" He angrily kicks Bulbasaur to get up.

Zane swiftly commands Frogadier to blast Gary's face with dark water-gun to protect the Bulbasaur. The Dark Frogadier points one finger at Gary and shots his face. Gary was hit so hard with water pressure from the Dark Frogadier's attack to half of his hair was actually torn off!

Everyone screams in fear of the mass dark power of the Dark Frogadier who gets in a cool cross-arm pose after attacking Gary. Then everyone starts laughing at how ugly Gary looked with half of his head bald. He looked like a clown.

Zane quickly won the match.

"HAHA!"All the new pokemon trainers all laughed at Gary.

"Frogadier," Was all that the demonic frog pokemon croaked as it confidently lifts up it's head. This pokemon really was a true assassin-type pokemon which didn't give a damn about any other pokemon and pokemon trainer.

Zane high-fives Frogadier and then walks over to Gary, "You don't deserve to train any pokemon," He said as he gives a potion to Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur quickly gets up and is fully healed. Every Pokemon Trainer claps and applauded Zane for beating Gary.

"No way he actually beat Gary!" Amber exclaims with her fist happily clenched, "Take that Gary!"

"Wow! Good Job Zane!" Daisy and Amber both hug Zane and kiss his cheeks. Gary's cheerleaders all started to cheer Zane instead of Gary.

"NO! You are supposed to be cheering me on!" Gary almost starts to cry and runs out of the lab. But before he did he saw Zane getting kissed on the cheeks by all of his cheerleader girls!

In one day Gary had lost everything!

"I will never forget this! I will beat you!" Gary thunders out as he points at Zane and gritted his teeth, he quickly puts on a hat to hide his ugly hairdo.

"Yeah whatever," Zane puts his arms all around the hot girls that surrounded him.

"Zane why don't you come over my house. I have a surprise for you," Daisy sexily winked at Zane.

"Really now? I wonder it is," Zane grinned and walks Daisy and all the other girls over to his Lamborgini. Sonia also joined in the crew as well as Amber and Gary's cheerleaders.

"I wish I was cool as him," Sighed Ash. "Oh Ash! The pokemon I was supposed to give you has escaped! I don't know where it is, but I guess you have to find it yourself." Professor Oak informed Ash.

"Ugh guess I have to use you buddy," Ash holds his Magikrap tightly. The Magikrap jumps off Ash's arms and ditches him. Not even a Magikrap wanted to be trained by Ash...

"FML," Ash sighed even louder when he saw Zane holding his sister's slim waist.

"Everyone let's have a celebration back at my house!" Daisy excitedly shouts as she waves everyone over to Zane's sports car.

Ryakko and Frogadier are still out of their pokeball and stare down each other as they follow Zane and his group of hot girls to his sports car. They seemed to be pokemon rivals. Frogadier may be Zane's first starter pokemon, but Ryakko will always be Zane's first-ever pokemon.

Zane drives back to Daisy's home. He knew what was going to happen next was going to be unforgettable. He was hyped-up that he got such a powerful and fast starter pokemon like Dark Frogadier, he was thinking if it would evolve to a different type of pokemon since it had demonic horns and dragon-like tongue, unlike the original Frogadier. The Dark Frogadier paired up with Ryakko would make a deadly combo! Zane was ready to rule this new world!


This chapter needs to be edited.

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