
Pokemon: The forsaken world

In the world of Pokémon A boy named Grey woke up on the world of Pokémon but it was nothing like what remembered A world where there is cut throat competition and a crazy group of fanatics follow the mc on the journey beyond P.S no potential no pokefillia no Harem no BS this world will not be based on any region for now but it will eventually reach there the plot will be mine and if anyone has ideas or queries regarding Pokémon abilities they can ask my own knowledge is very little and all of it comes from half forgotten anime and some Pokémon games

Duke_Sahib · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 16 Inflitration

The room was dark but there was a light glow in the corner of the room. the glow was green and came from a glass cylinder the glass cylinder had a small body floating inside it with some pipes connected to it.

I looked around the room and slowly made my way to the centre and almost stumbled into someone.

my body froze but then relaxed to see someone sleeping on a desk. Closely looking at him I saw that he looked vaguely familiar and further investigation told me that it Was Sakaki

I looked at the desk it was littered with papers and other materials with a microscope at his side. I looked at the side of the desk to see a voice recorder in a case.

The voice recorder was a smooth metal thing with a forward, play and stop button at the side. I looked inside the compartment of the desk without making a noise and pulled out my earbuds. plugging in I made my way to the corner of the room with a book that was on the desk. I hid behind the boxes to not get caught.

I pressed the play button to hear a metallic static voice then it cleared up

" Log one, I found something interesting inside the Spacetime distortion a book of sorts with some files, Now I did not care about this stuff as It is said that Distortion brings both Pokemon and people from another time or world" The voice stopped then coughed " The thing I found was interesting, to say the least, a theory of sorts when I was putting it through a cursory reading I stumbled upon something fascinating and awe-inspiring." The voice paused for a second then continued

" Well we all know the fairy tail of gene-stealing Pokemon in legends and about how it is fickle and mischievous we know how he stole life from Sinnoh and gave it to animals but we do not have any information about him in dept. What I now know is that The gene stealing Pokemon or Mew as it is called can Transform into any pokemon and use all moves because it is the ancestor of all Pokemon. The man named Giovanni had pulled in his elite scientists to fulfil this project he did this as he had gotten his hands on some Mew Hair which he used as DNA represents. Giovanni had great ambition to change his country Kanto which was under the rule of a man named Lance from another country or region with whom they had a war " the voice paused again giving me time to think

' This must be the Project Mewtwo files then while I don't know much about anime but didn't Mewtwo destroy the lab " I mused at the thought the thought of this man creating something similar was terrifying as Mewtwo was unpredictable in the anime and was one of the strongest mon'

" I liked Giovanni for his thought process but it was flawed to control Pokemon for profit " The voice shook, " I think that Pokemon should be controlled for their power " the voice rose with a ting of maniacal laughter

It hit the next button

" log two. I took it upon myself to fulfil this project and make This Mewtwo but I had not accounted for one thing that was a foundation for the Pokemon I gas no genes or DNA as reference maybe I could scourge something "

" Log 45. I had found my foundation and it was given to me by Giovanni. he had mentioned that many of his tests failed and resulted in blob-like Pokemon that were mere imitations of the great Mew but I think that I could reconstruct it from a failed experiment " the voice was ragged as if not slept for days

" Log 69. I have found it I know where to find this Ditto the Space-Time distortion had summoned one Ditto I found this in my latest mission " the voice sounded excited

" Log 110. The ditto died and so did my dreams with it "

" Log 123. I have restored my project If I cannot find a Spacetime distortion I will make my own " The voice was filled with power and determination that it made me shake

" Log 125. I found the Ditto with the minor inconvenience but I did it I had started my project and this time I will surely succeed because it had taken the shape described in the notes I will show this WORLD THAT I SAKAKI AM THE GREATEST hahaha...HAHA," his voice flew into full maniacal laughter.

I pocketed the notebook and stood up slowly creeping up to the test tube.

The test tube was filled with some hazy liquid but there was a faint trace of a baby with a tail wrapped around it. the machines all beeped after some time.

' I cannot let this man unleash something like Mewtwo in the anime Mewtwo changed because of Ash and his plot armour but in this world, none can defeat a force like him ' I circled to the back and pulled out a C4 from my pack.

I pulled out the double tape and strapped it to the cylinder next to the test.

This must kill the Mewtwo as it hadn't developed a conscious yet.

The Mewtwo was very small so it is up to luck.

I made my way back and placed the empty voice recorder in the case with the cassette in my pocket I made my way back out to the door but heard some noise instantly I jumped behind the boxes to hide

The Door flung open to reveal a burly man with tattoos on every inch of his skin and to his side was Jake in his clutches

I froze looking at Jack who was struggling with his bonds.

" Boss, this twerp entered the Building " The man grunted out instantly.

Sakaki suddenly shot up as he looks at the grunt

" I was not sleeping it was.. um.....a power nap," He said still in a sleepy tone

He then looked at the grunt and muttered something about acting immature in front of a grunt

" Explain " Snapped Sakaki irritable

" Sir, Kadabra woke me about five minutes earlier to let me know about the intruder. I found him up the space device looking around I tried to catch him but he hurled himself down the roof, Fortunately, Kadabra caught him " The Grunt answered in one deep breath.

Sakaki leaned forward and interlocked his fingers

" What were you doing up there kid," He asked bluntly

" I was looking around the dome to see what it was " Jack answered lamely

Sakaki caught him by the shoulder and looked at him for a second

" Throw him in the cellar with others and kill them by tomorrow " Sakaki looked at the grunt and commanded

Just as they were about to leave I made the decision even if it was a Dumb one but it made sense I could not leave this place as I had entered there must be guards up by now and everyone will be on full alert. I glanced at Sakaki.

If I judge my chances against him I will surely die. First, he has more experience and skill with powerful Pokemon backing him. Second, he had more firepower and men standing by.

My only chance will be either to make a run for it or Distract them and then make a run for it.

I pulled out Golett's ball as he was the smallest and could wreak havoc here.

I threw the pokeball in the corner of the room away from me and slightly pulled out the sword from its sheath in readiness.

With a flash, Golett appeared

Sakaki wiped his head towards the flash so did the grunt.

I dashed out pulling out the sword and appeared directly behind the Grunt and almost tripping on a box.

I stabbed the sword from behind piercing them straight through the heart and killing him on spot.

I dashed back to avoid the man from falling on me.

"Quick get you pokeballs " I yelled at Jack not having time for freezing mid-battle about killing someone.

" Golett use astonish rapid-fire" I yelled as I saw

Golett shot out rays of purple blasts around the room as the room was cramped it looked like a disco ballroom

Sakaki jumped from his chair and pulled out a pokeball. A Bronzong came out of the pokeball

" Bronzong use Extrasensory to catch the intruders don't let them get away"

" Zong"

a purple light surrounded us but disappeared suddenly

I looked back as we hurled towards the metal doors to see Bronzong had been hit by an astonishing

Tipping my pokeball I returned to Golett

I pulled out Gerninja's ball and summoned him in the middle of the hallway.

He looked at me and then started running with us.

" Did you plant the bombs?" I asked running not in a very loud noise.

" Yes I had I planted one in the dorms and another on that antenna thing" Jack shouted

I nodded We just have to escape now

" Gerninja Ice beam the exit " I yelled at him as he made our way out

Gerninja opened his maw and jumped up sealing the basement

This won't do much but at least it will stop them

We ran towards the door when a shattering sound came

" GET THEM DO'NT LET THEM ESCAPE " a voice roared

I pulled out the C4 and threw it inside the entrance where others were

I pulled out the coms

" Do it Justin now " I yelled as we made it outside

BOOM...Boom boom BOOOOM

Multiple explosions sounded as a large dust cloud erupted from the gym

We flew away from the impact caused by the explosion and suddenly the world went black as I hit the ground


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