
Chapter 1 The beginning

The world of Pokémon a fascinating world filled with Animals or should I say Pokémon which can level a city with a single hyper beam

This is the world where I am reborn nevertheless I am pumped

In a rundown orphanage in the kitchen where there is a lot of hustle because of the preparation of Dinner is huddled beneath the table trying to make my way towards some big buns

now mind you the matron does have some big buns but take your mind out of the gutter man.

Slowly crouching my way to the basket I fumbled my hand in the basket trying to take as many as I can

voila five meat buns

" Grey, can you please hand me that ladle behind you " The matron spoke still her back towards me as she sliced the vegetables while looking over the pots

I froze but seeing that she didn't notice hide away the buns and handed her the ladle

and made my way out

" Now Grey what will the others eat if you ate their half go back and place the buns where you found them " Again the matron's voice sounded just as gentle as before

sighing I made my way to the basket to deliver all of the buns except one

After that I made my way back to my room and closed the door slowly sitting on the bed I leant back

Today marked the eighth anniversary of his reincarnation

and today was the day I turn fourteen. yes, I was seven when I arrived in the world scared witless of the sudden change. it was like one second I was pissing in my bathroom and the other second I was pissing on a tree

the fricking absurd change of scenery just scared me

after all that shit I found out that I was in the pokemon world and not just any world but some random world with Pokémon which wasn't even the same as the original

The world was different and harder than the games some things were the same but others were vastly different

but one thing was the same the Pokémon

now I wasn't given any golden finger or an arc phone like that legend Arceus game but I wasn't going to cry about it

Gigachads don't whine when the world doesn't go their way they bend the world to their will

as a true Giga jack, he had the same philosophy

I had done everything to obtain a scholarship in the local school

and now he was one of the three kids who will get their Pokémon from Lady Greta

Now one must think that she must be like an old bat but no my friends she was a badass woman

in her seventies with the flames of youth still burning bright

she was the strongest trainer in Stoneville

now about the location of the place where I am

A snowy mountain named mt frizzle was the place where he was it was hard to reach a place where the summers were only for a month and a half

now you know the place. Stoneville was a large village with about seven thousand registered trainers it can almost be considered a town

shifting my hair I sighed slowly pulling the blankets close to me

most trainers get their pokemon from their families only a chosen few get pokemon from Old hag Greta

After about half an hour I made my way downstairs for the dinner preparation


The next day I woke up donning my leather pants and rubber boots with a thick jacket I made my way downstairs and then out of the orphanage. the orphanage was a two-storied building made of wood and stone

it was still dawn

slowly I started jogging looking around snow covered the cobblestone road and the weather was sunny a rare commodity

increasing my pace I started running while looking around. Stoneville was a sleepy town the morning sun hit the snow making the water glow that had accumulated on the plants. as time went on people started making their way out people and pokemon walked out enjoying their time. a kid with his Bulbasaur playing in the snow making a snow golem

pulling the hood of my jacket I made my way to the orphanage

opening the door a sudden rush of hot air engulfed me

" Ah you came just in time Grey breakfast is ready " The matron smiled at me gently

I nodded my thanks and made my way to the table

the other kids were still eating their food

I avoided their eyes ever since I remembered I was an introvert in both lives but this time it was a conscious decision

Only one kid intrigued me the boy Bishop. odd name but decide I shrugged. the boy was a little tanned with sharp features and coloured standing hair. the boy had dark brown eyes he looked oddly familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it

the boy too was going with me

I stood up and made my way to my room to pack.

All my belongings were in the bag. the bag had winter clothes, first aid some books on nutrition and pokemon handling, a tent and bedroll etc

this world didn't have any internet and even if it did a certain green dragon would shoot it down

so most of their still many things were at bespoke technology with a spare hunting knife he made his way down.

The room was empty with just me and the other kid Bishop after some time the matron returned with two bags

she placed them on the table

" This is all the savings for both of your journeys as we didn't spend any on your school fees I decided to save it," the matron said tearfully

looking at her now I could see that she was a kind lady. the other boy broke down into tears and hugged her

while I just quietly said my thanks no need to get teary starting the journey now

The money would help me in the coming weeks . the matron had solved his money issue. the bag contained about three thousand poke dollars currency of the world

the currency was made of some odd thin and flexible plastic which won't get wet and still retain its flexibility. the notes had Dragonite faces where usually a country's head is represented

Now the only thing left was the pokemon

with this I made my way with Bishop to Old Greta's house

As we were on the way Bishop finally spoke

" Excited about getting a Pokémon ? " he asked awkwardly

knowing that he was trying to make small talk I nodded maybe I could learn something useful

" So what do you want to do after getting a mon ?" I asked while slightly looking at him out of the corner of my eye

" Well I plan on getting in the academy then on the trainer route " Bishop muttered while looking at a worker clearing the road with his Magcargo

steam rolled out of the side

The academy was usually for rookie trainers and helped trainers get better in certain areas where they want to go. Not everything in this world is pokemon battles some try to research better ways to make technology with the help of Pokémon

It is said that the academy is trying to make a device which will compile all knowledge of pokemon and help pokemon trainers scan their pokemon to know about their condition

while there are PCs out there but they are not portable

A device similar to Pokedex in the games and pokemon world of anime

" So which pokemon type are you trying to go for ?" Bishop asked tilting his head

" I don't know, all types are good so if a pokemon wants to go with me I will take him," I said trying to sound neutral

Old hag Greta didn't let the trainer choose pokemon but pokemon chose their trainer she believed in the old ways

After that, the conversation died

They reached the 'Lab' after about ten minutes the place was in the centre of the Village while the orphanage was at the outskirts

The lab was about three stories high. if you could call it a lab that is it was like a town hall tall stone pillars ladden around and a large dome building at the side made of metal and glass almost like a greenhouse he entered receptionist ushered them inside

the room was a simple study with dark green carpet on the floor and wooden furniture

with a pc at the side

An old lady with a white coat came inside the old woman had white short hair and sharp features

her face was withered with wrinkles on it

she looked about sixty years old but in reality,e was in her late seventies

" So you have come now only one of you is left to arrive," she said while taking off her steel-rimmed glasses out of her hair she pulled out two chairs "sit hair while the other one comes "

after about fifteen minutes the door slammed open

" Sorry I am late...huff... was helping an old lady cross the street, " The girl said while panting

the new girl was green-haired with a purple jacket. her hair was wild and long as if she hadn't tended to it. she had green eyes with a black outline

Bishop grunted out something about wasting time but the girl ignored it

" Sit down fast the presentation is about to start, " Prof Greta said while shifting her glasses

she turned around and hit a button on a remote

suddenly the room dimmed down

with a flash, Prof Greta appeared all light focusing on her

"Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Greta. People call me the Pokémon Prof. This world is inhabited by creatures that we call Pokémon. People and Pokémon live together by supporting each other. Some people play with Pokémon and some battle with them. But we don't know everything about Pokémon yet. There are still many mysteries to solve. That's why I study Pokémon every day. "

" Now chose your pokemon from these pokeballs" she pulled out three pokeballs and threw them in the air

three brilliant lights shone out of the balls as three different pokemon shaped out.


How was the chapter

please write your reviews in the comments

in the start, this will be a typical pokemon

I already have three starters in mind

A simple grass type

A simple yet powerful fire type

A water-type starter in the games

drop your power stones

Next chapter