
Pokemon : The Force Of Chaos

There’s something more robust than friendship, something more substantial than hope and love. Pain and Fear. A duplet that corrupts people daily. Drugs, prostitution, and the cycle of pain that haunts those who can’t claw their way out of the grasp of poverty. Why does the Alliance have a reason to step in when faced with endless profit? But sometimes, those corrupted become something more, ascend to their purpose, and become... A monster.

MilfHunter1 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 54 : Business : Part 2

Eli stretched his arms like a cat before sinking onto the padded chair.

A private limited company, huh? a few years ago, he would probably laugh about escaping the slums alive, never mind trying to set up an established business and become a double agent. Looking at the amorphous blob sitting on the desk, Eli looked towards its positivity with a frown before looking back at this so-called "internet."

In the slums, there was never a private limited company in the whole of the zones, and this was for a reason. They needed to send a financial to the alliance company house and pay corporation tax. Corporation tax is the government's fill on your business's money, which is charged at a normal 19%.

Eli was no expert in tax, but knowing Business in the slums was certainly a good thing that most people learned to stay alive; Eli was no different. However, he had expanded his branches of knowledge into other subjects, mostly medical-related and science.

All his money would go into a building to run the business and the operating and supplying fees. But he needed an accountant, but not a legal one because if he were mixing the lawful money with the dirty money in too much at a time, the pigs would be on him instantly to investigate. Aside from that, it had limited liability and the powerful tool of making sure that Eli could choose who to sell the shares to, protecting him from outside sources that wanted a hostile takeover.

Clicking on his rocket watch and feeling a faint vibration, Eli looked towards the holographic 360 views of Archer pop up as he groaned and muttered.

"What you want, kid?"

"Have you got a suggestion for a dirty accountant to help me launder the money?"

"I do. I'll send you the details now. You look like you have something else to tell me, though; what's up?"

Eli took a deep breath in before shaking his head. "I came into contact with a man named Mr. Briney. Do you know much of him?"

"know? he was a revolutionary legend in both the trainer and crafting scene! His work was so flawless that they went for billions at a time, which was not his peak power. What do you mean that he came into contact with you?"

"I met him on the shore," Eli responded truthfully, a glimmer in his broken eyes revealing itself. "It seemed like he had trouble recalling that part of him."

"Yeah, no shit. He got diagnosed with Dementia around ten years ago. He vanished after that, and nobody knew where he was. None of his items popped up on the market, and people tried to find him and failed. And you're telling me you met him just like that?"

Eli grasped the flute, debating whether to speak or not about it. This could be dangerous, exposing he had a new item made by a champion-level crafter as he shook his head. Or the fact that he had the number of Mr. Briney.

Eli attempted to change the subject, seeing nothing but risk coming in. "I'm taking the Pokémon breeder exam soon; what part do you think I should specialize in."

"Figure it out for yourself, kid; I'm not your father."

Eli just stared at the reflection of the archer, his eyes bleak and empty.

Archer looked into the abyss, and the abyss stared back. Both of them didn't break eye contact as the archer sighed and muttered.

"Fine, whatever, I'll give you my kidney while I'm at it, a doctor of a crafter, but the latter is more valuable as now you've got connections with Mr. Briney. What is your business plan?"

"Food," Eli responded before saying. "I plan to set up a store that specializes in dairy products. Use moomoo milk as a promptive to raise slightly higher power. Desserts and bubble tea are heavily influenced and favored by people my age. Bubble tea can sometimes get expensive, and moomoo milk is incredibly tasty, from what I heard, but it is more powerful. But I have a secret weapon. Something that can get my shares and investor's in the business quicker."

"And that is?" Archer inquired, his face solemn.

"A Pokémon called Milcery. A pokemon made up of cream and milk from the gular region. It can freely detach its milk from its body and is incredibly positive, and it has free control over the taste of the milk. Nutty, sweet, mellow, salty." Eli explained, scanning the neutral face of Archer.

"Not bad, but there are problems. Activists will see you using pokemon and frown; pokemon from the gala region are expensive, especially since there is a re-introduction to the alliance, not to mention that to procure the pokemon, you, the business owner, need to not only get the qualification, the inspection will be harsh to make certain pokemon are correctly treated. Could you let me know if you have the time to spare? This is a gamble, Eli."

"Of course, and I'm ready," Eli muttered, his eyes shifting to a button on the rocket watch before the figure of the archer disappeared.

Gamble? what is there to gamble? He has nothing in life, only the urge to claim revenge. Why should he be scared to take risks?

Seeing the notification for the accountant pop up, Eli sighed before clicking on it.