
Pokemon: The Ever-wanderer

Ezikel Jonn, who was supposed to be enjoying himself during his summer vacation had suddenly found himself in a different environment. He realized later that he was a baby. Reborn in an unknown location, Ezikel later discovers that he was in the pokemon world. Excited for the future, he now lives his new life as the son of Alfred Chayne and Aileen Chayne while preparing himself to be a bonafide pokemon trainer. Expect a journey filled with fun, action and many encounters and twist as Ezikel lives a new life in the pokemon world.

SnowflakeStorm · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Time went by very quickly Allen was now 5 years old.

Al had improved leaps and bounds. His understanding of everything grew deeper and was only improving.


Name: Allen Mattios Chayne

Physical state: Healthy

Mental state: Healthy

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Affinity: Pokemon

Skills: Telepathy I, Breathing techniques I,...

Trainer potential: 8/10

Psychic potential: 3/10

Aura potential: 4/10

Unique trait: [Reach Trainer potential 10, psychic talent 10, Aura potential 10 to unlock]


The last 3 years, Al restlessly strived for improvement and improved he did.

He optimized the status screen whenever he needed to. Mostly when he learns something new.

Allen changed up his skill menu. Instead of advanced and mastered, he changed skill mastery into tiers. Tier 1 to 5 with tier 1 being the lowest.

For his aura progress...

Though he never found his soul, his aura potential still increased through a major realization and constant meditation.

What caused aura potential to increase was when Allen realized the importance of breathing techniques.

For now, Allen had 3 breathing techniques. One for calming the mind, one for bringing in aura energy in his body and the last one for stamina recovery.

He uses these to relax his exhausted mental energy, aura practice and after physical training respectively.

The Psychic progress...

Though there was no increase potential-wise, Allen was now a bona-fide telepath who could send telepathic messages to anyone he wants.

His telepathy is limited though. If he knows the person, he could send a telepathic message if they are within a 100 meter radius.

Meanwhile Ennan's range is 1km radius.

For strangers, Al could only send them messages if they are within his view. It won't work if one, he didn't focus on the target. Two, if the target blocks his psychic energy using theirs.

Although Allen can't use the psychic shield yet unlike Ennan, but he could at least sense the intrusion of foreign psychic energy.

Furthermore, most of his improvements in the psychic department were thanks to his and Ennan's cooperative research and testing.

And physically, Allen just has more stamina than other children his age. Just above average. He was also as strong as a 5 year old should be, after all Allen never really did any strength training. After all, he's still a child and thinks that it would be too much for his body

For now, that is

He mostly trained his stamina and lungs to improve his breathing techniques as he deemed this more important at the moment.

So other than better stamina, there's nothing noteable in the physical department.


"Good morning Al. Taking a break from meditation today?" Allen woke up to his father who greeted him.

"Morning dad" replied Al. At this point, his parents already knew about his psychic and aura abilities.

For how Aileen and Alfred learned about it, Flainne just straight up told them during one of their meals together.

The whole family was shocked when she revealed it. Except Flainne who told it, obviously.

The shock was for different reasons though.

Alfred was very happy for his son as he was one of the rare people who could use special powers.

While Aileen was shocked and panicked because of her fear of the organizations that might catch her son and use him for experiments.

Flainne with Alfred then assured her that everything would be okay.

While Allen, was surprised at first when she just told them about some secrets that he was planning to hide.

But later realized that he had no real reason to hide his abilities from his parents anyways. So Allen did not hide anymore from them.

His respect for Flainne and the bond with his parents grew deeper that day and he will never forget it.

Back to the present...

"Alright Al as I promised you, We will go to Saffron city today" said Alfred with a smile.

"happy birthday my son"

The two hugged for a good minute after breaking up. Allen loved just from this hug and the aura he sensed from his father only agrees with his feelings.

"Thank you, dad" Al said with a smile.

'I just realized, this is the first time I said thank you in this life. Am I really that ungrateful as a son?' he thought.

"A thank you? I don't get that very often, even from your mom. It feels very good you know, you should say it more often Al" replied his dad, chuckling as he walked out of the room.

'Is this what family is like?' Al asked himself as he took a shower and prepared himself for the day.


After preparations, the family went into town to get their ride.

Their schedule was 9:30 AM while they arrived at the local station around 9:25. Just perfect. Not too early nor too late.

After 5 minutes, their ride arrived. A pristine silver car hovered in front of them full of confidence and professionalism.

"Wow, how did you manage to rent a magne-rover? and silver one at that" Aileen was stunned by his husband.

She never thought she'd see this side from his usually thrifty partner. Aileen also never expected to see one of these expensive vehicle in her life after leaving the Harrison clan.

Meanwhile Allen had no words. Stunned, just paralyzed in place as he admired this wonder in front of him.

Alfred smiled looking at his family's reactions. When Allen first requested him to visit Saffron city for his 5th birthday, he felt that it would be too expensive for his budget.

But when he realized that he had never taken his son out ever since he was born, he then and there, decided to spoil his kid during his 5th birthday no matter what.

"This is just the beginning! More surprises awaits! Saffron city let's go!" said Alfred with enthusiasm.

The crowd was startled by this but when Allen also got excited, all they could see was a happy family having a great time.

It was truly a wholesome moment.

Allen was very impressed by the technology in this world. He was already speechless when he first saw the magne-rover. Only to be hit with another one after he saw the interior of the vehicle.

The inside could customize itself to the rider's liking and when Alfred clicked on a button, the once four seater changed at visible speed.

The chairs rearranged at a visible rate, moving from the back to the front, as the once front seats seemed to have disappeared to thin air.

Also, one of the seats turned small and fitted Allen. He buckled up and the family was ready to travel.


The family was currently travelling and Al was hit with a realization after around 2 hours of travelling.

'This world, it's stupidly humungus' he passed through many terrains. Many hills and plains, even a couple of towns and cities.

He looked at the map currently displayed by a screen and if he was playing in Kanto, he could recognize the area as route 8. But what he could see from the outside, it was a huge plains area filled with many pokemon.

The route 8 from the games would be nothing compared to this. Heck, Al even thought that the whole Kanto region is just a major city of the country Kanto in this world.


After almost another hour, a magne-rover arrived at the gates of Saffron. Atop the gates, the city name was etched in golden yellow color for everyone to see.

"Wow" Allen was mesmerized by the humungus entrance. They entered via VIP vehicles section but he could still see the myraid of people and pokemon going in and out through the main entrance of the city.

Just from the entrance, the difference between Cream town and Saffron city was very clear to Allen.

A baby ant and vs full grown Elephant. The winner is already a given.

And this is only the beginning...

When they entered, Al saw buildings for the first time in his new life. Also, there were countless cars going a about with no traffic at all.

Saffron would put any metropolis from Earth into shame as the city itself was at least 4x bigger than the one from the games.

As the family's magne-rover went about, Al noticed billboards and posters about siph.co and their newly formed partnership with the Pokemon Association.

'Theyre about to invent master ball' Al assumed without any confirmation.

They passed through many places like the dojo, psychic gym where they could actually stop and enter if they want to.

Alfred told them that they could take a stop later around 4 PM because a trainer would be challenging the gym leader around that time.

Allen was very excited for this, he couldn't wait to see a gym battle live.

But it was still 1:30 PM so the family went to Saffron Mall. This mall is a very large one with a plethora of facilities.

"Where should we go first? restaurant or the Poke-arcade?" asked Alfred with a smile.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat" replied Allen playfully.

He still don't show his kinda mature nature when with his parents despite them knowing about his special abilities.

Al was sure if he had a personality disorder or it's just an act. He believed it was the latter as he didn't feel any of the symptoms of the former.


The family explored the mall until it was finally time for the the gym match Al is so hyped for.