
Pokemon: The Adventure!

AU, and a bit of SI. Love Interest: Korrina (The blonde girl with a Lucario in the anime.) ... Not reincarnated MC and Character Development (Don't read if you don't understand what this means.) ... Synopsis: In the wonderful world of pokemon. Join Cinder Lark on his journey towards his ideal dream of the best pokemon trainer there is! ... *So guys, the release of chapters per day, as of now, will depend on the Power Stone Ranking of this Fanfiction. ° Top

AiLund · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


Had it not been for the circumstances, Korrina would hae expressed her surprise and shock wholeheartedly. Riolu was her pokemon, even before she started as a trainer, for him to evolve right now only gave a bit of comfort.

It was as though Alpha had called upon the strength of the evolution to power through the bombardment of overwhelmingly painful aura waves that he had been detecting.

If anything, however, it was a moment that they were robbed of. No joy came out of the evolution. Not when they were all about to die, and the duo knew for a fact that Alpha's sudden evolution wouldn't turn the tables in their favor, and so did Korrina.

Scizor had already proved its strength against Storm and Starly. Not long after, the bug/steel-type bolted on the cavern grounds and quickly smashed the day lights out of Aiz and Hero, who tried to assist but was sent flying instead, fainting in one blow.

Hunter J's laughter grew ever so crueler as Alpha(Lucario) continued to stand defiantly between Scizor and his friends, eyes locked dangerously onto the armored bug, as though he was attempting for his glare to split the opposing pokemon in two.

It was a nonverbal form of empty words, however, for both pokemon involved in the nonverbal exchange knew exactly who the far stronger of the two was.

"I suppose evolving is a pretty good way to spend your final moments." Hunter J pointed out dismissively. "I'll give you an A for effort, Lucario."

Korrina finally found her voice.

"Please…" She started. "We just-"

"So now you're willing to negotiate?" Hunter J cut her off crudely. Her fists pressed against her hips as she turned her gaze to the boy, who's face remained brave unlike Korrina's. "Not exactly the time for that, kid, not when you were so quick to spring into action before." Scizor tensed up as it prepared to launch itself forward, claws beginning to glow again.

"Cinder…" Korrina's voice practically cut itself off as Cinder suddenly felt her hands squeezing his arm. He would have winced in pain from how hard she was gripping him had his senses not been jumbled. And the panic in her voice was too great to even register. The fact that they were all about to die hitting her full force, with no more beating around the bush.

"Scizor," Hunter J's voice was perfectly even, and even uncaring, as she spoke the words. "Go for their hearts."

Korrina finally allowed the scream to escape her throat as Scizor rocketed forward towards them.

Suddenly, however, he felt a blast of cold air surge by them, a figure rocketing past him and Korrina, with an icy fist colliding with Scizor's skull.

It was now Hunter J's turn to have difficulty registering things, as Scizor was sent sailing through the air, skidding across the ground and struggling to return to its feet, the armored creature's face dented and icy from the blow.

Hunter J's face was twisted she snarled out in response.

"Who dares-"

"I dare, now shut it, hoe."

Cinder and Korrina perked up at the voice, suddenly whirling around at the figures behind them exiting the shadows.

Cinder immediately recognized the silvery-blue haired woman in front of the two men that stepped into the room, and Korrina seemed to as well.

With wide eyes, Cinder Lark gazed at Karen, of the Indigo Elite Four.

The young woman was known for being lively, even on camera. She exhibited an aura that was much more casual compared to what you would expect from somebody of her position. Despite being Indigo's third highest ranked Trainer, and one of the world's most revered dark-type trainers, her personality was said to be completely dissonant from the indescribable strength that she possessed.

None of that was visible today, however.

Karen's face was stoic as she strode forward, stopping in between Cinder and Korrina, both of whom's gazes followed her movements. She stood a good deal taller than both of them, her hair falling behind her as her eyes locked onto Hunter J, both woman scrutinized each other.

Cinder briefly found himself lost in gazing at the woman, before his focus suddenly came back, returning his own gaze to Hunter J as well.

Standing in front of the female commander was a pokemon that Cinder quickly identified as a Weavile. Karen's Weavile was as infamous as the rest of her team, known for his unbelievable speed and dexterity, and the sheer precision behind each and every one of his attacks. Cinder had seen him battle alongside Karen a good number of times on television, and it was always a spectacle to watch him blur about the battlefield, striking his opponents from nowhere as though his speed made him invisible.

Behind Hunter J, Cyan and the rest of the Rockets were petrified at the site of the woman. Some Rockets made pitiful attempts to stammer out their words, only to come up short of anything to say. Much like how Bruno's presence was made known on that evening in Viridian Forest.

Although Hunter J seemed to keep it together better than her subordinates, she took a couple steps back, nevertheless, was as still as callous.

"How… how did you get here?!" She did her best to ensure that her anger masked her growing fear as she worded out. "The League shouldn't have known about-"

"One of your goons leaked your plans." Karen interrupted cooly. Cinder wasn't sure how to place her voice. Was it elegant? Brash? A mix of both? "You came here to steal the moonstone, and you've placed the entire mountain on lockdown to secure your mission." she crossed her arms. "Unfortunately for you, you did not take the fastest route to your target. Our men have already gone ahead to intercept yours. We have the entire mountain mapped out, including secret routes that not even any Gym Leader is aware of, let alone you thugs." She strode a few more steps forward, the two men following her. Cinder and Korrina froze as her gaze turned back to them. Her presence was dominating, and Korrina's breath caught in her throat as her eyes briefly met her. "Stay put, you two. We'll get you and everyone else out of here."

Up until now, Cinder and Korrina's pokemon had their gazes locked on the Weavile that had just saved their lives from Scizor, but upon the woman's declaration, they immediately retreated back to their trainers.

A tug on the leg from Alpha finally snapped Korrina out of her stupor, the teenage blond taking the moment to quickly return the unconscious Hero and Aiz to their pokeballs. Cinder did the same with his Flaaffy and Starly.

The boy felt Korrina's grip his arm again. It was much less tight this time, her muscles relaxing as the new circumstances behind their situation slowly began to sink in.

Cinder felt it, too. Before, they were alone. Trapped inside of the caverns with Indigo's worst terrorist organization, the intimidating woman's Scizor about to tear through all of them as though they were made of nothing.

But now, the League was here. Their soldiers were here. She was here. The one and only Karen, who's prowess on the battlefield was rivaled, let alone exceeded, by few trainers in existence.

It didn't matter how many Rockets there were to deal with or how strong their Pokemon were. A member of the Indigo Elite Four was here.

Her gaze was steel as her eyes never left the Hunter.

"Hunter J." Her voice oozed confidence, and professionalism, despite her usual casual demeanor. "One of the most infamous Pokemon Hunters known throughout the world. Your wanted in three major territories for crimes that stretch to mass poaching and murder, and have one of the highest bounties ever put on a criminal." Her gaze sharpened, the look in her eyes forming into a glare as she bore a hole through all of the Rockets standing behind their masked superior. "I had no idea you had thrown your lot in with Team Rocket, but I suppose I should have expected as much from the likes of you."

Cinder blinked rapidly, his eyes turning to the now significantly calmer Korrina to see if she had any knowledge of this information. The look on her face told him she did not.

Returning his gaze to the confrontation in front of them, Cimder inwardly cursed. No wonder this man's Scizor was so strong. No wonder just her mere presence was so terrifying. He wasn't anything like any of the other Rockets that he and his friends had encountered up to this point. This one was in a class of criminal reserved for only the world's most elite evildoers.

And a Pokemon Hunter, nonetheless. Cinder didn't know much about the occupation outside of the barebones basics. It was an inherently criminal job to have, and often involved poaching illegal Pokemon, or even outright stealing Pokemon from others, and auctioning them off at the black market. Most Hunters, particularly the notably successful ones, were infamous for using especially cruel methods at obtaining the Pokemon that they planned to sell. Apparently the most wanted Pokemon Hunter on the planet had access to horrifying technology that allowed her to quite literally turn Pokemon into stone temporarily as a means of capturing them. Was this...

The fact that he had crossed paths with such a woman even once made Cinder's legs feel as though they would turn to jelly. He was sharing this room with a woman that had probably killed more people than years he and his mother had been alive combined. And that was likely putting it lightly.

As though her confidence was starting to return, Hunter J's lips curved upward.

"Heh. It's nice to see the League is proactive enough to keep track of what's going on elsewhere in the world. I would be flattered if you hadn't just botched our entire operation." Despite everything, she put his arms to her plump chest and performed a mock bow. "Yes, I am the famed Hunter J, butcher of many unbearable souls and one of the most accomplished Pokemon Hunters who hold the world of the black market in the palm of their hand." Her head lifted upward as her eyes blazed with rage from behind her brows. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Karen, Princess Of The Shadows."

Just like how Cinder had always loved Bruno's moniker, Typhoon Brawler of Indigo. Princess Of The Shadows was also a moniker Cinder fantastically idolized.

One of Karen's men glared dangerously at the female hunter as Hunter J righted herswlf, eyes not leaving the Weavile that was currently clicking his claws together in preparation.

"It's over, Hunter J."

"And as for you, specifically." Karen's glare would have terrified Cinder and Korrina if she was facing them. "Once we're done getting whatever information that we can out of you, we'll either ensure that you never see the sun again, or ship you off to one of the other places that you have wronged with your demonic presence. I hear that one particular region that you are wanted in has even considered giving you the death penalty."

Hunter J's teeth grinded with livid ferocity as she glared lasers into Karen's eyes, as though she was trying to kill her with her own gaze as droplets of sweat began to appear on her complexion. Nonetheless, she was still calm, confident that she could take one of Kanto's Elite Four in a battle.

Behind him, Com and the other Rockets were faring worse though.

"Ummm… Ma'am-"Com began to stutter.

"QUIET!" Hunter J roared, only to flinch as Weavile made a motion in response to her raised voice. Behind her, Com and the Rockets whimpered at their impending doom.

"Enough, Hunter." Karen said sternly. Her tone of voice was inspiring, Cinder's eyes and ears enamored with the way that she carried herself, and how she spoke to such a dangerous woman. "You're coming with us." She gestured to Weavile, who sneered demandingly at the Rockets and their hunter of a leader. "Now, stand down."

Relief continued to wash over Cinder for the briefest of moments, only to abruptly be replaced with apprehension as the Hunter began to chuckle.

Her laughter was dark. Deep. Hollow. A thoughtless, uncaring noise that rumbled from her throat.

Suddenly a pokeball was in the woman's hand.

"Sorry, Princess," Hunter J snarled in defiance and a mix of mockery as she raised the ball in front of her face. "Maybe next time, I'll gladly sit down with you and talk about fashion."

She chucked the orb into the air.

First there was a bright flash of light.

And then there was terror.

Crashing down to the ground was a Pokemon that could not simply be described as a behemoth. The winged figure that loomed over the two groups was a Pokemon that struck fear into the hearts of nearly every human in the world.

It stood a couple feet tall and several feet wide. A quadrupedal, draconic Pokemon with a long, tapering tail. It is primarily blue with a gray lower jaw and thickly scaled underside. There are red markings on its throat, the underside of its tail, and stripes on the inner surface of its legs.

Its imposing appearance, the monstrous aura that its presence gave off, it all immediately did away with any sense of relief that had previously overcome Cinder, Korrina, and their teams.

Cinder's eyes were filled with agonizing fright as the creature rose to its full height. He and Korrina helplessly gazed upward towards the monstrosity of a pokemon that had been let loose by the Hunter. Its eyes were filled with murder.

And above all else, the roar that it let out was a horrific, deafening, mind numbing noise that had Cinder, Korrina, and their pokemon all screaming in pain, fright, and panic as their hands desperately shot up to their ears.

There were many dangerous Pokemon in the world. Some were more feared than others. Other Pokemon still may have been placed in a special tier of dangerous beasts that all trainers in the world needed to be wary of at all costs.

But there were very few pokemon in the world with the murderous bloodlust, and consistent reputation, as Salamence. A pokemon, notoriously known for its intimidating prowess, Moxie.

Classed as a "Grade S Threat" by analysts who were known for examining the wild, the skies and even the seas, Salamence were notorious for their absurd raw power, even among completely untrained members of their species, astronomical durability credited to the thickness of their barely penetrable hide, along with their infamous, animalistic rage. Taming such a creature was considered one of the greatest feats that any trainer could ever accomplish, and they were among the most rare Pokemon to ever be seen in battle as a result.

Hunter J didn't waste any time.

"Ismenios, Hyper Beam! Upwards!"

Cindee and Korrina's eyes practically bulged out of their skulls.

"WHAT?!" Karen's composure was suddenly gone.

"THAT MADMAN!" A League soldier screeched.

Weavile was about to spring into action, but it had already been done.

Ismenios's head craned upwards towards the ceiling of the caverns. An orb of bright, orange, white, and purple energy forming in its maw.

And then it fired.

The beam of light soared in a straight, vertical line as it tore through the rocky ceiling of the room. It continued onwards, barreling through the levels of the mountain above them, and suddenly, the cavern began to shake.

It started out as a light tremble. An instant later, it grew in intensity. Soon, the cavern and the very earth around them had become the site of a terrifying tremor.

Rocks were falling from the ceiling. Cinder was struggling to maintain his footing as he felt like an earthquake shook the room around all of them.

The rocks were falling at a faster and faster rate. And they were increasing in size, too. Korrina covered her head with her hands as an involuntary shriek escaped from her lips.

"KAREN!" One of the League Elite shouted. "EVERYTHING IS COLLAPSING!"

"Hercule! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Cinder's mind was beginning to stop working again.

"Alpha, Talon!" He could hear Korrina's cries.

"HOLD ON, EVERYBODY!" Karen's voice echoed over the chaos as Cindee, Korrina, and their teams finally lost their composure.

Suddenly, everything was black.

*Top 44 (2/2)*

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