
Professor Unknown

26th December 1994

Kanto Region, Viridian City:

Green felt her face turn red as she thought about the feeling of Red's lips on her cheek. It was so... Dominating. It felt like he was claiming her in front of everyone...

She was at the Viridian city, Pokemon Center getting her Bulbasaur and Rattata healed.

"I'm going to leave Pallet town on January, I wonder if I'll be able to travel with Red," Green muttered to herself.

The image of Red dominating her in a tent in a forest made it very hot, so hot that her nipples became erect.

'I'm so perverted,' Green thought as she whacked herself in the head for thinking of something like that.


Oak's Lab:

Red was actually wearing a long lab coat, His hair swooshed back by a comb and his crimson eyes in a pair of black glasses.

He looked cool.

It had been some days since the further evolution of Nidorino and Nidorina had been announced to the public and calling it an uproar was an understatement.

It was a full blown war to Mt. Moon, The Moon stones became sold out and even the Moon stones on Mt. Moon might be exhausted.

But the Black haired trainer couldn't care less about the supply of Moon stones, He wasn't interested in just any moon stone.

According to what his Master taught him, There were ways to get into a girl's heart and buying them expensive gifts was one way to do it.

Daisy has a Nidorina and although she doesn't plan on letting it evolve for now, securing a moon stone with top quality was the highest priority a trainer with Nidorino or Nidorina would think of.

Sadly, It seemed the brown haired girl had completely ignored the use of moon stones even though she said she wanted Nidorina to evolve into Nidoqueen when she reaches LV. 30. It would do well to start his revenge arc.

Red adjusted his glasses and loosened his lab coat revealing the black shirt he wore underneath. The reason he was playing dress-up was simply because the league was coming to reward the person that discovered the King and Queen of Nidos.

With a surge of excitement creeping into the fiber of Red's very being, a smile tugged his lips.

"I think I'm ready," Red mouthed to himself.


He was wrong.

"So you call yourself Professor Unknown," The league attendant said as she narrowed her eyes at Red.

Her eyes threatening to swallow him up whole, Red on the other hand was sweating profusely. The honorable Professor Oak intervened just as the questioning became too much.

"Yes, He is Professor Unknown," Samuel said, shutting her up, "He has a good reason for calling himself that. it's because he's mysterious, Now you came because the league had rewards for him,"

"Yes," The league attendant said with a slight bow, They were sitting down in the meeting room of Professor Oak's lab where they would be undisturbed.

Red clicked his tongue and motioned to the second league attendant and he presented a suitcase.

"This is 10 Million Pokedollars," The league attendant said, "The league looks forward to more results from you,"

Red widened his eyes at the sheer amount of money that was just given to him.

"Then Lady Agatha brought a gift for you as well, It's a 100 year old Charcoal," The league attendant said while handing the Charcoal to Red, of course it was sealed in a white bag, "It would be very helpful for Fire type Pokemon, I'm afraid that we have to take our leave now,"


Charmander was running around in the ranch, playing alongside Pidgey and their new friend, Gastly.

Red had taken down their Levels, Charmander being the highest was at LV. 15 and one step away from evolution, Pidgey was at LV. 13 and she had not learned any new move.

Gastly on the other hand was at a balanced LV. 10 with the moves of Night Shade and Curse.

Red was in his trainer attire with his Quartz conference hat on his head.

"Haah," Red said.

Ghost Pokemon were incredibly dangerous for regular trainers because of the move 'Curse'.

Not only does it affect Pokemon but it can also be used for humans and it is more destructive and deadly when used on humans. In some cases. it can lead to death...

"Alright, Enough playing around," Red said, summoning all of his Pokemon, "Let's get some training in,"

Charmander nodded excitedly at the prospect of training while Pidgey was neutral, Gastly on the other hand was crying.

It hated training but what could he do? He couldn't go back to Lavender City and to the Pokemon tower just to return a single Gastly to the tower and then exchange it.

It would waste a lot of money to get a train ticket to Lavender City and then 3 hours of being in a train felt horrifying to Red.

"One day. I hope to get used to motion sickness," Red muttered lowly to himself.


Author's Note:-

Thanks for reading. We are 5+ chapters ahead on Ko-fi.com/kristylers so go over there and check it out.