Jax Skyborne only wanted one thing, to become the strongest pokemon trainer in the world. But when he's thrown into a world with Team Rocket on the rise, he bit more than he could chew. Join our protagonist on his adventure to become the best and save his world.
Jax spent the past month training as hard as he could. Although he could just go out into the wilds and find a Platinum or even Diamond grade pokemon by himself, he had no reason to refuse a free pokemon. Plus, since it was being provided by the prestigious Pokemon Academy, the pokemon was sure to be a cut above the rest.
The duo ventured out to Nidoking's cave and hunted down every Paras, Parasect, Spearow and Fearow that crossed their paths. If the normal trainers who passed by were psychics, this is what they would have heard, "A streak of silver, run or they'll have your liver!" "A patch of purple will have you running in a circle." "Silver and purple flash past by, you can kiss your mother good-bye!" That's right. No matter where you were in Thora Forest, all of the Paras, Parasects, Spearows and Fearows sang songs about running away at the tiniest sight of silver or purple.
Although it was disastrous for the pokemon in the forest, Jax and Vioarr had a wonderful time leveling up. Being surrounded by all this wildlife, Jax was able to hone his Aura and raise it up a level to level 3. After reaching this level, Jax could now pick up on the unique auras of individual pokemon. This allowed for a faster way to find the four needed pokemon the complete Vioarr's perfect EVs. Sadly, as it was relatively safe around the Nidoking's abode, not much stress triggered any massive improvements towards his psychic abilities, however.
Vioarr also experienced a qualitative improve across his stats.
Vioarr, Nidoran (M)
HP: ★★★★☆
ATK: ★★★★★
DEF: ★★★★☆
SP ATK: ★★★☆☆
SP DEF: ★★★☆☆
SPD: ★★★★★
Grade: Dense Diamond (LVL 29)
Ability: Rivalry
Nature: Adamant
MAX: Confusion, Leer, Thrash
LVL 4: Disable, Venom Drench
LVL 3: Horn Drill, Counter, Sucker Punch, Takedown, Poison Sting, Peck, Fury Attack, Toxic Spikes, Dig, Sludge Wave (NEW), Double Kick (NEW)
Vioarr was able to train Confusion to MAX level and with all the excessive battling, Sludge Wave and the newly learned Double Kick leveled up to level 3. Did you look at his pokemon level? LEVEL 29! ONE MORE! Vioarr just needed one more level to evolve to his second evolution, Nidorino! And that's exactly why Jax and him are out here today, to grind for that final level and hunt down the two Metapods that will give Vioarr his last 4 needed DEF EVs.
"Ding! I think the host has forgotten about me :'(. System has deemed host to be heartless. Initializing…Initializing…Complete. Initiating self-destruct sequence."
This must seem like a big deal but Jax has put up with this kind of nonsense for the past year. If he doesn't pay the system any mind for even one day, the system starts acting up like a girlfriend with low self-esteem.
"Aiyah! What am I going to do with you? I can't live with you; I can't leave you. If you want me to start paying attention to you then why don't you unlock my Items function already. I hate having to carry around this tacky schoolbag."
"Ding! Host has neglected system for…56 minutes and…6…7…8 seconds. System deems host to be a heartless prick. Confirmed. Host is a heartless prick. Hmph! :/"
One thing Jax has started to realize that with the increase in his psychic abilities, it wasn't just his pokemon that he was able to communicate more effectively. The system started to gain more sentience and started to use even more emoticons. Between a needy purple brother and a tsun-tsun AI system, Jax was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. With nowhere to go, he could only bow his head to the two.
"Hurry up, Jax! I want to quickly evolve and show my daddy my grown-up self!"
"Okay, okay! Hold up! Let me try and find some Metapods for us to destroy. They're basically stationary the whole time so it shouldn't be too hard." Concentrating his aura, Jax spread it out to try and pinpoint two light green blobs.
"Hmmm. I'm sensing two auras that may or may not be our targets but they're pretty close to the Great Beyond. I don't know if we're ready to venture that close to that banned area yet. If mother finds out, she's going to cook me poisonous soup…MADE OUT OF YOU!"
"Hmph! You're just trying to scare me, huh, brother? I know you just don't want me to evolve because then I'll be cooler than you. Then little Ally will only have eyes for me!"
"C'mon now. You know I want you to evolve just as badly as you want to. But it's not worth the risk. We have to live to at least see you evolve and I have a feeling if we venture that close to the Great Beyond, things beyond our control will pop up."
"Hmmm. How about we just check out those two green auras you felt? If it is too dangerous after scouting it out, we'll hightail it back here?"
"Okay, fine, you've convinced it. But! Absolutely under no circumstances will mommy find out about this! Promise me! Last time mother almost made us drop out of Pokemon Academy!"
"Okay, okay! I heard you already. I promise! Now let's hurry and go! Go! GOOO!"
After trekking through the forest for 2 and a half hours, the brother duo finally came close to their targets.
"Mhm, the green auras are still there but they're getting fainter. Let's scope out the area first before we jump in."
"Hey! If their auras are dimming, then that means they're almost finished. This is our chance to nab easy EXP!" shouted Vioarr before he rushed off towards the direction Jax was looking at.
"Aigoo! What happened to my shy, timid brother? Who replaced him with this all brawn, no brains dimwit!"
"You're the dimwit! Even daddy said you're an idiot for not even knowing your own powers. Hmph! Trash talk me one more time and I'll tell on you to daddy!"
"ARGH! There's just no winning against you. Fine! Hurry up and lead the way."
As the two made a quick but covert path towards their targets, they came upon the edge of where the great forest meets the barren land.
"I can still sense the green auras but barely. If you want those easy EXP then we got to hurry!"
"Ai ai, capt'n!" shouted Vioarr before rushing even further ahead of Jax.
"Wait! Slow down! If we become too far apart then it'll be dangerous for the both of u-" but before Jax could finish his sentence, a strong scent of blood hit his olfactory senses.