
Pokemon Tamer of Darkness

Our protagonist, is someone from real earth who got sent into the Pokemon Universe (gen 1-8), out of nowhere his soul got summoned by Arceus into Hall Of Origin by mistake, as a make up by Arceus which cannot return MC to his real world, MC was given a gift by the Pokemon God itself. the Gift from Arceus: -1 selector Mythical/Legendary pokemon that doesn't break the balance of the world -body for living*gacha (he got Lellouch from Code Geass w/o Geass ofc) -start in Unova Region as adopt son Juniper Family with knowledge in previous life which turn out to be useless, because this pokemon world is AU and the little knowledge he know from the game is different except the types and pokemons. what will Lellouch do in that AU Pokemon World? collect pokemons and became Pkmn Trainer? or collect girls became harem trainer(lol), or both?, only time can tell. following the games canon (SLOW PACE) A/N: THIS IS FANFICTION SO I OWN NOTHING. im still noob at english and my grammar is RIP, so please forgive me :" include all pokemon from 1-8, but wailord family cant be use for battle or catch by pokeball in this fanfic. mythical and legendaries are only one of kind except for few myth/legend. no megastone(coz not all pokemon have mega evolution yet so no stone evolution, but still can undergo mega evolution through natural evolution but permanent, mega evolution is rarer than Shiny just call it like mutation or surpassing his/her own race, and mega evolution can be called Pseudo-Legendary) no Z moves(do you want me to make destructions with that? :"D) no original pokemon/move (im only using official pokemons and moves, even some got removed if its too nonsensical) no level system(but for trainer the pokemon must never stop training or they became weaker) already have 1 mythical pokemon at starter (that pokemon will become like Ash Pikachu) i hope i can continue write this fanfic until the end, not sudden droped like my previous ff Release Rate is Random, cos i prefer became reader than author Tags:Harem, r18, Adventure, Modern, Comedy(?), Pokemon, wish fullfilment, AU, no lemon, no super power mc

AllWorldsEvil · Video Games
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13. My Galarian Waifu cant be this stupid

Lellouch, Rosa, Klara on the way to Lellouch house..Rosa holding Lellouch left side, and Klara holding his right side...

Lellouch:"ah Klara u can call me Lulu btw"

Klara:"okay Lulu~"


Lellouch:"ah btw why are u in Unova? u are from Galar right?"

Klara:"well im on vacation right now, i just want to take a look at the Pokemon Gym of Poison type in the other region, i go to Unova first because the other is in Kanto, which is far away than Unova from Galar" explained that cutely to Lellouch

Lellouch:"hmm~, u want to become Gym Leader of poison type specialist Klara?"

Klara:"yeah! u must think it funny right Lulu? bcoz poison type is least popular huhu~" sad tone but still trying to be cute

Lellouch:"nah i dont think so, i can help u with that tho, whats more u dont really need to doing much works" she got trigered hearing dont need to do much

Rosa:"for poisonous girl like u, i think its suit u well Klara" sneering at Klara

Klara: chukles hearing that comment 'this bitch' but still smiling

and then Lellouch ask where Klara is staying, she tell Lellouch stay at a certain hotel in Aspertia City and very welcome if Lellouch want to come to her place, but Rosa interupted her if Lellouch want to go to her place Rosa must come too, that make Klara annoyed but covered it in a second and make Lellouch smiled helplessly...

few moments later..

Juniper House

Lellouch:"welcome to my house Klara" then Lellouch bring Rosa and Klara to get in and go to the living room

Lellouch go to his room to call the pokemon, leaving Rosa and Klara in living room...

before Klara speak up..

Rosa:"i dont care what are u ploting or what are u after in Lulu..but if u betray his thrust i can tell u, u wont end well..btw this is not a threat just a friendly advices" with smiling nicely to give Klara a piece of advice..

Klara: then Klara turn around and start her monologue 'this bitch! how dare she threaten me!? but it looks their relationship is not weak, kuhh anyway that man is just like any other man who lusting for my beauty, huft~ i already disappointed in him but i hope he really can help me to get strong with an easy way, when hes not usefull to me anymore, maybe ill ditch him later hehe~, its sad my prince is not like what i think...huft~ being something so beautifull is a crime indeed' then she turn back to Rosa again and smiling with confidence "what are u saying Rosa?, theres no way ill betray him, whats more hes my fans too" saying in confidence with fox smiled that poorly covering her intention..

Rosa: seeing Klara cant even cover her intention making Rosa sighing sympathetically 'this girl is really hopeless'

Lellouch in his room take an item that can call Darkrai, that item is given to Lellouch by Darkrai for distance comunication if theres an urgency...

after done calling Darkrai to bring back the Pokemon which is Riolu and Snivy, yeah Snivy join Riolu training from Darkrai too, Lellouch go back to living room..hes surprised seeing the girls didnt throwing insult or fighting each other...then he sit beside Rosa, which is in front of Klara...

Lellouch:"first of all Klara, i can help u to get stronger even surpassed gym leader level to Champion level i think but....u must promise me the thing what will i show u, u must keep it secret..can u do that?"

Klara: she turn around 'keep as a secret? hmm what should i do? from his tone hes not joking either..okay Klara~ do it or not u only have one chances!' then turn back again to Lellouch "keeping a secret? well u can trust me for that Lulu!" try to look cute as she can but shes sweat a little..

Lellouch:"ok, but u know i want to start having a journey with Rosa, and i plan to start train u in the middle of it, so are u dont mind to accompany us for our journey to collecting badges? dont worry i plan to collect Unova badges within 1 year, maybe even try to became champion too hehe~, so how about that?"

Klara start turn around again, Rosa annoyed by her action always turn around and whisper to Lellouch

Rosa:"Lulu are u really serious about her? shes always turn around and thats really look stupid if i may say" whisper in Lellouch ear helpless seeing Klara antics

Lellouch:"dont mind her, dispite shes like that and maybe a bit of stupid, shes really cute u know" he whispered back to her ear

Rosa:"im sure u chase her bcoz of her looks Lulu"

Lellouch:"Sasuga my lovely Rosa, u know me best" smiling to Rosa proudly, Rosa sighing helplessly in defeats hearing Lellouch answer...

then Klara turn around to Lellouch and Rosa to give her answer..

Klara:"Lulu u say earlier i dont need to work hard to get my pokemon became stronger right? are u really mean that?" asked worryly

Lellouch:"yeah u can, but u should bonding well with ur Pokemon too, its useless if u have a strong pokemon but didnt listen ur commands well, i can be sure about that" of course im not lying i have Darkrai after all guahahahaha

Klara:"then i accept it please help me to get stronger Lulu~" winked to me and she start become slutty again..

Rosa:"*sigh* i hate to say this especialy to u but....welcome to Lellouch harem Klara, i guess u are my sister in arms now *sigh* u really lucky Klara having Lulu attention.." giving Klara bad looks and Klara looks puzzled

Lellouch:"*cough* she means is u are in our party too, and for the Harem is, u are now become one of my harem in name only, just dont mind about that i wont forcing u to do anything weird, ah btw do u already have Pokemon Klara?"

Klara:"i do have one, do u mind if call her here?"

Lellouch:"dont worry" with ok gesture

Klara:"ok then...Slowpoke! come out greets our new friend~" she call her Galarian Slowpoke

Slowpoke:"pooeee~" shes laying on the floor lazily

then Rosa run to her room and pick up her PokeDex than back to living room then she scanned the Klara Slowpoke

RosaPDX:"Slowpoke, female, Phychic type Pokemon, Slowpoke appearance is a result of particles being built from eating Galarica seeds~"

Rosa:"is this Galar Slowpoke? shes no different than Kanto except the colors" seeing the Slowpoke attentively

Lellouch:"well Galar Slowpoke is full fledged Psychic type, and Kanto Slowpoke is dual type water and psychic too" explained it to Rosa

Rosa:"ah i see, despite slowpoke being cute, too bad this Slowpoke looks dumb like her trainer" trying mock Klara

Klara:"WHA-*ahem* did somebody say something?" trying look refined smiling at Lellouch

Lellouch only smiled helplessly seeing the two girls in staring contest...



Riolu came back with carrying exhaustion Snivy in his arms

Lellouch:"oh u guys came back" seeing the two little Pokemon after the harsh training from Darkrai

Rosa seeing Snivy like that worried and rush to her

Rosa:"what happened to her Lulu? is she okay?

Lellouch:"dont worry Rosa shes okay just exhausted, in fact Riolu much worsed than Snivy in the first time, shes really doing good" trying to calm Rosa

Rosa:"if Lulu said so then....okay Snivy good work u can get some rest now" then she call back Snivy to her ball

Lellouch:"lets we go to Pokemon Center later okay?" Rosa nodded and put her ball to the PokeBall Case..

Klara puzzled what is happened...

Lellouch:"well now the Pokemon is back, ill tell u the secrets now..just to make sure Klara, u ready? u know once i tell u this theres no back"

Klara:gulping and nervous 'i hope ill not regret this later' "yeah im ready Lulu" try to cover it with cutely answer, too bad her nervousness is showing...

Lellouch:"well then let me tell u my secrets...come out Darkrai, greet our new soon to be family" with evil smile act